• Member Since 26th Sep, 2020
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Kama and Hallie

I'm Kama and this is my MLP fangirl friend, Hallie. I only created this account for her.


After Twilight becomes the new ruler of Equestria, God sends Archangel Michael to guide her along her ways until she follows the right path. But when his archenemy, Satan keeps showing up to disturb him on his duties, he wishes for a way to destroy his enemy.

Angels, having no free will, cannot do something unless their Creator specifically tells them to do so. But Michael is determined to find a way, and Twilight may be the key.

(As you can tell from the cover art, the angels and demons here will not look like the traditional depictions, they will look more akin to the 'biblically accurate angels' art you see online.)

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 44 )

Worth mentioning that the whole point of the biblically accurate angel art is that it's taken from the Vision of Ezekiel instead of art trends that were intended to be metaphorical.

Looking at the creature almost made Twilight scream her lungs out and run away, yet she didn't do either of them. After a while, she was able to feel her hooves again and got back up, never taking her eyes off the giant winged creature.


it would be mind-blowing if Celestia secretly an Angel and freak Twilight out derpicdn.net/img/2020/11/19/2491758/large.png

Oh, Ezekiel! He was the guy who wrote about whores lusting after horse dick and donkey semen. Or was it the other way around? In either case, it is appropriate that he make an appearance on this site.

"Hi, Mikha'El. The Lord has requested your presence, says He has a special task for you." Gabriel said, pointing one of his six hundred wings toward where he's supposed to go.

>six-hundred wings
>that moment when you realize that M.A. Larson is God

ive never read the bible, nor am i the religious type, but the way you portray satan seems pretty cool. not just some pure-evil murderkilldeath goat person, but a warped angel with an actual personality (judging from the way he talks to mikha'el, at least. dude seems pretty sassy lol). i like what youve done here, op, its neat.

What would that make Lauren Faust?

Maybe she would be Ba'al Zebûl--the original god of Canaan who diasappeared under mysterious circumstances genocide? Maybe she would be Ahura Mazda--inspired all of the good ideas that made it into Abrahamic mythology before being relegated to a cult following while his successor(s) take(s) over the whole monotheistic (sort of) narrative?

"It's Mikha 'El. And I'm an angel, so yes, I always know what you're thinking and saying." Meekha El answered, which caused the ponies to become nervous. "So, shall we get started already?"

Well, if they can accept Luna's abominable Freddy Kreuger dream powers, it will not be too much of a stretch to accept the giant, glowing ball of eyes and wings' invasive mind-reading ability.

By the way, I see what you did there with the spelling of his name.

How you spell it properly in the quote and then spell it as the tiny horses hear it in the narrative text. It is a subtle kind of "fourth wall" joke that is part of the running gag.

Oh, yeah. I liked the idea of the ponies hearing his name and pronouncing it wrong so often it becomes its own thing, like how we change the name from Mikha'El to Michael.

I wonder if Satan will start calling him "Mikey" while in the presence of the horse women until they pick it up. Of course, then Mikha'El could turn it around by calling Satan "Sammy."

That's actually a really good idea, I'll consider using it for future chapters.

"Who the hay was that guy talking about? Satan, was it? What's dangerous about 'im?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

She is so gonna regret saying this. :pinkiecrazy:


Ezekiel was a prophet and not an angel.

Just in case you were wondering.

In the show "Lucifer", yeah. But Canaan was a land on what is now modern-day Israel.

Crime-Solving Devil~
It makes sense~
Don't overthink it~

actually believed this world is a near-perfect place to live, and it seemed like they did everything in their power to hide the darker aspects and history of the world to make it seem as overly bright, colorful, and innocent as they could. Sure, he knew those dark aspects were there, but they didn't stand out as much as he wanted.

yea, I bet that Equestria hides a lot of things. After all, not everypony know about "reformed villains" crimes
I wonder did they hide the fact that Discord release the Legion of Doom in the first place. Lucy can use that for further blackmail

I wasn't. I read the book. Some of the prophets were goofier than others, and Ezekiel was straight trippin'.

Just look at the angels he described.

What, no Christmas special? It would have been fun to have Hay Sous (because horse puns) show up and multiply some loaves of bread for Pinkie, discuss the role of tunics in Eastern Mediterranean fashion with Rarity, bequeath Fluttershy the Earth, perform aquabatic stunts to impress Rainbow Dash, turn Applejack's cider into wine, and build Twilight a throne made out of nice, comfortable wood rather than hard, butt-bruising crystal.

I didn't think a crossover with the Bible would be fun. I dunno how to feel about this since the Bible isn't supposed to be fun in my experience.

I've always found studying the Bible, Qur'an, and other religions to be fun. But then again that's just me.

Oh the whole crouching like a Lion is a nice reference to that verse in 1st Peter.

And the sitting on the railing thing was kind of a reference to the movie "The Prophecy".

It may be counter-intuitive to modern readers, but the Bible is best enjoyed by a reader who puts a bit of intellectual distance between himself and the books. It is not trying to be a document of historical record; such a notion would have been nonsensical at the times of their writing. It is trying to communiccate ideals, which is what agrarian storytelling was all about. The Bible is at heart a collection of myths like the Icelandic eddas, and like the eddas it is a whole lot of fun when you don't treat reading it like a religious experience. It features things like a giant fish eating a guy whole, the classic demi-god myth where a god bangs a human woman to produce a hero, transmutation, giants walking the earth, and cities being destroyed by divine magic. A whole book of the Bible is porn. You are supposed to have fun with it. There is a reason why pre-industrial Christian holidays were always parties.

Lel, Satan is a red and black OC.

Must be nice to read religious texts from a different lens. I can't even touch other religious texts without feeling creeped out and I'm normally an open-minded person.

They claimed that some of the Royal Guards had attacked and burnt down their kingdoms, leaving them in ruin and practically leaving them homeless, which Twilight just simply couldn't believe.

That rumor would be easily quashed by inviting the accusers to watch the Royal Guards practice. It would quickly become clear that they are far too incompetent to have done anything of the sort.

"A-are you...me?" Twilight asked her more heavenly-looking clone.

"I'm Bad Twilight. And you're Good Twilight. You're goody little two-shoes!"

Satan tricked Mikha'el into correcting him for the 666,420,069th time for people who didn't get why Mikh'el called Satan a degenerate

On the contrary, Angels do in fact have free will. But as they are spirits, and their intellects are far more powerful than ours, and they do not exist in the moment to moment existence of time, they either choose the good or evil once and for all. If the good God assigned Michael to protect Twilight, He could do whatever good is necessary to fulfill that role.

The theological conception of "free will" was imagined up long after Moses and Zeke wrote their angel characters, so to say that they did or did not have it is inherently a post facto addition to the mythology. There can be no definitive canonical answer.

Besides, "free will" is just a flimsy philosophical construct whose sole purpose is a, frankly failed, attempt to get around both the misnamed Epicurean Paradox and John Calvin's determinism at the same time. It's a story about angels in Tiny Horse Land. It doesn't have to make sense.

Firstly, yes, it was the other way around (Ezekiel 23:20).
Secondly, a lot of people pretend that the Bible is good old unregulated Capitalism and family values, but if you look at what it actually says, it it is way different.
Jesus is portrayed as an outright communist who basically flatly says that wealthy people will go to Hell (leaving aside whether the Biblical conception of Hell is the same as the modern Dantean conception), wives accused of adultery are forced to abort their pregnancies (Numbers 5:11-31; a charitable reading is as a piece of Solomonic theatre), genocide is treated as doing God's work (the entire Book of Joshua is about the ethnic cleansing of Canaan), and there are numerous sexually-descriptive passages like the one from Ezekiel.

I know; I read the thing. Keep it light and relevant to the story. If I went a bit too far into theology with my point about "free will," I had not meant to do more than to say that the author's use of the concept cannot be called into question on the basis of canon.

"I am one of the closest beings to the Almighty! if something like that existed, I would have known already. And for the 666,420,068th time: It's Mikha'El!" Michael scolded.

"Whatever you say, Michael." Satan replied monotonously, but with a slight smirk.

"IT'S MIKHA'EL!" Michael yelled.

"Yes! Haha, I did it! I can't believe you fell for that, hahaha!" Satan laughed hysterically.

"What are you...oh, you degenerate!" Michael's anger grew even more.

..... I see what you did there.

Ok, IDK if it's because I'm a Christian that understand some of these jokes, or if it's the writing in general, but I find this hilarious.


Theoretically correct, but I still think Michael is taking the wrong choices, since it looks like he doesn't understand how Free Will works with God's creations, and how their choices are what determines if we get to be with God or not.

Basically, nothing of what Satan has done is unstoppable by Twilight (even if Satan only is doing it for fun) and Twilight can easily do it as long as Michael helps (taking away the negativity works although he can actually talk to her about how God acts) but he seems to not understands any of that.

As for the story itself, it's ok. Nothing offensive and it looks like its having fun, my only problems is with Michael's decisions but Character growth exist for that.

Second. Also, IIRC, its only the certain angels that look distinctly non-human, like well, Thrones and such. Plus angels CAN take on human form. But I agree, this do be funny

Oh, I just got that

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