• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Perfection? I don't want that, because that would mean stopping, standing still, instead of improving.


Pinkamena was minding her own business inside Pinkie Pie's mind, only speaking whenever her other side wanted to chat or if something interesting happened, before she was ripped out of the life she was used to living and was dropped in an entirely new world, with a body of her own no less. Due to some injuries sustained in her fall she has a fateful encounter with someone who she later learns goes by the name 'Muzan', an event that changes her life once again and sends her on a quest to save this world in her own way, all while seeking to find the figure that had changed her life and learn more about him.

(Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer)/MLP Crossover)
(Part of the Demon War story series, but reading the others isn't required)

Chapters (45)
Comments ( 187 )

This is pretty good. I'll keep a watch of this

I hope Pinkamena will not go all Cupcakes on him. She is going to have plenty of anger and I hope her friends will be able to give her a healthy outlet for it.

interestingly enough, a LOT of actual Yokai folklore went into creating the Oni for this show, though i have not watched it personally, i think i will follow this for a while...

so thats either the classic Katana, or more likely a Kodatchi, Katana are quite expensive blades and very distinctive...

11207008 Given that the Slayers use katanas, as according to the wiki all the Nichirin Blades are katanas, it would make sense for the Cultivators to train you to become familiar with the weapon most Slayers use, so its likely a katana.

Im already invested in this one. Good job.

So, I got it so far, Pinkamena can eat demons, and use their blood to get stronger, and her blood demon art let's her warp reality.

11207484 Indeed. While she might be learning Water Breathing, since Sakonji is going to be teaching her and Tanjiro, I have plans for her own Breathing Style.

i find myself thinking...the Oni of Demon Slayer...they are tragic creatures...each of them was a Human long ago...one who suffered great tragedy in their lives, enough that they became what they are now. how will you address this, i wonder?

11213734 Sadly, there isn't a good way to really address the sad backstories of the Demons in this series, as none of them actually say anything about their pasts when they die... mostly they're a mix of emotions, depending on what happens in their final moments, and then they depart for their deserved afterlife. Those backstories are purely for us, the readers, so there's no way to share it with the actual characters.

well, it is Pinkimina, an aspect of Pinkie...if theres a way to do the impossible...

11213758 Would making echoes of slain Demons work? Like ingesting the blood of slain Demons creates an echo of who they were, before Muzan turned them... and, with blood possessing the ability to convey memories in this series, each echo could have the memories of their time as both Human and Demon.

i am unsure how it might fit into the Demon Slayer lore, or even traditional Shinto folklore, but its Pinkie Pie...never question it. plus, Chaos is involved so anything could and probably will happen with the Ruinous Powers sticking their noses in...yeah, itll work. mental projections that can speak with Pinkamina in her Chaos Space perhaps...tell their stories so there will be someone who remembers...

11213781 How it fits with the series lore is easy, she could just claim it as part of her Blood Demon Art. If anyone saw it and asked, and got that answer, they'd likely shrug and go with it.

Pinkamena is growing slowly. I think that this will be good for her as she becomes her own person/pony. I wonder what she will think of this first assignment?

so, Tamahagane, 'Jewel Steel', actually very common in Japanese blade forging...very interesting...

11215288 The author of Demon Slayer was clearly inspired by the techniques that were in use during the points of his story, while mixing in his own supernatural elements.

ah, perhaps i should mention that Tamahagane is still used in forging today, Japanese forged kitchen knives are the absolute best in the business...with a pricetag to match...a single knife can cost upward of five hundred US dollars...minimum...

11215307 I didn't know that fact. Just figured it was an old art that the author used and combined with their own idea to make the blades the Slayers use in battle.

the thing is, they dont only use Tamahagane, here...

might be a little long, but informative...

11215332 I see. Well, I have no prior knowledge on the subject before this point, so you make a fair point.

interestingly, while none of the Demon Slayer Oni fit the modern take on the word, they do follow what is classically an Oni, in the original sense. that is why they can resemble Yokai far beyond the modern interpretation of an Oni

Oni was, as you know, the net-term for Yokai at the time.

I was merely making an observation.

interesting, though it makes me wonder if one of Pinkamenas techniques is going to follow the classic blade trope of the attacks not even registering until the blade is fully returned to its scabbard...

11221284 I mean, she could modify the First Form if she wanted to, making it so the attacks don't register until she sheathes her blade.

its a classic trope of the anime swordsman, shows up all the time...

11221397 Well, 'all the time' might be a stretch, but I don't have any specific examples to give you... either way, don't expect Pinkamena to bust out a new Form that follows that trope.

They are making quite the team aren’t they?

11221495 Indeed they are... especially since the others haven't arrived yet.

Ooooo. This is getting good

Did not know anything about Demon Slayer. Went in and watched the first season and the movie to learn... Kind of wish I'd done that earlier tho.

I wonder how Tamayo would react if she knew Pinkamena was the sane one? No one is ready for that level of madness.

Oh God.

You're right.

She IS the sane one.

Ouch Pinkamena is definitely a bit out of left field for many of these demons.

you suffer terribly from run-on sentences. Long sentences are more difficult for readers to understand, which causes dis-satisfication with the story, making it seem "harder" to read than it should be. For example:
Based on what she could tell it looked like she was in the bottom of a ravine, or maybe she was at the bottom of a cliff since she discovered a tall stone wall after a few minutes of walking, though her luck did improve as she heard the sound of running water, to which she followed her ears for a few more moments and smiled as she found what she was looking for, a small river, even if it might have been larger in the past.
That should be at least two separate sentences, if not three.
"Based on what she could tell it looked like she was in the bottom of a ravine. After a few minutes of walking , she discovered a tall stone wall, so maybe she was at the bottom of a cliff? She heard the sound of running water, so she followed her ears for a few more moments. She smiled as she found what she was looking for, a small river that cut through this place. The river banks looked as if the river might have been larger in the past,"

Quick rule of thumb: Any sentence with AND , that isn't a list, should be two separate sentences (unless there is a VERY good reason for it to be one sentence -- such as being someone talking. People use and in their speech frequently.)
Second rule of thumb: Any sentence longer than two lines in your word processor should be broken into two sentences (again, unless there is a very good reason for it to be that long).

Well the idiots got taught a good lesson. I wonder how the next arc will play out?

I wonder how our villain will react when they realize who is wearing the fox mask and they are also beyond their control. Plus the whole ability to be out in the sunlight.

Muzan would try to get his hands on pinkemena by any means necessary

Intro for this part of your history:

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