• Member Since 4th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


mayorlight from DeviantArt and Derpibooru; Equestria Girls devotee


It has been one year since Lemon Zest graduated from Crystal Prep Academy. But while her former classmates are out chasing their dreams, she is unsure of her own life path. One night at a club, she has a most unexpected run-in with an old friend.

Contains: suggestive themes (go-go dancing), mild profanity, and alcohol references (no actual drinking).

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 10 )

Interesting start, personally I ship Lemon and Vinyl exclusively, but I'm open to other ships if written well. Looking forward to seeing where this goes

Indeed, the Lemon-Vinyl ship makes perfect sense given the Friendship Games outtakes and alternate ending. I think Vinyl and Indigo are the most popular characters folks ship Lemon with.

This was a pretty good story. Admittedly, I had low expectations for this going in, but you ended up winning me over pretty quickly. While your premise was simple, you managed to get a lot of depth out of it, with some interesting spins. Good pacing, good characterization, and good drama. Well done overall!

P.S. Your description is pretty lackluster compared to the story itself. I'd recommend you spruce it up a bit and add a picture to draw people in. I hate to see good stories like this get passed up by readers due to poor presentation.

Good start to this story. I definitely relate to Lemon's feeling of being adrift and uncertain with what to do. Pinkie's cameo was very nice, and I really got a kick out of the ending of this chapter! Gonna look forward to seeing what happens in the next one!

This was a charming second part to the story! I really enjoyed it. :yay: Glad to have read it through. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for your insights. I am glad I was able to deliver an engaging story from a simple concept.

I admit that description is one of my weak points. I shall work on that - along with an appropriate cover image.

I imagine more than a few Crystal Prep graduates feel they need to be in public office or making six figures before they hit 30.

Glad that you did!

Ejem, habia leído esto, y ahora que lo vuelvo a leer, vuelvo a pensar que es un texto simplemente agradable y carismático. El concepto se me hace realista, casi canon por los temas que toca y como explicas que puede pasar, como Lemon Zest sin saber que hacer cuando ya era despreocupada en un colegio de élite, o Pinkie Pie organizando un negocio de fiestas, o Sour Sweet cambiando de trabajos por su actitud, etc, y digo casi canon solo porque la franquicia de EG es para niños y nunca tocaría temas tan, así sabes, je, je. Me gusta lo identificable que puede ser uno con Lemon Zest, sentir que uno tuvo como su mejor momento en la escuela, pero no sabiendo que carrera tomar mientras los demás amigos no tienen problema con eso, bastante realista, y si, personalmente me identifiqué yo. Fanfic de corta duración, con un buen cierre en sus dos capítulos, un final feliz, y la verdad había dicho que esto es carismático, me sorprendió introducir esto de las go go, no sé que tan común sea en EEUU, pero aquí fue como inesperado y atrevido en un buen sentido, a la vez que sentimental. Ok, muchas palabras, pero es que es precisamente ese tipo de historias dónde es tan simple y tan profundo a la vez, me da mucho de que hablar, y por eso me encanta, como también esas pequeñas referencias “Lemon Tart" que si mal no recuerdo es también lo que era su nombre beta, ah y hay novela de la película, lo buscaré, medio raro eso de cabello rubio. Finalmente, lindo dibujo, encaja bien aquí y con todo el blanco y negro, ah, ojalá que tus fanfictions tuvieran una clase de continuidad, se sentiría natural. PD: Si pasas por aquí, te dejé una última pregunta por mensaje, gracias, siempre me anima ver tu material.

Ahem, I had read this, and now that I read it again, I once again think that it is a simply pleasant and charismatic text. The concept seems realistic to me, almost canon because of the themes it touches on and how you explain what can happen, like Lemon Zest not knowing what to do when she was already carefree in an elite school, or Pinkie Pie organizing a party business, or Sour Sweet changing jobs because of their attitude, etc., and I say almost canon only because the EG franchise is for children and would never touch on such topics, so you know, heh heh. I like how relatable you can be with Lemon Zest, feeling like you had your best moment in school, but not knowing what career to take while your other friends have no problem with it, quite realistic, and yes, I personally identified with it. . Short fanfic, with a good closure in its two chapters, a happy ending, and the truth was that this is charismatic, I was surprised to introduce this go go thing, I don't know how common it is in the US, but here it was like unexpected and daring in a good way, as well as sentimental. Ok, a lot of words, but it's precisely that type of story where it's so simple and so profound at the same time, it gives me a lot to talk about, and that's why I love it, as well as those little "Lemon Tart" references that if wrong I don't remember, it's also what his beta name was, oh and there's a novel about the movie, I'll look it up, that blonde hair thing is kind of weird. Finally, nice drawing, it fits well here and with all the black and white, oh, I hope your fanfictions had some kind of continuity, it would feel natural. PS: If you stop by, I left you one last question by message, thank you, it always encourages me to see your material.

Me alegra que hayas disfrutado de esta breve historia y de la imagen de portada. El dilema de estar indeciso en el camino de la vida es algo que muchas personas pueden identificar y era algo que quería explorar. Admito que a menudo profundizo en temas que están por encima del rating de audiencia objetivo de EG, aunque trato de evitar hacerlo de forma gratuita. Disfruto especialmente haciendo referencia a los libros oficiales de EG, ya que fueron ampliamente pasados ​​por alto en comparación con las películas (especialmente por la inconsistencia del color de cabello de Lemon). Aparte de mi serie de danza del vientre de EG, la mayoría de mis historias son independientes debido a que tengo pocas ideas para secuelas.

Gracias siempre por tu apoyo. (También he respondido a tu mensaje directo).

I am glad you enjoyed this short story and the cover image. The dilemma of being undecided in one’s life path is relatable to many people and was something I wanted to explore. I admit that I often delve into subject matter that is above EG’s target audience rating, although I try to avoid doing so gratuitously. I especially enjoy referencing the official EG books since they were widely overlooked in comparison to the movies (especially with the inconsistency of Lemon’s hair color). Aside from my EG belly dance series, most of my stories are self-contained due to me having few sequel ideas.

Thank you always for your support. (I have also responded to your direct message).

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