• Member Since 24th Nov, 2022
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Adam Merkur believed he could not obtain any form of success on Earth, so he accepts a deal from Discord: To be sent to Equestria as the next Lord of Chaos.

However, running from your problems always has its' consequence. Now Adam is in a world that sees him as a villain, trapped in a body he hates, and stuck with a dark destiny. Can Adam achieve the success he desires, moreover, what is 'success' to him now?

All art is made by me.
Begins during Season 3 Ep. 10.

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 108 )

Aaaand I'm hooked, I'm gonna love seeing them learn that the mane 6 are murderers

That will really help them considering tying up a kid never earns the kids trust. Twilight should have just gotten fluttershy and woken the kid up.


I know right! Right off the bad they're tying him up, murdered his predecessor, automatically assume he is evil, wants to use the elements on them... I mean they're being xenophobic as all hell, current circumstances not included

“Sorry, I forget how terrible crossing can be for the inexperienced,” Alex could barely understand what Discord was saying as he was recovering from the abruptness of having a body again. He was shaking from the phantom pain throughout his body.

I think the protagonist’s name should change randomly once per chapter, without comment from the narration or characters. I think he should be named Rodney in the next chapter.

All art is made by me.

Shouldn't you give this story some cover art then?


Talk about embarrassing lol. Thanks for pointing it out. Don't know how that got passed me and my editor.

Anyway fixed.

11490737 It happens. Once, I accidentally referred to Pinkie Pie as Cornelius Vanderbilt for three chapters without anyone catching it in editing.

I do say, quite the nice first chapter, I don't recall someone making an interesting person becomes discord in a while, and this take where fluttershy does turn him to stone reluctantly is quite a nice touch and quite the breath of fresh air, as well as a really nice alternative to cannon.
all in all, looking forward to reading more of this.
good luck.

This shows for all fluttershy claims of friendship she was doing the bare minimum. She didn't even bother finding out anything she didn't already know about him . What kind of friend doesn't at least learn one thing about someone they want to be friends with.

Can't wait for the next chapter. There hardly any discord heir stories much less complete ones.

Woohoo! New chapter!

Point of clarity, did Fluttershy just change her mind on her own in this timeline, or did I miss something that would trigger her to go back on her word?

Spoilers, but there's a hint in chapter 1.

All I can think is that she never really tried to understand him. She gave him space to do his thing but never really got to know him.

i get the feeling that the child angle could be used to have the mc state that discord is her mom and her dads are the mane 6. should confuse people but be accurate enough

We're getting more of this right? Cause you've got me hooked now.

Great to see another chapter and to see Dizzy officially introduced to everyone. Didn't expected her to end up with a guard as legal guardian but perhaps it will suits better. And her and Spike looks like it might be a thing on the long term. I could be wrong though.

I think he forgave twilight a little too easily considering because one person of certain race does something bad doesn't mean you mistreat others because of it. Even if you had bad experiences.

Discord's monologue said something about a furball in his face I remember that he did something to it but not what this may have hurt Fluttershy's goodwill.

Updated chapter 6 as well with a drawing of Adam looking into the mirror. It was supposed to come out with the drawing, but I didn't want to delay the chapter until I finished it...I'm on and off when I make art. So here it is here as well:

Rainbow I think just wanted to be a hero while blaming him for discord actions. Considering that discord can only be beaten by the elements and despite the whole so called harmony reality is that ponies didn't start trusting other species until after twilight became a princess. They judge zecora without knowing anything about her and if they hadn't been judging her by what was different they wouldn't have had run into the poison joke much decided it was a curse.

Well... Considering that the ponies were basically starving papa D, disallowing any chaos at all, it's no wonder why he whooped the hoppity little rabbit's butt.
You place a jerkass rabbit in front of a prankster that literally survives off of doing said pranks, and then ask them NOT to introduce aformentioned rabbit to the sharp end of a boot is just asking for trouble.

Also, RD attacking a full sized discord I get, but attacking a child-sized anything seems suspicious to me. What's next? She gonna attack every gryphon on sight because they must be Gilda wearing hair dye?

It is a thing called propaganda and Ponyville is a very outdated town still having some wrong ideas like that only unicorns can use magic.

Yeah but it doesn't help that ponies seemed to lack critical thinking skills the kinds that allow soldiers to plan and people to discover new things. And rainbow is mostly an unthinking hothead.

Every time I read this I can't help but chuckle. Yeah, Angel might've barked up the wrong tree. :rainbowlaugh:

Ahhh, this is a fun story. Looking forward to more.

I would love to see more of this.

The hardest thing about reading this story, is the waiting for future updates. Looking forward to the next chapter.


I'll wait for more.

This will become a mess, XD, welp, he needs to act mature and smart if he wants to survive, and thrive.

Is it just me or does anyone else see only one paragraph?

This chapter was cute

Fast Pace raised an eyebrow smugly. "But it is, from a certain point of view."

And you're a child abuser. "FrOm A cErTaIn PoInT oF vIeW" 🤞

"It'll make whatever he's scheming way harder if everyone knows the truth. Grab Sweetiebelle and Applabloom and spread the word.”

Apparently Loyalty just means going behind friend's backs, defying your royalty, and attacking others through children that don't know any better. Y'know, when outright physical violence won't cut it.

I mean, full on murdering discord obviously wasn't enough! Let's just kill imprison anyone who even remotely looks like him too, just in case!

“Angel?” Fluttershy asked.

Oh deer She's still in Egypt, hooves planted firmly in De-nial.

“Don’t forget your bowl,” Discord reminded with a smirk before vanishing.

Please miss may I have some more?


Ok, but honestly? That demon rabbit deserves it.

This chapter was gonna cover a bit more ground...but it was getting pretty long. About 1.2k words have been cut and saved for the next chapter, and that total only covered a third of what I had planned for the entirety of chapter 9. But hey, I'm getting faster. So there's that!

Great to see another update, and quite the backstory/dream for Adam! Great work!

Oh great rainbow has created a witch hunt against him and it only a matter of time before someone does something stupid and it spreads like a fire. Ponies tend to take anything out of the norm badly. And rainbow is not one to easily change her mind.

Well rainbow dash messed up big time. I hope she doesn't get out of this scot free like she did when she assaulted dizzy. I don't know why Fast Pace as her 'Guardian' didn't report it to Celestia. That's serious dereliction of duty.

Nice chapter tho.

Huzzah, he's getting faster.

Like the story. May I share an idea for it?

poor dizzy. rainbow needs to stop before she gets someone killed though

I really think he should leave. Outside spike he doesn't have any friends and twilight too busy being wrapped in her own little world to see that things are bad.

Ohh shits about to go down! I know this is about to get good.

They were the ones antagonising him so it's well deserved. Now for the fallout to begin.

This is why Celestia is a bad leader. What, did she just expect everything to be ok? What's worse, is she expected everything to be okay if she sent them to the last place Discord was at? Also, bad Spike, don't be a bystander.

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