• Published 22nd Sep 2022
  • 1,119 Views, 18 Comments

I Know What You're Thinking - Forgetful

I know what you're thinking, mind reading is impossible! Yet here we are...reading with our minds!!

  • ...

Like A Book

"Chocolate Dip!" Izzy blurted out excitedly in the local ice cream parlor.

The crowd of ponies around the unicorn jumped back in shock or confusion. The claustrophobic room of rainbow colors settled into a hushed tone. Sunny scrunched her muzzle cutely as she stood at the front counter blushing in embarrassment.

"Exsqueeze me?" Sunny shrugged with uncertainty about the situation, her emerald gaze shifted to a very confused Hitch behind the unicorn.

"Hitch, he wants chocolate dip." Izzy slowly creaked her head to the stallion eerily.

"Chocolate chip actually, but a dip is fine...I'm not picky." Hitch chuckled with a light shrug.

"I'm so sorry, I'll have One Strawberry, One Chocolate Chip, and…" Sunny suddenly went flying to the left as her unicorn friend pushed her aside.

"I'll take the Mystery Flavor! " Izzy pointed excitedly to a silhouette poster slapped on the walls of the store.

"Uhhh, that's for a poll of which flavors are most popular? " The confused pink earth pony spoke from behind the counter.

"Ooo, sounds exotic. '' Izzy gave a loud squeal of excitement.

Outside amongst the warm cozy sun, the three besties trotted out of the ice cream parlor laughing joyously. Hitch thanked Sunny for the midday treat, flirtingly offering to buy dinner after work. Sunny would playfully give it thought before the little ponies went their separate ways.

Izzy was busy licking her mysterious white creamed treat in mild disappointment. "For being a mystery it sure does taste like vanilla. " her muzzle scrunched from the mere absence of true flavor.

Sunny on the other hoof quickly disposed of her strawberry treat in a nearby bin. "What was with the weirdness inside!?" She quizzically asked her odd unicorn companion.

An eerie child's melody suddenly appeared on the wind as it sang a haunting tune faintly from a distance. "I can read minds, Sunny." Izzy bluntly spoke in absolute seriousness.

Sunny could only narrow her eyes in awkward silence of such a ridiculous claim.

"Oh, it's true I'm afraid. " Izzy took a slow bite from her vanilla ice cream, wincing in slight discomfort of a mild brain freeze.


"How!? Well, this curse came to me last night whilst I was changing a light fixture in my bathroom, I slipped and bonked my head on the sink, and when I awoke I had become enlightened. " Izzy swiftly answered a question that hadn't been asked.


"No, I was going to say…but that's impossible!" Sunny crossed hooves over chest fluff with a tiny snort.

The eerie music grew louder as Izzy locked eyes with her friend. "Is it?" She pointed to a mare coming out of the nearby marketplace.

"She's frazzled and at her wit's end, hiding the fact her mane is falling out." Izzy would point to a large stallion in a construction outfit drinking coffee beside a portable beverage cart.

"He tries to play tough, but secretly is thinking he's having a stroke. " Izzy let a wild snort escape her flared nostrils, eyes narrowed towards the silhouette of a mare in the distance overlooking the ocean.

"And she was a mind completely blank, utter harmony with the universe. " The children's melody almost exploded across the landscape.

Sunny simply sighed, turning around to glare at two fillies playing Pattycake behind them while singing. "Ahem, you girls mind?" Sunny arched a brow as the children quickly darted away back to their homes.

"Of course, her mane is falling out, she has fourteen children. " Sunny pointed to the explosion of fillies pouring out behind the mare.

"Two, of course, Fritz thinks that he's a hypochondriac." Sunny waved a warm hello to the stallion who nearly fainted.

"And lastly, that's a statue of me, for saving the town?" Sunny snorted with a melancholic gaze.

Izzy let a loud horse noise fly from her nostrils in a flustered little tune."Perhaps, or maybe you just fear what you can't understand!" She squinted with eyes locked on her new friend.

"I understand you hit your head and maybe are suffering a mild concussion." Sunny cantered her way down the street with a light eye roll.

"You're thinking of taking Hitch up on that offer." Izzy let a sly grin cross her lips.

Sunny felt both ears shoot towards the heavens in shock. "What offer!? There's no offer." She knew her friend had no way of overhearing that conversation between the two.

"Hitch wants to take you out to dinner, someplace like the Marina yet can't afford it," Izzy smirked, stepping ever closer to her non-believing friend.


"Instead he'll cobble together his bits in a torn satchel, buying you both hayburgers in a combo meal." Izzy giggled as she flipped her mane to the left.


"You'll of course find it so charming, because though you try to act more sophisticated than you are, in the end, you're just a small town kind of gal." Izzy leaned in close to her friend smiling mischievously with a light pop of the lips.

"You can read minds!" Sunny gasped with her jaw agape in awe.

The unicorn simply burst out into a fit of giggles and loud dorky snorts. Her eyes overflowed with playful glee as Sunny felt her cheeks burn a dark crimson. Izzy bit her lower lip, ruffling the mane of the frazzled earth pony.

"Omigosh, I'm totes kidding! You really do have a date with Hitch!?" Izzy squealed in girlish excitement as she bounced around her friend.

"Grrr, no! Maybe…" Sunny folded her ears back as her cheeks inflated in an adorable huff.

"I guess I'm able to read you like a book! Maybe I am psychic!?" Izzy blew out a tiny raspberry in delight.

Sunny began the awkward walk towards her home, companion close behind with a swishing tail. She just knew this was going to be the talk of the week amongst the girls, the future teasing already annoying her.

"Let me guess, you're going to have a hayburger with no secret sauce!" Izzy rubbed her forehead slowly as if trying to summon paranormal powers.

"Bye Izzy." Sunny burst into a full trot to try and lose her friend.

"Wait, you both will share a soda…no! A milkshake!!" Izzy giggled running after the mare excitedly.

The future with wonderful friends is full of cherished memories and embarrassing moments. To share love, losses, and experiences as we grow older together. Nothing in this world is sweeter than this.

But you don't need to be a mind reader to know that.

Comments ( 18 )

Bestowing my luck magic upon thee once more 💞

You're on a roll, sweetheart!

I'm a fan of the shipping, the way Izzy can read Sunny so easily is adorable, but the way she gets in arms about those readings relating to Hitch makes me melt :heart: Hope they enjoy their maybe date lol

Lol that was actually a pretty sweet and funny story and basically Izzy really doesn't need to be psychic to read Sunny's emotion when hitch invited her to dinner and how much she really likes him so much but still it was pretty nice I like it keep up the good work

I wonder what’s the extent of Sunny’s own mind reading abilities now she’s a part-time alicorn.

Cute and fluffy, go Izzy! :rainbowlaugh:

Always appreciated my bestie.

Thank you, happy you enjoyed some warm fuzzies.

Aww, thank you so much.

Congrats on being featured again! :yay:

And then Sunny and Hitch both had a hayburger combo meal with no secret sauce and shared a milkshake.

I'm personally not too sure, If Alicorns can read thoughts it's news to me or I just wasn't paying attention during the episodic run, XD.

I'd see Alicorns more being empaths perhaps? Mayhaps?

Like reading the emotional states of others and letting that kind of guide their guidance, but that's just me. Celestia seemed the type to just really be able to read others emotions with real ease, kind of adding to that wise mentor vibe I associate to her in my head canons.

But would love to know your thoughts.

Aw, so cute and sweet! Haha, maybe Izzy really is a mind reader! XD

"How!? Well, this curse came to me last night whilst I was changing a light fixture in my bathroom, I slipped and bonked my head on the sink, and when I awoke I had become enlightened. " Izzy swiftly answered a question that hadn't been asked.

Say... this sounds awfully similar to how a certain Dr. Emmett Brown invented time travel.

Greetings. I hope you don't mind, but I did a reading of your story, which can be found below. I hope you enjoy.

Awww, thank you!


Welcome to the club, bestie!

Yay, I think the only other story to get a reading was Cadance and her love shotty.

You earned yourself two faves from the short description alone :rainbowlaugh:💀

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