• Published 13th Jun 2022
  • 6,316 Views, 149 Comments

A Storm of Emotions - MelodyMori

Summer Storm, a once human turned thestral filly, must now find her way in Equestria and her second life as Luna's adoptive daughter.

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Legends. Stories scattered through time. Ponykind has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains, forgetting so easily that we are byproducts of a forgotten past. Although I must admit, I am as much at fault for that lack of history as you.

Ponykind was strong, wise, and resourceful, but she was born into an unforgiving world. The Forces of Nightmares set their sights on ponies and all of her creations. These forces clashed, and it seemed the darkness was intent on returning ponies' brief existence to the void.

I swore I would always stand by you. I can’t believe I failed that promise, Storm.

Themis Yamamoto stood in front of the simple stone monument that designated her family’s grave plot. The burning incense cast a soothing aroma despite the morbid affair, one that was hopefully pleasing to her lost love. Perfectly carved into the front of the monument was the name of her murdered boyfriend: Noah ‘Storm’ Smith. Above that were her own parents, and above that was the name of her grandfather, and so on.

“I am sorry I couldn’t save you, Storm.” The young Japanese woman choked out, her fists clenched in frustration and grief. “I saw that woman pacing by the park but I didn’t do anything, I thought she was part of the Yakuza or something...”

Themis couldn’t help but brush a loose lock of her formerly green hair behind her ear. Once she would have almost religiously dyed it to the sea-green that she preferred, but with recent events she let her roots grow out. Who cared if she looked good? No compliment sounded good when it came from someone other than Storm...

“They made some progress with the investigation. Apparently, that pistol was American-made, but since the serial number was filed off they hit a dead end.” Themis sighed and shook her head, trying to restrain the frustration that bubbled up within her. “But I think we both know who is responsible. I swear on my ancestors that you will get the justice you deserve.”

However, even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change, and in time, ponies' passion, resourcefulness, and ingenuity led them to the tools that would help even the odds. This power was appropriately named "Harmony". Or, more accurately, was given to them by what was once a simple sapling.

Twilight let out a small groan as she fell onto the hard military cot she would have to call a bed for the next several weeks. After her failures the past month she had been voluntold to go for some actual combat training. And so she ended up at Guard Basic Training at Fort Hurricane to learn ‘true combat skills and discipline’, as her mentor so delicately explained.

The past few days were hell to Twilight’s soft librarian body, which wasn’t exactly built for fitness. Unfortunately, the paperwork part of her “week zero” ended far too quickly for her liking - after all, she knew how to fill out paperwork like it was nothing. Otherwise, she was stuck doing a bunch of physical exams and a fitness test, which she bombed like no other test before.

“You may be a Princess outside of my camp, but while you are here you are just another recruit.” the Drill Sargeant Aegis had told her after the failed physical fitness test, her voice filled with frustration and disappointment. “You will join the Fitness Training Company for additional training until you can pass the Physical Fitness Test. Do you understand, recruit?”

Twilight let out a small whimper at the memory and the burning in her muscles but refused to let the tears bubbling up to be released. She wouldn’t break down again. She was here to be stronger, and breaking down wouldn’t help. No matter how appealing letting the tears fall was.

With a sigh the ‘Princess of Friendship’ pulled her blanket up with her magic, tucking herself in. Sleep came quickly enough, a welcome respite for the alicorn’s battered body.

Their inner potential in hoof, ponies lit their way through the darkness, and in the shadow's absence came strength, civilization, and most importantly, life. But even the most brilliant lights eventually flicker and die. And when they are gone... darkness and chaos will return.

So you may prepare your guardians, build your monuments to a so-called "free world", but take heed... there will be no victory in strength. For just as you may raise up your so-called ‘heroes’, I can just as easily steal them for my own. After all, not everyone chooses the so-called ‘right path’ you claim to tread.

Nightshade carefully stepped through her house in her natural changeling form, her canter sounding off to an active listener. Instead of a melody of ‘clip-clop’, one heard ‘clip-clank-clip-clop’. The offending sound came from the metal prosthetic that replaced the lower half of her right foreleg, the fresh steel almost shining in the candlelight.

The changeling frowned slightly, her gait still slightly lopsided, still not completely used to the added weight that the prosthetic gave her leg. Not enough to be a major problem, but just enough to be annoying as all Tartarus. She let out a small sigh and took a seat on her bed, a piece of paper and quill floating in her magic.

Nightshade floated the quill into her mouth and quickly scribbled out a note on the paper before setting it down on the bedside table so the ink could dry. While she had the power to write with her horn she honestly preferred to write with her mouth, her quillmareship looked odd otherwise. Years of writing as a pegasus made for some hard habits to break too.

With her task done Nightshade finally relaxed into her soft cloud bed...well, pegasus-bed. As per tradition for a pegasus family, she would otherwise be seen as a kind of nest-like bed made of clouds. It was quite comfy after all, nothing made good bedding like a well-made cloud. As she started to settle in she was disturbed by a low grumbling from within her.

“No, no feeding from non-family,” Nightshade growled to her stomach. “Shush you.”

The changeling rolled over into her nest and forced herself to go to sleep, Luna willing it was a good night's sleep.

The ability to derive strength from hope is undoubtedly ponykind's greatest attribute... which is why I will focus all of my power to snuff it out like a meager candle. How does it feel? Knowing that all of your time and effort has been for nothing? That your warriors have failed you? That everything you've built will be torn down before your very eyes? Your dreams, your ambitions, rotten on the vine and burnt to ashes. Even the Spirits you have tricked into your service have fallen into my hooves by their own sheer ignorance.

Summer Storm hummed from where she lay on her mother’s back, enjoying the gentle rocking motion from Luna’s canter through Ponyville. That and the soft warmth that radiated from the alicorn, sinking into Storm’s fluffy coat and instinctively calming her. A few ponies walking through their early morning activities paused for a moment to bow to the Lunar Princess, but Luna mostly ignored them in favor of reaching their destination.

“Er, Mom, why are we in Ponyville again?” The thestral filly asked in her southern drawl, a strange combination to be sure. “Ah thought we were going ‘o Canterlot.”

“Don’t worry my little raincloud, it's a surprise.” Luna offered the filly a gentle smile before continuing through the slowly waking town.

Thankfully their destination didn’t take too long to find: Sugarcube Corner! Storm raised an eyebrow at the sight of the confectionary-shaped building, the early morning sun giving the decorations a faint sheen.

“Sugarcube Corner?” Storm tapped her chin with a hoof and tilted her head in confusion. “Isn’t it a bit early for cake?”

Luna let out a small giggle and shook her head. “Don’t let Tia hear that. But no, just close your eyes and you’ll see...”

Storm nodded and closed her eyes, her ears flicking up just in case. With her superior hearing, she could hear something moving inside the bakery, but the walls muffled it just enough that she couldn’t be sure. But she trusted her mom so relaxed, holding onto the alicorn’s back a little harder now that she couldn’t see.

The door to the bakery creaked open, allowing the scents of fresh-baked bread and other baked goods to smash full-force into Storm’s nose. The filly felt herself drool a bit and blushed before her world exploded into sound.

“SURPRISE!” A near-dozen ponies cried out, making Storm snap her eyes open with an ‘eep’.

Inside the bakery were eight very familiar ponies and one unknown unicorn. Rainbow Dash and AJ stood to one side, a happy smile on the former’s face while the latter looked incredibly excited. Fluttershy was quietly sitting to one side, while Rarity and the unknown light purple unicorn were next to each other, clearly having been talking before the two entered.

Pinkie Pie and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were standing in the middle of the room, throwing confetti into the air. Above them was a simple banner reading ‘Welcome to Ponyville Storm (again)’. The again was written in a much smaller hoofmade font to the side, but still.

“Wow, thank y’all. Ah...ah wasn’t expecting all this.” Storm grinned in excitement and jumped from her mother’s back, landing on her hooves with a small ‘oof’. She could see AJ raise an eyebrow slightly at her before rolling her eyes out of the corner of her vision.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders all zoomed over and looked Storm over, surprise clear on their filly features. Unfortunately, Storm had to look up slightly to look the three fillies in the eye, as she was apparently now a bit shorter than her three friends.

“Wow, Rarity wasn’t kidding when she said you’re a bat pony now!” Sweetie Belle squeaked out, her head tilted.

“Yeah, you have cool fangs now!” Scootaloo cheered before pointing at Storm’s mane. “AND YOU HAVE RAINBOW HAIR! LUCKY!”

Apple Bloom tilted her head before stepping a bit closer to Storm. “Yer also a bit shorter. And ya sound like an Apple.”

Storm let out a small nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof. “Yea, Ah had this accent before, not sure why Ah lost it while Ah was Flurry.”

“Now now Crusaders, don’t crowd the party filly.” The unknown unicorn stepped forward, easily approaching Storm, who had to crane her neck to properly see the adult. “It is nice to meet you, Summer Storm. My name is Starlight Glimmer.” She held out a hoof to Storm and offered a gentle smile.

Storm took the hoof and gave it as close to a firm shake as one could do with hooves. “Nice to meet ya, ma’am.”

Starlight blushed and waved a hoof dismissively. “Ma’am, now I feel old.” she let out a small giggle and rubbed the top of Storm’s head. “You’re a very polite filly, I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen somepony your age with such manners.”

“It will certainly make settling into Canterlot a lot easier.” Luna chuckled, making Storm blush a little at the compliment. “Unfortunately, the two of us must move to another conversation posthaste Storm. I have another surprise for you.”

“Er, okay.” Storm nodded and followed her mother to AJ and Rainbow, both of whom gave Storm their undivided attention.

“Hello again Storm, happy to see yer nice and healthy.” AJ smiled down at Storm, rubbing her head with a hoof.

“Nice to see ya too, ma’am.” Storm squeaked out before returning the smile, albeit a bit awkwardly since she was still trying to figure out how to smile with fangs.

Rainbow took a step around the thestral before chuckling. “Heh, I don’t think I’ve ever taught somepony with bat wings but shouldn’t be too hard.”

“Wait, ya still want to teach me how to fly?” Storm blinked in surprise. “Even tho’ Ah’m not a pegasus anymore?”

“Well, duh.” Rainbow shrugged. “I mean you’re going to be staying with me so I kind of have to, I live in a cloud house after all.”

Storm blinked, her mouth hanging open for a moment before she turned to her mom. “What?”

Luna rolled her eyes and chuckled. “I was leading up to it, Rainbow Dash.” She pulled Storm into a hug and nuzzled the top of the filly’s head. “You’re going to be staying in Ponyville with Applejack and Rainbow Dash for the summer, both to lay low while I lay the groundwork in Canterlot and so you can settle into Equestria instead of being thrown straight into noble politics.”

“A-Ah...okay...” Storm frowned a bit but nodded. Her ears did flick back though, betraying her discomfort.

“Don’t worry Storm, it's just for a summer.” Luna smiled down at her daughter before letting out a small giggle. “Besides, you have to be close if you want to make it to Cherilee’s Summer School on time.”

Storm blinked again, her brain whirring as the fact that she has to spend time in summer school sank into her brain. Once it clicked she let out a cry of despair from the depths of her soul. “NOOOOOO!”

Your faith in ponykind was not misplaced. When banded together, unified by a common enemy, they are a noticeable threat. But divide them, place doubt into their minds, and any semblance of power they once had will wash away. Of course, they won't realize it at first. Like you, they'll cling to their fleeting hope, their aspirations.

But this is merely the first move. So you send your protectors, your guardians. Your Elements of Harmony and Alicorns. And when they fail, know that you will have truly failed the ponies you have so fiercely tried to protect all these millennia. And I can't wait to watch you burn, Concordia.

Author's Note:

Behold! The beginning of the Sequel to Flurry of Problems - Storm of Emotions. Hopefully, this chapter didn't end up too complicated, having a narrator in the background of the different perspectives was something new that I will likely never do again.

Moving forward, I will likely have most of the character POV's in the first person, but I will note who's POV it is beforehand, don't worry.

Hope you all enjoyed, please let me feel free to share any comments or critiques either way. Thank you for reading!