• Member Since 31st Oct, 2016
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I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.


This story is a sequel to Power Rangers: Legendary Guardians

Ten years ago, the Guardian Rangers fought to protect the legendary Guardian Elements from the many evils that coveted them. After that, peace came to their world and the rangers were able to move on with their lives. Until now.

A new evil has appeared and plans to destroy everything the Rangers have worked so hard to build and protect. In order to stop them, the Rangers must stand together. But that might prove impossible, with one of their own having joined the evil they now fight against.

Prepare yourself, for the ultimate battle between good and evil.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 31 )

The place was one of the greenest cities in the city, doing away with every form of fossil fuel to be replaced by the many natural forms of energy production. Wind, hydroelectric, and many more were used to power the city.

Unless there is a nuclear powerplant dedicated to Canterlot City... this is highly improbable, a Windfarm takes up to 300 times the area that a Nuclear power plant does to provide the same amount of power and there is no river wide enough, deep enough or fast enough for a dam, and that doesn't address the ecological damage caused to contrast either. Also, Windmills require not only certain rare earth metals for the blades, but the battery storage technology requires elements that don't exist. Now a Cold Fusion plant, that might make sense because we're expecting to have a Fusion nuclear power plant that at least produces net-zero energy by 2030.
Yeah, you're not off to a good start, Banshee.

The 'criminal miscreant' turned out to be a boy of around sixteen years old. He had red skin and yellow hair with orange tips, who was wearing an orange hoodie with blue jeans and red shoes. On his hands were a pair of red fingerless gloves that showed his yellow fingers whilst his face was littered with freckles.


While it is your call to continue a story or not, sometimes it is just better to leave another wise completed story alone.

Wow, the future for the Rangers did not turn out as bright as I had hoped it would. Clearly a lot has happened in the last 10 years we are going to need to get caught up on, including how the Elements are back and who this Mirage guy is.

I'm also shocked Micro Chips would turn on the rest of the team. I bet Rarity would be extremely disappointed in him. I hope everyone else is at least doing okay. Cool that we got to see Fire Heart though, and from the sounds of it we will see his sister Shining Soul eventually too.

This was a fun start and I'm excited to see more.

The place was one of the greenest cities in the city, doing away with every form of fossil fuel to be replaced by the many natural forms of energy production.

"greenest cities in the city" probably wasn't what you had meant, you probably were going for either country or world.

The people on the street screamed as parts of the pavement and the stores blew up when they were hit by the lasers, whilst the boy ran passed them followed by the robots. "Stupid kid," a man said whilst watching the continuing carnage. "Don't make the Peacekeepers destroy our things!" The other people nodded, appearing completely forgiving to the robots that had caused the destruction they blamed on the boy.

I heard of overmilitarized police forces, but this is just ridiculous. :rainbowlaugh:

"Your very existence invites disaster," the man told him. "Our perfect future can be undone by you and those like you." He took out a pistol and pointed it at the teen, "that's why you need to be dealt with."

I give it a B- for ominous villain dialog. Maybe an evening course to raise his threatening level a bit.

"You're no partner of mine," he growled back. "You're nothing but a criminal. You and the rest of your Ranger team." Flash frowned at this, but the woman turned to him.

Ah, gotcha. We're doing Go-Onger Ten Years GP. Gotcha. I like that movie.

"You!" Shock pulled out another gun and pointed it at Sweetie, only for something to hit his hand so hard it made him flinch and drop the weapon. "Gyah!" He looked down at what had hit him, seeing it was a seed. "What?"

Ok, that's hilarious. If I were him, I'd try to forget this day ever happened.

the man flicking a handful of seeds at them that went into the gun barrels and caused the machines to start going haywire.

Ah, yes, clearly the cost-cutting measures on the weapon production were a mistake. It's a shame, really, not even villains are free from cutting corners these days.

"The plants needed some proper love and care before I left them,"

Why not wait a bit longer and use the dead bodies of your friends as fertilizer. Priorities man!

"they got away. Lock onto their energy signatures and send...them."

Them? A bit cliche, but you are slowly working your way up to a B.

The four Rangers cried out as they began to glow, then vaporised into light partials that disappeared into the air.

Oh, we're adding Gokaiger 10 Years after to this as well. Well, both movies have the same basic plot in the end, so, combining them is not too far-fetched.

"It's...complicated." He turned to the others, "how'd they find us so quickly. I don't think Shock saw where we went."

I'm sure it is, but a simple "Those weren't the real ones" would probably make him less worried. And maybe stop the kid from doing anything stupid in the future because he doesn't trust you.

"Wish I could say the same for you. Working for the guys that did this to us." Micro pulled away, covering up the emblem. "Why Micro. Why are you on the same side as the guy that turned the world against us."

Ah, Micro is playing the part of Saki. Through far more obvious that he is clearly on their side, given he just told them how they were tracked.

All in all, pretty alright, though, it makes me kinda worried how close it stays to Go-Ongers 10 Year After, and not just the bigger plot beats, but also some scenes playing out very similar to the original. Hope that changes as we get deeper into this. But for now, looking forward to the next chapter.

Considering this is a knockoff of this, shouldn't you have waited a bit longer? On top of the problems, others have pointed out.

11143194 I wasn't gonna wait another five years to release something like this.

This is based on that Super Sentia movie, the one that Power Rangers: RPM is based off of.

And I didn't know you were making a Bakugan fanfic! Bakugan is one of my favorites!

Don't you think it is a little rude to call this a "knock-off". It can be called a "reference" or an "affectionate parody", but calling it a "knock-off" sounds like an insult.

Comment posted by Layton13 deleted Feb 6th, 2022

I'm already loving this but is this what you meant when you said back at Defender of the peace s7? that you had something else planned?

Okay, so five of the ten Rangers are now part of some underground resistance movement against a corrupt corporation that somehow made the world forget that they saved the world? :twilightoops: Gee, that's not ominous at all. :ajbemused:

Well, this explains a few things like why the Rangers are wanted criminals. Mirage's powers seem interesting. He has rewritten everyone's memories of the Rangers, but just inside the town. It almost reminds me of the Reality Stone's powers. One thing is for sure though, I will never forgive him for ruining the Ranger's lives like this.

It was cute seeing a glimpse of the Ranger's home lives, and how several of them married their high school sweethearts and now have kids. But at the same time it is still sad because they are separated from them and can't go home. The only exception is Rarity still has Micro since he isn't with the others, which is another good and bad thing.

It looks like Twilight was on the verge of remembering the past for a moment. I hope she does so she can help her husband. It was cute how Drago became part of Flash's family full-time and helped them raise their daughter. I do wonder though, how is Springer doing. We saw Spike during the flashback but not Springer.

Either way, I'm excited to see more.

Question about Flash and Twilight's daughter's name, did you borrow it from the name I wanted to give their kid, or is this a case of great minds thinking alike? :applejackunsure:

Okay, so, the others are still alive, and they're totally not working for the bad guy. That's good. What's he going to do with his prisoners in the meantime? Please don't say he's going to be using them as bargaining chips. :fluttershyouch:

11150676 When I first started as a fanfic writer, I always intended the name of a FlashLight daughter to be Starburst like in the fandom. But then that became the Starlight Sunburst ship. But I liked the Star part of the name to much, so I made it Stardust. Though I wish I could come up with a second name that goes with it.

Well, when I named my FlashLight kid, I based her second name after the name I gave Flash's mother.

Wow, this keeps getting more and more intense. Now we know Mirage's true identity and reason for his powers. I really hope the Rangers will be okay. But even if they make it out of this they still need to save their friends, in addition to Soul. I really hope that Drago and Starswirl are still alive too, so hopefully they can be saved too.

I wonder what Micro is planning though? Looks like he isn't a true traitor after all. The real traitor is Flash's partner Shock Trooper.

"Not long after he took over the town, Mirage released a special chip that could be installed into any phone or tablet."

"Yeah," Heart nodded. "He said it would give us free calls, free internet and it was available to everyone. Didn't even charge us for...it." He sighed, "it was an evil scheme wasn't it?"

Sounds like Mirage is a fan of Kingsman: The Secret Service.

Please tell me they ended up in Equestria and that Twilight and the rest of the Elements of Harmony are still alive and able to help them. :fluttershyouch:

Well this was interesting. Nice to see the Rangers finally reunited with Starswirl and Drago, and we learned what happened three months ago. I knew the two of them couldn’t have been dead, but nice that now the others know for themselves too.

I have to admit, Micro's plan to free Rarity and have her pretend to be brainwashed so she could upload a malware unnoticed was pure genius. Now, not only can he work on saving the rest of his friends, maybe he can also use this on the rest of the Mane 6 and Cadance to remind them of everything too and get some extra help.

I gotta say though, Shock's reason for turning on Flash is absolutely disgusting. Doing all this to try to steal Twilight from Flash, and have Mirage use his powers to make Twilight fall in love with him. This guy is going to deserve whatever fate he gets by the end of this.

Mirage nodded. "Didn't you only meet her because of Sentry. You said you met at the policemen's ball."

"That might have been true, but I know we would have met even without knowing him. It was destiny and now that he's out of the way, we can be together forever."

WHAT?! I'm sorry, but WHATTT??!!!! That's what the whole betrayal was about? You wanted to steal another man's wife and child? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!

Flash didn't deserve her....He was so famous he could have had any woman he wanted, but he chose the one woman I fell in love with."

Oh, oh, and you do? You think you deserve her more because your life isn't as seemingly charmed as Flash's is? That is not love; that is entitlement. It never once crossed your mind that she was actually happy with the life she was sharing with Flash? Not once? You don't even care that you just broke her heart! If you really did love her, you'd feel terrible about that, but no! Her sadness and loss is just a small side effect for you to wait out and for her to get over. You make me sick!

Hopefully, Micro working against Mirage from the inside gives the other Rangers the leg up they need. Gosh, the sooner the Rangers beat this guy and get their lives back, the better.

Wow, the Rangers are almost completely back together! At first I thought Heart was being reckless running off on his own like that, but it turns out taking a risk like that paid off in a big way! It feels like the final battle might be just around the corner, maybe in a chapter or two.

What Mirage did to Micro here was really scary though. The way Mirage anticipated Micro's and Rarity's deception and thought ahead to counter it. You don't see many villains being that prepared these days. I wonder how they can save Micro now? Having their friends back will probably help, but if only they could free Twilight and the others like Micro did with Rarity, then maybe they could figure something out.

"And yet you're willing to throw it all away in order to play hero. Don't you care that Twilight..." He turned to the other Rangers, "that all your families are suffering because you're going against Mirage."

You shut the Hell up Shock! You have no right to say Flash doesn't care about Twilight when you betrayed him just to try to steal her and their daughter from him!

"No love," Flash pointed out. "No joy, excitement or any of the other emotions that give life meaning."

Wait, but that means that...? I WAS RIGHT!!! Shock didn't really love Twilight! He only wanted to possess her. Even if he actually did love her before, there's no way he's able to love her now, and Twilight is going to be stuck being in love with a man who doesn't love her back. :ajbemused: I hope the Auxillaries can take care of Mirage and Shock, at least long enough for Flash and the others to get their Elements back and hopefully save Micro.

11178465 Why have you linked a jacked sale page to this.

Wow, that was a lot of fun. All ten Rangers back together and fighting evil just like the good old days! Even the Zords got in on the action and let the Rangers bust out some brand new moves. Plus the reveal that Flash saved Fire Heart years ago during his Ranger days and actually remembers the encounter was a pretty touching moment.

I thought Micro was brilliant earlier in the story, but he outdid himself here, with him revealing he knew Mirage would reverse the Magi-Charger regardless of what Micro said, so he reversed it himself first and Mirage just set it back to normal. Shock said Mirage might have always thought ahead, but Micro was thinking two or three steps ahead the whole time.

Now victory once again belongs to the Rangers, and they can finally go home. I know a few of them are going to be overjoyed to reunite with their wives and kids (or future kids). I do wonder if we will get confirmation if Dusk and Luna are a couple though? They seemed to have some ship tease between them previously, but nothing has been said of them being together here so far.

Back at her house, Twilight smiled watching her husband do this. That Zord held her power, whilst Drago held Flash's. This attack, was a fusion of them and showed why they were and always would be the perfect team.

Even when they are apart they are still fighting together.

Shock Trooper watched it coming and stood strong. If he was to die, he was gonna die with dignity.

Ha! It's funny he thinks he has any dignity.

Probably just a bot or spammer. I bet it won't be long before it goes away.

AAAAAAAAH! I am SO ready for a touching reunion with their families next week. :twilightsmile:

Me too. It is going to be so heartwarming.

That was fun. With the battle over, the Rangers and their friends can return to their normal lives and be reunited with their families. It was fun seeing how their futures turned out with this story, and it looks like it is only going to get better for them.

Woohoo!!! That was awesome! I'm so glad that they're back together with their families.

Amazing! I like how Flash was talking bed talk to Twilight when she said she wanted another kid. But I'm most excited for is the Bakugan fanfic you have planned.

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