• Published 28th Feb 2023
  • 766 Views, 7 Comments

A Heart Like The Sea - Drunk Luna

Princess Luna’s youngest daughter, Princess Cassiopeia, tries to navigate her complicated relationship with her big sister as she simultaneously discovers her ability to summon sea creatures, including the family of orcas she bonds with.

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Chapter Twelve

Author's Note:

TW: SA, r*pe

"Oof!" Luna grunted as she was knocked backwards by Aurora. Celestia, who was stroking Elara's side, burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter that was quickly silenced by a cheeky splash to her face by Aurora's tail. Cassie tutted softly and shook her head, biting her lip to stifle a giggle at the young orca's antics.

"Aurora, you naughty little girl," she scolded, trying not to laugh, "what are we gonna do with you? Ah!" The force of Aurora's shove nearly knocked Cassie's hooves out from underneath her, but she stayed upright and delivered a slightly harder push to the unruly orca.

"Mom, remember to push her back and give her a rubdown," Cassie reminded Luna. "It's a game to her. Does anypony else want to join Aurora's little game of 'let me knock you over, then you can shove me back and spoil me with attention'? Not everypony can say they've been pushed down by an orca." She chuckled as Celestia, Twilight, Flurry, and Fireblood entered the water, then felt a twinge of concern for Neoma, who sat nervously on the beach. Cassie turned and swam to shore as everypony began to play with Aurora.

"Hey," she said, walking to the log on which Neoma was sitting, "come in the water with us. I think it'll be good for you to interact with those guys for a little bit. I promise, they're all so gentle and friendly, and they won't hurt you. I'll stay with you the whole time. You don't have to get pushed over if you don't want to, but I want you to experience how amazing they are. Do you trust me?" Neoma hesitated for a second, then placed her hoof on Cassie's. When the sisters were up to their waists in the water, Cassie summoned Polaris, who welcomed her back with a friendly nuzzle.

"Hi, sweetie," Cassie said, rubbing Polaris under her chin. Neoma eyed the orca warily as the massive creature rolled over onto her side to look at her with a warm, intelligent eye. Polaris dipped underwater for a second, then resurfaced for air. Neoma jumped with a start at the sudden loudness and strong scent of the orca's breath.

"She's... magnificent," Neoma whispered as her eyes swept over the orca's body. "I can't believe how big she is. Can I... touch her?" She turned to her sister, her eyes begging for permission. Cassie nodded, smiling. Neoma sucked in a shaky breath, then slowly reached out her front hoof to stroke Polaris' soft, smooth side. The thestral alicorn's face lit up.

"She's so sweet," Neoma murmured. "What a good girl." The corners of her mouth began to twitch upward. Cassie exchanged an excited glance with Luna. Neoma's body began to relax as she petted the docile orca and spoke softly to her. Polaris lay still and seemed to relish the attention.

Suddenly, Aurora shoved Polaris out of the way and startled Neoma, who trotted out of the water and smiled brightly when she caught sight of Silver and Edelweiss. The little white alicorn galloped over to her mother as Silver's muscles tensed. Soon, Neoma's and Silver's voices could be heard over the lapping of the waves. Luna's face dropped into a concerned frown, and she looked away from the bickering couple. Cassie sighed and waded out of the sea as Neoma's voice rose to cries. The bat-winged alicorn levitated Silver's phone from his beach tote and began to read the messages in question at top volume. The white unicorn stood silently before her, looking furious. Luna's eyes narrowed as she began to realize what had happened.

"He's gonna pay," the lunar princess hissed through gritted teeth as she trotted towards the couple. Within seconds, Luna's Royal Canterlot Voice shook the ground with such great force that the orcas sped away. Silver trembled at her hooves, crying like a colt in grade school. Neoma rested Edelweiss on her back, spread her wings, and took off into the palace. Cassie smirked in the stallion's direction, knowing that her mother was about to unleash the darkness of Hell itself upon him, and followed her sister up to her bedchamber. Neoma gave Edelweiss to her nanny and shut the doors so that she and Cassie could have some privacy, then walked over to the dresser, opened her jewelry box, and took out a diamond necklace with a large round emerald pendant surrounded by large diamonds.

"He gave this necklace to me when Della was born," she whispered. "Right after the doctor placed her on my chest for the first time, Silver kissed my forehead and passed the box over to me." She sniffled, holding the necklace up so that it sparkled in the sunlight that streamed through the nearby window. "He told me our love was like a circle: Endless." Neoma sobbed as Cassie began to comfortingly rub her back. "Do you know how long he told me he's been seeing that mare? Eight months. I guess I should have known when he started spending less and less time with Della. We haven't made love in months, and when I asked him why he never wanted to make time for us, he told me straight up that he wasn't as attracted to me as he used to be. He told me I've let myself go since I had Edelweiss, and that I've become a different pony since last week. He blamed me for the loss of our foal. He said that he wants a mare that will give him two foals, said the miscarriage was all my fault, accused me of cheating." Her voice hardened. "He was cheating the entire time we were trying to conceive. Last night, he..." She sobbed, "...he forced himself on me, then told me he only did it because he wanted to make sure he wasn't attracted to me anymore. We've only ever been with each other, so I'm just... shocked." Cassie began to tremble with rage.

"He's dead," she told her sister. "I'm going to rearrange his insides so much that he'll shit out of his mouth and talk through his asshole after I'm done with him. I'll feed him to the sharks without a second thought. Just tell me what you want me to do with him, sis, and I'll take care of him." She smirked devilishly. "My orcas will disembowel him and engorge themselves on his entrails. What would you like me to do?" Neoma smiled weakly and shook her head, but Cassie wasn't going to tolerate passivity from her older sister this time.

"Neoma, he raped you," she growled. "He is dead. I'm going to cut his dick off and make him eat it, or mom will, once she's heard about this. No. He does not get to assault my sister and get away with it." She sent a telepathic message, and Luna was there within seconds. Tears filled the princess of the night's eyes.

"My Neoma," she whispered, pulling Neoma closely under her wing, "my firstborn, my baby, the one who made me a mother." Luna nuzzled Neoma's forehead, allowing her eldest daughter to cry into her neck. "Ohhh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. Your father and I will make Silver wish he had never been born. Nopony gets away with hurting my daughters. Silver is quite possibly the stupidest pony to ever draw breath. To commit adultery against not only a princess, but the daughter of the Princess of the Night, is an unforgivable offense. Raping a princess who happens to be my daughter warrants an excruciating demise for him. His mistress will also be punished severely. Neoma, I'm afraid you have no say in this, my dear. Silver Shield will pay dearly for what he has done." With that, Luna took off, her powerful wings swishing as she ascended. Cassie draped her feathery pink wing over Neoma's shoulders and gently guided her to the dining room.