• Published 7th Apr 2023
  • 408 Views, 30 Comments

Just Bros Being Bros - DualSoul1423

When Flash Sentry discovers that Timber Spruce has been dumped, he makes it his personal quest to cheer up his bro, no matter what it takes.

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Chapter 1

Flash Sentry wandered the streets of Canterlot city, looking for something to do. Since he got out of high school last year, he found that he had far too much free time on his hands, and without the daily responsibilities that he had in school, was typically left to his own devices by his decidedly well-to-do family. They never pressured him to pursue a career, and have always happily funded him and his passion for music, but on days like today when his bandmates were all busy with their own obligations, Flash found himself simply wandering.

That isn’t to say that the time was wasted. Flash liked to explore around town, searching for inspiration in his musical endeavors. He found that some of his best ideas came from observing the lives of others, which helped him imagine perspectives beyond his own norm. The little interactions that people have on a daily basis was what life was really about to him, and it helped breathe life into his own work.

That being said, it was hard to think about music on an empty stomach, and he had already been wandering away from home for a good two hours or so. Checking his wallet, Flash was pleased to see that he had more than enough money to stop for food somewhere, and although he enjoyed the comforting familiarity of eateries near his home, he was feeling somewhat adventurous today.

Looking up and down the street he was on, his eyes fell upon a small cafe that looked homely enough to take a break in. He quickly made his way over to the small coffee shop and slipped inside, being met with the pleasant wafting aromas inside. The smell of fresh coffee and baked goods brought a small smile to his face, and despite the selection on offer, he already knew what he wanted.

Stepping up to the counter, Flash politely requested a toasted blueberry bagel with a black coffee, and after the woman at the counter took his name for his order, he was directed to take a seat while he waited. More than happy to rest his tired feet, he started to make his way to the seating area when he suddenly saw a familiar face sitting at one of the tables.

There in the cafe was Timber Spruce, who Flash recognized as Twilight Sparkle’s boyfriend. Timber was deep in a book, ignorant of the world around him as he gingerly sipped at a cup of his own steaming bean juice. He was never terribly close with the guy, but Flash was at least on good terms with him, on account of the two sharing a friend group. Spending time with Sunset meant that he typically would spend time with the rest of the girls, and Timber was usually found with Twilight.

Deciding to say hello, Flash stepped up to the table, clearing his throat. Timber’s eyes darted up at the intrusion, only to soften slightly when he recognized the blue haired musician. With a smile, he closed his book and set it down, turning slightly in his chair to face Flash.

“Oh, hey Flash! Been a while since I’ve seen you. A few months, right? How’re you doing?”

“Yeah, a few months I think… I’m doing pretty alright, actually. Was walking around town, but stopped here for a snack. Mind if I sit with you? I’m waiting for my order, and it’s been a while since we just chatted.”

Timber gestured to the other chair at his table, grinning widely. “By all means, man, take a seat. It’s always nice to catch up with a friend. How’s life been treating you, how’s the band?”

Sitting down, Flash shrugged, sharing in the friendly smile. “Like I said, pretty alright. After I got out of high school, I started to focus on my music. Been working on an album, so hopefully I can land a record deal or something soon. My bandmates are busy today, so I thought I’d walk around town, try and find some inspiration for a new song or two. Though if the band turns out to be a dead end, I’ll probably figure out something else.”

“Hey, I’m sure it’ll work out, you and your band have always had a good sound. Let me know when the album drops, I’ll totally pick up a copy.”

“Sure, sure. If it drops,” reminded Flash. “But hey, how about you, Timber? I remember you saying you were going to a university after high school. Is it the same one Twilight is going to?”

At the mention of Twilight, Timber’s face fell slightly. “Nah, I’m probably gonna head out of town for my college. Twilight already landed an internship at a fancy lab here in Canterlot University, so I won’t be seeing much of her. Not that it matters that much, we broke up last week.”

Flash sat up, blinking a few times in surprise. “Woah, really, just last week? How’d that happen? You two seemed to be really good together. Did you two have a fight or something?.”

Timber smiled sheepishly, waving a dismissive hand. “It’s nothing like that. We’re still friends, it’s just that we were never the best fit for each other. It was pretty obvious early on that she had feelings for someone else, so I just gave her a push to follow her heart. I’m totally alright. I’m happy knowing that she’s happier now.”

Flash raised an inquisitive eyebrow at Timber, his curiosity now properly hooked. “So wait, she was more into someone else? Do you know who, or is it a secret?”

Timber innocently shrugged, giving a cheeky grin. “I’m not at liberty to say exactly who, sorry. Those girls will go public when they’re ready to. It’s at least someone you know, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise when they do.”

Flash folded his arms with a smirk. “So she’s dating a girl now, and one I know? Is it Sunset?”

Timber deflated, his expression turning to embarrassment as he realized that he misspoke. “Crap, I said too much, huh?”

“Nah, it just seems like the obvious choice. I spend a lot of time with Sunset, and the way she talks about Twilight makes it pretty clear that she’s had a crush on her for a while. I’m happy to hear they got together.” When he saw Timber’s crestfallen expression though, he quickly added, “I mean, it still totally sucks that you broke up, I’m really sorry to hear that man!”

Timber chuckled, shaking his head. “It’s really not a big deal. I’ll be fine, I promise. I just need some time to adjust. I got so used to dating Twilight that I almost sent her a cute text this morning.”

Flash frowned for a moment, not liking to see his friends sad like this. Even though they hadn’t spoken much since graduation, he still considered Timber a friend, and had already decided to help cheer up his buddy somehow, even if he wasn’t sure how yet.

It was then that his name was called for his order, and Flash excused himself for a moment to pick it up from the counter. As he paid for his food and drink, Flash realized that he had the whole day free, and had nowhere else to be. Sitting back at the table with a grin, Flash finally broke the silence that had been growing between them.

“Hey, Timber, do you have anything planned for today?”

Sitting back up and shaking his head, Timber responded “No, not really. That’s kinda the reason I was just hanging around a cafe reading. Why?”

“Well, if you’ve got the day free, and I’ve got the day free, how about we hang out together? Maybe see a movie or something; I heard that the new Transmorphers movie was pretty good.” Flash paused to take a sip from his coffee before continuing, “I mean, I’m guessing you need something to take your mind off this breakup, and who knows? Maybe you’ll give me inspiration for my next song.”

Timber raised an eyebrow, giving a small smirk. “Oh, I’m sure it’ll be a huge hit. Call it ‘My Ex’s Girlfriend’s Ex.’ Make it a power ballad, I bet it’ll be huge with the ladies.”

Flash gave a snap of his fingers with a playful wink. “Hey, that sounds like a pretty good idea! See, I knew hanging out with you was good for inspiration. Keep it up, and I’ll have a whole new album by the end of the day.” The two shared a laugh before Flash took a bite of his bagel, satisfied with Timber’s newly uplifted mood.

In the end though, the two didn’t go to the movies after all. They spent the rest of the day chatting together as time seemed to escape them, pausing only to refill their drinks or buy more food. Flash soon discovered that the two of them shared more in common than he originally thought, as when he mentioned listening to a particular rock band, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Timber had been a fan of them for just as long, with the two apparently having both seen them live on the same day, just without seeing each other in the crowd.

Timber too was happy to find that not only did Flash read many of the same books as him, but shared several of the same headcanons and theories about the characters and plot points. At first, the rocker was embarrassed to admit that he had indeed read mushy romance novels or fantastical fantasy adventures, but Timber made sure to encourage Flash’s love of literature and took great pleasure in discussing the finer points of the stories that Flash had never had the opportunity to gush about.

Every topic seamlessly rolled into the next, with the two not only finding an abundance of common ground with each other across various pastimes and interests, but a healthy enough respect for each other’s differences to open up their perspectives a bit. They both promised to each other to explore recommendations ranging from bands to books to shows to games, the two friends equally curious about the other’s unique tastes.

By the time that the cafe closed in the afternoon, they had traded phone numbers and decided to hang out again sometime soon, agreeing that they had more in common with each other than they did with the girls they often spent time with. As Flash waved goodbye to Timber for the day, he started on his way home, a pleased smile on his face. Even if Timber was only joking about it before, he made a mental note to work on that song idea. Something about it seemed charming to him, even if it was a bit silly.