• Published 6th Dec 2022
  • 994 Views, 20 Comments

The Robotic Adventures of Blue Star - Blaze-saber

Things in Equestria will be different with a robot around.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Activation

Within a laboratory filled with many machines and robotic parts, in a room a shadow was shown by a light that went in and out. Within that room is a anthropogenic cat with white fur with blue stripes, three tails, and wearing a lab coat. This cat was wearing a welding mask on her head as he used a very high-tech blowtorch to weld together some metal. Once she was done, she removed the mask to reveal she has diamond blue eyes a diamond pattern on her forehead.

"Almost there..." She said as she pressed a few buttons on a console as robotic arms came over the thing she welded before lasers started to come out of them. As the arms were doing something to the thing she's working on, the cat put on some goggles before walking over to a panel before placing her paw on the screen and it scanned it. As the sounds of locks were being removed, she picked up a pair of pliers before a small door opened up and a bright blue glow shined through.

She used the pliers to grab the item in the vault and pulled out a glowing blue diamond crystal. "The Scion Crystal, one a few of the most powerful crystals in the universe." The cat said as the arms were pulled back. "With this, you'll be the defender this universe needs." She told the thing she's working on before its chest opened up and she placed the crystal in the slot in it. "I have high hopes for you, BLU-3-ZTAR." She then pressed a button and the thing was then put into a chamber which locked up and pulled up a hologram screen that showed its progress.

The cat removed her goggles and had a bright smile on her face before she heard banging coming from out of the lab. "This is the galactic Council enforcers! Open up or we'll open the door for you!" The cat panicked before pressing a few buttons to hide the small chamber and the robotic arms away.

"I'll be with you in just a moment!" The cat called out as her equipment was being put away by itself before she grabbed a clear disc and sat on a chair. She was about to press a button before the from door exploded and reptiles in white or black armor with helmets and blasters ran in. "I was about to buzz you all in, you didn't need to burst open my door." She told them before a much larger reptile in blue and silver armor walked in.

"Professor Rivet." The larger reptile spoke in a demanding deep voice.

"Commander Blanco." Rivet said all naturally as the soldiers were inspecting her place.

"You are in violation of your parole by the Galactic Council." Blanco told Rivet as he began to pace around her. "The charges of said parole are--"

"Yes, yes, we all know what charges they are." Rivet said in an annoyed tone. "One of my greatest inventions grew sentient and nearly destroyed the Galactic Council. I managed to shut down half of its systems but it got away and now it had created an Empire of its own after stealing all of my Scion Crystals." She turned on the screen in her paws to show a magazine. "And ever since then, I am prohibited from inventing anything else such as robots, androids, yada yada yada!"

"Then tell if you know you are prohibited from doing so, then why did create another?" Blanco asked as he stood infront of her and took the screen from her.

"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about." Rivet playing innocent.

"Then explain those." Blanco said as he pointed to some robotic arms sticking out in the wall.

"What, you don't have a coat hangers in your home?" Rivet asked.

"And the conveyor belt?" He asked as he pointed to one before Rivet got up and walked over to it.

"Have you've seen how big my places?" She asked as she placed dirty dishes on the conveyor belt. "I need this to help clean dishes from when I'm too far to reach the kitchen."

"Commander, we found something." One of the soldiers called out as Commander Blanco walked over to them and they found her laboratory.

"Care to come up with an excuse for this?" The commander asked what the raised brow.

"They didn't say anything about me making some models of ships and stuff." Rivet responded. "And before you ask about where the models are, model building takes time." She told them before one of soldiers found the chamber with what she worked on and her pupils shrink a little. "A-And that...is uh...homemade cooler!" The Commander narrowed his eyes at her before he walked over to the chamber. The glass in front of the chamber was fogged before he wiped the glass and looked inside the chamber. What he saw made his eyes go wide before the hologram screen viewed up and showed it was at least 83% near completion.

"You're under arrest Professor Rivet!" The commander quickly turned to her as energy cuffs were placed on her wrists. "And all of you, said your phasers on that pod and destroyed that thing!"

"Wait, no, don't!!" Rivet shouted as a couple of soldiers were holding her back while the rest them aimed their blasters at the chamber. She couldn't stand only by and watch what she made be destroyed as she feared the universe will be lost without it. She then spin kicked the soldier to her right before leg locking the other's head and flipping him over. She then quickly ran over to a console and used her three tails to type in a few things before rods from the ceiling came down and aimed at the chamber as the blasters were at full.

She was about to hit a big blue button before the commander grabbed her. "No you don't!" He shouted at her before he looked at his soldiers. "Fire on my mark men!" She struggled to get free before she jumped on his chest and used her foot to press the button. "Fire!!" His men fired their blasters just as the rods unleashed a power stream of electricity towards the Pod at the same time.

When the two collided, smoke filled the room and blinded it nearly everyone in it. One of the soldiers pushed the one in front of her and gestured to check it out and see if it survived or not. The soldier was breathing heavily in his helmet as he looked around at where they shot the pod and couldn't see anything even with the smoke being cleared a little. Rivet looked at where they shot with hope they didn't destroy what she made before the soldier looked back and gave a thumbs up. When they lowered their weapons, something grabbed him from within the smoke and fling him towards a wall.

Whatever through that soldier at the wall was moving fast in the smoke and taking down each soldier with ease. One soldier trying to shoot whatever was in the smoke before a energy blast fired back and knocked him down. One was crawling on the ground and trying to reach for his blaster before he was pulled back into the smoke and thrown into a bunch of them. The commander was about to reach for his blaster before the thing through one of his men at him and knocked him back, causing him to let go of Rivet.

"BLU-3-ZTAR, it's time for you learn and grow!" Rivet called out to the thing in the smoke with glowing blue eyes. "Go to the planet that is programmed in you!" The things eyes looked at her with sympathy as it didn't want to leave her. "GO NOW!!" She screamed as the soldiers were recovering and readying their blasters. Before they could do anything, the thing then flew up and burst through the ceiling. The commander looked out the window and saw whatever it is that attacked them fly high out of the planet's atmosphere and did a sonic boom to increase its speed. "Computer, protocol 56/890, passcode: complete erase all!" The computer complied and it's almost as if everything within our home was completely shut down. The commander then shot a glare at her after everything in her home shut down. "If you're thinking of going after him and destroying him, good luck with that. Because I just had everything on him, his specs, his data, his design, and even where he's going erased from the system. You'll never find him."

"We'll see." The commander growled at her before he looked towards his men. "Take her to the council and find where that thing went, now!" His soldiers gave us a salute before two of them took Rivet out of her home and into a hover vehicle. As they drove off with her, Rivet looked up in the sky and hope that her creation will save the universe.

"I promise to bring you all some pillows and food tomorrow." An earth pony told a yak, a griffin, a hypocrite, a changeling, and a dragon as they all settled in an old castle's Library. "Right now, I need to get back before my parents wonder where I am."

"It's cool Sandbar." The griffin told the pony. "Me, Smolder, Sliverstream, Yona, and Ocellus are just glad to be here."

"Yeah, it's cool." Smolder said as she walked over to a fireplace and breathe fire into it to light it up.

"Yona is just happy to be with friends again." Yona said as she group hugged her friends.

"I'm happy to be with with you too, Yona!" Sliverstream said with joy before she noticed Ocellus looked uneasy. "You okay, Ocellus?"

"Oh, I'm fine." She responded. "I just don't feel right about running away from my home."

"Well, we didn't have any other choice." Gallus spoke up. "Our mentors wouldn't let us see each other again. That chancellor stallion was a huge major jerk."

"No denying that." Sandbar said before the six of them laughed together. Just then, the fire Smolder started in the fireplace went out and Ocellus saw something falling from the sky from a hole in the ceiling.

"Guys, look!" She told them as she ran over to a window and they all saw something falling from the sky. "A falling star!" They saw the thing enter the atmosphere and crash land about a few miles from where they are.

"Cool. You get to make a wish, lucky." Smolder told Ocellus.

"So, what will you wish for?" Sliverstream asked.

"Well, I wish that the School of Friendship would be better and that way we can be together all the time." Ocellus told them. "And maybe...just maybe, we make a very special friend. A friend, that is like out of this world."

"I guess that's a cool wish, minus the school part." Gallus said.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow." Sandbar said as he waved goodbye to his friends.

Meanwhile, at the crash site of what they thought was a fallen star was really the thing that got away from the galactic enforcers. It burst out of the ground and with its eyes it scanned the area to see if there was any life around other than the trees. Once the cost was clear, it walked out of the crater and looked around where it is now.

It stuttered for a bit as it just had a crash landing, but after a bit was able to walk straight and head deeper into the forest that it is in. It just walked for about a few minutes before he heard some rustling coming from some bushes. Its right arm transformed into a arm cannon and aimed it at the bushes before a small creature with quills on its back jumped out.

It put its cannon away as the small creature seemed harmless at first before it showed its sharp teeth then fire its quills at it. The small creature was both shocked and surprised that it did no damage to it and it was unharmed. The small creature then went back into the bushes before it could do anything to it. Through its eyes, the thing was confused by what the small creature did before a loud clash made it jump for firing a blast from its arm cannon to the sky. It didn't hit anything as it was only thunder clouds before it started to rain.

As the rain came down, it knew it had to find shelter and fast. It ran quickly into the forest and look for any kinds of shelter until it spotted a cave up ahead and ran over to it. It sat at the entrance of the cave and looked out onto it world he was programmed to go but has no data on it. But it's not the world it is in now that it is scared of, it is its creator that it is worried about. It held its legs close to it as it rested its head on its knees before closing its eyes.

The next morning, it went out for a walk to see more of the world it is in. It haven't seen any intelligent creatures since it arrived until he heard sounds coming from not too far from where it is. It went over and saw about six creatures hiding behind wooden carts as the smaller creatures it saw yesterday were firing their quills at them.

They looked to be in danger and it knew it had to save those bigger creatures from the smaller ones. Just when it readied its arm cannon and was about to jump in and save them, seven other creatures jumped in and did it for it. When was pink, one was light blue, another was bright yellow, another was pure white, another was orange with a hat, another was purple with wings and a horn, and the last was bright purple as they have shown great skills of handling the smaller creatures.

It couldn't quite make out what they were saying before they left the ruins of an old castle and it decided to follow them. It followed them out of the forest and it means sure it was out of sight as it followed them. It followed them to what looked to be a large school but with a seal on the front door. The purple one with wings and a horn looked like it was about to do something before he saw bigger creatures similar to the six other ones it saw before.

"Twilight!" They turned to see Celestia leading the other species to them. "I was so relieved to get your letter!"

"As was Queen Novo," Seaspray nodded. "Oh, we're just glad you're alright Silverstream!" Suddenly, Gruff flew up in front of Gallus and pointed his talon at him.

"Don't expect a welcome party from me, sonny! It's time you got home!" He reached over and grabbed Gallus' head feathers in his beak, trying to pull him away, but Gallus slapped him away.

"I'm not leaving."

"Whaaaat?! Gruff yelled as Ocellus spoke up.

"None of us are." She then noticed her leader's raised eyebrow and hid behind Smolder. "Sorry, Thorax."

"Yak not understand." Rutherford scratched his head and turned to Ember, "This pony joke?"

"No," Smolder responded, "We're going back to school."

"How?!" Ember asked, "You can't even get inside!" She soon got her answer when Twilight unleashed a burst of magic, hitting the padlock sealing the building up until it completely shattered. As it did this, the magic covering the school faded away and she turned to smile at them all.

"School is back in session!" The students cheered, but that joy quickly vanished when a familiar looking portal appeared in front of the door.

Twilight stepped back as Chancellor Neighsay trotted out of it, the unicorn turning to the remains of his magical seal. He glared at the non-ponies, "Who dared remove my seal?!"

"I did, Chancellor Neighsay!" He shot a glare at the alicorn, but Twilight didn't even flinch and gave him her own stern expression while the others stood behind her in a united front. "And I respectfully ask you to step aside, or classes will start late."

"Classes won't start at all! The EEA has spoken, and none shall pass!" He slammed his hoof into the ground, actually causing a shockwave.

Yona growled back at him, "Yak pass if yak say! Hmph!" She tried to charge at him, but Sandbar stopped her. It didn't know what was going on, but it's sensors detected a rupture in the building after that unicorn stomped its hoof and caused a shockwave. It looked towards the destroyed part of the building and the cracks on them began to spread towards the front and knew what this meant.

"This is for the greater good!" Neighsay yelled before pointing at Twilight, "The school was disorganised, the teachers unqualified! And those dangerous and unpredictable 'students' put ponies' lives in danger!" He pointed to the still destroyed tower while the leaders all glared at him.

"I'll show you unpredictable!" Ember hissed before all marched up, Neighsay flinching from the 'deadly monsters' until Celestia stepped between them.

"Hold on, please!" They all stopped and turned to her, "I'm sure Princess Twilight Sparkle has a good explanation for all of this."

"I do!" Twilight assured her, "It's true that my School of Friendship is EEA-unaccredited--"

"Look!" Spike cheered, "She said it without doing the eye thing!"

"Then it is not a school!" Neighsay got right in her face, but Twilight just smiled and pushed him back.

"It's not an EEA school. It's a friendship school with its own rules. I should know. I wrote the book!" In a flash of light, a giant purple book three times the size of the EEA Guidebook appeared at Neighsay's hooves. The unicorn gasped at this, Twilight then turning to the others. "These students reminded me that every friendship is special, so the way we teach it has to be just as unique." The students all smiled at this as their leaders looked down at them with pride, "My school is going to do things differently."

Neighsay still looked un-stirred by Twilight speech. "Allowing all of these creatures to attend your school, changing the rules for them...it simply won't work!"

Twilight was about to speak up, but Celestia did it for her, "I seem to recall something about earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi doing something similar, don't you?"

Neighsay's face twisted at this, only for Twilight to add, "I promise you chancellor, my school will help protect Equestria." Before either side could say anymore, the cracks reached the large emblem for the school and began to fall apart. The three ponies saw a shadow coming down before they looked up and saw the emblem coming down. They didn't have time to get out of way and tge others wouldn't reach them in time.

Celestia hold Twilight close as it was close to crush them and Neighsay before it didn't. They looked up and saw something with a sliver metal body with blue arms and boots as it looked a blue helmet is on its head. The boots had planes on the bottom was using them to fly and hold up the emblem.

Everyone was wide-eyed at what they are looking at. "What in tarnation is that?!" Applejack shouted as the thing tossed up the large emblem and grabbed it by its sides before spinning around and flinging it far from them.

"It's...a robot..." Twilight whispered as the robot landed on the ground and stood tall as the sun glistened on its armored body.

"THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!" Pinkie Pie shouted and frightened the robot as it jumped.

"What is thing that saved ponies?" Rutherford asked as they all slowly approached the robot. "It strong like yak!" The robot was stepping back with a scared expression on its face as it thought it was going to hurt it.

"It just flew in out of nowhere and saved them!" Thorax pointed out as the robot brought out its arm cannon and aim towards them just as a warning.

"You think something like that would change my mind about you creatures destroying Equestria, think again!" Neighsay shouted at the leaders as the robot was charging up its arm cannon.

"You think we made that thing?!" Ember scolded him. "We don't even know what it is!" The robot was about to fire on them when it tripped and fell and it's blast went over their heads and out far into the field.

"Well whatever it is, it tried to kill us!" Neighsay shouted as he pointed to the robot. Ocellus then noticed the robot was trembling in fear as it held his head. "It must be destroyed, Princess Celestia, before it destroys us!"

"Wait! I think it was just afraid of us than we are of it." Ocellus spoke up. "I mean, look at it. It's so scared that it won't even look at us."

"It's just a machine, you Changeling!" Neighsay glared at Ocellus. "It can't feel a thing!" Twilight and her friends gave a closer look at the robot and saw that it was shivering in fear.

"No, she's right." Twilight told him as she slowly approached the robot. The robot looked for a second and saw Twilight coming close before it covered its head again. "Hey, it's okay." She spoke to it in a calming voice. "We're not going to hurt you." The robot gave another look and saw Twilight had a warm smile on her face before looking at the other creatures and seeing that they weren't going to hurt it. It then saw her extend out her hoof towards it. "Here, let me help you up."

The robot took her hoof and Twilight try to help it up, but it didn't budge an inch. As she tried harder, her friends try to help her but still no progress as to getting it up off the ground. They kept on struggling to lift it up until they felt like they were being lift up before they looked and saw the robots standing up well lifting them with just one hand. "Oh my, it sure has some strength behind it." Rarity complemented before the robot gently set them down.

"So, what are you exactly? Gallus asked as he and the other five students got a look of the robot.

"What ever it is, it's dangerous if it would make it look it's harmless." Neighsay glared at the robot. "It obviously brought down the emblem of the school down on us." The robot narrowed its eyes at him and shook its head before it opened its mouth. But everycreature covered their ears as the sound of a broken radio came out of its mouth before it quickly closed it.

The robot had a look of wonder as to why it didn't speak before it closed its eyes and open them to pull up a hologram blueprints of itself. Everycreature was amazed to see something they've never seen before. They then saw a red glow on the blueprints on the neck of the robot, showing that the robot's voice box is badly damaged. The robot then blinked again and showed a memory recording of what it's all. When it showed Neighsay stomping his hoof and made a shockwave, it showed that it was him who made the emblem fall and nearly crushed him along with Twilight and Celestia.

"You dare blame that on me?!" Neighsay shouted at the robot.

"It was your fault!" Seaspray told him. "You are just lucky the robot saved, you ungrateful stallion!"

"We thank you for saving us..." Celestia said to the robot before realizing something. "Excuse me, but do you have a name?" The blinked a few times before shanking its head yes. And then pull up a hologram of its blueprints again before zooming in on the name on the bottom right. "BLU-3-ZTAR?"

"That's not really a name." Smolder spoke up. "I don't even know what it means." The robot looked at her as if it offended it.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh! Let's give him a name!" Pinkie suggested.

"How do you know it's a boy?" Rainbow Dash asked her before she looked at the robot. "Are you a guy?" The robot nodded yes in response.

"Okay, dude, how Roboto?" Sandbar asked before the robot shook his head no at that name.

"Iron Boy?" Gallus asked before the robot shook his head no to that too.

"Ultron!" Pinkie exclaimed. The robot thought for moment before shaking his head no.

"You shouldn't treat that thing like one of us!" Neighsay shouted as he pointed at the robot. "It could be here to spay on us or lay ground work for something bigger or--"

"Blue Star!" Ocellus erupted him. "Whoever built him and gave him that name kind of sounds like Blue Star, so why not call him that?"

""Blue Star"? I love it!" Sliverstream shouted with joy.

"Yona likes Blue Star too." Yona added as the robot thought for a moment before giving a smile and nodded yes to that name.

"If you insist on not only having these creatures attend your school, but let up machine that we know nothing about be among us?!" Neighsay scolded Twilight who just gave an annoyed look back. "Mark my words, your choices would only lead to Equestria's destruction!" With that, he teleported away and leaving them be.

"Hmph," Gruff crossed his claws, "How is this school going to be any different from last time?" Twilight just giggled as she opened the door.

Professor Rivet was walking down a hallway with two soldiers by her sides as she was still cuffed. She was then brought into a room where more of her kind in fancy outfits looked down on her as she stood on a podium and looked up. "Professor Rivet Felicia, you are brought to the Galactic Council in violation of your parole." A male cat with black and red furr spoke. "What you say will be recorded in the judgment. You may speak as to why you've broken your parole."

"Very well, I will tell you." Rivet said. "But I want you all to know this, I did it for the sake of our universe. Not only for redemption for my first failure, but also to give hope."

"And what hope would that be?" A female cat with yellow and orange furr and a scar on her right eye. "You're first attempt at creating a savior ended up turning against us and made an Empire after stealing Scion Crystals that we once had. So tell us, why is this robot the commander told us about any different?"

"Well you see, my first creation was and still is to this day, a grown up." Rivet began. "As it fought by your side, the Scion Crystal that is inside of him gave him more sentience than I anticipated. It believed that robots with his superior species and others were not. That's why he attacked and betrayed in the first place."

"We are quite aware of what happened, Professor Rivet." A male cat with brown fur spoke up. "But what about the robot you had made and set free? How do we know it won't end up like your first one?"

"Because I made it to be like a little boy." Rivet answered with a small smile on her face. "And it's true that I lied about all the Scion Crystals being stolen from me. I had one left over and I use that to work on BLU-3-ZTAR. But it was for to stop my first creation." She then took a deep breath and looked at them with determination. "You see babies instantly forget what they learn and teenagers can sometimes either be rebellious or, as we say, going through a phase. So I thought to myself, "why not something in between the two?" And that's when I came up with the idea of creating a robot boy. From that standpoint, he'll be able to learn and grow to be a great defender if taught by the right ones. So go ahead, send me to prison. But know this, the reason why I created another robot was because the universe still needs a savior and BLU-3-ZTAR is that savior we all need."

Blue Star was holding a picture of the repaired school and all of the teachers and students that go to that school. The whole time the school was being repaired, every student and teacher in it have been seeing a song and he find it really enjoyable. Well, one found it a bit irritating. "Ugh, fine!" Ember whined, covering her ears, "If you promise to stop singing, Smolder can stay!"

"Wahoo!" The younger dragon cheered.

"Ugh..." Rutherford sighed, "If dragon stay, yak stay." Yona smiled as Thorax rubbed his charge's head.

"I know you will make the changelings proud, Ocellus." He told as she smiled.

"You belong here," Seaspray told Silverstream before she hugged him. "Now," she pulled away, "Can you show me those stair things you mentioned?" This question resulted in Silverstream letting out an incoherently excited noise, the young hippogriff pulling him toward the nearest set.

Gallus smiled at his friends, then noticed Grampa Gruff still flying above him. "What?" The old griffon asked before pointing at him, "You belong at home! You think I care if you've made friends?!" He looked away, but Gallus still had a trick up his claw.

"Please, Grandpa Gruff?" Gruff looked back and saw Gallus give him his own puppy dog eyes, something he had learned from his friends. He let out several whimpers, making Gruff flinch.

"Alright, alright!" He grumbled, "Stop doing that!" Gallus pumped his arm before the students all rushed inside, cheering along the way. Twilight watched this with a giant grin as Starlight stepped up to her.

"Guess I make a pretty good guidance counsellor, huh?"

"Yes!" Twilight nodded, "Writing the rule-book was the most fun ever! I can't wait to start working on the new lesson plans!" A throat clearing from Applejack made her look over at her friends, the princess blushing at them. "...with some help from my friends."

Celestia giggled at this before turning to the other leaders. "Well, I hope this school works, and is proof of how our kingdoms can work together." Blue Star was smiling before he got an idea in his head as he walked up to Twilight and gently tapped her shoulder. Twilight looked at him as he gestured to himself before pointing to the school.

"Of course you can join our school." She told him with a smile. "It's my way of saying thank you for saving my life and Celestia's." She gently tapped her chest before she accidentally activated the exhaust port and his chest open up. They also a glow coming from his chest as they all saw his blue Scion Crystal in it.

"Whoa! Do you have a snack maker inside of you or something?" Smolder asked as she reached for the crystal. But the moment she touched it, it slightly burned her while Blue Star was huffing in pain. It wasn't long before they realized what that crystal really is to him. "Oh man, sorry. I didn't know that it was like your heart." Blue Star just gave a small smile before his chest close back up.

"I have a feeling that things in Equestria will be different with a robot around." Starlight whispered to the others, as they were completely unaware that the crystal was sending out a faint signal when it was revealed.

In a unknown location, large metal steps were being heard in a large chamber as a large black figure approached a screen showing a faint signal. "A Scion Crystal energy signal?" The figure said in a deep voice that would send a chill down your spine. "Why mother, have you been holding out on me? It seems as almost as powerful as mine. Well, not for long."