• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2021
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Slow moving writer


For over twenty years Twilight Sparkle has reigned over Equestria lovingly. Under her rule both ponies and non-ponies openly live side by side as friends. Yet one evening in the Canterlot Gardens she chance encounters her most vocal critic. A prince who is tired of his opinion being ignored and with a deep, sad secret of his own. He will have his say and she will here it

A post "Last Problem" story I've been working on for a very long time and my first Fanfiction. Working on a squeal.

After giving it some thought I have decided to change the rating to Teen due to the overall subject of this story and the intended squeal just to be on the safe side.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

Sadly, I'm with Blueblood with the Rarity thing. No I'm not sorry at all. That said. You probably should mark this as an AU. Nothing here about the prince would fit in show canon.

Sadly nothing contradicts the show. It might contradict some comics.

Except people seem to forget, or ignore, that just because it happened in the comics, that doesn't mean it also happened in the show. Season 9's thing with King Sombra is a perfect example of that.

Unless I missed it, the story seems leaned more toward the show.

Yes this is based of mainly the show, but I do include SOME of the comics; as well as a few other things in the fandom as well as part of this cannon.

Unless i missremembered Blueblood helping (or him using magic) in season 9 against Sombra i fail to see your point. Blueblood has had so little screen time that it is hard to make an AU of him without injecting him into events or removing his handful of qualities. Funny enough is that the comics do paint him in better lights than ghe show did.

The day was over at Canterlot Castle. Twilight Sparkle; Princesses of Friendship and ruler of Equestria, had just seen here old friends, the former Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, leave to their own homes after another wonderful evening. Once every moon they all met at the castle do discuss any issues in the kingdom, reminisce about old times and just chat about things in their life. Today was very interesting in deed. Apparently, a student named Luster Dawn came to Twilight and just couldn't grasp the importance of Friendship. Luckily the Princess knew of a certain town that would be the perfect place to start. Some things just never change.


Twilight smiled. Never had she seen him so genially happy. She didn't interact with the prince much but he always seems so fake or overly serious to her, like he had some deep secret that he never would let go. Now for a moment he was like a colt again. Blueblood went probably for five minutes describing the old market ground in detail. However, a thought did enter her mind; These grounds haven't been a market in centuries, how could he remember unless...

Unless what?

"Uuugh, 'Magic of Friendship?' Is that all anypony can say now? Nothing but, 'Friendship this, friendship that. We don't need common sense anymore; friendship will easily solve everything.' I'm so sick of hearing this stupidity every day, I could almost vomit."

I mean, that is a good point. There’s going to be a time where it doesn’t work.

"You blindly cast an unfinished spell that no pony 's knows it's purpose, isn't tested or even heard of in the first place; not to mention I've yet to see it used since. Somehow this reviles your 'destiny' as yet another alicorn? A likely story!"

That’s actually a good point. What does that spell do?

But Prince was not at all fazed. "First of all, she had it coming. Do you have any idea of how many gold-diggers I have to put up with? How many greedy, ladder-climbing, little tramps or idiotic, love-sick broads blindly looking for their fairy-tale 'Prince Charming' that pester me to no end? I can't even count the how many. Rarity was no different."

That is a good point.

"That's still no excuse to how you treated her."

It kinda is. Ever heard of karma?

"'A lot better?' Didn't you of all ponies bother to read my book? The Equestria I knew had order and strength, this one is just blindly naive and weak. Ponies with no qualifications are being put in high ranks just because they're someone's 'friends.' You obsess with these pointless 'Friendship Missions' that accomplish nothing useful as a whole but keep others from solving their own petty problems. You're constantly playing peace maker in conflicts that are none of our business to begin with and won't profit from, most likely they won't even last. Instead of raising a properly trained, professional army like I've been suggesting since the Changeling Invasion, you waste our budget on these ridiculous friendship festivals, all in this hopeless pipe dream to make every living creature friends. We don't need friends. We need real Harmony! Order, Competence, Identity, Pride, Obedience, Strength; that's Harmony. We need to send all these foreign creatures out of Equestria and back to their own countries and keep them there before it's too late!"

Can’t you just compromise?

"No, I don't think that's what you need unless you really want to. You just have to say a certain something to a certain unicorn about a certain night some years ago," she smiled cheekily saying that.

Over my dead body.

For you first comment; Yes former because the Elements of Harmony (at least the Gems) were destroyed along with the Tree of Harmony and the Student Six seems like the most likely successors to the Mane Six as the wielders of it's power.

For the second comment; It's suppose to be foreshadowing the end.

For the third, fourth, fifth and sixth comments; Thank you for understanding but I do think this Blueblood could have handled Rarity better.

For the seventh and last comments; Well, lets just hope I don't take too long for the squeal:raritywink:.

What better way could he have handled her?


Yes, was going to add an epilogue but I decided to make it a separate story to save room (I have this on DeviantArt) and that I can add more to it this way. I just hope I can finish it before G5 gets here.

Will we be able to see the idea twilight came up with?

Yes but I'm not telling it here (wink!).

Alright. That’s fine with me.

Are we going to get other stories similar to this one?

As I said, I am working on a sequel taking place not too long after this. Another squeal set several centuries after did cross my mind but it isn't set in stone. But after that well, never say never, but I don't have anything in mind. It took me about a year and a half to write this, partly because I am not to good at motivating myself to work on things like this daily and my inspiration comes kind of slow. I find it a wonder that so much of this story just came to me and while I am trying, I don't know if it will happen again so soon. I believe in only writing what you feel inspired to write and I'm not getting anything MLP related now, especially since G5 is just around the corner and I do wonder how much interest in 'Friendship is Magic' will last long . Also I want to explore and write about other things both as fan fiction and original work so that might get in the way. So you'll get something eventually but it won't be very much. Sorry if this disappoints you.

Concuerdo con lo de Rarity y con todo lo que dijo, pero asusta un poco su patriotismo. Blueblood es un personaje tan vago y difuso que es un enigma.

Gracias por dedicarle algo de tiempo al personaje, es todo un enigma envuelto en un misterio.

I like this story.

"I'm aware of that Blueblood, I'm not saying you have to decide now. I'm just saying think about it. You say everything you do is for Equestria, think of what you can do for her with this. The offer is on the table and it's not leaving. You can come in any time you want and leave whenever you want as well. However, if you do there is a few small...requirements you'll have to do first," Twilight broke her apple fritter in half and dunked it in her cider.

What was the offer? I think I missed it.

It's for the squeal, thought it's going a little slow to write.

Ah okay okay. Good luck with the sequel! I wish thee well.

I saw Blueblood using magic on Sombra unless I missed an episode. Where did you see that?

The comic that painted him in a good light?

Friends Forever issue #26. The cover is slightly misleading but it does show Blueblood in his element and Shining Armor (a militant leader) out of his element.

What if the multicultural Equestria over-extends? Spreading its influence, AKA: friendship&harmony, and maybe some resources, TOO wide, and maybe accudentally making others overly dependand on them? Eventually ’tripping’ and collapsing under its own weight…
Would be interesting angle to explore.

And hopefully Blue gets an apology too. Rarity was/is not exactly subtle in her gold-digger angle on some things.

Edit: and how is Celestia doing? Maybe drowning her current shame (with cake?) that she can face Blueblood as a Princess, but not as a Mother?

You know, I have been thinking of making this a trilogy of one shots, with the second part being Blueblood trying to make amends with the rest of the Mane 6 and working with them. The third part (if I decide to do it) would be him meeting with Celestia in Silver Shoals to set some things straight and get some more answers that I feel need asking.

As for your other question on a multicultural Equestra, those are thinks I also think about in real life. I agree that would be interesting but I have no plans to explore that right now. This little story and a more shorts surrounding it is all I had in mind for a MLP fanfic and I have several original things I'm working on that I need to get done as well. But as I said before 'never say never' so who knows? Maybe I will try that if I ever get more of a plot or idea for a story like that. And if you or anyone want to throw your hat into the ring and write that story instead using this head canon as a start you have my blessing (as long as I still get credit for this story).

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