• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
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A guy. A guy who writes stories. Stories about ponies. (And sometimes robots).


This story is a sequel to Absinthe Makes the Heart Go Yonder.

Flash Sentry, certified Hero of Equestria, not to mention self-confessed liar, coward, and all-around-scoundrel, finds himself facing ... himself?

Yet another volume of the Flash Sentry Papers.

Written for Bicyclette's Flash Sentry Contest!

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 30 )

But Manehattan’s a long way from Ponyville, and I understand they’ve already got Miss Maple on the case.

Heh. I understood every aspect of that reference.

And this should be quite the adventure indeed. I wonder if the other Flash ever forgave this one for breaking his girlfrend's heart.

This Flash Sentry looks pretty cool and I hope there's more for his adventure.
Too bad this doesn't (and can't really) take part in the Flash Sentry Contest

“Mmm, right.” Princess Twilight started walking deeper into her palace, beckoning me to follow. I complied, of course, and even kept my eyes off of the Princess’ admittedly impressive plumage. For the most part. “Let me give you a brief primer on the foundations of thauma-quantological mathemagic.”

Yeah, that's going to go in one ear and out the other pretty quickly.

“Flash Sentry,” said Princess Twilight. “I’d like you to meet … Flash Sentry.”

That's going to be a bit of a .. surprise.

This should be interesting.

Writer block on the other story and trying to get the creative juice flowing again?

Twilight reaction to Carrots being here with Flash was amusing, even though it was established in another story that the relationship wouldn't work. The other Flash presence wouldn't help either.

Now question is, is the Flash from the other side as much a lecherous coward as this one or is he a relatively decent person? There might be an age difference as well. It's going to be interesting.

And didn't Flash go to the Equestria Girls universe in another story or was it something another author wrote as an homage to this series?

This flash already went to EQG, got everyone incredibly drunk, fought off DnD monsters and royally pissed off everyone with his human counterpart.

Great shades of Star Wars and nice to see more personal growth from pony Flash.

But please, Major Sentry-- please, Flash, can you help Flash out? You’re the only pony who can.

Citation needed, Twilight.

Ah, teenage existential crisis. Understandable that Twilight (and possibly Sunset) would forward Flash to himself for this consultation, but it's definitely giving Sentry the Elder too much credit. Story of his life, really. Let's just hope his decision to hit the bar doesn't lead to even more havoc down the line.

It will, of course, but I can hope. :derpytongue2:

It would be funny... And catastrophic.

I didn’t like him.

I can't imagine why...

My counterpart went on. “Once I heard there was another me here, and that the other me, like … did stuff, I wanted to learn more about me, so I could like, do stuff.”


“Of course not! How could I? Equestria’s a madhouse, surrounded by the sort of horrors that’d make you soil yourself. Don’t let the pleasant décor and all the talk of Friendship fool you. If anything all the pastels and engravings are a deliberate effort to distract everypony from the myriad array of terrors and calamities just waiting to sweep the whole nation into darkness. Again.”

I mean, he's not entirely wrong.

I’m not sorry for what I did, but it would’ve been nice if I’d never been put in that situation to begin with, you know?”

You're sorry it had to happen to begin with, right.

*Which, incidentally, is a medicinal practice in certain regions that Sentry may have visited.

I, fail to see how.

“Oh.” Other-Flash furrowed his brow and peered at me. “Do … you have a girlfriend?”

Of a sort.

“Miss Maple wasn’t fast enough to catch them, but she figured out they were on a train to Ponyville, so she sent a telegram ahead. It’s up to us to intercept them before they can use their stolen artifact. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re going to Princess Twilight.”

Flash can never win, can he?

I would almost pay money for Flash to interrupt Twilight and go, "I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. Why are you trying to explain this to me?!" Just once, just once...

Odd, Human Flash is usually pretty sensible and one cider shouldn’t compromise his judgment. I wonder what happened.

There is a traditional Chinese medicine made from the exception of a variety of toad. It's supposed to have cardiotonic properties. Granted, it usually collected and dried into powder or tablets, but I suppose you could like a toad.
Additionally, the poison arrow frog secretes a poison that is, like the name suggests, is used to create poison arrow heads.

You could tell they were cultists on account of the cloaks they wore, the ancient ruin they’d taken up in, and the fact that they had Fake-Flash gagged and chained to a weathered slab of granite.

The burliest one actually carried in the slab. Few ritual sites come pre-furnished with them, after all.

Delightful bit of Flashy derring-do and Ponyville-grade madness. I do have to appreciate human Flash's practical approach to available magical resources (though I wonder how he talked Sunset into going along with this.) Hopefully he takes the second option with Ditzy. Thank you for a lovely addition to the Papers, and best of luck in the judging.

“He did!” Princess Twilight chimed in, proudly. “It’s rare to find such devotion to academic excellence these days.”

... Wow.

While I am happy to have so much of this, I am also somewhat disappointed that it's already finished. It was a nice jaunt back into this universe. Any longer story ideas niggling at you?

So did Human-Flash take any permanent injury from the Vessel? He may think he's too small to play pro ball, but if he has the same kind of innate ability to dodge out of trouble and astounding luck stat as Pony-Flash, he may yet find himself as a successful punt returner in college, and then a successful punt returner in the pros.

Pony-Flash is what, maybe early or mid-30s by now?

I like the story but this chapter seems a bit rushed. And it was entertaining when they were talking at the bar but the fact that neither flash does really does anything this chapter or have much witty banter kind of holds it back. It would have been good payoff to see what the other flash was thinking on his relationships after seeing Carrot Top in action.

-George Macintosh Fresian

ahaha great ponification of George Macdonald Fraser. and augh the pastiche is so on-point!

In my long, undeserving, and otherwise “storied” career, I’ve faced (or, more accurately, fled in terror from) every sort of terrifying, pony-eatinghorror our surprisingly dangerous world has to offer.

hehe, love “pony-eating” here (though i do prefer  “mare-eating”)

It’s a different sort of horror, I should note. Receiving a letter from Princess Twilight isn’t the sort of thing to reduce a pony to screaming and panicked retreat, but rather, the arrival of a starched envelope sealed with a telltale seal in purple wax provokes a more anticipatory horror. Oh sure, Princess Twilight often means well, but that somehow makes the inevitable chaos that follows in her wake worse. Where most of the more overtly murderous creatures I’ve crossed over the years have long since been imprisoned, banished, or slain, Princess Twilight is still out there in her palace, just waiting to summon a certified Hero of Equestria out of retirement for one last, mad quest.

honestly just love this paragraph, and how “letters from Twilight” gain this certain weight of meaning now that she is the ruler of all Equestria. like a plow furrowing a field and leaving upturned dirt in its wake, that is what power does

“Rarity might, actually.” Carrot Top took a moment to adjust some of the braiding on my dress uniform (as of course I wore my dress uniform to see the Princess. Force of habit, I guess). “But I doubt this is a fashion emergency.”

so true, Rarity would and i love her for it

“If it’s any consolation, somepony broke into the vaults at the Manehattan museum of art last week, so it’s not like things are completely quiet. But Manehattan’s a long way from Ponyville, and I understand they’ve already got Miss Maple on the case. Nothing to do with us.”

this feels like a reference, or something that will be relevant to the plot later, or something!

“Close.” Carrot Top and I said, simultaneously. That single word was enough to convey the … unique relationship between Carrot and I without giving it a specific definition, which was how the both of us liked it.

that would indeed convey all of those things!

“Absolutely! This won’t be dangerous at all!” Princess Twilight, of course, remained blithely unaware of how unnerving that statement could be.

hehehe so true

“Mmm, right.” Princess Twilight started walking deeper into her palace, beckoning me to follow. I complied, of course, and even kept my eyes off of the Princess’ admittedly impressive plumage. For the most part.

pfft, and of course that is what a pegasus would notice

As such, Princess Twilight’s prattling went way over my head, even before she started bandying about terms like “universal parallelism” or “entangled soulstate wavelengths.” Honestly, if it weren’t for Princess Twilight’s boundless enthusiasm and casual expertise, I would’ve thought she was making it up as she went along.

a very non-omniscient narrator is a great way to not have to get deep into the worldbuilding mechanics!

Before I could ask any of the countless questions that came to mind, Princess Twilight threw the doors open with no small degree of showmareship.

yay showmareship! Twilight has definitely developed a good sense of it over the years

“Changeling!” I cried. Unfortunately, with Princess Twilight standing in the doorway, I couldn’t bolt out the way I came in, so I grabbed the nearest chair sitting around the Cutie Map and hurled it at the bug wearing my face. My counterpart let out a girlish shriek (at least the bloody Changeling had gotten that part right) and ducked out of the way as the chair smashed into the wall behind him.

firstly, love the honest self-deprecation, very brave. also, very understandable reaction in a world where Changelings exist!

Faintly, I registered the tingly haze around me as purple, not Changeling green. My mounting terror only grew as I realized that Princess Twilight must have been suborned, or mind controlled, or otherwise compromised. I would’ve screamed even louder then, except Princess Twilight’s potent magic kept my mouth locked shut.

again, also a reasonable assumption, perhaps! and yes, that is definitely cause to scream even louder

*See: The Prisoner of Zebra.

no idea if this is even referencing a written story but i love it! really adds verisimilitude to the pastiche

“Now you can see why I said this was … delicate. It’s not every day that I bring over someone from the other side of the mirror portal. I’m sorry to spring this on you-- I really should have given you a better lecture on the principles behind all of this. I don’t suppose we could start over? I promise I’ll do better the second time. I’ll even make you a reading list.”

such a Twilight way to miss the point, love it so much

Or, well, an alternate universe reflection of himself who’s slightly older due to chrono-flux misalignment, but still.

and yes, love the headcanon that the pony universe characters are years older than the literal high schoolers due to multiverse shenanigans

“I know, I know.” Princess Twilight sighed, then affixed me with a pleading, wide-eyed look that might have been more convincing had she not effortlessly paralyzed me with her magic mere moments before. Princesses are dangerous, I tell you.

so true, they are so powerful and should rightfully rule over us

“Kinda? Like, I wasn’t there, ‘cause I had the flu, but Sunset Shimmer just told me to tell everyone it was my identical cousin from Europe who showed up and got into all that trouble.”

honestly love how these references flesh out these characters without feeling like i’m missing something critical, it’s a delicate balance to strike and i’m impressed

My counterpart went on. “Once I heard there was another me here, and that the other me, like … did stuff, I wanted to learn more about me, so I could like, do stuff.”

“Stuff.” I said.

teenagers, am i right?

“Of course not! How could I? Equestria’s a madhouse, surrounded by the sort of horrors that’d make you soil yourself. Don’t let the pleasant décor and all the talk of Friendship fool you. If anything all the pastels and engravings are a deliberate effort to distract everypony from the myriad array of terrors and calamities just waiting to sweep the whole nation into darkness. Again.”

so true bestie

*Once again, Sentry brings up an interesting historical feature without being aware of it. Namely, windows high enough and wide enough to allow easy passage to flying creatures was something of a feature of Harmony-era architecture, acting as an invitation for not only pegasus ponies, but also Griffons, Changelings, Hippogriffs, and even adolescent dragons. That Princess Twilight’s palace would have such a feature is indicative of her ongoing efforts to befriend creatures of all kinds.

love this footnote a lot

The ones that were didn’t bat an eye as they saw a pair of Flash Sentries enter.

missed opportunity to say “Flashes Sentry”

“Uh, I guess so?” Other-Flash said. “Like, uh-- I dated Sunset Shimmer for a bit, but I think she was only interested in me as part of her evil scheme to get popular and take over the school.”

I peered at my counterpart over the rim of my tankard. “Damnation, we might be more alike than I thought.”

ahaha love it

“But then after that, I started dating Ditzy Do, so that’s a thing? But she’s so sweet and so nice that sometimes I wonder if she’s, like, too good for me?”

aww dang, third time i’ve seen this ship in the contest!

“Well, not your Carrot Top, but her equivalent. She’s a perfectly lovely pony … most of the time. Lovely eyes. Hell of a dancer. And, you know, she’s got a rather athletic frame, if you get my drift.”

To judge by the look on my counterpart’s face, he certainly did not. And before I could elucidate further, a rather familiar voice cleared her throat behind me. Slowly, I turned on my barstool, and sure enough there was Carrot Top, in the flesh. I could tell it was ‘my’ Carrot by the annoyed look on her face.

i mean this is just what Flash Sentry’s life is like i imagine! heavy on the comedic timing

The closet’s tight dimensions forced Carrot Top’s steely-thewed form against mine, which would have been far more pleasant in other circumstances.


“Oh hell.” My voice went dry. “What kind? Discord cultists? Sombra cultists? Tirek cultists?”

Equestria sure has a lot of cults, doesn’t it? kinda makes Starlight’s whole deal seem more normal

And, with the tact of the typical earth pony (which is to say, none), she banged a hoof on the rickety door.

hehe, this sure is a Flashman pastiche! also, love this Carrot Top a lot

After an hour and a half of bushwhacking, we found the cultists. You could tell they were cultists on account of the cloaks they wore, the ancient ruin they’d taken up in, and the fact that they had Fake-Flash gagged and chained to a weathered slab of granite. Terribly predictable, cultists.

so true, is there a book they all follow or something?

“Joke’s on them.” I muttered. “If they’re counting on a hero’s courage from me, they’ve got another thing coming.”


“They’re not counting on you, Sentry. They’re counting on him.” Carrot Top pointed to Faux-Flash, bound up on the altar. The cultist leader turned and held the Vessel of Valor above my counterpart’s chest, and the relic began to glow, drawing threads of golden magic straight out of my doppelganger.

Drinking up all the fearless bravado of an idiot teenager.

and dang, love the irony here!

The beating was a classic showing from Special Agent Golden Harvest, which is to say, thorough and efficient. There was hardly a wasted moment as Carrot Top went from one cultist to the next, twisting limbs, breaking bones, and otherwise proving herself a terror, each blow backed up by long trained skill and corded earth pony muscle. She sprung for the cultist leader and bounced his head off the side of the ancient altar, and the Vessel of Valor fell to the ground and stopped glowing.

love this Carrot Top a lot

“What about this thing?” Faux-Flash poked the Vessel of Valor, wary.

“We’ll give it to Princess Twilight, and she’ll find someplace safe to put it. That’s usually the best way to deal with these weird magic artifacts.”

i imagine there to be a sizable vault in the palace just for these things

Classy Flashy balderdash, tinged with just enough truth to make it believable. I’d convinced my counterpart to go along with it, since otherwise the alternative would be to explain to Princess Twilight how he’d been abducted from a tavern bathroom.

augh such a good pastiche

“I’m sorry, I didn’t think I heard you correctly. Are you implying that you harnessed a magical portal and traveled to another dimension in order to do your homework?”

“He did!” Princess Twilight chimed in, proudly. “It’s rare to find such devotion to academic excellence these days.”

The corner of my eye began to twitch.

ahaha, love how it comes full circle to that

“Why would I?” I said. “The lad’s an idiot who doesn’t even know what kind of trouble he’s going to get into. He’ll likely get himself killed doing something stupid, and then they’ll probably put up a statue of him after the fact.”

and love how this ties back into their contrasting braveries thing, and why pony Flash Sentry survived all of his terrifying adventures

Carrot Top mulled over the question for a moment, then closed her eyes as she leaned against my side. “Well, Sentry. I just want you to know that I still like you. Even if … “ she trailed off, then shook her head. “Nevermind. Just remember, I like this Flash Sentry a lot better too.” She nuzzled upwards and kissed me on the cheek.

“I should hope so.” I said.

“Now come on. Applejack owes me a jug of brandy, and I figure this is a perfect time to collect.”

“Why darling, you really do love me.”

and what a nicely episodic ending!

if this is a taste of what the rest of the series is like, i really need to check it out! excellent work here, loved it

It’s a different sort of horror, I should note. Receiving a letter from Princess Twilight isn’t the sort of thing to reduce a pony to screaming and panicked retreat, but rather, the arrival of a starched envelope sealed with a telltale seal in purple wax provokes a more anticipatory horror. Oh sure, Princess Twilight often means well, but that somehow makes the inevitable chaos that follows in her wake worse. Where most of the more overtly murderous creatures I’ve crossed over the years have long since been imprisoned, banished, or slain, Princess Twilight is still out there in her palace, just waiting to summon a certified Hero of Equestria out of retirement for one last, mad quest.

Wait, he retired!?!? :pinkiecrazy:

“Close.” Carrot Top and I said, simultaneously. That single word was enough to convey the … unique relationship between Carrot and I without giving it a specific definition, which was how the both of us liked it.

convey the...*

“Absolutely! This won’t be dangerous at all!” Princess Twilight, of course, remained blithely unaware of how unnerving that statement could be. “I just need to introduce Flash to a … friend of mine.”


“Flash Sentry,” said Princess Twilight. “I’d like you to meet … Flash Sentry.”


“Changeling!” I cried. Unfortunately, with Princess Twilight standing in the doorway, I couldn’t bolt out the way I came in, so I grabbed the nearest chair sitting around the Cutie Map and hurled it at the bug wearing my face. My counterpart let out a girlish shriek (at least the bloody Changeling had gotten that part right) and ducked out of the way as the chair smashed into the wall behind him. I beat my wings and lunged for the next chair. All I had to do was make enough noise and buy enough time for Carrot Top to show up and start dispensing Special Agent Golden Harvest brand beatings.


“I know you’re just trying to protect me, but he’s not a Changeling.” Princess Twilight said. “Not to mention that the Changelings are our friends now, but given your service record, I can see why you’d be a bit … nervous. So now I’m going to put you down, and you’re not going to throw anything else, and we’ll all have a nice laugh about it later. Okay?”


“I’m okay.” The other-me said. His voice was surprisingly young-- and, once I had the chance to eyeball him properly, I realized the rest of him was just as youthful to match. Oh sure, the broad strokes were there; the square jaw, the lush mane, the broad wings, and all those other elements of my innate handsomeness that made me so popular with mares. But the clone-pony didn’t have a uniform decorated with medals, or a frame decorated with battle scars, or even the sharp, wary look in the eyes stemming from the traumatic collection of said medals and scars. It was me, but … younger. Softer. More innocent, even.


“Now you can see why I said this was … delicate. It’s not every day that I bring over someone from the other side of the mirror portal. I’m sorry to spring this on you-- I really should have given you a better lecture on the principles behind all of this. I don’t suppose we could start over? I promise I’ll do better the second time. I’ll even make you a reading list.”


“But yes, the mirror portal acts as a semi-permeable gateway through trans-dimensional N-space, and it acts as a morphological cipher, which is why Flash Sentry-- Flash Sentry of Canterlot High, that is –looks like a pony, and not a … well, you don’t know what a ‘human’ is, but think a hairless, bipedal ape.” Princess Twilight yammered on, having completely forgotten about my earlier outburst now that she got to lecture someone. Or perhaps that was just my punishment. “And! As it happens, a friend of mine told me Flash Sentry of Canterlot high was having a friendship problem, so I thought who would know Flash better than himself? Or, well, an alternate universe reflection of himself who’s slightly older due to chrono-flux misalignment, but still. You two might not exactly be the same, but you’re similar enough that I’m sure you can offer some valuable insights into Flash’s situation and help his journey of personal growth!”


“This … is not what I expected when I received your letter.” I said.


“You … know about that?” I said, very carefully.


“Does … Princess Twilight know about that?” I chanced a look at the door, in case the Princess of Friendship were to barge in again. Considering I hadn’t been arrested yet, I could only presume she remained ignorant of my myriad misdeeds.


“Okay, like, so--” Duplicate-Flash stumbled over his thoughts and words without even the excuse of several empty winebottles. Which made me suddenly aware that Princess Twilight had neglected to provide appropriate refreshments. Which made me even more thirsty. Damn.

wine bottles*

My counterpart went on. “Once I heard there was another me here, and that the other me, like … did stuff, I wanted to learn more about me, so I could like, do stuff.”


I groaned. “Lad, I’m … notably more seasoned than you are, but I still don’t know what I’m doing.”


“Because I’m--” I bit the words back before I could incriminate myself. Further, at least. “Because-- look, lad. Have you ever killed anyone?” My counterpart’s eyes went wide. “To judge from your expression, I’ll take that as a ‘no.’ It’s not like I’m some kind of psychotic serial murderer, mind you, it’s just that … well, to spare you the messy details, but every time I’ve killed anything, it was them or me. I’m not sorry for what I did, but it would’ve been nice if I’d never been put in that situation to begin with, you know?”

Also damn! :pinkiegasp:

“Whoa.” Phony-Flash said. “That’s … pretty heavy.”


“I’ll just tell them you’re a distant relation or somesuch. Or maybe we’ll get lucky and everyone will already be soused enough to think they’re seeing double.” I gave the other-me a firm push, and we headed inside.

distant relative or some such.*

“Oh … kay?”


“Oh.” Other-Flash furrowed his brow and peered at me. “Do … you have a girlfriend?”


“Well, yes. Though ‘girlfriend’ is a rather pedestrian term to describe the particular nuances of my relationship with Carrot Top.”

Question answered, they are dating! :yay:

“Well, not your Carrot Top, but her equivalent. She’s a perfectly lovely pony … most of the time. Lovely eyes. Hell of a dancer. And, you know, she’s got a rather athletic frame, if you get my drift.”


A tankard and a half’s worth of pleasant, cider-induced flush drained away in an instant. “Just what … kind of something?”


“That … might be the best option. Even if I call in a favor from Sweetie Drops, we wouldn’t be able to cover all of Ponyville. If you keep an eye on things inside the palace, and I’ll patrol outside, we might have a chance. Come on.” And with that, she opened up the closet door and the two of us tumbled into the hallway, dignity more or less intact (because nopony was there to see it). Carrot Top bustled out into the bar-- and stopped, suddenly enough that I bumped into her.


“I’m--” I followed Carrot’s gaze over to the end of the bar, and a pair of decidedly empty barstools. “Oh.”

Great, just what they needed. :facehoof:

“Maybe. But you’d fly if you did.” Carrot Top said. “Look-- there are at least three, maybe four sizes of horseshoes here. The other Flash didn’t run, he was kidnapped.”

But who'd want to kidnap him? :unsuresweetie:

And that’s how Carrot Top and I wound up following those footprints into the Everfree Forest, because of course that’s where they went. Then again, it’s not like there was anyplace else near Ponyville that was suitable for nefarious deeds. Carrot Top plunged into the dense woods with her typical fearlessness, while I followed along with my typical knee-shaking fearfulness. It’s not as if I had any other option; returning to Princess Twilight’s palace without my counterpart would raise entirely too many questions.

Not to mention freak Princess Twilight out. :ajbemused:

“He did!” Princess Twilight chimed in, proudly. “It’s rare to find such devotion to academic excellence these days.”

I honestly don't know what to say now! :pinkiegasp:

“Not that.” Carrot Top said. “I can’t imagine it was easy meeting … yourself.”


“Why would I?” I said. “The lad’s an idiot who doesn’t even know what kind of trouble he’s going to get into. He’ll likely get himself killed doing something stupid, and then they’ll probably put up a statue of him after the fact.”

Ok, that's a little too much to say about your counterpart. :duck:

Carrot Top mulled over the question for a moment, then closed her eyes as she leaned against my side. “Well, Sentry. I just want you to know that I still like you. Even if … “ she trailed off, then shook her head. “Nevermind. Just remember, I like this Flash Sentry a lot better too.” She nuzzled upwards and kissed me on the cheek.


Despite a few mistakes this story had, it was pretty good. :twilightsmile:

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