• Published 23rd Sep 2022
  • 1,241 Views, 17 Comments

Evening Glow - Lunaria

Cozy Glow finally feel content, her life back on track again. A visit from Princess Twilight brings back uncomfortable memories though, and sometimes you have to face the past head-on. ...no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel.

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Chapter 2 - Doubts and Resolve

Chapter 2
Doubts and Resolve

Cozy stared out the window, being at the center of the town and situated on the second floor gave her a view all the way down towards the docks. She could see the boats slowly, but surely, moving in and out of port; it was a good view, but one that likely wouldn't last. The town had seen rapid expansion in recent years, so the center of it was littered with construction sites; grand plans for tall multistoried buildings.

She let out a sigh, it was a good distraction, yet she couldn't tear her mind from the unexpected visit she had but a few days ago. In all honesty, she hadn't put much mind and thought towards... her, not before the princess showed up. The last few years she had been... happy? content? Something to that effect anyway, having a family helped, even if others might find hers a bit unorthodox. And before she settled down here with Tirek and Chrysalis, she had been too busy with other matters to spare much thought towards the mare that had brought her into this world.

"Something on your mind?" A voice asked, forcing Cozy to look away from the window. On the opposite side of her desk stood a red coated mare with gray and orange mane.


The mare snickered briefly. "You have been staring holes in that window for two hours now Cozy, something is clearly up," the mare walked around the desk and nudged Cozy where she sat. "Don't tell me you're nervous about directing, you're so confident otherwise."

Cozy sighed, she was clearly not getting out of this. Brick Barge was a nice mare, and a good co-worker, but sometimes she was just a bit too nosey. "It's not about the job, we have worked on designing these for a while and I'm fully confident they'll work out. And it's not as if I haven't already worked on-site before to make sure things are being done according to plan."

"Then what's the problem?" Brick asked, taking a seat next to Cozy.

"Some... family issues came up a few days ago, and I'm not sure how to deal with it."

Brick did a fake gasp. "Don't tell me, did Fleeting throw an angry fit at somepony again?"

Cozy sighed. "No, that would honestly have been preferable."

The mirth in Brick's expression faded, as if the realisation hit her that this was likely serious. "Well, whatever it is, I'm here if you need to talk," she put a hoof on Cozy's back and rubbed.

She almost jerked away, other ponies being friendly towards her still tripped her up. She had gotten used to being close with Chrysalis and Tirek, but they were family. "It's... kind of personal."

Brick just nodded, giving her time to consider things.

"You... you know I'm adopted, right? That Fleeting isn't my real mother."

Brick smiled slightly. "It was kind of obvious, what with her being involved with a centaur."

Cozy had to restrain herself, it always hurt when ponies spoke as if Tirek was... different. She knew they didn't mean it that way, but it still stung. Instead she just nodded. "Yeah, well my..." She struggled to find the right words, mother implied a connection that wasn't there; yet she struggled to think of anything different. "Birth mother, she," Cozy sighed. "I was recently made aware of her again."

"I see," Brick looked away. "I'm not really good at these sort of things, but I know it can be hard for ponies who ended up in the foal care system to reconnect with their old parents again."

"Yeah," It was a bit more complicated in Cozy's case, but she didn't need to let that on.

There was a lull in the conversation, seagull cries could be heard through the windows. The open space office was pretty conventional for an office building, one of only three existing ones in the town. There were currently only three work desks in the office, leaving plenty of unused space. The center of the room was dedicated to a miniature model of the town, complete with the projected expansions.

Brick was technically her boss, her other co-worker was still on vacation; a joyful changeling by the name of... she had forgotten. They had recently had their name changed, citing that her old one didn't match their new appearance very well.

"So, what will you do?"

Cozy turned her attention back to brick. "Both mom and... a family friend of ours thinks I should go see her. Dad thinks I should just do what I feel comfortable with. Honestly, mom is likely of the same opinion, she just doesn't want me to go around being grumpy."

Brick snickered. "Sometimes Fleeting sound more like a changeling than a pony. I know my partner is often the same, they make it very clear to me if I'm being moody."

Cozy put on a smile. "Yeah, probably has something to do with her working with foals and nymphs all day. Is not like most her co-workers aren't all changelings."

"Hah, yeah, I guess you'd get to be pretty good at reading emotions from working with foals."

A more genuine smile reached Cozy's lips as she considered how far her mother had gotten. Working with children was perfect for her, despite how easy she was to aggravate; she just had a knack for it. Not to mention, it was always nice seeing her come home looking genuinely happy after a day at work. It had taken so much coxing from her and Tirek to get the stubborn changeling to get out there and get a job, but it had been well worth it in the end.

"And what about you, do you think you should go?"

"I'm not sure," Cozy replied, there were plenty of reasons to go, and yet.... it was hard to get over the mental hurdles. She wasn't sure she could face Evening again; certainly not alone.

"Well, if you want my opinion, don't go because you feel like you're obligated; go because you want to," Brick gave her one last back rub before walking back to her own desk.

Cozy flashed her a smile before diving back into her work, these construction plans wouldn't be drafting themselves, after all.

Cozy trotted through the white sterile corridors of Manehattan Western Hospital. In front of her trotted a nurse that was guiding Cozy and her mother along.

"We'll be reaching the inner section of the mental ward shortly, are you sure this is where the two of you are going?" The nurse briefly glanced at Cozy before turning her eyes towards her mother.

Cozy rolled her eyes internally, some ponies never got over how foalish she looked, what with how intricate her mane was done and the cute hair bow. "We're expected, and don't worry about my mom, she's not very talkative at the best of times."

Her mother snorted, and Cozy giggled slightly.

"Well, if you're sure," the nurse said, turning back forwards and continued down the corridor.

A few twists and turns later and the three of them found themselves in what could have been confused for a lobby if it weren't for the fact that it was quite deep within the building. The nurse gestured towards the desk before turning around and heading back the way she came.

Cozy wasted no time in flying over to the desk and making eye contact with the receptionist, her mother remaining a few paces behind. "Hi, I believe we have an appointment, it should be under the name Cozy Glow," she smiled, it came natural to her.

The receptionist, a tall stallion, seemed a bit confused at first before he started to sort through the files. "Ah yes, here we are," he said, looking over a paper sheet. "You're here for... wait," something seemed to unnerve him and his gaze alternated between Cozy and her mother.

"Is something the matter?" Cozy asked.

The stallion swallowed. "No, everything is in order ma'am, I'll have a nurse come up and escort the two of you to her living quarters."

Cozy flashed him a smile before flying over and lunging in a chair. It was almost time, soon she could finally put all this behind her and move on with her life. It didn't take more than ten minutes before a nurse showed up, calling her name.

Cozy flew over to her mother and leaned against her, some comfort would be nice for this. The two of them set off at a trot, following the nurse further inside. Eventually they came to a door, similar ones populating the entire corridor. The nurse opened the door and gestured inside while giving the two pegasai a small smile.

Cozy practically flew inside, taking in the room for all that it was. To call it a hospital room would be inaccurate, it looked closer to a small apartment. There was a window on the far wall, and in one of the corners a bed was placed. The room even had a proper desk and a bookshelf; but all of it was kind of expected. After all, patients assigned here weren't expected to leave for a long time, if possibly ever. Other than the entrance, a second door connected to a bathroom.

"It's a nice place," Cozy said, as she flew back to her mother.

Cozy had elected to not bring her own saddlebags, so she opened the ones her mother was carrying. She picked up various effects that she had decided to have them bring; placing them on a shelf or the desk.

"A little bit of personal touch helps," Cozy said as she walked back to her mom and hugged her tight.

"This will make a great new home for you, mom~" She said as she let go of the dark blue pegasus.

Author's Note:

If it's a bit unclear, the last segment is a flashback.