• Published 27th Aug 2022
  • 5,065 Views, 242 Comments

A Walking Chestnut - Netap

A Human finds himself waking up as a Chespin in a magical world, It's kind of simple.

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Meanwhile around the Globe, Episode 1.

Hello, and welcome to the first episode of Meanwhile Around the Globe.
Many people have been wondering, Are there any more Pokehumans in Equestria.
The answer is an obvious yes.

How many are there you might ask? That would be telling won't it.

With Chespin living near Ponyville and Torkoal in a mountain, Even with an Old British guy that hasn't been introduced yet.

But Equestria isn't the only place that got Pokehumans, The entire globe has been peppered by the author to spice things up.
Will all of them be relevant or useful?
No, We won't even see most of them in these special broadcasts.

But we will show you a few of the Pokemon that have appeared outside of Equestria.
Will they be important? Who knows.

Now, Grab a snack as we watch the wonder of Pokemon in Meanwhile Around The Globe, Episode 1.

In the Kingdom of Caninia.

In the streets near the edges of the city, A Diamond Dog is sneaking his way through alleyways and corners, Bends and twists.
All to get to a certain Warehouse.

When the Canine reaches the warehouse, He looks around to see if he was followed.
Seeing that the coast is clear, he knocks on the warehouse door.

The loud clanking of his knuckles on metal causes him to jump and take another look at his surroundings.

"What's the Password?" A Raspy voice asks from the other side of the door.

Turning back to the Warehouse, The Dog takes a note out of a pocket on his vest, As he opens it up to read its contents, it a strong gust of wind blows it away.

Seeing as the note with the password is gone, The Diamond Dog dejectedly turns around.
Only to stop when he feels someone's paw on his shoulder.

Looking at who it is, He sees another Diamond Dog flashing him a toothy grin before knocking on the door himself.

"What's the Password?" The Raspy voice asks again. This time, Instead of fiddling for a note, The other Dog answers for him.

"Koala Dung" That was the Password? The First Diamond Dog can't believe that such a stupid word was chosen as the password.

As the door opens, The two dogs walk into the Warehouse.
Inside the large metal building, A large crowd of rough looking folk has already gathered, From Dogs to Minotaurs to even a few Griffons. All Citizens of the Kingdom of Caninia.

And as the last two Dogs walk in, All the gathered crowd looks towards the Stage where a short Dachshund looking Diamond Dog is walking on.

The Dachshund stops next a small podium with a microphone. Tapping it a few times to gather everyone's attention. The Dachshund speaks.

"Ladies, Gentlemen," The Eyes of the short dog scan the crowd, looking at the rough and tough faces that stare at him without a shred of fear, "We are gathered here today because this government isn't working." Murmurs start to voice out in the crowd.

Continuing with his talk "Queen Proudpaws has pushed our nation on to a brink of a civil war, With her sister Princess Lanternlight building her own castle across a gorge and declaring her own independence from Caninia." The crowd nods as they listen, The recent months of politics has been rough on everybody involved, And all because Princess Lanterlight wanted to destroy a historical, national monument for her own selfish greed!

"And if the childish actions of Princess Lanternlight wasn't enough, Two more of the Princesses joined her. Our country is on the brink of civil war and we the people can do nothing but watch as our incompetent leaders throw expensive insults at each other as we starve in our poverty." The Dachshund continues, Earning agreements from several in the crowd.

"Well we have had enough,We have had enough of being relegated to the sidelines, We have had enough of being treated lesser than dirt by the ruling class!" The Dachshund raises his volume to be heard over the growing crowd.

"We Are the backbone of this country! We work down to the bone just for fools Like Princess Twinkletail and Princess Floppyears to take our back breaking work and throw it into another statue to send to the other's castle!" The crowd gets louder, Soon they start to chant "No more! No more!"

"No More will we be stepped on by the royals and elites! No longer will we be unheard! We will have a voice! LADIES! GENTLEMEN! I GIVE YOU LYCANROC!!!" The Dachshund roars as a set of doors at the back and perhaps the Scariest looking Diamond Dog that most of the crowd has ever scene walks up and takes the Podium.

Moving aside to give the scary Dog the podium, The Dachshund pulls out a microphone and activates it in order to translate Lycanroc's words to the few none Diamond Dogs in the crowd.

Tapping the Microphone twice, Lycanroc opens his mouth and-

That was just one glimpse into the way the world is changing with the addition of Pokehumans into the mix.

Let us now check out another story that's been going on.

In the City of Hippogriffia

Thunder Flashes over Mount Aris. The citizens of Hippogriffia cower in fear as guards escort them down towards a large chamber underneath the mountain.

Above ground, Hippogriff fly through the air, trying to get close to the metal ships that float high above their great nation.
Each soldier reaching close to a ship immediately gets blasted with a bolt of lightning coming from the largest ship of the floating fleet.

The ship of none other than The Storm King himself.

The Hippogriff don't stand a chance, All they could do is stall the invading fleet for as long as they can. Long enough for their loved ones to evacuate below the sea.

And as the sky gets shadowed by magical storm clouds, spreading above the city like a blanket of despair, A soft cry is heard from the bottom of the mountain.

A soft sound, Barely heard over the screams of the soldiers and the flashes of thunder, but it is there.
And slowly but surely it is getting louder.

"There are too many of them sir, We can't even get close!" A Hippogriff Soldier calls out to his commanding officer but receives no response.

"Sir?! Can you hear me Sir?!" He calls again, The response from his commander in to slump over onto the ground, revealing behind him a wolf-looking creature covered with blue fur and what the terrified Hippogriff could only consider a yellow helmet, Baring its fangs at him.
Fangs that flash with electricity.

Looking down at the red puddle slowly spreading from under the body of his officer, The Hippogriff Soldier takes a shaky step back, trying to recall all the lessons he had about how to deal with wolves.
Keeping his eyes on the wolves, He slowly reaches a wing towards a scabbard at his side.

He never thought he'd ever need to actually use the thing, But he was trained with the basics at Guard Academy.

Slowly pulling out the sword with his wings and entering a stance, He sees that the electric wolf also readies itself by stretching it's four paws.

At this time, at this moment.
It's just him and the wolf, And he knows that the moment he loses his focus on the target in front of him, his fate will be the same as the commander between them.

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, The Hippogriff times his exhale with the start of his dash.

The Wolf seeing that the fight has started, starts to discharge electricity from the yellow parts of it's fur before starting to run towards the soldier.

Moments before the two meet in a clash that they both know only one will leave alive from. The soft cry from before sounds again.

Before a huge wave of water crashes into the blue wolf and pushes it off a cliff into the ocean below.

Looking at where the wave came from, seeing as the battle is taking place high up on a mountain, The Soldier spots a pillar of water, rising above the city as a whirlpool or a twister. And at the top of the pillar, swimming in circles, shooting blue beams of magic from the antennae on the top of it's head, is the most beautiful sea serpent the soldier has ever seen.

As a small drop of hope makes its way into the hearts of all the soldiers seeing the sight, It is quickly quelled by a loud cry of fury, Followed by a bolt of lightning striking the Sea Serpent.

A bolt that came from below the mountain...

As the soft yet powerful cries of pain leave the serpents mouth, The Soldier's heart drops as he spots the shadow behind the Serpent.

A Shadow of four legs covered in electricity, and an open maw of pure, uncontrollable lightning ready to bite down on the Serpent. It's red eyes glowing with the power of an entire lightning storm as bolts of yellow and blue lightning shoot out from the electric wolf.

And as the fangs of raw electric energy snap shut around the neck of the serpent, It's soft cries ending with a sharp snap from the wolf. A single order is given to all Hippogriff Soldiers that can hear it.

"The Civilians have been evacuated, Commence the Retreat!" And so he flew.

He flew as far away as he could. Leaving the mountain he called home behind. Only a single image burned into his mind.

Those furious red eyes.

Those eyes of The Storm.

Ooh what a thrilling story that was. I can't wait to see more of these!

Sadly, Or luckily for some of you, We won't be saying any of these fellows anytime soon.

Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Meanwhile Around The Globe.
For the next episode we will return to your regularly scheduled program.

Will Samuel go home? Will Antonio have any significant relevance to the story? Where is the Old British guy that's been mentioned lately?

Find out soon in A Walking Chestnut™

Author's Note:

Yep, This was the first bonus chapter, It might not have been needed so soon, But I was dying to write about it.

And sadly no significantly big changes to the main MLP plot will be happening until season two of the show, So I needed to write something down to quench my thirst for Pokemon.

Also, We are so close to reaching 80 favorites on this story, which will bring this into the Highly rated stories tag, Thank you guys so much for the support :)

Comment what you thought and thank you all for reading :)

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