• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 4,071 Views, 79 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony - Battwell

Sonic the Hedgehog and The Mane Six team up against the evil Dr. Eggman in this feature fanfiction

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Phase 2

The Death Egg Mark II fired multiple lasers from its underside directly at the Tornado. Tails did a barrel roll to the left while Rainbow and Twilight swayed to the left and right to avoid the incoming projectiles. Twilight then teleported away to avoid an incoming laser, she reappeared and continued to fly forward.

Tails continued to outmanoeuvre the lasers sent out from the Death Egg Mark II, Sonic crouched down on the wing and gritted his teeth. Tails then boosted forward closer towards the Death Egg Mark II. Rainbow Dash and Twilight nodded to each other and flew forward at high speeds towards the battlestation.

Sonic then stood up and crossed his arms and turned to his best friend, "Tails, you know what to do."

Tails smirked and set the plane to auto pilot. He pulled out his Miles Electric and began hacking into the EggNet to disable the shields leading to the hangar bay.

Tails noticed that Eggman upgraded his security, so this was gonna be harder than before. As Tails was hacking the EggNet, Sonic and the ponies noticed that they were heading right towards the shields. Sonic turned his head slightly with a worried expression on his face.

"Uh, Tails? Now would be a good time to take down those shields." Sonic said, anxious that they weren't gonna make it in time and crash directly into the shields.

"Hang on." Tails said, sweat starting to fall down his forehead.

"Sugarcube, you might wanna hurry it up." Applejack said worryingly.

"GIMME A SECOND!" Tails shouted as sweat was drizzling down his forehead.

"TAILS!!!" They all said in unison.

Tails then cracked the last of the EggNet's security and the shields collapsed. Tails quickly set the Miles Electric down and took control of the Tornado and boosted forward towards the hangar bay, with Rainbow and Twilight following behind them. They entered the hangar bay and both Rainbow and Twilight skidded to a stop on the metallic floor as they landed.

Tails landed the Tornado down safely and they all exited the plane.

(Pause song)

Sonic jumped off the wing of the plane and put Tails in a headlock and gave him a noogie, "I knew you could do it, pal. Never doubted you once."

Tails laughed and broke out of the brotherly gesture. Twilight and Rainbow walked over to the group and smiled.

"Nice job, Tails." Twilight said kindly.

"Yeah, you were awesome!" Rainbow shouted happily.

Tails rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and chuckled nervously. Spike then spoke up, "So, what do we do now?"

Twilight faced her assistant and gave him a determined look, "Now, we get those Emeralds, and stop Robotnik."

Suddenly, the ceilings opened up and a horde of Badniks and Egg Pawns dropped down from the holes in the ceiling. They surrounded the heroes from every angle.

(Restart song)

They all got into a battle stance and glared at the horde of robots.

Twilight then stepped forward, "FOR EQUESTRIA!!!"

"FOR EQUESTRIA!!!" The rest of the heroes shouted in unison.

They then all charged forward and started attacking the robots. Twilight encased a group of Badniks and Egg Pawns in a shield bubble and crushed them with it, freeing the innocent animals trapped inside. Twilight then took to the air and blasted a horde of enemies with a blast from her horn, destroying them.

Rainbow and Applejack were working together, destroying every robot they saw. Applejack bucked one robot into the air, giving Rainbow the opportunity to swoop down and destroy it. Rainbow then charged at another robot and pushed it towards Applejack, letting her buck the robot to smithereens.

Pinkie protected Fluttershy by pulling her Party Cannon from out of nowhere and firing a massive cake at the horde of robots that approached the two mares. The cake got into their circuits and they malfunctioned and collapsed to the floor.

Rarity fired magical blasts from her horn at the robotic horde while Spike flew around and encasing the robots in green flames. Rarity then created a barrier and pushed it to a group of Badniks and Egg Pawns and crushed them against a wall. Spike then landed in front of Rarity and breathed green fire at the last of the robots that approached them, destroying them.

Tails fired shots at the robots from his arm cannon while Sonic ran around and dashed through the multiple robots. Sonic then ran to Tails, who took flight and disabled his arm cannon. He took Sonic's hands and they began to spin around, forming a double Spin Dash. They then landed and mowed through the horde of robots that approached them. They untucked and high fived each other.

Sonic then noticed a door slide open, revealing a hallway.

"Alright, EggHead. You obviously want me to go in there, and knowing you, you have a trap set up just for me. Well, game on, Eggman." Sonic said as he dashed down the hallway.

Twilight noticed this and her eyes widened, "SONIC, WAIT!!!"

She then flew after him and went down the hallway. The others tried to follow but a swarm of robots fell from the ceiling and blocked their path. They got into a battle stance and took on the robots. For now, Sonic and Twilight were on their own.

(End song)

Sonic reached the end of the hallway and arrived in a room with a giant glass cylinder in the centre. Inside were the Chaos Emeralds, encased in red electricity.

"What the?" Sonic asked.

Twilight then reached the room and landed next to Sonic.

She scolded him, "What were you thinking? Going after Robotnik alone? Are you crazy?"

"He's not crazy, but he is really annoying!!!"

They looked up and saw Eggman float down in his Egg Mobile with an evil smile plastered on his face.

"Welcome to Phase 2!!!" Eggman shouted.

Sonic furrowed his brow and glared at his nemesis, "What are you doing with the Emeralds, EggHead?"

"Oh, you know, nothing much. Except overcharging them to power up the very thing that will destroy you all!!!" Eggman shouted as he clenched his fist.

"And what exactly are you charging, Robotnik?" Twilight asked angrily.

"I'm glad you asked. Behold, THE WORLD ROBOTICIZER!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Eggman laughed as Sonic and Twilight's eyes widened in shock and fear.


Sonic growled in anger, "That's low, even for you."

"Heh heh. This all turned out perfectly. With you all distracted by my factories, I had enough time to prepare my greatest creation to date!"

"Wait, so those factories.... were only made to distract us?!!!" Twilight asked in fury.

"Precisely. Why else would I only conquer 5% of the planet when I have the means to conquer it all?! As we speak, my satellites have already spread across the outer reaches of the planet. As soon as my World Roboticizer is fully charged, the satellites will link with the generator you see here. Once that happens, BOOM!!! The end. Your pathetic lives will be over and the entirety of this dimension will be under my rule. Think of it, The Crystal Empire, The Dragon Kingdom, EVERYWHERE!!!" Eggman shouted in victory.

The two heroes stood there, one of them glaring at the mad doctor while the other was shaking in fear.

Eggman smiled and continued, "Although, The Crystal Empire might not survive the Robotization process. The crystals that kingdom is made of doesn't mix well with my Roboticizer. Ah well, at least I'll have a blank canvas to build over."


"You know what they say, 'You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.' OH HO HO HO HO HO HO HO!!!"

"The only egg that's gonna be broken is you, Egg Face!!!" Sonic shouted in anger.

"Heh heh. Don't count on it, hedgehog. Now, I'd love to stay and see you fail, but I have other business to attend to. So long suckers!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Eggman laughed as he flew out of the room.

The two heroes looked back at the generator and saw even more red electricity surround the Emeralds. Suddenly, the others caught up and entered the generator room and saw the Emeralds.

"All right!!! You found the Emeralds!!! This is great!!!" Rainbow shouted happily.

"NO, IT'S NOT GREAT!!!" Twilight shouted.

"Why?" Pinkie asked.

Sonic sighed, "Eggman's using the Emeralds to charge up this generator to Roboticize the entire planet."

Everyone gasped at this revelation. Spike then spoke up, "He can't do that, can he?"

Tails pulled out his Miles Electric and scanned the generator. Once the scan was complete, he delivered the bad news. "He can, at this moment, the Emeralds are being overcharged. Once they have been completely overcharged, this generator will emit a pulse around the planet that will activate satellites scattered around the planet. If we don't stop the Emeralds in time..."

"We lose." Sonic finished.

"Is there anyway to stop it?!" Rarity asked hysterically.

Tails shook his head, "Not that I know of. The Emeralds are too unstable to touch, if we do, we would be disintegrated instantly. Eggman has thought this through. I don't know if we can stop it."

"THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING WE CAN DO!!!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"WHAT CAN WE DO, RAINBOW?!" Applejack shouted in anger.

"SOMETHING!!! ANYTHING!!!" Rainbow replied.

As the two mares shouted at each other, Sonic closed his eyes in despair. He thought to himself, was there truly nothing he could do? He then opened his eyes as he thought of something, but it would be something he couldn't come back from.

"Tails, get everyone out of here. I'm gonna stop that generator." Sonic ordered.

"How?" Tails asked.

"I'm gonna create my own pulse to counteract that one." Sonic said as he pointed to the generator.

Tails eyes widened as tears threatened the bridge of his eyes, "NO!!!" He then rushed over and hugged Sonic while sobbing into his chest.

"Tails? What's wrong?" Fluttershy asked, worried about the answer.

Tails sniffed and turned to the ponies and Spike, "Sonic is gonna build up *sniff* the energy he creates when he runs, *sniff* and use it to shut down the generator."

"Why is that bad?" Rainbow asked.

Tails was about to answer, but Sonic beat him to it, "Because if I do this, I'll die."

The ponies eyes widened as tears threatened their eyes as well. They all then rushed over and tackled them both into a group hug.

"NO!!! SONIC, DON'T DO THIS!!!" Pinkie cried.

"THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY!!! THERE HAS TO BE!!!" Twilight cried as well.

Sonic sighed and embraced them, "Hey, it'll be okay. My race has to end sometime."


"He won't." Rainbow said.

Everyone looked at her in confusion, "I'll be doing this with him." Rainbow said.

"But Rainbow, you're not as fast as Sonic. To do this, you'd have to be flying faster than you were when you performed the Sonic Rainboom." Twilight said.

"I have to try. I won't let my friend die!" Rainbow said.

"Dash, I'm not asking you to do this." Sonic said.

"And I'm not asking permission! I never leave my friends hanging." Rainbow replied.

"You know what? This could work, with their combined speed, they could create enough energy to counter the pulse with their own without any casualties." Tails said.

"Exactly. Now get outta here. We have a world to save." Rainbow said.

The group embraced them once more. They let go and Twilight walked to them, "Thank you, and be careful."

The two nodded in response. The group looked back one last time before leaving the room.

Sonic and Rainbow stood in front of the generator before looking at one another, "You ready for this, Dash?" Sonic asked.

Rainbow sighed and looked at her friend, "Let's save the planet."

Sonic chuckled at that, "Alright then. Gotta go fast!"

Sonic and Rainbow then began running/flying around the generator at high speeds. Although Rainbow was struggling to keep up, she thought about what would happen if they lost, all the lives that would suffer under Eggman's rule. She couldn't fail, she wouldn't fail. So she pushed herself and surprisingly caught up with Sonic.

As the two circled the generator, blue and cyan electricity began to surround the generator. The blue and cyan electricity colliding with the red electricity. Sonic and Rainbow continued to push forward, going faster and faster to save Equestria.

"KEEP MOVING!!!" Sonic shouted.

"WASN'T PLANNING ON STOPPING!!!" Rainbow shouted back.

Suddenly, the entire generator was surrounded by blue and cyan electricity. They were doing it, they were going to save everyone.

The two speedsters then screamed as they made one final push to stop the generator. Blue and cyan electricity shot around the room until eventually, the red electricity was overcome by the blue and cyan electricity.

Then, a large amount of electricity was absorbed by the generator directly from the two speedsters. Out of nowhere, there was a massive shockwave that sent the two speedsters across the room. The blue shockwave exited the Death Egg Mark II and made its way to the satellites. Once the satellites absorbed the blue pulse, they malfunctioned and exploded, ending Eggman's scheme.

Back in the Death Egg, Sonic and Rainbow Dash groaned as they struggled to get up. They did it, they stopped the World Roboticizer.

"Ugh, my everything hurts." Rainbow groaned.

"I feel like I've been rammed by a giant truck trying to escape a city." Sonic groaned in pain.

They both struggled to get up, due to the immense pain they were in. Once they got up, they finally realised that they had did it. They stopped the World Roboticizer.

Sonic smiled and jumped in the air, "WOO HOO!!! WE DID IT!!! Eggman's plan is officially butt kicked, we won!!!"

"AW, YEAH!!! WHO'S AWESOME? WE'RE AWESOME!!!" Rainbow Dash shouted in victory.

They went for a fist/hoof bump, but out of nowhere, a giant red metallic hand crashed through the wall and grabbed Sonic.

Sonic groaned in annoyance, "AW COME ON!!!"

Sonic was then pulled out of the Death Egg.

"SONIC!!!" Rainbow shouted before she to, was grabbed by a giant metallic hand.

"SERIOUSLY?!!!" She groaned before being pulled out of the battlestation.

The hands pulled the two speedsters down towards Canterlot and threw them both to the ground. They rolled and tumbled to a stop, they looked up and saw the hands reconnect to the robot that had shoved them to the ground.

The Egg Robo Supreme.

The glass in the mechs head slid up and revealed none other than Dr. Eggman.

(Play from 0:10 to end)

"Don't think you're getting away that easily, hedgehog!!! You may have destroyed my World Roboticizer, but I'll still crush you and your annoying little friends in the palm of my giant, metallic, hands." Eggman said coldly.

Sonic and Rainbow Dash stood up and dusted themselves off.

Sonic then pointed at Eggman, "You don't know when to quit, do you, EggHead? You wanna dance?"

Rainbow then flapped her wings and hovered above the ground, "Then let's dance!!!"

Sonic and Rainbow looked at each other and smirked.

"Let's get 'em." Sonic said before the two dashed off to face Eggman.

Author's Note:

So, Phase 2 was to Roboticize the entire world.

But the heroes stopped Eggman's plan, or so they thought, as Eggman returned in the Egg Robo Supreme.

Find out what happens next chapter.

Stay tuned.