• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday


No way of knowing, where we'll be going, our adventures never end.


Years have passed, and kids from ‘80s cartoons gather for a therapy session now that they’re all adults. Technically a crossover, but not in the normal sense. No knowledge of any of the below franchises is needed to enjoy this story, as each character gives a brief background of the events of their own series.

Character Tags: Megan Williams (My Little Pony), Spike Witwicky (Transformers), Penny (Inspector Gadget), Nicholas Cherrywood (The Care Bears Movie), Daisy Darrett (Pole Position), and finally Flim Flam (The 13 Ghosts Of Scooby Doo).

Our therapist is the long-suffering Dr. Jason Seaver (Growing Pains).

A crackfic comedy that’s about as subtle as a flaming airship crashing into a train wreck. Since it wouldn’t be a parody of ‘80s toons without a PSA or three: Remember kids, don’t do drugs. Seriously, or the Cartoon All-Stars might have to come to your Rescue. Also, wash your hands before eating or handling food. Finally, don’t forget to use your turn signals (believe it or not, they come standard on all vehicles made since approximately 1960, including Camaros and BMWs). We now return to your regularly scheduled fanfic, already in progress.

People are raving about this fic:

I’m not a psychiatrist, but I played one on TV. In my professional opinion you should seek therapy. -Alan Thicke

Are you still writing about little ponies? When are you going to meet a nice girl, settle down, and give me grandbabies? -Mom

I used to be a psychiatrist. After reading this, I am now seeing a psychiatrist. -Dr. Otto von Scratchansniff

What did I just read? -pre-reader who wishes to remain anonymous

What did I just write? -AlwaysDressesInStyle, who also wishes to remain anonymous

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

I was hoping for one of the ponies or the cousins to just barge into the office and really shake up Doctor Seaver's world view.

Spike and Megan believed each other (they are both from Hasbro)
Daisy, Penny, and Nicolas all believed each other (they are from DIC)
Flim Flam might have gotten Doctor Seaver to believe him (both their shows originally aired on ABC)

Kind of hard to tell if Jason is the insane one or all his patients are nuts.
If Jason is nuts he is in deep denial about the existence of Giant Robots in the world, cause yea the G1 Transformers where anything but subtle!
Flim Flam, well clearly he didn't do his job of finding Ghosts too well considering it took like 20 years the catch the 13th Ghost! Yes there is a Scooby Doo Direct to Video Movie where they FINALLY get the last one, apparently Ghost 13 decided to hide for a long time after the other 12 gotten defeated by a stoner with a physical education degree and his talking dog who may be part alien.
I'm not sure if Danny I breaking any laws dating a pony, if he's a pervert depends if they count as "People" or not.
Also pretty sure the Care Bears left enough children with Childhood Trauma to fill a whole therapy group, like that one kid who has no parents, birth certificate, or any evidence he didn't just materialize out of thin air says his named Dark Heart and he used to be a shape shifting demon. That kid is in mental institution because either A. He is Crazy or B. A former demon IS going to be maladjusted!
I do wonder did Mike Sever become like Kirk Cameron and became an obnoxious Born Again Christian nutter.

I was hoping that one of the kids from Dungeons and Dragons would dump Jason into the portal.

You have no idea how many people on the road think turn signals are optional.


I think they need a better therapist.

I feel like Doctor Seaver is a reference to something, but my aging mind isn't connecting any dots.

Right, Now the ending of this makes a lot more sense now.

I ned to rewatch that show again. That and Brotherly Love.

How does a parody crackfic wind up making so very much sense?

This entire story feels like it's just begging to be expanded upon with additional chapters.

Well, that was both fun and slightly insane. :D


I might just do that. I have an idea for a sequel that could work. If I do it, our poor therapist may need therapy of his own. :scootangel:

Megan turned away in disgust.

Speaking as someone who knows Megan quite well, she would indeed respond like to Penny's actions. While Megan wouldn't be what you could call, prudish, she wouldn't approved of anyone using their looks like that.

It's also pretty wild to see these shows I watched as a kid in one place.

I have been nearly hit by many of those people, and those not paying attention, or are using their cell phone while driving. So yeah, it's pretty freaking common.

Nicholas Cherrywood - SO CLOSE to Darkheart!

Comment posted by Shadowblade019 deleted February 25th
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