• Published 5th Oct 2021
  • 2,421 Views, 60 Comments

Sunny with a Lasso - xd77

Lasso Lashes meets new friends, thanks to Izzy.

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Pulling Back and Prisoners Track

Back in the trees surrounding Bridlewood, things were looking grim, especially for Izzy. She had just managed to experience her little colt friend just get kidnapped by a familiar looking alicorn, yet unable to prevent it from happening. Poor Izzy sat in a corner curled up in a ball, her face buried in her hooves bawling, while Sunny rubbed her back like a hand rubbing a cat's back.

"How could this happen, how was I not quick enough to stop him!?!" Izzy asked.

"Take it easy Izzy, these things happen." Sunny assured, "I promise you; we will find him and bring him back safe."

Meanwhile, Zipp and Pipp were now doing an investigation together. It was identical to the case where Zipp was looking for clues about the lantern, the lantern that went missing from Sunny's bedroom, but it was the both of them working together. They were searching for clues that could lead them to any form of data or information, that is until Pipp discovered a red bandana on the floor, dangling at the bottom of the mirror.

Picking up the bandana, Pipp inspected the sewing of the cloth while Zipp used a scanner for DNA. Once the scanning was complete, to their surprise, it belonged to Lasso!

"How did this fall off him?" asked Zipp, rubbing her chin with her hoof.

"My best guess is that it came loose and fell off when he walked through the mirror."

Zipp was now puzzled, how could Lasso's bandana come loose if the knots were tight on it?

Upon closer inspection, there was a small rip in the cloth, it looked as if something had deliberately cut it halfway to make it fall off. For Zipp this was puzzling, but for Pipp it was shocking.

"That's strange, why would somepony cut off Lasso's bandana?"

"A better question, who was that alicorn in the light?"

"We're going to have to get answers from somepony, whoever that monster was, they are not getting away with this!"

"We will be getting answers!" Sunny assured, "But first, we need to find out where Lasso went to in that mirror."

"I just want to find my Lasso; I don't want anything bad to happen to him!" Izzy cried, looking at her three friends, tears going down her face.

"We will find him Izzy; it's going to be all right." Zipp said, soon Izzy was joined in on a group hug for comfort. However, the hug was soon interrupted by a loud whooshing sound coming from outside. Even though poor Izzy was emotionally down from what had happened, she joined in on following her friends outside. Once the four ponies had reached the downstairs entrance, to their surprise, there was an even bigger crowd of ponies from Zephyr Heights and Maretime Bay.

"Zipp, Pipp, my babies?" said a familiar voice, Zipp and Pipp looked over to see their mother, Queen Haven, emerge from the crowd of Pegasus. The sisters ran up to her and hugged her as tightly as they could, while Haven kissed them both on their cheeks.

"Thank goodness I got here in time, we heard about everything!" Queen Haven exclaimed.

"As did I." Hitch said, Sparky gurgled his response, "Sparky and I were notified by Posey about the murder and kidnapping."

"Hitch, thank goodness you came to help us!" Sunny said, running up to Hitch and hugging him tightly.

"Do you have any clues to who did this?" Queen Haven asked, that's when Zipp remembered the bandana she and Pipp found. Zipp pulled it out of a bag she wore and gave it to Haven's sight for inspection.

"It's a bandana mom, it belongs to the one who was kidnapped." Pipp said, Zipp nodded in agreement.

"What is the little one's name who was taken?" the Queen asked.

"His name is Lasso Lashes, he's the son of the two murdered unicorns." said Izzy.

A sudden idea came to Hitch and Queen Haven, they could use this bandana to scan for DNA samples. DNA not belonging to Lasso, but rather to the alicorn who kidnapped him, then they could track the DNA with a radar scanner to where he was taken.

"You know, we can use this as a way to track him down. We will use Zephyr Heights's DNA Research Facility to run a scan in DNA of the one who took him."

Hitch gasped at the sudden idea, "And then I can use my computer radar to track the location of the DNA sample."

"It's all so clear now!" Sunny exclaimed.

"Our very first rescue mission!" Zipp said in excitement, Sparky gurgled in happiness, as he was dire to meet Lasso.

"That's right Sparky, you're going to help Daddy with a mission."

"It is settled." said Queen Haven, "Guards!"

Two Pegasi guards approached and bowed to her, "Yes, your majesty?"

"Take this bandana to the Research Facility, and wait for further instructions, do not leave once there."

"Yes ma'am." they both said, taking the bandana from her grasp. Then they both flew back to Zephyr Heights. In the meantime, they knew they had to come up with a plan of action. Especially since Izzy wanted to see her little Lasso back with her safe and sound.

Before they took off, Izzy looked up at the distance before her eyes and frowned in sadness.

"Don't worry Lasso, wherever you are, we are coming to save you. You will be back with me and my friends, safe in mine and their hooves."

..........BACK AT OPALINE'S CASTLE..........

Lasso was still restrained on the table inside the torture chamber of her dark hideout, only now he was laughing uncontrollably. Reason being, Opaline had changed her torture forms from kissing him and nuzzling, to tickling his belly and armpits with her feather covered wings.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, PLEHEHEHEHEHEHESE, STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed in laughter, tears streaming down his face from the pain. But Opaline would not budge, instead, she just glowered over him with a sly grin on her face.

"I told you before dear, I imagined a feather tickling your sides, and it has come true." she said, "Now tell me, what ideas could I use to bring Equestria back to what it was before?"

Lasso could not dare to say, especially since he was laughing hysterically.


Opaline still was not buying it, as her locked grinning face showed.

"Well, my dear, this is going to end in only two ways: You can either cave in and give me a solution or weakness to dividing Equestria again. Or I can tickle you continuously, and you will pass out. Now, what is it going to be my slave?"


The evil alicorn still would not listen, she just kept on going.

"Fine then, I guess you are just going to have to pass out from all your laughter of pain, coochie coochie coochie coo!"

For the next several minutes to nearly an hour, Lasso was getting dizzy and started hacking from all the laughter he was enduring. Finally, before he even knew it, the torture got the best of him. And then, just as Opaline said he would, he passed out.

Knowing it was the right thing to do, Opaline undid the restraints from him. She then used her magic to lift his motionless body into her hoof, then she took him out of the torture chamber and back out into the corridors of her castle. It was not long before she found one of the bedrooms and opened the door to it and brought him inside. This room was equipped with all the luxurious comforts of a mansion like bedroom. But the most delicate furniture to sit in here was a four-poster bed that had several pillows and, at least, three sets of covers.

With another quick use of her magic, she undid the covers and place a still motionless Lasso onto the mattress. Once he was in position of lying down, Opaline then tucked him in and actually kissed him.

"As I said before, I am a patient alicorn, so we can take our time with this." she whispered, leaving the room and shutting the door.