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Lil Penpusher

Put the words in the bag and nopony gets hurt


Revenge is such an easy concept on paper, yet takes a great deal of effort, intellect and dilligence to achieve in reality. Especially so when your rivals and opponents are the Heroes of Equestria themselves.

But no matter. Everypony has their weaknesses, and everypony eventually falls prey to assuring too much trust and confidence in others when they really shouldn't.

She needed to become invisible to these ponies. To just be another member of Ponyville. Crackle Cosette, the casual photographer, no different from Mayor Mare, Nurse Redheart or all the others.

Just a splotch of colour from afar. Nopony to pay attention to, or to distrust. Just one of many to cheer the heroes on from the background.

Written for Bean's Writing Group under the prompt of 'Chrysalis secretly lives as a pony in Equestria' and 'Entire fic as an inner monologue' as a bonus prompt.

Check the group out, and ask the admins for a Discord invite if you're interested in writing some awesome prompts, as well!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

When the photographer is sus! 😳

Huk #3 · Nov 6th, 2022 · · ·

"And I Would Have Gotten Away With It Too, If It Weren't For You Meddling Ponies!" - Chrysalis in the nutshell :rainbowlaugh:

Nice story :twilightsmile:

A excellent short story showing the unnerving horror that is Chrysalis. Well done!👍

Very nice.

I can’t help but feel that she’s slowly becoming accustomed to her new lifestyle, and might be delaying the day of her vengeance just a tad.

"And their nosy dog dragon, too!"

“Crackle Cosette,” I had told them.

I thought her name was "Shutterbug"?
Edit: It seems both names are correct, but Crackle Cosette is more correct? I'm kinda lost here now.

What’s more, the mayor of the town, apparently aptly named Mayor Mare,

Imagine her parents would have called her Queen Mare instead...

Become invisible… and from that invisibility, strike.

OR you could simply forget your revenge and start anew?
No? Okay then, but don't complain if you get hit by the Rainbow Friendship Laser later.

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

I can guess her reaction if she would have ever been asked to take a picture of the new school students and spotted Ocellus among them.


I can guess her reaction if she would have ever been asked to take a picture of the new school students and spotted Ocellus among them.

There might be a small, unfortunate accident. Very tragic.

The story is not bad, but it seems to me that the tag "drama" does not justify it. For in general, there is nothing particularly dramatic going on here.

For example, I was expecting something like...

Ponies… What a weak and pathetic species… A species so soft they have to even surround themselves with the REMINDERS of creature comforts when they walk from one place to the other. Chrysalis soon reached one of the many doors, Of course It’s mauve! and pushed it open.

She found herself in a rather spacious bathroom with more pony comforts the species simply couldn’t seem to live without; like a sink, a bath large enough for several ponies to sit in at once, a ugh… toilet… The items for cleanliness were somewhat reasonable for creatures who had the misfortune to be born covered in tiny hairs that held onto every little bit of filth the ponies encountered, not to mention skin that secreted various fluids and smells that those hairs held onto to heighten their sickening stench. Though the toilet was a reminder that ponies had to subsist completely on organic substances disgustingly pushed through their organs instead of absorbing magical energy directly from emotions like an evolved species that only ate and imbibed for recreational purposes.

Being around them and often having to adapt their horrible physical qualities was tantamount to torture. Though, often necessary. Chrysalis had once again successfully infiltrated the home of some of the ponies she hated the most. However, she was nothing if not adaptable. Though the months had been grueling to get to this point, any day now she would spring her trap and bring this empire to ruins, get revenge on the rest of pony kind, find her lost children and declare herself Queen once more, purge any dissenters , and restore balance to the world as and her own personal contentment that went with it.

Yes… Any day now…

Chrysalis slinked closer to the sink.

Any day…

She looked in the mirror and caught sight of herself, and her sunken, tired eyes.

Any… “Sniff…” Day… “Sob…”

Tears began to stream down Chrysalis’s face and she collapsed onto the sink, her face buried in her arms. Letting out a constant stream of sad wails as her chest heaved, she leaned on the crystal fixture and let her emotions pour out of her.

do you disagree with the statement that the story does not fit the "drama" tag? Or with my example?

What then, in your opinion, represents the concept of "drama"?

Ominous thoughts about work from home photographers.

Some of you are alright, don't come to Cosette's Snapshots tomorrow.

Weirdest job moment along those lines I’ve run into was working for Cutco. I basically had a near disassociative moment when I realized I was calling people and asking if I could come over to their home with a bag of sharp objects.

Geez Chrysissy, way to be ungrateful.

Nicely done! Chrysalis comes off as solidly in-character here, all brooding narcissism and obsessive lust for revenge. It's a nice snapshot, even if not much happens. Her having to live in close proximity to both the elements and Starlight while also keeping up her eating habits poses an interesting premise, though. I could see her having trouble keeping up appearances and dodging attempts at friendship, all while working to keep herself fed and her cover of an uninteresting stranger in place.

Also, yeah, I thought the cover's name was shutterbug, too. The wiki has Crackle Cosette listed, though. Weird, I wonder where I picked that up.

Good job!

I won't lie, I had to search up the name, and ultimately went with the one they used for the character tag on Derpibooru which is Crackle Cosette.

Disgusting. Pathetic.

I too find Pinkie Pie so childish that enjoying her parties would be impossible; especially if I was kept as the center of attention.

“Crackle Cosette,” I had told them. None of them were any the wiser, believing me without hesitation.

To be fair... I have met people with 'Smith' as their actual last name. Unless you introduce yourself as 'Jane Doe' I too would assume that any name you gave is the identity you want to be known by (even though I would know it's a lie would probably call you Jane there on). Much like how The Weaver is not my actual name! :pinkiegasp:

How. Just how did my plans ever fail against such pathetic creatures? Ngh.

By being a moron...

So when are we getting to the drama? I have reached the end but beyond her subpar acting (the best its ever been sadly) there was no real emotion in this. This feels like the second draft where instead of a rough draft it could stand as a story as is but needs work.

Most of this is telling by our Pov (which makes sense) where the narrator does not stop.

Greetings. Your reading has been completed and can be found below. I hope you enjoy.

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