• Published 9th May 2022
  • 1,810 Views, 99 Comments

Rimworld: Colony is Magic - Anotherrandom

Abducted by an unknown being, Twilight Sparkle is thrown into an unfamiliar world full of dangers. Will she be able to survive, make new friends and find a way home? And to what lengths will she have to go to ensure her safe return?

  • ...

Chapter Five: Surprise

Chapter Five: Surprise

The Golden Oaks library tree sat showered in the light red of a setting sun, silent and void of ponies, except its two usual residents.

Twilight Sparkle sat on her haunches, reading as she ought to do when finding time between sending friendship reports and saving the day from the catastrophe of the week.

She had trouble concentrating on the book's content, always slipping her. The tome held in her hooves basically unreadable. Coherent writing turning into scribbles.

“Spike! Could you bring me the reference book for those ancient equish dialects?”

From upstairs, a small green and purple scaled figure came.

“On it!”

He grabbed a book from one of the many shelves, the green and yellow cover glowing.

“Thank you, Spike,” she scooped him up as he tried to leave and nuzzled him.

“Bleh! No mushy stuff, it's too early for that.”

She loosened her hug and felt a little pang of deep sadness all of the sudden. Why would she be sad? Everything was normal.

“Okay mister, but be home by dinner. And don't let yourself and the crusaders get into too much trouble.”

He gave her a mock salute “Yes, captain!”

“Now shoo. And remember, no tree sap!”

She let him go and he went to the doors. Then he stopped, hesitated, went back and gave her a quick hug, before running off again.

“That dragon,” she laughed and went back to reading,

Sunbathing in the golden rays, her pleasant day interrupted by an errant thought.

“The Princess! I completely forgot!”

Twilight rushed out of her room to outside, hooves click-clacking on the marble roads of Canterlot. Golden spires of the palace scraped the very clouds.

They had a green sheen with yellow pulsating lines,

The throne room was as massive as it was impressive. Gilded and expansive to all directions, windows decorated with images of heroes and their deeds from both past and the present, including her friends and Twilight herself.

She gave a respectful bow before the large snow-white alicorn sitting on a throne.

"Twilight, what a pleasant surprise, it is always good to see you.”

The princess was as majestic as ever, a kind motherly smile adorning her muzzle. Tiara of greenish material sitting upon her head. “I do so hope you stay for our tea, you are so preoccupied with those dusty old books of yours sometimes.”

There was something at the edge of Twilight's consciousness, a feeling of wrongness. Always just outside of her reach.

“Is something wrong, Twilight?” The simplicity and sheer…dullness of Celestia's personal chambers came as a surprise to many, including Twilight in her younger years. Everything was functional and well made, but there was no gem-encrusted furniture and a bed from the finest of silks.

The bed was completely ordinary at the first glance, only very, very large. The pillows were comfy, but not extravagant in any way and the ordinary looking fireplace, while always alight, was enchanted to only radiate heat when wanted.

The chambers were cozy and homey, certainly not the monstrosity made mostly of pure gold some rumored them to be. The desk was solid sturdy oak, not mahogany, and while the small library was packed to the brim with rare tomes, they were not ones filled with forbidden magics or dark arts, just the Princesse’s favorite books that grew rather old in her care.

Celestia, at her core, was a mare of simple pleasures.

“No, not at all Princess,” she answered. This was Princess Celestia, nothing bad could ever happen to her here, not when she was nearby.

Twilight smiled and sipped her tea. Ceramic, not made out of aluminum as some boasted. While the princess owned a set made out of the elusive metal, it was barely ever used outside of important meetings. The tea left a bitter taste in her mouth. Strange, the Princess was usually such an expert at…well everything but tea making especially.

“If there is anything, I will always be there to listen.”

No, not always.

“I'm alright,” she said, but barely heard herself.

Droning, the mechanical sound coming from an incredible distance. Flies buzzing in her skull. Dampness on her face, blood dripping like tears from an empty eye socket. A monolith. Voice not her own.

Celestia form contorted, reshaping, morphing. Bones snapping, Flesh and fur replaced by metal. Wings changing into blades.

The scyther attacked, missing by an inch. Twilight did not hesitate, despite moving sluggishly, like swimming through molasses, her Chainsword struck true, chain teeth eating at the mech, burying itself in the robotics insides.

Red rushing out.

Celestia collapsed, purple eyes wide, full of tears and betrayal. Hooves clutching her wound.

In the neck, lethal.

“But why?”

A man standing next to her, a cruel smirk on his face, covered in the smell of cheap cigarette smoke, gunpowder, and blood.


She struck again, and Celestia was no more.

Twilight woke up, whimpering and panting, cold sweat covering her.

Dream, it was just a dream.

The air was stale, still dark outside. Her shared bedroom was empty, Lilith's bed vacated, sheets thrown on the floor. She must have sped off in a hurry, she even left her lab coat behind. Or she simply forgot, that did sound like something Lilith would do. But where would she go this early?

Twilight made up her mind. She couldn't go back to sleep, not with that dream fresh in her memory.

She got up and got dressed, there was no point just laying in bed until sunrise. She would go to the lab and prepare things in advance for today. That gives her something productive to do. Who knows, maybe Lilith had the same idea?

Exiting the building as quietly as she could into the cold outside, she took a deep breath and ventured on, memories of her dream slowly fading.

She crossed some sandbags with a half-assembled turret, some were already online by the kill box, but she heard Crown say that they were still behind schedule on the defenses. The next wave, pirates and renegades, would arrive in a few days. Sappers. The defenses needed to be ready in those short few days remaining before the wave.

The lights were on in the lab. Doors slightly ajar, light seeping through, not that suspicious, Twilight already suspected that Lilith was there but something wasn't right.

She heard voices. Multiple.

“...cellular degradation is advancing…”

Lilith, and somebody else. Too quiet to understand clearly.

She probably shouldn't pry, but her curiosity got the better of her. Just a peek, a bit closer so I can-

Her hoof landed on a tile and made what probably was to her seemed to be the loudest sound in all of existence. Wincing and freezing. The humans have pretty small ears, maybe they won't hear it so if she just calmly walks away…

“Twilight, is that you?”


Deep, yet soft and calming, made her think of the time her family visited the ocean. The sound of Sun’s Glory's voice was unmistakable. What was he doing here?

No sense in hiding now, time to face it. She gulped and went inside the sterile room filled with complicated machinery.

Sun was sitting down on a chair, his power armor absent. Lilith trying to hide behind her hair.

“What brings you here at this hour?” there was no accusation in his tone, only curiosity.

Twilight wanted to bolt and run, like a filly who got caught sneaking into the cookie jar.

“I woke up early and wanted to prepare the lab for the day,” she answered truthfully.

“Well, I'm sure Lilith already set up everything, right Lilith?”

Lilith was doing her best to become one with the non-existing wallpaper, hiding behind a pillar and glancing away. “Me? Oh, yes. Everything is ready. Yup! Sorry….”

Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“What were you doing here?”

“A checkup,” Sun Glory pointed at his shoulder. “Got some pains, I went to Lilith to give me a physical.” He met her gaze unflinchingly.

“But why now? It's still dark outside. Why not wait?”

“Had to do it sometime, and we have all been busy lately. And I already put it off for far too long,” fingers playing with the hilt of a sword. Habit of his lately. “But you look distressed. Is everything okay?”

Should she tell him? She hardly remembered her dream now anyway. “I had a nightmare.”

“I see,” he said carefully. “Anything particularly bad?”

“No,” yes. “Some strange things.”

“It’s a dream, they tend to be strange,” Lilith interjected. “I once had a dream about exploring the universe in a weird disc-shaped spaceship led by a bald man saving the galaxy.”

Sun and Twilight exchanged sidelong glances.

“Well, In my dream, there was this…green glowing stuff, same as the belt and-” you killing your mentor.” -and a man, with a red beret, and he was smoking I think?”

Twilight, for a second, would swear that she saw a hint of motion in Sun Glory's face, the sword on his hip buzzing with greater intensity, just for a moment, then it was gone.

“Well, I'm sure it was nothing. If you don’t mind, we will clean after ourselves. You should probably go back to bed, Twilight.”

She let out a sigh, no matter, she will just have to busy herself with something else.

Just after the pony left, Sun Glory's shoulders sagged, sinking into the cushioned chair, gripping the hilt of his sword. The psychic field washed over him, putting his mind at ease.

Lilith gave him a saddened look. “I still think we should tell them, they deserve to know.”

He didn't answer, staring at the place Twilight was standing in deep contemplation.

A faint smell in the air, the kind a cheap cigarette makes.

Later that day, she found herself side by side with Lilith. Both working in relative silence. Immersed in their projects.

Twilight watched the screen, muzzle glued to the monitor, watching the loading bar like a hawk.

Twenty-one percent….still twenty-one…

“Common, common, work faster.”


“Argh! You worthless piece of scrap!”

“Eh? Twilight? You have to be gentle with it.” Lilith kneeled down next to the rudimentary computer, placing a hand on the chassis and whispering something inaudible.

Twenty-two, twenty-five, twenty-seven, thirty-five…

Twilight's jaw dropped. “But how?”

She gave a smirk “You have to just persuade it to work for you. What test exactly are you running? I don't recognize this calculation.”

“It's a little side project,” She scraped the ground with her hoof. “Remember the...situation few days ago we agreed to never speak about? I have a hypothesis that if we can replicate the right frequencies that caused the insect discomfort, we can make them leave us alone. But it would need to get through the layers of stone, so I ran a simulation on how far it could reach.”

“That's so smart! What do you plan on using to make the sound?”

Twilight blushed.” It's not much, and I don't know yet, depending on the results, I thought maybe one of the loudspeakers from the community house.”

“Can I look through the data?” the woman asked.

Twilight gave her the nod. Lilith sat by the computer, going over the calculations. Humming to herself as she did. Twilight’s ear flicked each time the sound changed. She probably finds some mistakes in it. The suspense as she clicked and typed was killing her.

“That’s…” Lilith’s voice trailed off and Twilight subconsciously flinched. “Genius!”

“Really? You think it would work?”

“Yes! We would just need some machine to make the appropriate sound! A hydraulic hammer would be enough. Energy could be a problem, but we have a solution for that in the making. That’s great news!”

Twilight smiled. The idea came to her when she remembered how Pinkie saved Ponyville from parasprites. It's been hard and unpleasant work, mainly when she had to record Crown singing for reference, but it paid off in the end. A noise machine to keep the insects away, that seemed like something Pinkie would get behind.

“Ehm, Twilight, you okay? You had this…wistful look. Is everything alright with you?”

“Oh? Yes! Just nostalgic. A friend back home did something similar, but with trombones and a one pony marching band.”

“That sounds…silly?”

Twilight gave a solemn nod. “The silliest. And the best party planner in all of Equestria.”

Lilith raised an eyebrow "Party planner? Is that a real job someone can have where you are from?"

"Yes!” Twilight nodded. “She even has a cutie mark for it.”

“Cutie mark?”

“Oh,” Of course, she realized, the lowered magical field. “Humans probably don't get those. It's a mark showing what a pony's special talent is.”

Lilith facepalmed. “So that’s what that star on you is! I thought it was just a tattoo. What does yours mean? How do you get them? Is it part of some coming of age ritual kind of thing?”

“No? Ponies get them when they discover them.”

She scratched her chin. “So it is some kind of ritual. Was it painful? I heard tattooing hurts a lot.”

“No! A cutie mark is not a tattoo! Completely different.”

“Then how do you get them?”

“They appear when you discover your special talent,” Twilight explained. This was starting to get repetitive.

Lilith in turn seemed really flabbergasted by her answers. “Just by themself? Out of thin air?"

"Well, it's a complex magical phenomenon not fully understood by even the foremost experts in the field of magical research, “she noticed Lilith's blank stare. “But basically yes.

"So, theoretically, a pony would be doing something, for example, painting, and suddenly they have a paintbrush for a mark?

“Kinda? But not really. Cutie marks do not need to be literal. They can be sometimes, but those are more of an exception. Most ponies have abstract cutie marks. Mine are stars and they represent my talent at magic. My friend Rarity, who is a fashionista, has gemstones. It's not always as simple as a hammer for a blacksmith and so on."

The scientist continued to stand, unmoving, owlishly staring at the pony,

"...You don't look very enthusiastic,” Twilight tried.

"How is that possible? How are you possible? A psychic field strong enough to support that complex interwoven- No that's just impossible. Not even the Empire could build something like that. Only the Archotechs, but why? What purpose would it serve?"

"Ehm? Lilith, you are trailing off again."

The scientist had a strained grimace on her face, a smile too wide, hair going wildly to the sides.

So that's how it looks from the outside.

"Twilight, stand still for the next forty to sixty minutes, I need to collect some samples."

She had something in her hands, a mechanical construct of metal pipes and rubber hoses, making a horrible sound.

"What? No! Stay away! Bad human!"

Twilight bolted, running around the lab, Lilith chasing her.

"By the power of the blessed machine, stay still, I promise it will only sting a little!"


She jumped over an expensive piece of electronics. In the end, both of them were struggling for breath and bursting out laughing.

"That's not a real scientific instrument, is it?" Twilight collected herself between the fits.

Lilith shook her head. "It's a vacuum cleaner. King found it yesterday.”

Another bout of laughing, but there was still something Twilight had on her mind.

Imperium. Aeterna. Victrix.

The equish writing on the hilt of Sun Glory's weapon. Lilith knew them, maybe she would tell her more? She didn't want to ask Sun Glory himself, considering the last time she tried, he disappeared for nearly a day to Celestia knows where. Were they even the same empire? Did humans visit Equestria before, wasn’t there a pony in Ponyville who talked about some mythological beings similar to them? Lyra was her name?

Maybe it was just a weird conscience, or the translation program malfunctioning again, but if not, the possibilities it opened up were endless.

"Lilith, can I ask a question?”

“Hmm? Oh, yes? Of course you can Twilight.”

“What is the Empire? The one you mentioned.”

Lilith staggered, happy smile fading in a flash.

“Sorry, It's not something I...No. Sorry. I think we should go back to work, I thought of a name for the device! Thumper!"


"What about Bonker?"

"Definitely no."

Behind the door stood a silent figure, bowl of sliced fruit in hand forgotten. Dark memories flashing before his eyes. Listening, planning.


When Twilight woke up, no one was there.

She stretched and yawned. Nothing too unusual. Maybe Lilith went to the lab early again? Another checkup?

The barracks were eerily quiet. No signs of the usual morning business. Was she late? Too early? Didn't seem like it, the sun barely dipping over the horizon. About the standard time, they normally get up.

The unicorn made her way to the bathrooms, towels levitating in tow, rubbing the sleep out of her eye, eye patch on.

And no one was there. No Knight complaining about the lack of hot water. No Sun Glory using it all. No Lilith begging to let her brush her mane. Not a soul.

Twilight started having doubts, has she missed something important? Some meeting? An attack?

Where was everyone?

Quick shower, no time to brush, she had humans to find.

Twilight was now grateful for the additional weight of the armored vest she had. Keeping her grounded. Deep breaths. They are probably all in the diner. Having breakfast. Nothing to panic about, she told herself.

The base was similarly empty. Gentle desert wind whispering. Fields of corn swaying in the breeze. Half assembled turrets and defenses scattered around.

No humans to be seen.

The old diner suddenly looked much more imposing. Windows closed, blinds shut. Quiet.

Twilight opened the door, revealing the pitch-black inside. She felt the feeling of unease sneaking up on her.

“Hello?” she tried. ”Anyone here?”

No answer. But there was sound. Rustling a movement in the dark.

Something was there!

Twilight steading, horn aimed and glowing, she-


“Aargh!” she jumped, hooves covering her ears.

The light turned on, revealing the humans, smiling and cheering.

Twilight gawked.

Light ball showering the room in colors. Decorations everywhere. Streamers made out of dyed cloth, colorful balloons, and funny hats. Everything was decorated in some manner. It was garish and ugly, made from what they found, but it didn’t matter.

The table was moved to make space for a dance floor and the loudspeakers, there were games and a cake and a bowl of punch. It just screamed one word.

“A party?” she managed.

“A surprise to be sure, but a welcomed one,” chipped in King, grinning in his cone-shaped hat.

“You prepared a party for me?”

All of that work for her?

“Eh, not technically,” Knight added. “It’s more of ‘We been here for a whole fucking year. Jesus Christ someone save us please’ party, but that doesn’t fit on the banner. So, Twilight’s initiation party it is!”

Crown raised his head from a plate of cake. “Welcome, the ride won’t stop and there are no refunds.”

Lilith perked up “We also brought presents!”

Packages, small and big and also very, very shiny.

“Are those wrapped in tinfoil?”

Knight shrugged "No paper, remember?"

First was the largest. A slim shape, but unexpectedly heavy. Twilight again tore through the foil like an excited filly, revealing a short handle and a long blade at the end. All made from plasteel.

“It's an Ikwa. A type of a short spear. Fits your fighting style.”

The rest of the colonists gave a sigh.


Crown crossed his hands. “A melee weapon? Really?”

"What's wrong with melee? It's a legitimate strategy!"

"Yeah," Knight said." For you maybe, but that's mainly because you are well-" he pointed vaguely at the tall, burly, power armor clad man."-you. Not a midget horse looking like a children's plush toy."


"You can deny it, but it won't make it any less true and you know it!"

"What brought that change in attitude?" Crown took a cautious bite from the cake. It tasted good but vaguely of corn. "I thought you wanted to put her as far from the front line as possible. A spear seems kinda…counterproductive to that."

Sun Glory shoulders sagged. On his face…disappointment? "The circumstances changed, Twilight is far more capable then I first thought and melee suits her. The decision to keep away is hers, but being ready never hurts."

King grabbed the spear, looking over it “I didn't make this. Where do you keep getting those? I swear you arrived with like…twenty weapons on you.”

“It pays to be prepared.”

"Yes," Knight snickered. "Because spears are so useful. For what would you need a small armory of sharp stabby things anyway?"

"Being stranded on a hostile rimworld for an example.”

He raised a single finger and then put it back down.
“Okay, you got me there.”

Another package, this one soft in her hooves. Clothing maybe? Her duster was getting tattered, replacement would be nice. Twilight opened and unfolded the gift.

A white lab coat, tailor made to fit a pony shape. The cloth was rough on touch. Thick, with her cutie mark embroidered on the front to the left side, some details of it were wrong, probably due to a lack of reference, but the care was visible in every stitch.

The pony stood stunned.

“This one was my idea,” said Lilith. “Since you are helping in the lab most of the time. It also has extra pockets.”

“I dont get why you are so obsessed with pockets. It's just pockets.”

“Pockets are great and I won't stand for such blasphemy!”

Twilight chuckled. For beings so strange and alien, so removed from everything that should be a pony, they…they were her friends now. She became part of their little group.

The party was held as a celebration of survival. One year for them, a fourth of the way there. For her, the first month. Month.

She will make it, alongside them.

Knight waved his hand in front Twilights scounched muzzle

“I think we broke her.”

Twilight lounged, pulling Knight’s legs into an embrace. The human stiffening. “Twilight, I'm only going to say this once, let me go.”

Lilth giggled, a glass of punch pulled down back to the table and a new pair of hands around them.

“No. Stop. I'm warning you, there will be consequences!”

Crown, King and Sun Glory with his crushing might, lifting them into air with a grunt. All joined the group hug.

Knight kept his arms close to his body, a grumpy expression on his face, “I just want to let all of you know, my hatred for you is undying and passionate.”

Twilight smiled, the eye patch, the nightmares, the uneasy feeling in her gut and the back of her head. All gone. For now, she wasn't alone.

"Thank you, all of you. You are good friends."

"Yeah, yeah, we are bloody great, can you let me go now?"

Free at least, the human pretended to dust himself off, going over to the light ball.

“Well, I think that was enough emotions for the weak. Let’s hit it!”

“Yeah! Dance!” called Crown enthusiastically, gesturing wildly and spilling his punch.

A horrible realization came over Twilight.

“What? I don't know how to dance!”

“Don't worry,” shushed her Crown.”No one here does! Now move it, move it!”

He presented them with a clean white DVD disk, another ancient Terran invention, this one found in the abundant and ever present piles of scrap scattered around the planet.

Only, this one looked familiar to her.

“Knight, where did you find that?” she asked nervously.

The farmer shrugged, “In the lab, I have no idea what's on it, but it must be something.”

Has he rummaged through the lab again? He really needs to stop going through their research whenever he gets bored. Wait a second. A DVD in the lab? That's unusual, what would it…Her sound samples!

“No!” she yelled, telekinetic grasp reaching for the object, containing sounds specifically designed to be weaponized and horrible to listen to.

Also known as Crowns signing, just spliced up and looped.

Over fours hours.

With added mechanical sounds from the lab.

The magic reached him too late, the DVD entered the machine, which spring up to life.

And started playing.



“It's kinda good, like techno, but with more flair.”



The events after the newly named torture devices were activated were reconstructed retroactively in the morning in the diner after a stiff drink for the nerves. Most accounts were blurry and not very detailed.

Twilight said that she saw little dancing Pinkie Pie and a talking polar bear, then she teleported to the nearby pond and befriended the local fish population.

Lilith swore that for a moment she tasted the color yellow - which is very similar to strawberries in texture, but with more sour undertones. How she knew was a mystery to them, considering she never had any strawberries in her life.

Knight didn't remember much, only a white-hot rage in which he attempted to strangle his twin after he, reportedly, requested the ‘music’ to be louder.

King shot at the light ball with a shotgun in an attempt to stop it, forgetting that he didn't have a shotgun on him and was trying to fire a broom in his delirium instead.

Sun Glory didn't say anything, only dumping the remnants of the loudspeakers in the back, most of them with visible chain sword marks - except one which was thrown out of the window at, frankly, record speeds.

Crown said it was a decent party, then refused to clarify.

All in all, everything was normal at Going South.

Sun Glory watched as they prepared.

Sandbags and munitions in place. New reinforced defenses and turrets.

Incomplete. Not ready.

Not enough.

Too many of them, too little of his. The picture was clean in his mind. The sappers would dig through their walls as the rest of the raiders suppressed them. He would not allow it, he could not allow it. A plan was needed. Strategy. Everything was in place. Placed undercover, under assumptions.

Time? Still enough. It won’t be suspicious. Not after the last wave.

“Twilight, I'm going on a quick sweep. Looking for any enemies trying to slip through. Keep your guard up.”

He didn't lie, but he was not honest either.

The unicorn watched as he departed. The rest waiting at positions. When he knew he was not followed he turned towards the cliffs. Sun Glory would be in sight, yet not seen.

For a man his stature, he could move stealthily. Part of the training, part of his blood - his very programming.

A hidden trail led him out of the valley, into the rocky overlook on top of the narrow gorge leading to the kill box. He sat there, watching until he saw them.

A small contingent. Nearly forty men. Armed, guns reflecting light in the desert scorching sun.

They saw it, the little clues he left for them. Environmental, natural, at least seemingly. Broken twigs, footsteps in the dust, small things to bring attention to. All leading into a cave. A secret way to avoid the wrath of the defenders' guns. To ambush, surprise, and destroy.

A rouse. All a trap.

Was he a coward? Traitor for sure, but a coward as well? Maybe. But he would rather be a coward than bury the people he cared about. Did that before, and he would not allow it ever again.

Whatever the price.

The pirates filtered into the cave, hoping to dig through it to the base. The raiders did not even put an overwatch at the entrance. A rookie mistake, one he would punish severely.

He had doubts, he always had. A blessing and a course. But it would keep them safe, at least for a time. What is one more sin on his list? One more atrocity? He did things far more…nasty in the past, for reasons far worse.

Then why did he find it so hard to breathe? To silence the voices in the back of his head?

His friends, the only family he had left…

Would they hate him? Despise him? Curse his name?

Probably yes, after they find out the truth.

At least he hoped so, good people should hate him.

Such is a fate when one makes deals with a devil. But it would not matter for long anyway, not for him.

Counting. One minute. Two minutes. Then he got down. The exoskeleton motion dampers working overtime to absorb the force of the descent.

By the entrance, hidden by a gray tarp and the same tricks he used to divert their attention, were the instruments he readied for this. Wood, old chairs, cloth. Anything easily set on fire.

And chemfuel.

Very little, yet capable of so much.

The cave was filled with giant brown mushrooms, genetically modified to serve as replacement trees in the underground. He chose this place because of this. Timber shrooms.


He heard them then, from further in the cave. Hitting the stone, explosives haphazardly used to blow the mountain away. Maybe if he would just wait, the raiders would kill themself for him? No matter, he had a job to do.

Sun gathered the materials on the pile, soaked it all in chemfuel, and led a trail of it to the timber shroom forest.

A match, lit. Fire started. Burning. Smoke would warn them soon.

He stepped back to the entrance. Flimsy thing, this cave. He made sure of it. The entrance was held very little. Would not collapse the whole cave system, but it would seal its only exit. Not that big of an issue for a good sapper normally, but add one more element to the mix.

Like fire.

Dawn in hand, against the stone pillar, holding the cave ceiling.

He hesitated, arm with the weapon stopping, weapon buzzing in anticipation.

You are a good soldier. Good soldiers follow orders.

Thank you. For saving us, the name’s King, yours?

Follow orders.

You sure are good at cooking, were you a chef before?

Show no fear, braves of the empire. No hesitation.

Help me, please!


Spare us!

No fear. Dread nought, my warriors.

Thank you. All of you. You are good friends.

And give them no quarter.


Blade struck stone, ceiling collapsing before him, burying the entrance, the enemies and their screams. Smoke and heat filling the caverns. Crying, scratching of nails against the stone, turning into silence.

“Give no quarter,” a whisper, not entirely his.

Twilight sat, waiting. The wave should have arrived already, but no one came. Was it some sort of trap?

Sun Glory appeared behind her. Face hidden behind the visor of his helmet. Moving slow, shoulders low, Dawn motionless.

“Found anything?” she asked.

His gaze locked into the empty killbox. Arm twitching, a taste of iron in his mouth.

“No, nothing at all.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for taking so long, got stuck on this chapter and had to rewrite it completely several times and I also been kept very busy by the situation back home. Should be better now, hopefully.

Anyway, thanks for your patience and comments - they always make my day.