• Published 25th Mar 2023
  • 219 Views, 1 Comments

Life Is Strange. Episode. 2. : Unseen Consequences. - Forgetful

Wallflower deals with the consequences of her previous choices, as she tries to guide Sunset towards a better tomorrow.

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Bathroom Brawl

Wallflower sighed as she entered the eerie silence of the girl's bathroom. At least it was calm for the moment at hand, she wasn't ready for more drama to put it lightly. Shakily she turned on the metal faucet at the nearby sink, gathering water and her nerves as everything seemed to be spinning. With a splash the water hit the soft contours of her face, the reflection of the worn tired girl in the mirror, filling her heart with unease.

Stumbling lightly she spun around and entered the stall behind her. A soft click echoed as she entombed herself in the cubicle, her backside hitting the toilet as she took a seat and began to cry.

"Who else here knows I fucking sell!?" Juniper's shrill voice exploded into the room from out of nowhere.

A second set of footsteps quickly rushed within as the door slammed shut, locking tight. "I don't know your dumbass clientele!?" Sunset's voice spoke with confusion but more annoyance overall.

"The answer is no one except you bitch!" Juniper's voice filled with anger.

Wallflower slowly wiped the tears from her eyes, lifting from her seat as softly as a timid mouse. Her chocolate-colored eye peered through the crack of the stall door, both young women in clear view and overflowing with anger.

"I'm telling you I didn't swipe your stash!?" Sunset rolled her eyes as she leaned up against the graffiti-smothered wall.

Juniper snorted as she crossed both arms across her chest defensively. "Well my dealer says the product is missing, I only hang out with you!"

"So you think I stole it!?" Sunset seemed hurt as her lips fell into a frown.

"Yeah, a few nights ago when we were drinking in that shitty vehicle of yours!" Juniper snapped as she forcefully pushed Sunset hard upon the chest with both hands.

Sunset growled with visible anger plastered over her face. "Hello! You were in the backseat, I'm not some fucking magician! " She seemed to be holding back taking a swing at her accuser.

"Some other time then, I know it was you!" Juniper looked flushed and ready to explode as she reached into the purse at her side hastily.

Without hesitation, she pulled out a silver-colored pistol and pointed it straight at Sunset seriously. The golden-skinned woman looked confused and horrified as she stumbled back in fear, clearly taken by surprise.

"Put…put that thing away!" Sunset felt her lips become exceedingly dry as her voice cracked out of fear.

"If I find out you're stealing from me…" Juniper pressed the cold steel against the cheek of her trembling victim.

"I'll fucking kill you! Because if my dealer outs me to my uncle, then I have nothing to lose! Understand!?" Juniper hissed as Sunset fought back tears from running down her cheeks.

"I swear, I didn't steal…" She began to sob.

"Stop!" Wallflower unlocked her stall and nearly fell over as she popped out into view of both shocked girls.

"Watch out she's got a…" Sunset seemed genuinely worried for the green-haired stranger who simply materialized out of nothing.

"Prop, she's got a prop gun," Wallflower spoke calmly as her hues narrowed to Juniper who was blushing a bright beet red.

"What? A prop!?" Sunset clenched her fist at her side furiously.

"No, it's the real…" Juniper went flying against the door unlocking it before she fell to the ground as Sunset's fist popped her right in the eye.

The pistol clanged as it flew across the floor and slid somewhere behind one of the stall's toilets. Sunset was quick to pounce atop her ex-friend and landed punch after punch on the girl who screamed for mercy.

"I'm not a thief! I'm not going to be pushed around!! I won't be scared of you!!" Sunset screamed as she continued to sob aloud in frustration.

Wallflower was at a loss for words unable to squeak out a sentence let alone an action to stop this madness. Yet before things could escalate even further, the door swung open as Applejack rushed inside, drawn in by the ruckus.

"Get off of her!" Aj nearly screamed at full volume, easily lifting the redhead off the bloody and bruised figure on the floor.

"Psycho! " Juniper squealed in terror as she was quick to scramble to her feet, dashing out into the now empty halls and vanishing.

"What in tarnation is going on!?" Aj huffed frazzled by the moment her blonde hair was a mess of tangles.

Sunset struggled to catch her breath as both fists were coated in crimson. Without a word, she shoulder-checked the southern belle and limped off into the distance as well. Wallflower left to awkwardly gaze at the blonde, her words still on mute.

"Well, should I get the principal or are you going to scatter like a critter in the night too?" Aj was lost in the context of the situation, uncertain of her next move.

"No, I was using the bathroom and those two just got into a fight…" Wallflower forced the words to escape her lips half-heartedly.

"No kidding! About what?" Aj narrowed her green eyes towards the shaken leaf of a girl before her.

Wallflower struggled to come up with an excuse that wouldn't cause too large of a drama explosion. "Uhh, Juniper said something horrible about Sunset's friend?" She blurted out words she hoped made enough sense.

Aj's expression softened somewhat which surprised Wallflower as she wasn't the world's best liar. "I see, was it about Adagio?" She asked in concern and lifted a hand across her lips worriedly.

Wallflower felt taken back by those words as her nose scrunched lightly."You know about her?" She pried a bit deeper into the subject with curiosity.

"Not much, I know she was homeschooled and that Sunset was her friend." Aj gave a glance around herself as if checking if the coast was clear.

"Homeschooling?" Wallflower trailed off.

"Supposedly, I used to see those two hang out all the time. They were like two peas in a pod." Aj giggled lightly with a reminiscent tone.

"What happened between them?" Wallflower spoke with care on this subject.

"Adagio, she just vanished."

"Like she moved away?"

Aj frowned as she nodded a no to the question. "No, like she fell off the face of the earth." She lowered her voice speaking in a purposely hushed tone.

"Huh? Did something bad happen?" Wallflower asked as a chill ran down her spine.

"Nobody knows, but the police labeled it as a runaway case." Aj shrugged lightly as the school bell suddenly rang throughout the halls.

"Poor Sunset," Wallflower whispered under her breath.

"Wish I could say more, but I really should go. You alright, hon?" Aj changed the subject as she switched to a more positive tone.

Wallflower felt herself blush as she gave a quick nod. "Oh, yes I'm perfectly fine." She replied in a voice that was a whisper.

Aj smiled and wished her a lovely afternoon before exiting the bathroom with a weakened wave. Wallflower could only huff in exasperation as silence befell her, she stumbled back against the freakishly cold brick wall and slid down to the floor.

She was once more alone, this time even more worried about Sunset's well-being. She figured that her chance at a new first impression was completely ruined now, and erasure wasn't an option this time. Not with all the bruises and blood that has been shed now, no she'd have to suck it up and push ahead.

Maybe even keep an eye on her back. Juniper no doubt would be after her for some type of revenge, she did just open her up to a massive beating. With a heavy heart and pounding skull, Wallflower just wanted to go home.

Fall asleep and wish this horrible day away, tomorrow had to be better than this.

Or she could hope.

Comments ( 1 )

I'm eager for the next chapter! You're doing a great job with this series.

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