• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 6,410 Views, 279 Comments

Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart - Babroniedad

There is hope, there is love, and there is a reason to live. You are NOT alone. And Friendship REALLY is Magic!

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3 - Prologue - Twilight - Another where, Another when

Twilight - Another where, Another when

“Come on Sunset! Where are you!”

A very frustrated Princess of Friendship groaned as she bent over the journal, quill scratching across the page in a plume of magic. “I’m here Sunset! Answer me! Please!”

Across the room from her, Spike looked at Twilight, pausing his efforts at unpacking their bags.

“Uh, Is everything okay Twilight? You sound really stressed. Is it Sunset? Is she okay? What’s going on?”

“I thought this was handled. Now it sounds like everything’s spun completely out of control. How could things have gotten this bad so quickly? We were only gone a few days. Then we get back and - this. Ugh!” Twilight groaned, then shook her head. “I should’ve taken the journal with me. What was I thinking?”

With a frustrated huff, Twilight used her magic to place the quill back on the blotter by the inkwell. With a flash of magic, she dried the ink on the message just written, and shutting the book, lifted it over the portal. She placed it on the magical device she’d created to force the portal open when Sunset’s school was attacked by Siren magic.

“Spike, take a message for the Princess. I ‘m going to check on Sunset. I have a very bad feeling about this.”

Spike set down the bag he was unpacking. Crossing the room, he pulled a new scroll from the desk next to Twilight. Quill in hand, he looked up. “Okay Twilight, I’m ready. One scroll to Princess Celestia! What should I say?”

Magically levitating her saddlebags from where Spike left them, she dumped their contents on the desk’s corner. She proceeded to open drawers, throwing in scrolls, quills, and anything else she thought might be needed on the other side of the portal.

“Dear Princess Celestia”, she began, still packing. “Sunset needs my help, though honestly I don't know what is going on. From the last messages Sunset sent, things don’t sound good. I’m going over to check on her and make sure everything’s alright.”

“And I’m coming with you”, added Spike as he wrote the message down.

“No! No Spike I need you here! You stay here with the Journal. If something is wrong, and Sunset needs our help, I’ll need you to tell the Princess what’s going on. You need to be ready to relay a message to her, just in case something is really wrong. Please?”

Twilight struggled to close her bags, stuffed to the top and overflowing. A few frustrated moments later, she gave up. Taking several scrolls out of each one, she tried again, with much better results.

“Ah, okay. If you say so. But tell the girls I said hi, okay? Especially Rarity...” Spike looked up wistfully. “She gives the best ear scratches!” He smiled. Looking back to Twilight, he asked, “Anything else?”

“Yes.” She cleared her throat. “I will keep you apprised of the situation. If we need anything from you or Princess Luna, I’ll let you know. Yours in Friendship, Twilight. Then send it. Heading out now - I’ll use the journal to keep in touch with you! Let me know if the Princesses need anything. You can reach the Journal, right Spike? And use the step stool! Don’t just try to climb up or anything. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

In a puff of dragon fire, Spike sent the scroll off. He turned to Twilight, claws on hips. “One time! That was One Time! I know how to do this.” Sighing, he added, “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you. One. Time. Sheesh.”

“Nope! Besides, I wouldn’t want anything to hurt my number one assistant,” grinned Twilight, as she scruffed Spikes head ridges. “Okay, I’m off. Let me know if the Princesses say anything. Hopefully, I’ll be back soon.”

Saddle bags buckled, Twilight sent a pulse of magic through the probes at the top of the device. The glow enveloped the book, then worked its way through the machine and into the portal. With a flash, the portal activated, and Twilight sprang through it.

“I’m coming Sunset! Please hang on!” She called out as she slipped into the portal and disappeared.

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