• Member Since 31st May, 2020
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


I make both fanart and fanfic. I draw all my cover images myself, and I take art and writing commissions!



Fluttershy lives a peaceful life with her geese, taking them every night to graze in the meadows above the palace, hurrying home before the forbidden sun rises. She tries not to look at the statues of the fallen princess with her sun cutie mark, broken and half-buried in the undergrowth. She tries not to look at the Midnight Spire as it rises before her, dark and terrible.

Trigger Warning: and please take these seriously, as this story gets dark - blood, injury, violence, elements of abusive relationships, and even some slight suggestions of non-consent. These aren't used gratuitously and are treated with the appropriate horror by the main character. Please do not read if any of this will be triggering to you. This is an exploration of what the Nightmare Moon AU would be like for poor Fluttershy, and is correspondingly dark.

This story is the first of four. The second is The Sorcerer and the Seneschal, with the others coming soon.

This was originally written as a christmas present for Zontan and if you like the tone of it I suggest you read his Shadow Within.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

God this story is so good. I started to get an idea of how it might end, but it still took me by surprise. The little details are great, from the different geese names to flashes of Flutters family and the background world building with the statues…just, damn. You definitely treat the heavier aspects of the story with respect and it makes for a beautiful, heart wrenching piece

I stumbled upon this fiction and it did alright. Just needs a little bit more detail in some parts. Other than that it's a good idea.

Nightmare Moon growled low and hungry as a wolf. “I brought the moon low for you! I flooded Baltimare and half of Manehattan, just for you ! The mayor tells me the evacuation will cost millions, but like a lovesick idiot , I did it anyway!"

It's just such a perfectly toxic relationship.

Nightmare Moon is just such a perfect villain here. Like a true narcissist, the minute you start thinking she's reasonable, just like you, she reminds you that no. Other ponies are just tools, and their power is hers. They're not using it properly, so she has every right to it.

I had a narcissist (maybe a psychopath? unclear) in my life for a long time. Thank god they're not in it anymore, but by the stars did you write one perfectly here.

I also really loved the exploration of Fluttershy's character in this piece. I feel like she gets shunted to the side a lot, and I love how even in a story with such a fantastically strong villain, Fluttershy is nonetheless still the protagonist. I think this was the most heartbreaking, the most grotesque, and also the most beautiful scene:

“Have you ever looked at the sun, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy’s heart stuttered anew. Her blood ran colder than ice. To be asked that by the Empress of the Night, the Nightmare herself —

Nothing good could come of a question like that.

Trying to fight through the muddle of her thoughts and the horror of what had just happened — again — Fluttershy tried to ready herself to respond. The Empress’ mood had clearly shifted; no longer calm and conciliatory, now she was spiky, only an inch or two from that quiet fury that had led to horrors like the burning of Appleoosa, something that was still whispered about in the darkest parts of Shady Hollow.

“Remember,” the Empress whispered, “I’ll know if you lie to me, little one.”

They said the Empress could read your thoughts when you were close to her. They said she could watch the dreams of every pony in the world, and sniff out sedition before it was known even to the dreamer themselves.

“No,” Fluttershy croaked, her throat drier than the doomed Appleachian desert. “No, I’m — I’m a loyal citizen of the night. I’d never sin like that.”

This entire exchange--the curtain peeling back, Flluttershy resisting her very instinct and shying away from the daylight she was meant to grow up & live under--is the first one that really stuck with me for months, since I first read it many moons ago. The second was the moon/date scene, how casually NMM speaks of flooding entire cities for her own whim. And the way she blames Fluttershy for her own aactions? It's just so perfect.

Anyway, I'm going to stop rambling now. This was great stuff, Shas. 💜

11539 words that read like butter. Great read. :D

"I should kill you for that! But I won't" [cue comical evil laughter here]

Yeah... I think if Nightmare Moon doesn't change her mind and kill Fluttershy, she just created something that will destroy her. Nice job!

Wow, I'm usually pretty pessimistic about NMM stories and such, but this was excellent. Interesting worldbuilding and fantastic characterization.

This was a fantastic read. I couldn't stop until the end.

Wow that cover art is amazing! I tend to avoid the dark stuff on a general basis, but... I am a sucker for Nightmare Moon and that cover art realy draws me in. Probably gonna miss out on a realy good story if I don't man up and just read this allready.

This was good.

It can be difficult to write a horrific or dystopian setting that isn't an opressive slog to read.
This had just enough glimpses of the possibility of something brighter - literally, in one case - to make a very compelling read instead.

Wow this was an amazing read, 10/10 will read again, thumbs up and favorite from me.

Neat cover - following it to the source I can see you chose it more for how its original context relates to the story than, perhaps, how it looks. This isn't a story where dread creeps in from a happy veneer where She is concerned, after all. The excellent little blurb made that clear enough - but if those are the things that caught my attention, the reason I actually went through with reading it was because I had coincidentally been screwing around with the text to speech in firefox's reader mode, so I threw it on while I did chores around the house.

It's an odd experience, "reading" a story that way - most of the time I didn't have controls near me to skip backwards, so I had to pay close attention to not get lost. The pace of the reading was measured at my choice, so with that focus I had time to really drink in the excellent imagery that you fleshed out each scene and beat with. Sure, there were hiccups aplenty, this isn't some fancy AI-powered voice that sounds almost natural, and certainly not an audiobook, but I could look past those, just as I looked past the oddity of the cover art compared to the story's tone to fall into what turned out to be an excellent, excellent fic that explores how a stark imbalance of power in a relationship will render even an immortal god-empress impotent to actually make it meaningful, true, or anything resembling the slow reciprocation of openness and trust that she sought. That she remembered.

Anyways, it's late and even if I have other detailed thoughts I've run out of eloquence for the evening. I like this and I think other people will too. Good night, sweet dreams, have a follow, and don't let the vampires bite. :v

And this is why I'm glad Hasbro doesn't let fans do stuff for them. Poofy Smokes was enough of an asshole in the Season 5 finale (story is too messed up for me to read and find out if this is set in one of those timelines or not).

This just makes her even worse.

I love your story, it gives me the impression of a fairy tale. :yay:

This was enthralling and well-written. Fluttershy was depicted really well and it was great seeing her stand up to Nightmare Moon in the end. I actually read this after the sequel, and I think it worked just as well that way.

"You—you’re a murderer! And you’re blaming it on me!” Fluttershy sprang to her hooves, wings flared wide as she advanced on the Empress.

Then just that one thought filled her mind. Angel. If she never came home, who was going to feed Angel his carrots at dusk when he woke up? Who would unlock his hutch? Would anyone come – or would he wither slowly away, waiting faithfully for her to return?

The Empress leant in close, and a sharp-fanged smile split her muzzle from ear to ear. "I won't. Because now, you're just like me."

Shes going to go undead John Wick Fluttershy all because of a rabbit. Nightmare Moon should've just told her bluntly she loves her.

Hello! Have a review. Ooh, this was quite something: I loved that the dystopia did still retain hints of disloyalty among NM's subjects here and there. Clever ending, too. Easy like, easy fave!

Thank you! I really appreciate it.

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