• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 3,430 Views, 166 Comments

Spike's Omnitrix - JSan82

  • ...

Who's To Blame? What To Do Next?

"Uh oh," Big McIntosh said after receiving today's paper.

The headline reads: APPLELOOSA IN SHAMBLES! The newspaper documents the surreal earthquake fault line stretching across Buffalo's sacred land and the apple orchard. Apple trees are uprooted, scattered, and appleless. Pictures of several apple trees made Big McIntosh shed many tears and wonder how their families would recover from the crisis.

Applejack walks into the kitchen with Apple Bloom after taking care of their morning routine. Granny Smith is sleeping on her rocking chair.

"Morning, Big Mac! How's it going?" Apple Bloom turns to her older brother.

"Somethin' bothering you, Big Mac?" Applejack tries to read her brother's body language.

"Uh," Big Mac tosses the newspaper to his siblings. He couldn't utter a word to describe his feeling.

"WHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!" Applejack is more appalled at the headline than Apple Bloom. She's irate after reading more about the coverage.

"So, what happens now with Appleloosa?" Apple Bloom turns to her older siblings.

Big McIntosh shrugs. He's clueless about tackling the situation.

"Mysterious ooze and creatures stumbling around?! Nothing in Equestrian history about creatures dragging pony folk?!" Applejack sounds more angry than frantic as she reads more about the incident. "THIS HAS TO DO WITH SPIKE'S DOOHICKEY! SPIKE BROUGHT THEM THINGS TO APPLELOOSA!" Applejack loses her temper.

Apple Bloom and Big McIntosh are equally confused about Applejack's rant and claim. They wonder why Spike's involvement has anything to do with the current state of Appleloosa.

Granny Smith wakes up from Applejack's clamor. "Enough!" Granny Smith shouts with authority. It's more than enough to silence Applejack's complaint. "Now, I have no idea why the youngling would be the cause of Appleloosa's plight. Enlighten us, Applejack. Why would Spike jeopardize Appleloosian's apples?"

"Yea? What do you know about Spike and what doohickey he has?" Apple Bloom wants to know if it is related to Diamond Dude.

"Eeyup!" Big McIntosh concurs.

Applejack bites her lips. She fears her explanation would spread throughout Ponyville like Heatblast's wildfire in the forest. "Swear that none of you blab about what I'm going to say."

"Alright, Applejack. I won't speak to anypony," Granny Smith solemnly swears in honor of the Apple Family Name.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly! Stick a cupcake in my eye!" Apple Bloom performs the Pinkie Promise. She knows better than to break a Pinkie Promise.

"Eeyup!" Big McIntosh's signature reply also means he won't tell a soul about Spike's possible involvement.

Applejack takes a deep breath. She explains the watch Spike wears on his left wrist, enabling him to turn into an alien. Applejack mentions Diamond Dude being Spike the entire time. Apple Bloom smiles widely and leaps for joy, knowing that her friend is the one that saved Ponyville and everypony from a threat, not from this planet. Granny Smith is amazed to hear that Applejack's friend can help every creature as her granddaughter could. Big McIntosh will miss Spike during the Guy's Night Game Night. He understands that Spike now has newer responsibilities to uphold.

"Now that y'all know. Don't bombast anyone about Spike being the Diamondheaded alien."

"I won't, Applejack!" Apple Bloom responds. She performed the Pinkie Pie ritual.

"My lips are shut, Applejack. No need to fret," Bic McIntosh calmly replies.

"I won't say anything. However, Spike is not to blame for Appleloosa's demise since he uses the doohickey for righteousness," Granny Smith implores Applejack.

"Them aliens occurrences are a magnet to Spike, Granny! How can I not!?" Applejack retorts. "Who would you blame?"

"Those things could be underground for centuries, plotting and scheming. I say it's more on them than Spike. We don't know what happened, and not all the evidence gets documented in a single newspaper article!"

"She's right. I'm sure the Princesses came up with a cover story to hide all the other thrilling details," Apple Bloom replies. She understands the world of journalism through her experience.

"Whatever happened to Pinkie Pie? I haven't seen her for breakfast," Granny Smith asks Applejack.

"She slept over at Rainbow's house after going on a pranking spree, Granny. Anyway, I'll be back later. Going to visit my friends for a get-together," Applejack leaves her home. She's eager to know if Twilight developed some spell to pry Spike's watch and send it elsewhere to kingdom come.

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash wake up to a bright and sunny day. They had a blast by fooling every pony into thinking Diamond Dude was visiting Ponyville to sign autographs, wasting everyone's time for half a day. The two get out of their beds and stretch.

"Man, that was an awesome dream!" Rainbow dreamt about saving the Wonderbolts from a wicked beast.

"I'll say," Pinkie giggles. She dreamt about being on an island made of candy.

"So, when do you think Twilight will reopen the school?" Rainbow asks Pinkie. She sees her friend with a blank expression. "Pinkie?"

Pinkie shakes her uneasy feeling since knowing the truth about Twilight using her students as servants, which Princess Celestia forbade her from receiving help. "Sorry, Dashie. I got sidetracked by something peculiar," Pinkie didn't mean to lie to her best friend, but she didn't know how to say something without troubling Twilight even further.

"What's on your mind, Pinkie?" Rainbow flies up to her friend to look her in the eye.

"It's Spike's watch," Pinkie lies to Rainbow Dash. She feels guilty but brings up Spike's aliens as an evasion for her deception.

"What about it?" Rainbow is suspicious about Pinkie bringing Spike into the conversation.

"I'm worried about who else may get impacted immensely with consequences. First, it was Twilight who lost custody of Spike for life. Then, my home with the Cakes gets burned down. I'm worried about an unforeseeable pattern that may affect the rest of our friends."

"Well, you did accidentally blur the mentioning of Spike's rant that led Twilight to cough up more incriminating details, Pinkie. Also, we don't know what sparked the fire at the Cakes' shop. We can't jump to conclusions about Spike's involvement. He's not the catalyst that initiates the suffering," Rainbow replies. With her element of Loyalty, she's showing that to Spike as her friend. She knows that Spike did not start a fire that wrecked Sugarcube Corner. From what she knows, Spike saved the Cake family. Also, she remembered Spike's rant that led to him quitting caring for Twilight.

"Oh..," Pinkie thinks it over, still avoiding her actual feeling about Twilight's ploy to use extra credit as a loophole for Celestia's decree. "I guess you're right..."

"C'mon!" Rainbow hypes Pinkie up with her demeanor. "Let's go meet up with our friends!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie becomes energetic. She hops out of the Cloudominium. She rides her balloon down while Rainbow Dash flies to the ground.

Upon arrival, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash meet up with Applejack. They see her pissed off.

"What's wrong, Applejack?" Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie ask with concern.

Applejack looks sternly at her friends. Some ponies around back away from her presence. "I rather discuss this privately," Applejack refers to the Castle of Friendship as an ideal location for any discussion.

"Okay," Pinkie and Rainbow nod in understanding. They follow Applejack to the Castle of Friendship.

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity are preparing for a picnic inside the Castle of Friendship. A day to spend time with their pets since two creatures won't accompany them. Spike and Starlight. Fluttershy and Rarity hope this decision can clear Twilight's mind of losing Spike due to Celestia's command. Twilight struggles to find peace with everything that Princess Celestia stole from her. Losing Spike permanently still is a crushing blow. Learning to care for herself is harder while being alone in the castle. However, she's determined to prove herself worthy to Princess Celestia by sharing friendships with every creature else, not a one-sided friendship.

Applejack barges through the castle's doors, scaring the daylights out of Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity. They come out and see their friend distraught.

"What happened?!" Twilight shouts in shock.

"Why are you upset, Applejack?" Rarity asks.

"Please.., tell.., us..," Fluttershy said in a quiet but loud enough to hear tone.

"IT'S SPIKE'S FAULT!" Applejack bellows in the corridors of the Castle of Friendship. The echoes reach throughout the castle.

"What?!" Rarity and Fluttershy are flabbergasted by Spike's involvement with Applejack's dismay.

"What did Spike do?" Twilight trots up to her friend. She extends her left wing for an embrace and comfort.

"I'll show you what that varmint had done!" Applejack snorts. She pulls out her hat to reach for today's newspaper. "Take a look for yourselves!"

Twilight reads the newspaper to her friends. APPLELOOSA IN SHAMBLES! Twilight reads loudly about the destruction of the apple orchard and Buffalo's sacred land. Apple trees uprooted, appleless, and scattered. A fault line that stretches far and wide, leaving no room to undo the damages. Reports say that an earthquake caused the events. Also, mysterious ooze and ponies stumbling has every pony else confused; Nothing in Equestrian history about creatures dragging others into the unknown.

"That.., is terrible!" Pinkie shouts in sadness.

"Horrible," Fluttershy concurs with Pinkie's statement.

"Whoa, I guess you were right about Spike's watch, Pinkie," Rainbow Dash feels eerie about Pinkie's explanation earlier.

"What in tarnation did you say, Pinkie?" Applejack turns to the pink mare, wondering if she jinxed the rest of her friends.

"Well..," Pinkie sweats a bit. "I had a peculiar feeling that Spike's involvement with aliens may affect us severely..."

Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity groan loudly. Rainbow Dash believes nothing wrong will happen to her and the Wonderbolts. Twilight understands the feeling since she was the first to feel the wrath of consequences.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Pinkie grabs everyone's attention. "Why can't we have Discord restore what was damaged?"

"Because, Pinkie," Discord rises from the ground after hearing everything spoken. He stretches and pops every bone in his body in place. "These events are not mine to clean up and fix. Whatever happens beyond my magic is the ponies' problem. What Spike does with the Omnitrix is his business."

"Omni-what?" The girls look at Discord in confusion.

"Spike's watch. It has a name. Omnitrix."

"Cool name," Rainbow digs the name. She finds it twenty percent cooler.

"You met with Spike, Starlight, and Shining?" Twilight asks Discord. She's eager to know how Spike is doing.

"Oh, I have. Spike, Shining, and Starlight are having fun traveling the continent together. I saw them around a bonfire," Discord stretches the truth. He didn't reveal Trixie traveling with the crew.

"Say, Discord. Can your magic remove Spike's Omni-watch?" Applejack turns to the Draqonecuus, hoping his magic can bypass the protection on Spike's wrist.

"Can your and our magic be strong enough to remove the watch?" Twilight asks, knowing wholeheartedly that Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadance will not be involved.

"I don't know. I never attempted to remove the watch, nor would I ever try. Spike is enjoying his life, so I shall not intervene. You can try it if you like. If it means no more alien involvement and ruining his life," Discord lies about his attempt. He knows the Omnitrix has an overpowering protection mechanism that his chaos magic cannot remove. Also, the time when Trixie and Shining Armor defeated him in seconds. Spike has his protection.

"No, no. We're not ruining Spike's life. It has nothing to do with that, Discord," Twilight replies.

"Then, what is it?" Discord is intrigued to know Twilight's true intention. Snapping his eagle-like claw, Discord spawns a bucket of popcorn coated in chocolate and caramel. "Enlighten me!" Discord said in a playful and taunting manner while grabbing a pawful of popcorn.

"Alien activity started spiking since Spike got the so-called Omnitrix, and they laid devastation, tracking Spike wherever he went and afflicting every pony, bringing misery. These aliens are detrimental, and their only objective is accroaching Spike's watch. If we efface the situation by detaching the Omitrix, we could send it to another planet where those aliens would forage and leave us alone."

"Hmm," Discord didn't think Twilight would endanger another world to get the aliens to leave Equus alone. Discord reads Twilight's body language and knows something is amiss. The way Twilight detailed the Omnitrix being the cause is one thing. However, she hasn't explained the Spike portion. Where does he fit with her theory? "What about Spike? How would this impact him?"

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind making a sacrifice for the benefit of all life on Equus," Twilight is confident with Spike's intelligence and would relinquish the watch if it means saving all lives. "Also, he'll still be with Starlight and Shining on their vacation. Still an adventure."

"I don't know if Spike will be willing to sacrifice like that. He'd seem too attached and is improving his skills," Discord says, knowing Spike is doing better with his aliens.


"Applejack!" Eyes widen for Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Rarity. They are stunned to hear Applejack's rage speaking more than her stubbornness.

"How dare you call Spikey-Wikey a varmit!" Rarity is disgusted with Applejack's behavior.


"Applejack, you're going too far. Calm down!" Rainbow Dash closes her eyes and back-hoofs Applejack in the face to snap her out of the rage.

Applejack growls and pants heavily when she sees the terror written on her friends' faces. She steps back to recompose herself.

"Bravo!" Discord applauds. "What a show!" Discord throws roses at Rainbow Dash for snapping her friend back into reality.

"Discord!" Fluttershy raises her voice at the Draqonecuus.

"What?" Discord turns to his best friend.

"It's impolite to laugh," Fluttershy reminds Discord of what a friend should be doing in a crisis like this.

"If Spike continues to wield the Omnitrix, it could mean the end of us. Alien or not, his involvement will become problematic to replace your Chaos," Twilight firmly states to entice Discord into helping strip Spike's Omnitrix.

"Replace my Chaos..?" Discord knows Twilight is trying to coax him like an idiot. For now, he mustn't reveal the defense protocols of the Omnitrix. Otherwise, Twilight will succumb to madness. "Well, Twilight," An idea struck his mind, something devious that he couldn't pass up. "When the time arrives, I'll assist you in prying the watch. I hope, by then, you have something of greater power that'll remove the Omnitrix."

"Don't worry," An image of the Alicorn Amulet comes to Twilight's mind with the Elements of Harmony. "I'll have something by then."

"Twilight, you can't be serious?" Rainbow Dash is now worried about Twilight's state of mind now that Discord wants to help.

"I wouldn't want to make a decision you'll regret, Twilight," Pinkie urges Twilight not to pursue selfish ambitions since discovering the loophole the other day.

"Don't do it, Twilight. It's not worth the trouble," Rarity said. She's nervous about the consequences down the line.

"Please don't," Fluttershy frowns at taking something precious away from Spike.

"Despite how I feel during my enraged state, I say do it, Twi," Applejack wholeheartedly says while calming down.

"NO!" Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie shout. They are not thrilled with Applejack's advice.

Twilight shuts her eyes and exhales. "Think it over, girls. You'll see that we're right. A sacrifice must be made to stop an ongoing threat from coming."