• Member Since 24th May, 2019
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An author slowly going mad from the tale that has taken over their life. News at 11. Now Accepting Tips in my Tip Jar!


Hearth's Warming. A time to celebrate love. Family. Friendship. To come together and reaffirm bonds.

But for the mare at the top, an immortal whose only living family has been sealed within the moon for over nine and a half centuries, who commands too much awe and respect to have many, if any, true friends...its long been a reminder of what she's lost.

This year though, things have changed. A bright eyed little filly, an excuse to avoid the overdone public productions, and Princess Celestia finds herself with a holiday whose events bring her joy, a joy she would dearly love to share with her sister.

Unable to talk to her directly, Celestia falls back on something she's good at:

Writing a letter.

A Holiday Sidestory in the same universe as my main story, Cross the Rubicon...and all my stories, really, this is a Christmas gift for my readers who are a bunch of amazing people!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

This was so damn adorable especially little baby sunset oooooo I let out little squees and days days her the whole story. I am an absolute sucker for momlestia and this is one of my favorites now. Great job happy holidays

This makes their fallout all the more painful knowing she loved Sunset so much. We really do hurt the ones we love the most. This was beautiful.

Happy Holidays.

You're trying to kill us with cute, aren't you? Not that it's a bad way to go.

Wow, Celestia went through a lot of pain. 🥺 it must have hurt her so much when she was trying to reunite her family only to lose Sunset in the future. I can imagine her writing to an older Sunset during her earlier times in the human world like the same way she did to Luna and tell Sunset all about her aunt who has returned. A sequel maybe?

Okay THAT was adorable still if Celestia was such a doting mother why didn’t she officially adopt Sunset as her daughter
Anyway happy holidays

Glad you enjoyed. I appreciate a decent Momlestia story with Sunset, and getting a chance to touch on the backstory has been fun. (I do have plans for more sidestory things involving Sunset’s past and her relationship with Celestia, so be on the lookout for that in the future.

Makes you wonder about it, doesnt it?

I had to balance out which of your feelings I was punching over the course of it. ;) spamming the “D’aaaawwww’ button is a good way to do that.

There are plans in the works for two sidestories that cover both Sunset’s past, and Celestia’s family drama.

Those questions and many more will be answered in time. Promise! I can only write so fast unfortunately, and I’ve already outpaced most professional authors with about 600k words in two years. I assure you though that we have it all mapped out. :)

Such a cute story!

Follow up comment
Writing Desk

Glad you liked it!

I make no bones about the fact that The Last Unicorn is my favorite movie of all time, and having Raven's predecessor be named "Writing Desk" was a funny thing. (Not to mention, I've always enjoyed stuff written by Poe, sooo...layers to the joke there.)

D'aww! I just love Momlestia stories, especially with Sunset!
Oof, Celestia just wants a her family together, and just when Luna's return is so close, Sunset runs off.
Just as another commenter suggested, I wouldn't doubt Celestia would do the same for Sunset, except use the journal instead (and of course, Sunset, being old Sunset, would ignore it).
Celestia, Luna and Sunset definitely need a proper reunion when there's not a magic crisis about.

Everytime I read this, I get hit right in the feels.

Filly Sunset is weaponized adorableness. :yay:

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