• Published 28th Apr 2023
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Ruby Palace - Mindrop

While exchange students in Japan, the girls get trapped in the hottest, newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life. The only way out is to beat the final boss in the Ruby Palace at the top of Aincrad.

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Episode 17 - Illfang The Kobold Lord

Episode 17 - Illfang The Kobold Lord
Fourth Day in the Month of Holly (December 4) in the Year of the Hawk
Floor 1

The planned extra hour of sleep didn’t happen. Bladescape woke up at 6:29 am without her alarm. They had been starting their days at 8am, so she was usually awake by 7am. The 6:30 time was annoying. She wasn’t concerned about the boss fight. It wasn’t on her mind. Their morning schedule was simply backfiring.

Bladescape could only lay in bed so long before it drove her nuts. She didn’t want to wake up Natora though. They could comfortably lay side by side, but the beds were not designed for two people. Bladescape planned how to get out of bed without disturbing her. It required her to be as stiff as a board. She executed her plan, slowly turning onto her side.

“Our alarm plan failed,” Natora stated.

Bladescape collapsed back in bed. “Good! You are awake. Getting out of this bed without waking you was a tough goal.”

Natora propped herself up on her elbows. “That’s why I hadn’t moved. I was trying to figure out how to get out without waking you and I hadn’t figured out a plan.”

“What time did you wake up?” Bladescape asked, also propping herself up as well.

“Six Twenty-two. You?”

“Six Twenty-nine.”

Natora sighed. “Well, that plan was a bust, despite our best efforts. At least the others didn’t wake us up.”

“Agreed,” Bladescape nodded. “You got the guide book?”

“Yeah,” Natora said, swiping up her menu. She gave it to Bladescape. “Page eighty-four through six.”

“I was expecting more,” Bladescape said as she stood up. “Two or three pages isn’t bad.”

“It isn’t,” Natora agreed.

Bladescape was done with the reading really quick. It was all the same information she had gotten the day before. There was nothing she didn’t know.

“How are our stocks?” Bladescape asked.

Natora snorted. “Seriously, if we run out of potions...well we will be dead before we run out. Since they heal slowly, we would die before we could use them all up. That would require everyone to buckle.”

“Well, we will be rotating in and out, so we can heal, and we have dedicated units to deal with the sentinels.”

“Then we should have nothing to worry about.”

“That is my belief.”

“I’m bored and it is only six forty-seven. Early breakfast?”

Bladescape grinned mischievously. “I’ll pin a note on the door for the others to not worry.”

The note was easy to write and also easy to put on the door. They were out of the house by 6:50. They splurged on the best breakfast in Tolbana.

Natora leaned back in her chair after polishing off the huge breakfast. “That feels so good. I mean, we haven’t been eating too poorly, especially since Malus spoke up. You and I really only cared about killing the hunger pains.”

“The impending fight changed that,” Bladescape stated, accidentally burping. “Oh! Sorry.”

Natora just chuckled, needing no apology. “Yeah...I wasn’t expecting the end of breakfast to bring a foreboding feeling about the day.”

“And we still have two and a half hours,” Bladescape groaned.

"I have a question," Natora said. She glanced around the mostly empty tavern and then leaned forward onto the table. Bladescape came in closer so she could whisper. "We play by the rules. You guys set a strategy, but you like those gloves you got from the goblin general. What do you think a Floor Boss will give? I'll tell you this, it will be epic and special if you score the Last Attack Bonus."

Bladescape grinned back. "I’ve been trying to figure that out. I'll try and set myself up, our group is primarily damage dealing on the boss, but I won't risk us all over an item. Still, it is on my radar and I'll do my best to score it, because yeah, I want it. And I don't want a player like Kibaou to get it and squander it."

"I'll back you up on that," Natora said.

They finished off their drinks over the next ten minutes and then headed to the central square. It was where they said for everyone to meet. They took on a spot on the cool grass while they waited for the others to arrive, which didn’t take long.

“Why’d you ditch us?” Thunderborne quipped.

“Rainbow Dash!” Diemond exclaimed, swatting her on the arm. “That was rude and you know it!”

“I’m just saying, an invite would have been nice,” Thunderborne argued back. “I was awake!”

“It was an impromptu meeting between leaders over breakfast,” Natora stated.

“So, you two are officially taking over,” Thunderborne stated. It was a lot of sass from her, more than usual.

Malus spoke up before either Natora or Bladescape could. “Thunder, we love you. You’re good at sports, no, you’re great, and you make a fantastic team captain. But you haven’t even stepped up to the plate. This ain’t a sports team an’ you know it. There’s a lot more at stake. When Blade asked Natora to join us as an official Wondercolt, in Horunka, she did more for our group than any of us could do, even you. She has kept us focused. She uses her resources, specifically Natora and Knightstar, but Blade has been the one we all have been followin.”

“I’m just saying, a vote would have been nice,” Thunderborne shot back.

“A vote for what?” Diemond asked. “Two parties, two leaders, and it has always been Blade and Natora.”

“Well…” Thunderborne stalled. “What about a tie?”

“We can’t exactly tie,” Bladescape said with a chuckle.

“If you each vote for your plan, you tie,” Thunderborne said, rather pretentiously.

“Then they ask Knightstar to break it,” Malus stated. “Those three are the ones who know what to do to keep us alive an’ movin.”

“Are we seriously having this discussion now‽” Knightstar asked. “You guys are less than two hours from heading off to fight the boss and we are arguing over leadership! And throwing me in the mix!”

“You do our stats,” Natora shrugged. “Diemond made you a sling with a pouch with your notebook and pencils right there on your chest, for easy access. We all have potion pouches from her, but you are the only one with a special pouch. You have read the guidebook, what, two times? No one else can say that. You know the most about the workings of Aincrad. Probably more than all of us combined.”

Knightstar sighed. “Not two. I started the fifth read through this morning.”

“Look, this changes nothing,” Bladescape said. “Really, it doesn’t. We did technically just solidify the leadership hierarchy, but that doesn’t actually change how we have been functioning. Almost all of you were already thinking this is how it was, and Knightstar, you led the party last night while we were at the boss raid meeting.”

Knightstar let out a sigh. “I did. I didn’t think anything of it because we all knew what to do, and it was simple goblin hunting. I just...I’ve never been good at leadership. I’m still new to the friendship stuff. You guys know that.”

“That’s why you have Blade and I,” Natora said. “Yesterday, you did great. A leader doesn’t have to micromanage the group, not when we know what to do like against the goblins. We will take care of you and ensure you learn what you need to, but it’s at most eleven of us. That is two parties, with the odd third party at times. And running a party may not fall to you. It doesn’t have to. We just need your brain to help ensure our choices are the best.”

“But I can’t determine what is best for us all,” Knightstar argued. “Telling Pinkie what to cook for maximum XP and minimum cost is one thing, but everyone else. Do you really expect me to have the answer for everyone?”

“Nope,” Bladescape shrugged. “Look, just keep feeding us the data we need, like you have been. That is your job. We may ask for your interpretation at times, but we will be able to handle most of that. You are like a map, giving us the data we need. Natora and I will figure out how to navigate the Wondercolts across that terrain, but we need the map to be as accurate as possible.”

“I can be the map,” Knightstar said with a definitive nod.

Natora looked at Kiefer, Reisenki, and Soryuto. “Have we scared you off yet?”

“Nope!” Kiefer shrugged. “We thought you guys had already formally set this up. Nothing you have said changes anyone’s role. That is from me, on the outside, looking at you guys. You are a dynamite group of friends and you are fun, despite how serious this all is. We know where you are headed, and it is exactly where we want to go. We just need a strong leader like Bladescape to be able to follow. As long as you will have us, we will go straight to the top with you.”

Bladescape dramatically flopped onto her back with a groan “Waiting is agonizing. I get why, but I hate just waiting! I didn't expect to feel like this."

No one had a response to that. It was clear they all didn't know what to do.

Diemond gracefully sat down in the grass. She began to work on more sewing while they waited. At least she could do that. Doombunny began to follow a butterfly and Knightstar turned to reading the guide, again. Everyone else mostly stayed quiet.

By 9:45, most of the raiders were in the area. Diavel, Kibaou and a few others were talking by the fountain. Diemond stopped sewing and transferred all of her supplies to Doombunny. She wouldn’t need it in the boss fight. She would need the space for the loot drop and keeping her carry weight low was also wise. Konpeito had left her cooking stuff in their rented rooms. They still had a week on the renewed rental, so they planned to, at the very least, store stuff there. Everyone else had empty inventories except for what they needed for the boss fight. Their pouches were full of healing potions, ready to quickly be grabbed when they needed them.

At 10:00 am, the raid party gathered in the auditorium. A final count was made, and everyone was present. Diavel didn’t give any rousing speech. He simply got them marching out to the boss labyrinth.

It was usually a half hour walk to the labyrinth. With such a large group, not all members were as fast as others. Staying together mattered, so they could only go as fast as the slowest member. Some of the bigger guys who were tanks were weighed down with defensive gear. It took them an hour just to get to the start of the labyrinth.

The first floor’s boss labyrinth was interesting, since the respawns were on a timer. They were the only known place that respawned at the same rate and the same numbers. No one took any major hits, but parties rotated being on point, dealing with the respawned kobold troopers, to avoid one group becoming spent before making it to the chamber. They all made it, with full health, to the boss chamber at 12:40. Except for Group C and Group D, the others had not gotten this high in the labyrinth.

Diavel stopped before he opened the doors to the chamber. He turned around to face everyone. “I have two quick things to say. First off, listen to your party leader. They will direct you, and their orders will come from me. Second, is an echo of what I said last night. We can do this. We will do this. SAO can and will be beaten!”

That got some cheers as he turned back around and pushed the doors open.

It was a narrower room than Bladescape had expected. It was lined with columns and the walls were lit up like they were stained glass. The center had a decorative tile that reminded her of a red carpet to the throne of a king.

On the far side was Illfang. He stood over two meters tall, was covered in red, short haired skin, and he wore a loincloth belt as well as shin guards. His skin had blue tribal style tattoos. Even from their distance, his glowing copper eyes stood out. Above his head was a red icon, denoting that he was an enemy, and under that popped up “Illfang the Kobold Lord.” Four health bars filled up beside his head.

“The second row of columns inside the door is where we will switch back to and recover our health,” Diavel said. "That way the groups are out of the way and safe from being attacked, even if a sentinel gets through, it can be intercepted or seen in time for the recovering party to be ready."

Nothing more could be said as Illfang roared, brandishing his bone axe and his buckler. Several Ruin Kobold Sentinels were spawned like they had teleported into the room. Groups E, F, and G charged forward to engage them. The Sentinels were a higher level than the troopers, fully covered in plate armor, and wielding two handed ball maces with bumps on the oversized heads. It wasn’t going to be easy to eliminate them.

Group A and Group C were right behind them. They got past the minions and then went for Illfang. Bladescape led her party ahead of Agil’s Group B. They needed to be ready to switch out when the first group lost too much HP to safely continue.

Group A blocked an attack, one person crumbled under the axe’s might, but he didn’t lose too much HP. He wasn’t as solid on his feet as a tank needed to be. The others were there to help him up as Group C used Illfang’s delay and struck the first blows against him.

Bladescape kept the Wondercolts, Group D, back 15 feet from the front line. Agil had group B do the same. They were close enough for the quick switch, but far enough back to stay out of their way allowing front groups to maneuver.

Group A did an admirable job blocking and Group C dealt good damage, but took their own hits. It was impossible, even with the tanks, for them to not lose HP at a decent rate. Several got knocked down into the red but Diavel jumped in and struck Illfang. He blocked a blow with his shield, thrust his sword deep into Illfang’s gut, and blocked another blow. He didn’t realize it was a three-combo attack and he took a hit. He dropped into the red, but Illfang’s first health bar was depleted.

“SWITCH!” Diavel ordered as he tried to get back on his feet.

Bladescape surged forward, leaving both Group D and B to follow her. She was targeted and triggered a Weapon Defense skill. It did its job and she launched a counter strike which landed and put a noticeable dent into the second HP bar. Group B was there to protect her and The Wondercolts were there to strike while the Kobold Lord was in his delay.

They quickly got into a good rhythm going between both groups. Agil even began to land hits, while Malus slipped into a more defensive role. There was a clear difference between the ancient weapons and the regular ones. Malus’ Ancient Telmarine War Hammer was dealing 25% more damage than the best war hammer the others were using.

The second health bar was depleted quickly. It spawned more Sentinels, forcing the freshly recovered Groups E, F, and G to deal with them. They successfully covered the switch and retreat of Groups B and D.

Groups A and C went back to hammering at his health. It was going smoother and faster than Bladescape had expected. Their health could only regenerate so fast with the potions. They really needed a quick method, more instantaneous. So far, nothing outside of potions existed. Only one type was sold or dropped on the first floor, but others were reported to exist that healed their health faster.

With their health restored, the Wondercolts moved closer to the battle for the switch. Group B had lost more health, but it didn't take much longer for them to top off and join them. They just had to watch and wait for the health bar to be depleted.

When the third health bar had 20% left, Diavel ordered the switch. It was early, but they successfully switched. The Wondercolts got their hits in and most of Group B blocked for them. One slipped or tripped, ending up face first on the floor. Another didn't brace right and he was tossed by the axe, dropping far into the red. Group H rushed to his aid. It forced Malus and Diemond into purely defensive roles. The others, in all of the Groups except C, D, and the two player Group G, were falling apart from lack of experience working together. The Wondercolts were smooth with their communication and already started to work without needing a lot of verbal commands.

Bladescape sliced Illfang the Kobold Lord with the Red Sun Sword. The delay hit and then she was free. She jumped back and saw his fourth health bar slide to 50%. He was now orange. 30% would turn it red.

Group B took a hit, sending a player into the red and off the front to heal. Agil was down to four including himself. They would have to switch out soon. A quick glance told her that Group A needed more time. She didn't want to rotate out. The Wondercolts were exactly where she needed them for her to score the Last Attack Bonus.

That second of distraction was all Illfang needed. Bladescape got hit, hard, with his axe. Malus got in between Bladescape and the second part of the two combination Sword Skill. She was steady on her feet, but getting banged around by a boss took its toll, dropping her into the orange. Illfang was out of the delay before the other Wondercolts could get to him and he knocked Diemond down, letting Natora run him through while he blocked Konpeito's axe on his shield. Thunderborne struck while he was in his delay, but he came out of it before Natora and Thunderborne did, leaving them open and without a tank. Neither had an armor skill, leaving them with just weapon defense. Natora was better at it than Thunderborne, but both lost a good chunk of health. Konpeito’s axe was blocked again by Illfang’s shield. She got hit with his axe just as her delay ended.


Bladescape was helped up and they retreated. Group B was in better condition than they were. Bladescape anxiously tapped the floor with her hand while she sat and waited for her health to go back up. The final stage’s strategy, when the health hit red, was for everyone to swarm him and attack at once to quickly finish him off. She couldn't safely join if her health wasn't high enough.

Her health got to 75% as she saw Illfang’s health turn red. He roared a challenge to the raiders closest to them, and Group A froze in fear. Group C was spread out, in position to strike from multiple angles. Group B was off the front line, healed and ready to switch in.

Diavel shouted new orders. “STAND BACK! I GOT IT!”

Bladescape looked at Natora. She was shocked and shrugged back. They turned their focus back to the battle.

Diavel triggered the highest combination Sword Skill he had, his sword glowing yellow, as he ran at the boss. Illfang wasn’t done yet. He tossed aside his buckler and axe despite Diavel’s advance and reached behind him. He drew a long black sword. It was single edged and flat, not curved. It certainly wasn’t a talwar.

“WAIT!” Kirito yelled. “STOP! IT’S NO GOOD! GET OUT OF THERE!”

Illfang jumped, bounding off the walls and pillars with incredible agility. He landed, striking Diavel with a lightning fast four hit combination attack and blasting him backwards. Illfang the Kobold Lord roared as he went into a rage from his health dropping so low. The roar caused a stun effect on all of Group C because they were the closest to him. They were in striking range of his powerful sword and unable to move.

Bladescape saw Kirito dash over to where Diavel hand landed and then glanced at her team. Their health was at 80%. They understood her look and nodded to her, accepting the risk. Bladescape jumped up, charging back to the battle with the rest of the Wondercolts right behind her. It was a long way to go, though, to get to the boss.

Group A got in between the boss and the stunned players and all took powerful strikes against their shields. Most were knocked back, unable to handle Illfang's new level of strength and speed. The sword was also a lot more powerful than the axe, dishing out more damage. Group B got themselves into blocking position, protecting the others as they downed health potions, but they held there. It was clear Agil was trying to sort out how to deal with the boss without Diavel’s leadership.

Bladescape was still too far out for her to help him out or to take charge. She glanced ahead to where Diavel had landed. Kirito was with him now, bent over, trying to help him, but it was too late. Diavel shattered into polygons before aid could be rendered. Bladescape barely avoided stumbling and suppressed the shudder that tried to shake her as she remembered the same thing happening to her twice five days ago. She forced herself to focus on defeating Illfang, or Diavel’s death would be for nothing. They were officially without their leader. He wouldn’t be the only death if the group didn’t come under strong leadership and keep them together. Bladescape tried to move faster to get back to the fight and give them that leadership.

“STEP BACK TEN FEET!” Kirito ordered, taking charge since no one else had. He was ahead of her and had a louder voice. “GROUPS A, B, AND C GET BACK!” More sentinels spawned. “GROUPS E AND H, BLOCK THOSE SENTINELS! A AND C ARE COMPROMISED!”

Kirito and Red Riding Hood got in front of the retreating groups. Kirito blocked Illfang’s sword and Red Riding Hood switched in. He swiped his massive sword at her and somehow she slipped out of the way, but her cloak was shredded by the sword. Red Riding Hood was a pretty girl, maybe 15, with long chestnut hair. Her flowing hair had a set of braids that started at her ears, joining at the back and keeping everything except her bangs under its grasp. She slammed a rapier strike into Illfang with no mercy. The rapier looked like a new version of Thunderborne's Ancient Wind Fleuret with a shiny, light jade guard.

Kirito blocked another strike, and Red Riding Hood countered with another quick attack. She knew how to use her rapier and Kirito was smartly letting her faster weapon with less delay time do the work against Illfang's HP. Illfang hit Kirito with several strikes which he blocked except for the last one. It knocked him back and it had taken a good chunk of his HP with it. Kirito slammed into Red Riding Hood, taking her down with him.

Bladescape saw Illfang trigger a skill to finish off both Kirito and Red Riding Hood. Agil got there and his axe met Illfang’s sword, saving their lives. Illfang jumped back and B charged forward. They were tanks and as they had proven over the course of the battle that they were not good at attacking. Illfang quickly struck them all in a single sweep, fracturing their line as they were tossed back in different directions.

Illfang targeted Agil but Bladescape keyed up her own skill. This was the moment. The six of them could save everyone, finish the fight, and lead the raiders onto the second floor. Bladescape got there in time, the Ancient Red Sun Sword clashed with Illfang’s sword. Konpeito, Natora, and Thunderborne got strikes in and then jumped back behind Malus and Diemond, defaulting to defense like last round rather than pressing the attack. They were also blocking Bladescape. She made a move to the side to get around them and saw Illfang’s sword glow.

Malus and Diemond took the slash on their shields. Malus stayed up, only sliding back, but Diemond was sent flying into Natora, Thunderborne, and Konpeito. Like a bowling ball striking pins, they all went down. If Bladescape hadn’t moved she would have been one of those pins. She was not going to waste the opportunity. She charged forward, slashing Illfang across his gut, dealing significant damage. She saw his counter attack coming and put the Ancient Red Sun Sword above her head, bracing the blade with her hand as a powerful downward swing came at her. She crumpled under the heavy strike. It was significantly more powerful than the axe had been.

Illfang triggered a skill and jumped. Malus slid in front of Bladescape. The strike was stopped on the shield and then Kirito yelled, jumping over them and striking Illfang with amazing agility. Illfang jumped back, landing at the far end of the chamber. Kirito landed in a roll and Red Riding Hood joined him in a two-player charge.

Bladescape got to her feet, her health was only in the yellow. She slapped Malus on the shoulder to follow her. The two of them would need backup. As she started to follow them, Bladescape watched Kirito block an attack, then Red Riding Hood switched in and countered with another lightning fast rapier strike. She was faster than Thunderborne was. Kirito’s Anneal Blade sliced Illfang and then he triggered Vertical Arc, a leaping Sword Skill that had a heavy delay.

The delay didn’t matter as Illfang the Kobold Lord shattered into polygons. Happy fanfare played and CONGRATULATIONS appeared in the center of the room above them. The fight was over. The first of Aincrad’s 100 bosses was beaten. They had done what many considered impossible. They only lost one raider to the boss, but that loss would echo throughout Aincrad for their entire time in Aincrad.

Everyone had screens pop up in front of them, showing their spoils. Most players started celebrating with shouts and cheering and other hyped-up talk.

Bladescape let out an angry sigh. She had wanted that Last Attack Bonus. She should have been able to beat Illfang in their attack after blocking Agil. Her own party’s hesitation and defensive tactics took that opportunity away. She couldn’t blame them after what they had been through. He had wrecked their health and nearly killed them. Ultimately, she hadn’t told them to change tactics.

What mattered wasn’t the bonus. Since the fight went sideways after Diavel was struck down, they were lucky enough to make it out alive. These players were completely disorganized. They had to get better, be stronger, and know how to work cohesively if they were ever to conquer the second floor, let alone Aincrad. Bladescape needed to figure out how to rally them. She could lead them, but she faltered, afraid to take charge as her memories slipped away, leaving her with no idea how to assert herself without being too aggressive. She didn’t need to form an army, she needed to form a movement.

BLADESCAPE: Level 13 — Two-Handed Sword — Searching — Weapon Defense — Leather Armor
NATORA: Level 13 — Two-Handed Spear — Purchase Negotiations — Sales Negotiation — Weapon Defense
KNIGHTSTAR: Level 13 — One-Handed Sword — Shield — Light Metal Armor — Equipment Appraisal
MALUS: Level 13 — One-Handed War Hammer — Shield — Light Metal Armor — First Aid
THUNDERBORNE: Level 13 — Rapier — Sprint — Acrobatics — Weapon Defense
KONPEITO: Level 13 — Two-Handed Axe — Cooking — Weapon Defense — Light Metal Armor
DIEMOND: Level 13 — Mace — Shield — Sewing — Light Metal Armor
DOOMBUNNY: Level 13 — One-Handed Dagger — Hide — Fighting Spirit — Blade Throwing
KIEFER: Level 8 — One-Handed Curved Sword — Slash Weapon Forging — Light Metal Armor
SORYUTO: Level 8 — One-Handed Sword — Shield — Light Metal Armor
REISENKI: Level 8 — One-Handed Axe — Shield — Light Metal Armor

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