• Member Since 17th Mar, 2023
  • offline last seen May 20th



This story is about the mare called Amethyst Wind. Maybe she's the one to save Princess Twilight from her eternal fate of being a captive of her library. Or maybe she's just a delusion of Rarity who's slowly going insane because of Discord's curse. Still she's real for Rarity, and someone should free the Princess. Could it be her?

This story is based on The Enchanted Library written by Monochromatic (Mono knows about this). It is tightly coupled with Interlude VI, Interlude VII, and a part of Chapter 29: these parts of TEL are expected to take place between the corresponding chapters of this fanfic.
It's kind of AU relative to TEL itself (which is another AU relative to MLP:FiM), which treats Rarity's dreams about Amethyst Wind as a real thing.

Story consists of eight chapters.

Originally this fanfic was written in Russian, and so Russian version is available through several resources: Ponyfiction, Ficbook, Tabun.
Cover art is drawn by TerminalHash. Also, here's the reference sheet for Amethyst Wind as how I see her (originally Mono did not provide a description of her look in TEL, so I had to let my imagination do the thing; Mono kinda approved it too), drawn by TerminalHash too.

I'm not a native or even fluent in English, and it's my first attempt to upload something what can be read by fans around the world, not just in Russian-speaking countries. I'm pretty sure my literature English is horrible (e.g. tenses, punctuation, wording, metaphors, idiomatic expressions etc.), so if anyone is so generous to help me improve the text, and my skills too, they can help me by suggesting corrections here in Google Docs. Last chapter even did not undergo any proofreading by a fluent/native speaker, so sorry for its quality, I hope someone would help me with it.
Also feel free to suggest anything else you wish in the comments below, it's my first publication on Fimfiction after all, and I may know not the full details of how it works here, so your advice would be helpful. At least I hope so.

Great thanks to:

  • Monochromatic, for writing TEL, the amazing story that is really a treasure of the fandom. Personally for me, TEL is second most respected fanfic of the fandom after Background Pony.
  • Gavier, for absolutely amazing proofreading job of all chapters except the last one, so the story at least partially does not look weird in terms of language.
  • Shaddar and other TEL translating team, for, well, translating TEL into Russian, so I discovered the thing that really inspired me.
  • Imanta18 aka Nyamiha, for actually convincing me to rewrite Amethyst Dreams into English, so other people could read it.
  • TerminalHash aka FoxFromPripyat, for a cute cover art and a reference sheet for Amethyst Wind.
  • And you, for reading this! I hope it'll satisfy your interest in a new TEL related content.
Chapters (8)
Comments ( 16 )

I absolutely love The Enchanted Library, this looks like a really awesome side to explore more into! :twilightsmile:

Yay! Thanks!
I would try not to disappoint you by next chapters!
For me, TEL is second best fanfic ever (after Background Pony), and an amazing piece of writing art at all. I hope my side story will be at least worthy of it :)

There's a bit of translation jank but. OH MY GOD. IT'S SUCH A GOOD PAIN

This destroys my heart, the updates can't come soon enough

Thank you so much for the translation

Thank you!
I hope I'll find someone to help me proofread the translation, because it's quite hard to write a text of decent quality being not a native speaker.
About updates, I'm working on the next chapter right now :) And then three more to go.

I'd gladly help with proofreading if you want. This story deserves love and eyeballs

Yay! Thanks so much in advance then! You may suggest any corrections in Google Docs, I'll be very grateful for that :)

Thanks! Me too (sounds a bit strange from the one who actually wrote it, but umm, sometimes I really like what comes to my mind.) Especially that loooooong one-sentence Amethyst Wind's thought-stream.
Btw, it was you who've just proofread first three chapters on gdocs? I'm asking because gdocs shows it as anonymous suggestions, so I'm not sure. Still I could say I processed the suggestions and commented the last one :)

yup! my only google account shows both my college and irl name, so I went without one to avoid doxxing myself :twilightsheepish:

Ok, at least now I know who's to be grateful to :) Thanks!
Can't wait for your follow-up suggestions!

This was really good! The English was solid, so you don't have to worry about that.

You did a good job expanding on what exactly got Rarity to quit adventuring. Such a shame ponies had to lose their lives. I would have liked more expanding on Rarity's time with Amethyst Wind, but the bits we got were nice. It's funny how airheaded Amethyst comes off as here; she sort of reminds me of Sonata Dusk.

It was an interesting choice to have Twilight's outburst in the last dream sequence be canon to this, but it made a lot of sense. Twilight and Rarity's interactions after reuniting were great; unfortunately for Amethyst, Twilight and Rarity still have a lot of romantic chemistry lol. I especially loved Rarity's suggestion for a misleading letter of her own.

Oh! I lost all hope that my fanfic would be noticed by someone, so I gave up on regularily checking views and comments, but then wow, you have read it and even commented! Thanks for the feedback, and sorry for not replying for so long!

Well, about English, all chapters except the last one were actually proofread after I published this (unfortunately, proofreader's enthusiasm was not enough to finish the last chapter). So maybe, language quality of the last chapter may be significantly lower than of all others.
Yes, because Rarity values her friends that much, I guess losing them forever probably might be the only thing that could force her to actually look what she did and realize how insane she became because of her addiction to Twilight, and even forbid herself to try any more.
Yeah, you got the idea about Amethyst Wind's character type, how I see her after reading these chapters of TEL. She's really quite airheaded I think, and comparing her to Sonata looks quite realistic.
That Twilight's outburst, in my case, helps Rarity to push her to her true self. In TEL it was just a key for a scene change; here, it's a marker for Rarity to stop trying to interpret everything by her mind, and act on her heart's will, and so "break a wall" she intentionally built in her mind between her and Twilight. And by how they act after this, I tried to show that love they both once felt to each other, didn't fade after these years, but evolved from the pure romantic one to something deeper and stronger, so Rarity don't need to be jealous to Amethyst anymore: even if Amethyst has a romantic relationship with Twilight, it does not affect that type of love between Twilight and Rarity.
And about that Rarity's letter, fun fact is that phrase was suggested by Shaddar, who translated TEL to Russian, when we were discussing that Twilight's last letter. I liked that idea so much that I could not resist of inserting it into my story :)

So, thanks for reading this! That's the feedback I needed so much.

A good start. I look forward to the rest.

Rarity found that healing broken ribs was not a fast process. That may be because of some sort of Discord’s dark magic that timberwolves possessed, or whatever. Anyhow, Rarity was getting better day by day. Soon she was able to get up from the bed and walk. Her first steps after a prolonged bed rest were as hard as if Twilight somehow had placed one of her bookcases on Rarity’s back, but still she managed to walk more and more with each day. And her magic was slowly returning to her. Of course, she was still in quite poor condition, and she would not risk teleporting or otherwise straining her magic. But Rarity no longer experienced difficulties with something easy, such as levitation or a light spell. She was not alone in the hospital these days: Fluttershy came to visit her often and talk about her recovery. Sweetie Belle also kept her company sometimes, despite the myriad of chores she took on just to maintain her sister’s boutique. Well, Rarity was very proud of Sweetie, who really had been acting almost like a grown up mare. Of course other ponies helped, but she still did a lot.

It’s not exactly a rule, but generally in stories a paragraph of this size is considered a poor format.

I could probably say something deep here, but I feel that the story speaks for itself.

Rarity could not afford to try again and again: it doesn’t bring her goal any closer, but it hurts and even kills ponies around her. After all, this is exactly what Twilight had written in her letter, isn’t it?

You changed your tense around a few tmes. It should be:
'Rarity could not afford to try again and again: it didn't bring her goal any closer, but it hurt and even killed ponies around her. After all, this was exactly what Twilight had written in her letter, wasn’t it?'

Despite of being a few feet from the fire, she felt like she was lost in a blizzard–

Yay! Thanks for the feedback. I've splitted this paragraph, I guess, now it's better?

Thanks! Corrected this too. Uh, I'm quite bad at tenses I guess...

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