• Published 23rd Jul 2021
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Equestria Ninja Girls: The Spooky Outdoors - Jebens1

When the Rainbooms, Turtles, and all their friends go camping, they find scares and a mystery.

  • ...

Camping in the Woods

In the woods in the middle of the night, two teenaged boys and girls, were running. They splashed through a puddle as they ran. As they disappeared out of sight, a series of groaning and moans filled the air, then out of the shadows swarmed an army of zombies, and they were after the teens.

The terrified adolescents raced through the trees, until they came to a parked car and quickly piled in, slamming the doors.

"Start the car, start the car!" One of the boys, named Sam, shouted in a panic.

One of the girls, named Jenna, sat in the driver's seat and turned the key, but instead of starting, the car only cranked, "Oh, no, not now!" She cried.

"They're coming!" The other boy, named Bruce exclaimed, as all the zombies came out of the woods and slowly approached the car.

"Start the car!" The other girl, called Tracy cried.

"I'm trying!" Jenna yelled, frantically turning the key and pumping the gas pedal. Then she screamed as one of the zombies planted it's face against the car window.

Then all the teens screamed as all the zombies began surrounding the car and banging on it to try a break it open. And there was nothing they could do about it...

Spike clutched the couch pillow and shook with fright as he watched the zombies try to get the trapped teens on the living room TV. As it turned out, the horrific scene was really a scary movie that the little dog had been watching with the lights turned off.

Suddenly, as Spike continued to watch, his ears heard the sound of foot steps approaching. Then he turned around and saw a figure in the doorway. Spike screamed and the figure screamed back, as it flipped on the light switch. It was Twilight.

"Spike?" She said.

"Oh, it's just you, Twilight," Spike sighed in relief.

Twilight noticed the movie he was watching, "You know you'll give yourself nightmares watching that?" She said, pointing to the TV.

"I can't turn it off now," Spike protested, "The protagonists are about to escape."

On the tv, the car finally started. "Yes!" Jenna cried in triumph, before she floored the gas and the car burst out of the zombie horde, speeding away.

"Wait a second, is that Curse of the Undead!" Twilight asked, before taking a seat next to Spike, "That's one of my favorites!"

Soon they were both watching as the teens in the movie had found an old shed.

"You know," Jenna said to Tracy and Bruce, "If you two hadn't disturbed that burial crypt, we wouldn't be on the run from Zombies right now!"

"We were just curious!" Tracy shot back.

"We wanted to find out if the curse was real," Bruce added, "Which apparently it is."

"Don't worry about that right now," Sam reassured, motioning to the shed, "We can hide from the zombies in here." And he reached for the door.

"Don't open it, don't open it!" Twilight shook her head.

The boy opened the door only to find a huge zombie behind it!

"BRAINS!" it roared and the teens screamed.

At that moment, a loud buzzing sounded, "Aaahhh!" Twilight and Spike screamed, falling back and knocking over the couch, before Twilight saw it was just her phone.

"Oh, a text from Sunset Shimmer, heh heh," she said, sheepishly, "Time for band practice."

At the Apple Farm, the Rainbooms were rocking out one of their old songs, while Spike and the CMC watched. When the song ended, the four cheered.

"Whoo Hoo!" The CMC cried out.

"That was fantastic!" Spike said. "Right on!"

"Aw yeah, we rock!" Rainbow pumped her fist.

"Best way to kick off spring break," Sunset stated.

"And speaking of spring break, how shall we spend it?" Rarity inquired.

"We could go visit the Turtles?" Fluttershy suggested.

"I'd like that," Apple Bloom agreed.

"Or head to LA and see Tony and the crew?" Rainbow chimed in.

"I'd like that!” Scootaloo said, eagerly.

"That's cause you still think Tony Torreto is cute," Sweetie Belle teased.

Scootaloo blushed and scoffed. "No I don't."

"What about going to the beach again?" Pinkie said. "Or Equestria Land? Or someplace we've never ever been to before?!"

"I might have an idea?" A voice said. Everyone turned to see Half Note, of the Rock N Beats, standing in the driveway.

"Well, hey there, Half Note," Applejack greeted. "What brings you here?"

"Well, since it's the beginning of Spring Break," Half Note began. "I was wondering... If maybe we can gather all our friends together and go on a camping trip? If you all want to? My friends and already go permission from our parents."

That sounds like a good idea!” Rainbow cheered.

“Is the weather suitable for camping?” Fluttershy pondered.

“Hang on. I’ll check real quick,” Twilight took out a small device and pressed a couple buttons then held up her finger to check the wind, then smiled. “Weather’s perfect for camping!”

“Great! Let’s call the Turtles and see if they are interested while we pack.” Sunset suggested.

“Sounds like a plan. We haven’t been camping since Camp Everfree!” Applejack smiled.

“Yeah. We missed out on that. It’ll be great to go!” AppleBloom smiled.

“I’ll go tell the others that we’re ago for camping!” Smiled Half Note.

“Yay! We’re gonna go camping!” Pinkie cheered as everyone left to go pack.

Spike on the other hand, wasn't as excited. "So, when Half Note said camping, she meant in the actual woods?"

"I'm pretty sure," Twilight said, "Why? Your not afraid there are zombies, are you?"

"What?" Spike chuckled nervously. "No, of course not. I'm mean, what gave you that impression?"

Twilight could only roll her eyes and laugh.

In New York, down in the Turtles lair, the ninjas and their friends were watching a Crognard and Space Heroes crossover

In the show, Captain Ryan learned how to activate a door to a temple, resulting in he and Crognard slapping each other silly.

“Man! That was so simple a five year old could’ve done it.” Zach rolled his eyes.

“How’d you think they’ll get out of this one, Zach?” Carter asked.

“Don’t know. I ain’t a five year old.” Zach answer resulted in Casey and Raph laughing.

Caitlyn just sighed as she went back to her phone before asking April. “So, any luck on figuring out what we can do during Spring Break?”

“Well, Donnie and I are looking through all possible ideas.” April looked over Donnie's shoulder and at his laptop.

“Problem is they’re all too good.” The smart turtle acknowledged.

Just then, April's phone rang and she answered it. "Hello? Oh, hey Sunset. Hold on?" Then she spoke to the others, "Hey, guys, Sunset's calling to ask us something." After they shut off the TV, April put her phone on speaker.

"Hey, guys," Sunset's voice called out, "The girls and I are going camping. Do you guys wanna come?"

“Camping?” Mikey perked up. “We haven’t gone camping since Everfree!”

“Sounds like fun.” Angel smiled.

“Sounds good to Casey Jones.” Casey boasted.

“Sounds like we found what to do during spring break.” April grinned.

“Looks that way.” Donnie agreed.

“I’m in!” Caitlyn approved.

“Me too!” Zach chimed in.

“Sweet!” Carter added.

Raph shrugged. “Why not? I could use a break from the city.”

“Then I think we’re in full agreement!” Gabby nodded.

“Yeah, Sunset. We’ll be happy to join you girls for camping.” Leo answered.

“Great. We’ll meet you guys there. We know a good spot where you won’t worry about exposing yourselves.” Sunset said through the phone.

Just then, Caitlyn got a video call from Buffy. "Hey, BFF," she greeted.

"Hey, bestie," Buffy waved, "Are you with the Turtles?"

"Yeah she is," Mikey butted in. "Yo, what's up, Buff?"

“Hi Mikey,” Buffy politely greeted as Caitlyn pushed him away in annoyance before the rich girl continued, “Well to be honest, I’m kinda bummed out. Here it is spring break and instead of finding a decent romantic film, all I find on the tube are movies about vampires, zombies, and giant marshmallow men! Trying to wrap my head around that last one.”

Hearing that had Raph and Casey look at each other in confusion as Raph lipped the marshmallow men part.

"Sounds like you've been watching some scary movies," Sunset said over April's phone.

"Wait, is that Sunset?" Buffy asked.

"Yep," Sunset answered. "Anyway, we're all going camping. Maybe you'd like to come too?"

"I would love to!" Buffy answered.

"Great, we'll see you there." Sunset said.

“Hey guys! Maybe we should invite some other friends to join us.” Carter recommended.

“Sounds great! Who should we bring?” Zach asked.

“Yeah Karai, Shinigami, and the Dazzlings are doing business for the foot in Japan.” Leo remembered.

“And Keno is spending the weekend with Indigo.” Raph added.

“And Team Shine are checking something out for a secret mission.” Sunset spoke in April’s phone.

Gabby took out her spy watch. "I think I know some friends we can invite..."

In the streets of Los Angeles, Tony Torreto and Layla Gray were racing each other in their cars through a waterway until they both crossed the finish line.

"Ha ha, I won!" Tony cheered, exiting his car.

Layla got out of her car and retorted, "Sorry, Torreto, but I won!"

"I crossed the finish line first!" Tony insisted

"Behind me!" Layla rebuffed.

Soon the two began to argue over who actually won, while their friends Echo, Cisco, and Frostee watched.

Echo asked Frostee, "So, you gonna tell them that they both tied?"

"I think if I do, they'll still keep arguing."Frostee stated.

"Yep," Cisco agreed.

Just then, the pair's arguing was interrupted when Tony's spy watch beeped. He pressed it and a small hologram of Gabby appeared.

"Hola, primo," she greeted Tony and then spoke to Layla, "Hola, amiga."

"Gabby, hey." Tony said.

"Hey, latina." Layla replied.

"What's up?" Tony asked his cousin.

"Well, Sunset just invited us to go camping with them for Spring Break," Gabby explained, "And I was wondering if you'd all like to come too?"

"Camping? That sounds awesome!" Frostee said, in excitement.

"Yeah it does." Echo agreed.

“Ah! Camping. Campfires. Hiking. S’mores. I say we go.” Cisco nodded.

“For sure,” Tony smiled, “I was hoping to see the Turtles again.”

“Then I think it’s unanimous!” Layla grinned before running past Tony, “And FYI, I still won that race!”

“Did not!” Tony cried before turning to Gabby, “We’ll call you when we all done packing. Adios!”

The next day, the Rainbooms, CMC, and Rock N Beats were riding to the Everfree Forest in the Rainbooms' bus.

“This is gonna be the best camp out EVER!” Pinkie cheered.

“Yeah!” The CMCs cried.

“This was a great idea, Half Note.” Sunset said.

“Thanks. I hope this is a camping trip we won’t forget.” Half Note smiled.

Lancer and Ace blinked after hearing that and looked at each other before shrugging it off, saying, “Nah.”

Soon they pulled up at the forest, where the Ninjas and Racers were waiting for them.

"Hey, guys," Sunset greeted, as they exited the bus.

“What up?” Mikey smiled as everyone came together to hug and greet.

“It’s so good to see you guys.” Twilight smiled as she hugged Leo.

“It’s great to see you girls too.” The lead turtle said.

“It has been too long.” Lancer added as he fist bumped Raph.

"Hey, primo!" Gabby hugged Tony.

"Good to see you, Gabby," Tony said.

“How’s it hanging, T?” Rainbow shook hands with Tony.

“Oh you know. Same old same old,” He smiled. He then turned to greet Scootaloo. “Hey Scoots.”

Scootaloo blushed, “H-hey, Tony.”

AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but snicker at the sight.

"Hey, Cisco." Melody said.

"Hey, fellow green shirt." Cisco replied, as they double fist-bumped.

"Your shirts still aren't that similar." Sweetheart noted.

"Mmm hmm." Frostee nodded.

"So, we ready to do this thing?" Casey asked.

"Almost. We just need to wait for our guide." Twilight said.

"A guide?" Leo asked, in concern.

"Don't worry, Leo," Twilight reassured. "This is a guide we can trust."

"You sure can," came a familiar voice. Then stepping out of the bushes was non other than...

"Timber!" the ninjas said.

"Hey there, guys." Timber greeted.

“Hey, Timber. Long time no see.” Leo nodded.

“Yeah it has. When Twilight told me about you guys going camping, I thought of the perfect spot where you guys won’t have to worry about exposing yourselves.” Timber pointed to the turtles.

“Well then, let’s head up to it.” Carter said as he grabbed his bag.

“Okay. The first thing we need to do is grab a hiking buddy. Twilight is with me.” Timber winked at Twilight who giggled. Leo playfully rolled his eyes but found a partner with Lancer.

Soon, everyone had a travel buddy. Timber checked again, “ okay. Everyone have a partner?”

Everyone held their partners hand and showed The teen.

“Alright. Let’s move out!”

“Lead the way.” Leo smiled.

“Leo? Telling someone else to lead? That’s a first.” Raph whispered to Casey, who chuckled as they all began to move out.

Minutes later, everyone was trekking through the forest. As everyone hiked, Frostee, who was with Caitlyn, saw something fall out of Half Note's bag and land on the ground. They stopped as he picked it up. It was a walkie talkie.

"Hey, Half Note," he called, "This fell out of your bag."

Half Note gasped before she ran over and snatched it from his hand, "Uh, thank you, Frostee," she smiled nervously.

"Why do you have a walkie talkie?" Caitlyn asked.

"Well... I brought it in case we ever get lost." Half Note answered.

"Uh, don't you have two for that?" Frostee inquired.

"I do have two," Half Note said, "Oh no, where'd I put the other one?!" She started looking through her bag.

"Need help?" Caitlyn offered.

"No! I mean, no, I'm sure I'll find it." Half Note insisted, and ran ahead before the two could ask anymore questions.

"Suspicious." Frostee sing songed to Caitlyn.

"Yeah it is." Caitlyn nodded.

As they walked together, lancer asked Leo, “Hey, Leo? Could I ask you something?”

“Sure, Lancer. What’s up?”

“Does it bother you that Timber is with Twilight?”

Leo blushed red before he shook it off, “Timber and I agree that we both care about Twilight so we’re at understanding. For the most part. It’s complicated.”

“Just thought I’d ask.” Lancer shrugged before hiding a sigh that Leo noticed.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. I kinda wish Bright Eyes could join us.” Lancer confessed.

Leo patted him on the shoulder, “I understand completely.” He said, thinking about Princess Twilight, and the two continued to press forward.

"Hey, I think we can see the campsite from here." Tony said, as he, Casey, and Zach pushed through some bushes.

"Hey, guys," Timber called."I wouldn't go that way if I were you."

"Why-aaaaahhhh!" The three suddenly disappeared followed by a loud splash.

Everyone looked over the bushes and saw that the three had walked right off a ledge and landed into a pond.

"That's why." Timber said, as everyone laughed.

"You okay, guys?" Gabby asked, through chuckles.

"We're good." they sulked, as she, Leo, and Timber helped them out.

But not before Layla and Caitlyn took pictures of the three.

"Now that's a keeper." Layla smirked.

"Yep." Caitlyn said.

Later, the group had stopped by a clearing, as Buffy and Rarity were drying the soaked boys with their wireless blow dryers.

While that was happening, Lancer had a question for Half Note, "Say, Half Note, why'd you suggest going camping in the first place?"

"Hey yeah, I'm wondering that too, sis." Sweet Note added.

"Well, I've always wanted to go camping in the Everfree Forest," Half Note answered, "I mean it's so peaceful and majestic."

"I couldn't agree more," Fluttershy smiled, "Not to mention it has all the little birdies that land on your finger."

"Still think that only happens to you." Rainbow said.

"If you always wanted to go camping, why didn't you?" Echo asked Half Note.

"It's silly really but, I heard stories that it was... Haunted."

"Haunted?!" Cisco exclaimed.

"Did she say haunted?!" Scootaloo trembled.

"Nobody said anything about this woods being haunted!" Logan said, shaking.

"That's because it's not," Twilight said, "Right, Timber?"

"Well... there is this old legend." Timber explained.

"Leyenda?" Gabby inquired.

"About what?" Casey asked.

"About... The Phantom of Everfree!" Timber stated, dramatically.

"Phantom?!" Cisco and Mikey cried.

"As in, ghost!" Sweetheart trembled.

"Yep," Timber nodded, "A ghost that's said to haunt this very part of the Everfree. But I think I'll save that story for the campfire."

"You sure you're not making it up, like you did with that Gai Everfree story?" Applejack inquired.

"Oh no," Timber rebuffed, "This legend's legit."

Meanwhile, Ace grinned mischievously, deciding to have some fun. After making sure no one was looking, he snuck away from the group and into some bushes.

"Come on, there's no such thing as ghosts." Tony said.

"Actually, Tony, I'm afraid that isn't quite true," Donnie rebuked, "We've actually encountered real ghosts "

"Wait, what?" Tony said.

"It's true," April confirmed, "This one time, we fought a Chinese ghost called Ho Chan, who tried to steal my powers."

"And tried to crush me with his giant hands," Casey added, with a huff.

"And then we fought this demodragon dude who had a whole army of ghost!" Mikey recalled their final battle with Kavaxas.

"None of those stories are making me feel any less scared!" Cisco noted.

"Same here!" Sweetheart, Scootaloo, and Logan added, while holding onto each other in fear.

Back with Ace, he peeked through the bushes to make sure everyone still hadn't noticed he'd snuck away.

"Time for the Ace to pull a little prank," he chuckled. Then he cupped his hands over his mouth and let out a high-pitched wail that echoed all over the woods.

"What's that?!" Zach jumped at the noise.

"Phantom, it's the phantom!" Cisco exclaimed, grabbing hold of Frostee.

"Oh, no!" Scootaloo hid behind Rainbow.

Suddenly, Mikey screamed getting everyone’s attention.

“What is it? Is it the phantom?” Cisco cried as he hid behind Sweetie Belle, while still holding Frostee.

“I stepped on something sharp!” Mikey held his foot up to have thorn on the sole. Thankfully, Buffy grabbed some tweezers and pulled it off.

“Really?” Raph deadpanned.

“Still, what was that cry?” Applejack looked around.

"Whatever it is, it sounds like it's close." Apple Bloom said, fearfully.

Ace laughed to himself with his eyes shut. "What a bunch of scardy cats!" He guffawed and leaned against something. Then his eyes shot open in alert and he instantly stopped laughing. Whatever he was leaning on felt big and furry. Slowly Ace looked up, and into the face of a big brown bear. "Hey-oh," he said nervously, and the bear responded with a roar. Ace screamed and dashed out of the bushes, running past the others shouting, "BEAR!"

"Wow, he sure runs fast for a little dude," Cisco noted.

"Wait? Did Ace just say..." Leo began, before they all heard a growl and turned just in time to see the bear burst out out of the bushes, roaring.

"BEAR!" Everyone screamed and ran.

"The trees, climb into the trees!" Timber shouted.

"Way ahead of yah!" Ace was already high up in a tree.

As everyone else quickly climbed up the tree, Gabby, Layla, and Fluttershy were last ones, when the shy girl stopped and looked back at the bear with smile.

"Fluttershy, what are you doing?" Layla cried.

"That oso is gonna eat us alive!" Gabby exclaimed.

"That's a common misconception," Fluttershy stated, "Has anyone tried talking to the bear."

"That crazy!" Layla yelled, then she and Gabby screamed as the bear came closer and scrambled up the tree.

"She's done for." Frostee stated.

"I can't look!" Melody covered her eyes.

After a minute, Sweetheart tapped her shoulder, "Uh, Melody? Everyone?" She said, and pointed.

Everyone looked and were dumbfounded. The bear was hugging and nuzzling with Fluttershy.

"We're very sorry we wandered into your territory," Fluttershy apologized to the bear.

"How did she..." Buffy gawked.

"Whoa!" The CMC gasped.

"She's tougher than she looks." Echo said.

"That's Fluttershy for you." Sunset grinned.

“Oh, yeah! I keep forgetting you can talk to animals!” Caitlyn remembered as she and the others climbed down from the tree.

“Is everyone alright?” Timber checked as everyone showed they were okay.

Fluttershy explained, “The bear was just cranky. He said that a blonde haired boy woke him up from his nap with his howling.”

"Blonde haired boy..." Apple Bloom said, in suspicion, then everyone glared at Ace.

"Ace, you jerk!" Melody growled, "You were trying to scare us, weren't you?"

Ace laughed, "And it worked."

"That wasn't funny, Ace!" Sweetie Belle huffed.

"Oh yeah, it was." Ace retorted.

"I wasn't really scared."Tony said.

"That stain in your pants says otherwise, Torreto." Layla rebuked.

"What?!" Tony looked down.

"Made yah look!" Layla smirked.

“You should be careful doing stuff like that, Ace. Deception like that would only get you in serious trouble.” Advised Leo.

“How much farther is the campsite, Timber?” Sunset asked.

“Not too far away. But we better get a move on if we wanna set up camp before dark.”

“Then let’s keep moving. And when we get there, NO MORE PRANKS!” Raph gave a glare to Ace.

“C'mon.” Timber continued to lead the group while Zach backhanded Ace on the head.

Ace rubbed the back of his head, then the bear growled at him, "Wait for me!" He rushed after the group.

After some walking, Timber pushed past some bushes, “Here we are!”

Everyone looked around at the open area that was the campsite. Soon, everyone began to unpack as Pinkie stood on a stool and spoke.

“Okay everyone! We got a lot of ground to cover so let’s. Get. Cracking!”

Up Next
While setting up camp, fishing, berry picking, and gathering firewood, the campers each run into some shenanigans. Then Timber tells the tales about the Phantom of Everfree, The Windego King!

Author's Note:

Here's my second fanfic. It's based on Ronald McDonald: Scared Silly.

The characters: Tony, Echo, Frostee, Cisco, and Layla are from Netflix Fast & Furious Spy Racers.

Which has a crossover fic with the Turtles and Rainbooms in Equestria Ninja Girls: Spy Racers by AmethystMajesty25 and Darth-Wrex

Equestria Ninja Girls by Wildcard25. who has also edited this chapter.