• Published 15th Jul 2021
  • 995 Views, 30 Comments

The Choosing WHAT?! - 23 KM To Nerdiness

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Bonding Boulders

"It's, um...rather salty, I must say. Very salty."

"I know, that's what makes it good! Who doesn't like salt?"

"Snails, slugs..."

"Ha ha ha."

Hearts & Hooves Day. Finally here.

Love was certainly soaring in the air. Flower shops cleaned out of flowers, cheesy candies collected and cards confiscated, the holiday was in full swing.

Back at the town's market plaza with his fireworks display, Whooves and Limestone exchange exquisite tastes with their favorite respective foods. Recovering from the tongue torturing saltiness of the rock farm pony's "Stone Surprise", the stallion slumps back as Limestone looks over a plate of his favorite brand of crumpets.

"Mmm," the mare mumbled with a curious frown. "I dunno, a bit dry really. Could use a little something. Maybe, hmm..."

"I'm going to assume a rock?"

"Honey. Honey would really give it that kick."

"Oh? Honey, you say?"

Limestone nudges the stallion. "Heh, I'm not always plopping rocks in every dish, you know."

A brief ponder later, Whooves retrieves a tiny orange bottle and drops a dollop of rich honey upon a crumpet, earning an amused head tilt from the mare. "You carry a vial of honey with you everywhere?" she asks.

"Hmm hmm," the doctor licks his lips, pleased. "Never know when you might need honey, dear. Some hosts forget to have any for tea. Mmm, this is delectable!"

"When you're the older sister of a bonkers baker, you pick up a few things."

"The stone doesn't fall far from the mountain, eh?"

"I see what you did there."

THONK! a hard thud hit the stand's sign.

"Hey, Derpy." Limestone waves.

"Heyyy, you two!" the pegasus slurs playfully, rubbing her forehead. "Happy H&H Day!"

"And to you as well, Miss Hooves." Whooves nods.

"Hee, any plans today?"

"Miss Pie and I are just selling fireworks for the time being. Yourself?"

"I have a date!"

"A date with a—"

"Muffin!" the silly mare slaps a lumpy muffin against her forehead, it's fluffy contents crumbling down her loopy eyes as she flutters away.

"Hehe, blind date." Limestone snickers.

"Good one." the inventor smirks.

"What do you usually do on this day?"

"Tinkering here, a little doodad-ing there, like any other day."

"Ever had that special somepony?"

"Afraid not, lass. I contribute to the holiday, sure, but never really partook in the festivities outside the occasional complimentary box of chocolates."

"Same here, minus the chocolate. I'd just spend my time with the punching slab."

"Sounds lonely."

"Welp, we shouldn't mope about it today. We should treat ourselves for once."

"You think so?"

"I insist. That ball-throwing game by the fountain is tempting me and I need to put my rock-hurling skills to the test."

"Well, I suppose we could. At least give me until I sell all these fireworks, then we'll go. Got about a crate or two left of the stuff."

"Great! Lemme get some things from your place, and I'll be back."


The day eases into the balmy afternoon. After closing up shop, Whooves waited by the fountain for his stoic companion to appear. Hours have passed since Limestone took off. Through the sea of boo'd-up couples, he spots the noticeably dull grey coat of a mare among the colorful crowd strolling his way. However, this mare had a bit more color to the face, wearing a fair amount of radiant makeup. Her hair was less spiky and more flowing and free, topping it off with an adorable purple bow atop her mane.

It can't be, the doctor thought.

"Good day, doctor," the mare uttered, scuffing her hoof against the dirt with a nervous crooked grin. "How do I look?"

"Miss Pie?" Whooves responded, jaw hanging. "You...look stunning. Very stunning."

"Thank you, I wanted to look my best for the occasion. Don't normally wear this kinda stuff. Takes too much time, but for you, it's worth it."

"Aww, you didn't have to for silly old me. You look lovely regardless."

"Enough of us being flirty birdies, let's have fun!"

"Yes, of course."

Thus began a pleasant, jolly good time for the platonic pony pair—eating, laughing at cringe-worthy heart candies, jokingly passing each other lovey-dovey trinkets both would forget about within a day or two, and receiving a bill to repair the hole Limestone tore through a throwing game's velvety tent. Luckily, the past frequently destructive—and expensive—antics of a certain ditzy dame made the doctor numb to the charge.

Eventually, they concluded their fun-filled evening with a gentle ride on the Third-Wheel ferris wheel, the rowdy rock farmer happily cuddling a life-sized teddy bear she may or may not have swiped from the tent. The ride kept the two in a steady cycle as they overlook the peaceful town cascaded in the sunset's inviting glow.

"I never realized how beautiful Ponyville looked," Limestone smiled. "Hell, compared to the farm, any place looks more alive."

"Except maybe Tartarus." Whooves shrugged.


"Any place could have its charm, silly filly. And if it looks rough, only you could give it some unique color."

"Pinkie's usually the one bringing the color in the family. All I bring is more gray. Or, sometimes, a very very dark gray."

"You can bring color to your life, too, as well as your family."

"I dunno, are you sure?"

The stallion lightly turned the mare's gaze up toward his, greeting her with a warm smile. "I'm positively positive, sweetheart."

"Sweetheart?" Limestone blushed with a cheeky smirk. "My first pet name. You sly, sly dog."

"I-I was only saying...I-I mean, I could call you something else if that makes you—"

Limestone tapped the flustered inventor on the shoulder, laughing hysterically. "I'm toying with you, goofball!"

"Ah, I see that I'm an easy target to mess with."

"D'aww, don't say that. I think you're quite a catch."

The stallion sheepishly looked over the railing, away from his company. "Oh, you're just being nice."

"I mean it, you're the sweetest guy I've ever met. In these few days alone, you've made me feel like I belong. Like I'm not some cold waste of space. I know I could be a...piece of work, but I can be good, too. I want to be good. I don't know what it is, but you just bring the best out of me. You're smart, silly, handsome...so handsome. No matter the outcome, I'm happy the stone brought you into my life."

A cozy warmth had spread across the touched inventor's chest, his lips tumbled over itself as he attempted to find the words. "Limestone, I..."

Suddenly, a flimsy fishing pole flickers out the center of Limestone's purple bow, dangling a lone piece of a peculiar set of green leaves between the two ponies.

"Augh, Pinkie!" the mare buried her face between her hooves. "Never accept outfits from that clown."

"Is that what I think it is?" Whooves asked.

"Yep. Mistletoe."

"I see..."

"I'm so sorry, my dork sister always makes things difficult for all of us sometimes."

"No harm done, no worries. Though...I suppose we should follow through."

"What? With the kiss?"

"I'm a strong follower of certain traditions and/or superstitions. When you're under a mistletoe, you must smooch the closest one to you."

"Okay," Limestone quickly planted a peck on her stuffed bear's fuzzy brown cheek. "Done."

"It's okay, I don't mind one in this scenario. Just an innocent little kiss."

"You sure?"

Whooves scooted close by the pony's hip and cupped her chin, their lips an inch apart. Limestone held her breath as her friendly date finally plastered a long, consensual kiss upon her, fireworks exploding bright across the night sky. A soft moan escaped them both before they break the mouth action.

"Hmm," Whooves smacked his lips. "Is that blueberry?"

"Was the only flavored lipstick available. I'm sure it beats the delightful taste of rock salt."

"It's nice. I like it."

Faces burning more and more bright, the couple remained lost in each other's eyes. Soon, Limestone sat her bear aside, a playful pout formed on her face . "You wanna kiss me again?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I mean, the mistletoe is still up, so..."

Whooves chuckled, staring into the mare's half-lidded eyes. "It appears it is."

The two locked gazes, inching closer once more.

"Again, an innocent kiss wouldn't hurt."

"Mmhmm..." Limestone hummed as she leaned further, lips puckered.

"I-It's only tradition."


"Just another simple harmless—"

"Shut up and gimme some already!"

The stallion melted like butter as his date wrapped a caressing hoof behind his head, the resumed kiss now beaming with pure passion. The metal gondola rocked slightly as Limestone eased her way atop Whooves' lap, mistletoe dangling wildly between them.

"Happy Hearts & Hooves Day," she huffed under shaky breath, kissing deeper. "Mmm..."

"Happy Hearts & Hooves Day." Whooves hummed.

Comments ( 5 )

Her hair was less spiky and more flowing and free, topping it off with an adorable purple bow atop her mane

Purple would suit her better, but cute is cute. Although I think this sentence is missing a period.

"Shut up and gimme some already!"

Okay this is cute. I want this to work now.

If Hooves leaves Limey in the lurch, I will be very disappointed.

"Pinkie's usually the one bringing the color in the family. All I bring is more gray. Or, sometimes, a very very dark gray."

If you were to ask me what Batman was better than The Lego Movie Batman... I would say there isn't one.:moustache:

Just kidding, all Batman are the best Batman. Especially Adam West. Also, props to anyone who understands why I'm talking about Batman in response to the above quote from your story.

Right-o, I'm just gonna say it: This is absolutely amazing in all aspects.

I didn't think there would be a story that could pull off a transition a-la Rock pun -> Emotional moment -> A scene so hilarious I actually laughed out loud, and keep it all feeling natural but here we are. Of course, the overarching cuteness is just impeccable, but that's been the standard for all your work I've seen so far.

So, as is now customary, I commend you for your great work on this. Definitely will keep an eye out for updates on this story.

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