• Member Since 26th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago




Space: The final frontier. This is the story of the USS Equestria. Her voyage of discovery, and her evolution into something more. And the story of her crew, who like the Equestria itself, are fresh out of the classes of Starfleet Academy. Together, they will go boldly into the unknown. Seek out a world once thought to be pure fiction, and along the way, they will grow as a team, and as a family...

This is my second foray into an MLP Star Trek crossover. And this time It's a three way crossover with transformers. More specifically, transformers Prime...With a few changes.

Against my better judgement, I am giving the rating bar ONE more chance since this isn't a Sparkling Harmony Story. I swear to god if this story gets a dislike before it's possible for ANYONE to read the first chapter I'm gonna disable the rating bar and curse all the trolls into oblivion. They all can go right to hell and STAY there.

Added Profanity tag because unlike my previous works, I'm not gonna hold back the use of words like hell and ass.

Won't be swearing every five seconds, but it also won't be nonexistent.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 70 )

Interesting and unexpected. Heh, now I get a dark thought..


This has many possibilties

Im not sure if the reboot has stopped everything of the Michael bay versions.


...No that's not the transformers series I'm putting in.

I'm putting in Transformers Prime, the TV series that has a movie as it's ending

Very good beginning, this has a lot of great possibilities. Keep up the awesome work!

Thanks man! Glad to see you intend to follow this story.

First off. I want to say, "Anyone who says STAR TREK: DISCOVERY isn't really Star Trek ain't fans of Star Trek.

Now that I got that off my chest.

This looks like it's going to a great story. I'm looking forward


GOD it's so damn annoying right? All these stuckup, closeminded, hardcore trekkie POSERS that refuse to accept ANYTHING new?

Your welcome.
I watched alot of 'Trek

I've yet to watch Picarrd.

Anyone who refuses to accept ANY new version because it didn't fall under Roddenberry's vision are not Trekkies.

Totally, 100% agree on that one!

It's the same bloody crap with Star Wars.

But I will grant you that episodes 8 and 9 suffered because Disney felt it was a good idea to put an idiot like Rian Johnson in charge of 8.

That guy should NEVER be allowed to do sequels. Ever.

Also, have you watched lower decks and Prodigy?

As well as the Kelvin timeline movies like into darkness and Beyond?

Season 4 of Discovery. Dark matter Anomaly I believe...

Maybe watch season 4 first before continuing.

Prodigy - yes
Lower Decks - yes

Kelvin timeline - covered in movies

finally able to read this great chapter by the way

the captain could be a Cybertronian, or a race that the Cybertronians encountered, knew, allied with and trusted enough to have certain permissions among their kind; the Ponies; possibly met after the events of Friendship is Magic (Gen 5 takes place over 1000 years later, maybe close enough to the timeline of the current 32nd century of Star Trek).

granted, this theory falls flat as the other current Autobots have said nothing that would give hint of any truth to this line of theory.

Eh not necessarily.

Could just be classified information

I missed that Captain Maxima was retracting and growing her horn out of her head. I read the words and assumed it was just poor word choice. That is freaky to think about.

That will be explained soon enough. And it will make complete sense

great chapter wonder what is going to happen next time on Proxima ball z

Stick blitzwing on a tractor beam and use him like a whip club to smack a few emerald Rogues into scrap?:trixieshiftright:

Wouldn’t do too much damage but it would definitely be hilarious. Lol.

great chapter wonder what is going to happen next time on Proxima ball z

I feel like I should have asked this question at the start, what does a Hydra class starship look like? Cause in my head I'm imagining a Promethius class.

I’ll put in a pictures of the ship next time. But in essence it is Prometheus successor.

Got the Energon, got the Derelict for all the nerds to Twilight over, and got teh Stasis pods to remind Blitzwing, yes, he can be dealt wit?

I didn’t even THINK about the stasis pods. Yes. If he miss behaves again they’ll just put him back in stasis. Heheh.


A lot of writers hate Stasis Pods because they can be used as a One Solution. got an unlimited power unstoppable villain? Stasis Pod. If they dont exist relative to realitty, they cant do anything unless abusive handwavium thow away is used due to writing into a corner. same with dealing with heros. if immediate obliteration for some weird reason isnt an option.

Unless it's written in a way that makes sense.

The Federation KNOWS for a fact that the stasis pods on the Autobot Derelict can in fact hold Blitzwing. Where as they do not know if any of their containment methods can hold him. Heck as far as they know, the only reason The containment field in the last episode worked was because BLitz just sat there sulking.

Wouldn't you use what you know works rather than risk making something new and it not working?

Why did people hate Sparkling Harmony?

I'm asking myself the same question.

Like, OK, sure, not everyone is going to like my writing.

But I am positive that the horrible dislike ratios on recent SH stories are more trolls than anything else.

THANKFULLY Star Trek Reformatted, which is NOT connected to Sparkling Harmony in any way, has a more reasonable ratio.

Again, I accept that some people genuinely don't like the story, but it gets fishy when a story gets disliked before it's even possible for ANYONE to read the first chapter.

great chapter wonder what is going to happen next time on Proxima ball z

great story wonder what is going to happen next time on Proxima ball z

"Wild Access" Isn't that the transformation code for Power Rangers Wild Force?

Yes. Yes it is.

But it also fits with the plot of the second Volume

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