• Published 10th Sep 2022
  • 3,064 Views, 772 Comments

A King to a God - JDPrime22

It’s up to the heroes of Equestria to form unconventional bonds, discover the primordial evil living beneath their world, and fight a battle they could never have prepared for. When Godzilla and Kong clash, and until the last king stands.

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Chapter 20 – The World Needs Him

Black Skull Island

T.I.T.A.N. Outpost Beacon

The superstorm was a war they couldn’t win. No Pegasi could control the conflict in the clouds that was slowly but absolutely devouring the skyline and the earth of Black Skull Island. Even now, the outer edges of the island were consumed, fierce winds and destructive lightning razing every living thing left from the colossal Titan war.

The eye of the storm zeroed in around them, tightening the noose, ensuring a swift and deadly end for everything not within a stable shelter.

T.I.T.A.N. watched it all with keen interest, all from the safety of their newly-established and refortified base of operations. Outpost Beacon would survive the coming storm. The creatures, the Titans… maybe not. That was for nature to decide. Then again, T.I.T.A.N. wasn’t entirely certain the storm coming was natural.

It was confirmed from the Wonderbolts of Ghidorah’s remnant hurricane merging with the storm ring around the island. Coupled with the unnatural readings having infected the ecosystem with Camazotz’s arrival from Hollow Earth, that combination laid the foundations for a disaster the likes of which Black Skull Island was not prepared for. Perhaps the ancients were right; maybe an omen had fallen upon the land of mortals.

Or, at least, the beginnings of an omen.

Dark forces were at play, and many they did not understand. Black Skull Island would become uninhabitable. They theorized it wouldn’t be much longer before the storm took the island. A day, maybe two. That was all the time they had left. Local tribes that inhabited the island—the Iwi equines, zebras, monkeys, orangutans—cooperated well with T.I.T.A.N. if it meant escaping the coming catastrophe. The ships carrying the refugees had already fled the island, on their way toward the mainland of Equestria.

Others… most of them… declined T.I.T.A.N.’s aid. They would not leave their home. Time moved on without them. T.I.T.A.N. needed to move fast, and let nature—and fate—take its course.

Or, more accurately, they needed to move him fast. They just needed a way to convince him first. Then again, that was what Fluttershy was for. That was what Bon Bon and Lyra were tasked for: bringing the bad news to their Titan Whisperer.

Together, Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor, and T.I.T.A.N. agent Daring Do watched from the balcony of Outpost Beacon as their two agents made their way down the defended path. Out the front gates and into the wild to meet up with Fluttershy. Lifting their eyes, they couldn’t help but rest their shared gazes on the horizon, peering into the oncoming darkness. Cadance shuffled to Shining for comfort, which he supplied. Daring slowly narrowed her eyes to the storm.

Not a word was spoken between them. With Lyra and Bon Bon gone, they had their mission to achieve. The outpost still had years of confidential records and files that needed to be transported off the island. Any hope for rescue missions for the lost ponies left behind in the last T.I.T.A.N. exhibition was all but abandoned, no matter how hard Shining wanted to fight for them. They simply didn’t have any time.

One day, maybe two. That was all they had.

And—with orders directly from the higher-ups—they needed to ensure that time was spent recruiting the giant ape.

Pushing through the foliage and emerging on the other side of a long, winding, mountainous valley, both Lyra and Bon Bon came across a beautiful sight. The sun was shining, uncovered by the remaining clouds still hanging over the heart of the island. The ring of darkness would soon take over, but it was still undeniable to appreciate the beauty of the uncharted wilds while they were given moments of peace.

A bright, golden hue washed over the grassy mounds, bounding and rebounding and leading to the edge that dipped into the valley between two great mountain ranges. Sitting by the edge was their Titan Whisperer, and sitting with her was the great King of Black Skull. Lyra instinctively hesitated, and Bon Bon turned back to her.

“Come on, we don’t have time to waste,” Bon Bon pestered. “Lyra…”

“S-sorry, it’s just…” Lyra said after a short stumble, clearing her throat with several blinks of her eyes. Eyes that never turned away from the towering mass of brown fur, scars, and muscle. “Haven’t seen him so…”

“Yeah…” Bon Bon said while practically readying her wife’s mind. She, too, turned her gaze skyward to look upon the king, muttering softly, “Calm.”

The minimal peace they had established thanks to Fluttershy was in fear of wavering. Or, Lyra and Bon Bon feared it would waver, what with the bad news they had to deliver. But that fear was outmatched by the overwhelming dread that was assuredly coming whether they hesitated or not. Time was not on their side, and they needed to ensure every second was not wasted.

That was how they got moving again. Climbing and carefully sliding down the mounds of grass to reach their destination. As they did so, they could hear Fluttershy’s soft, delicate, wonderful voice speaking to the monstrous ape.

“… that way they can know, too. You won’t just be understanding me, okay?”

She moved her hooves around her chest, showing different signs and signals by patting her heart, jawbone, and facial features. Neither Lyra nor Bon Bon knew what she was doing, as evident by the dumbfounded looks on their faces when turned to one another. They pressed on.

Kong looked over his palm quizzically, flexing and relaxing his fingers in and out. It was not long before the glare of the sun could not hide the two coming ponies. Lifting his head to them, interrupting his time with the gentle equine, he huffed in mild agitation. The action caused Lyra, Bon Bon, and even Fluttershy to flinch in surprise. So much so that the Titan Whisperer twisted her head back to see what disturbed them.

Her expression already deflated when she saw who it was. Judging by the look in her eyes, both Lyra and Bon Bon could tell Fluttershy understood why they were there. It pained them even more, as it did her when the silence was all that was shared between them.

Pretty much cementing her worries.

Kong, though not entirely intimidated by the other equines’ presence, still found it quite bothersome. Fluttershy was different. For the first time in a long time, he was calm around another. He found himself actually coming to enjoy her presence. The others… not so much. If anything, there was a tolerance he allowed with the equine invaders only because of the little yellow pony that came to him first.

The two other ponies were not leaving. Seeing the look from Fluttershy’s stare, that reassuring glance and tiny smile, gave Kong the incentive he needed to leave her in peace. One last glance to his hand, one last snort expelled from his nostrils, and he slowly got up and turned around. Made his way down the edge and into the valley.

She watched as long as she could, coming to truly enjoy the short moments of seeing him slide, jump, run, swim, and journey across his kingdom. A king that not only defended his throne, but thrived in the land he called home. Played like a child free of the struggles of the world. He wasn’t really a child anymore, that much she came to understand, but he still took what time he could to live like one. As if that childhood, that peace, was stolen from him.

In the silence, Fluttershy really came to appreciate her own intention not to speak on the matter at hoof. It was a bliss to rest in the sunshine and warmth, breathe in the air untouched by the rest of the world. But it was a bliss that blinded her from the real world, from real matters that needed to be discussed. She eventually surrendered and turned to them.

Usually, she was quite happy to see the two. Today was different. Everything had changed for the worst the past several days, but today in particular took the cake. Sighing, Fluttershy faced forward, eyes staring off into the bright, gorgeous valley below.

After so long of enjoying the quiet peace, Fluttershy finally addressed the monster in the room. “I still can’t believe what’s happening,” she said quietly, as if afraid her voice would somehow travel to Kong. “It’s… it’s horrifying what happened in Equestria. In Abyssinia. So many places, so many creatures… I… I-I…”

The tears threatened to form, but she held them back. She was strong enough now for that. “I just can’t believe Godzilla would do this,” she whispered.

“Welcome to the club,” Bon Bon muttered sullenly. Turning to her, Fluttershy could see the same look in Bon Bon’s eyes that she felt in her own soul. Not only horrified, but that subtle and very real feeling of betrayal.

It was not long ago since Fluttershy and Bon Bon rested their hooves on the broken and beaten King of the Monsters, in the deepest crevice of the long, lonely abyss. In that quintessential moment, choosing to fight with Godzilla instead of against him. Trusting him to set things right. Trusting him to lead them into a future where everycreature and nature lived together in harmony.

That trust had all but been shattered.

Lyra made her voice known, saying slowly, “There are rumors back home. Rumors that we might need to go to war here soon. And…”

She struggled to meet Fluttershy’s eyes that time. “And bring Kong with us.”

After she had uttered those horrific words—the same kind Fluttershy had been dreading the moment she saw the two of them—their Titan Whisperer looked away. Away from them and instead on the gentle giant within the valley. The sun was to her back, but she shut her eyes anyway. The burn in each was a natural response to the ache in her heart, answering its cry with the only rational emotion she could express at the moment.

It was not only her trust with Godzilla that had been broken.

“What T.I.T.A.N. did to Baphomet and Scylla…” Fluttershy whispered. Lyra and Bon Bon were silent, neither of their stares breaking from her. “Without even asking for my input… for my thoughts… they went ahead and killed two animals… for nothing.”

When she opened her eyes, she stared at Kong running and leaping from mountain to mountain. Untamed and unchained. All the horror stories she had heard of him, the damage he had caused, the lives he had taken, all over a misunderstanding. All because he felt threatened when invaders attacked his home. Now, here he was as his true self, in his true element. Living. Free. At peace.

At home.

She gasped out a smile, and one that did not and could not last. Fluttershy shut her eyes, a tear slipping down her cheek as her whimpers turned into soft cries. Lyra was the first to console her, followed secondly but quickly by Bon Bon. Not a word was spoken between them. Not a word more was spoken that they already understood.

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla