• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 825 Views, 28 Comments

White Dragon - Blaze-saber

Whilst going for a job interview, Flash Sentry finds himself inheriting an object of great power. Thrust into a world of danger and excitement, he gain control of his new powers and learn to trust his new partner before his world's future is lost.

  • ...

Chapter 2: A New Dragon Spreads His Wings

Three-hundred years later, in a city known as Canterlot City, many people were going about their lives. In a nice city like this, you would have guessed that it's a complete and normal place. Well you be wrong.

From a world called Equestria, magic started to appear in this world and things turned from normal to abnormal. It was all thanks to a unicorn from that Equestria called Sunset Shimmer. She had stolen a crown with an Element of Harmony in it from Princess Twilight.

One thing led to another and after retrieving her crown, Twilight managed to redeem Sunset Shimmer and she made some friends after. This team of girls later gained magical abilities from geodes found on a camping trip and have been using these abilities to take care of these magical mishaps. These girls were also a band called the Rainbooms, comprised of Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and this world's version of Twilight Sparkle.

But at this moment, we're focusing on a teenage boy with orangy yellow skin and blue hair. He was wearing a black jacket with a shield on the shoulder of the sleeve with a lightning bolt in the center of it.

Said boy was climbing up a tree until he stuck out his arm to reach a white cat. "Here Opal, come here." He called out in a soft calm tone. Opal slowly made her way over to him.

"Be careful, Flash!" Sweetie Belle called out from below.

"That's it, here kitty." He repeated before he was able to gently pick up Opal. Flash carefully made his way back down the tree before landing safely on the ground. "Here you go, Sweetie Belle." He handed her the cat.

"Thanks, Flash." She smiled. "Rarity would have freaked out if she found out Opal was up a tree."

"Just make sure there are no dogs around when you go out with her." Flash told her before he realized what time it was. "Oh man, I got to go. I promise Micro I would help move some equipment for a science experiment."

"Okay, see ya!" Sweetie told before she left with Opal. Flash then picked up his guitar case before making his way over to his friend's place. As he walked, he noticed Applejack using her magical strength ability to help move a piano up some stairs.

He let out a sign when he saw that before he continued on. As Flash walked, he noticed other members of the Rainbooms doing their own thing around town. Fluttershy was talking to some animals at the animal shelter while Pinkie Pie is using her confetti explosion to entertain some guests at a party.

Flash didn't want to admit it, but he had felt jealous about their powers. Ever since he was a little kid, he had always dreamed about helping others but has always felt powerless to do so. Sometimes he wishes that he could have power so that he can help others as well.

Soon after he reached Micro's place, him and Sandalwood were helping him move a few boxes into the garage of his house. "Hey dude, where do want these?" Sandalwood asked as he was carrying at least two boxes.

"Over there is fine." Micro told him as he pointed at a table in the back.

"This should be the last of them." Flash grunted as he carried at least three boxes in before he sent them down. "So, what exactly is this equipment for anyway?"

"Just a secret little project of mine." Micro answered before he went over to a fridge. "So, any of you guys got any plans for later?"

"Well I was going to help Wallflower with some gardening later." Sandalwood answered as Micro handed him a soda can. "What about you, Flash? What you have plan?"

"Well, I'm not sure." Flash admitted as he leaned against the wall. "Twilight is coming by my house for a study section tomorrow. Other than that, well I'm trying to look for a job so I can get enough for college. It's not for me, it's for Scootaloo."

"That's just like you, Flash." Micro commented, which confused Flash. "You always take time out of your day to help others without anything in return."

"He's right." Sandalwood agreed. "You always do and now, it's our turn. We're going to help you find a job."

"Thanks guys." Flash smiled. Later, all three of them were looking through newspapers to try and find a job for him. They put a red X for a job that didn't seem to fit him or he didn't like. They soon had a bunch of newspapers scattered around, with a bunch of Help Wanteds crossed out. "What about one of those Cafe entertainers?"

"There's not enough cafes around for that." Micro pointed out. "There has to be something for you."

"That's easier said than done, dude." Sandalwood sigh as he was flipping through the channels on the TV. He continued this until Flash stopped him on a particular one that was showing a commercial of Dusk Industries.

The screen showed the company's logo, as a man's voice began to speak up. "Technology. It's the future of mankind." The log vanished to reveal a gray-skinned man with black hair, wearing a black business suit. "Here at Dusk Industries, we are creating the future...today."

The screen changed to show a bunch of high-tech tractors, which were moving over a wasteland and somehow turning it into a green wonderland. "From the food you eat..." The screen then changed to show several cooling towers, giving off harmful smoke, which suddenly vanished as the skies became clearer. "To the air you breathe."

The screen changed again, showing the man walking down an abandoned street. And as he walked passed the boarded up buildings, they changed to become flourishing businesses with many people working there. "Dusk Industries is changing the human experience. And we need your help. Though it's the technology that helps us improve the world, it's the humans that make that world worth living in. Some come a play your part in Dusk Industries. We have openings for people of all ages and skill sets. Come join the future, and help make it a reality." With that, the man smiled as the company logo appeared again before the commercial ended.

"That's it!" Flash exclaimed after seeing the commercial. "That is the perfect job for me!"

"Yeah, dude, it's perfect for you!" Sandalwood agreed. "That company makes great money, you'll have great tech they give out to the employees, and they're alway helping people!"

"So by my calculations, you not only get good money for Scootaloo, but you'll also get amazing technology early and help many others as well." Micro calculated.

"So it is settled. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to dusk Industries and get a job there!" Flash declared before all three of them did a high five.

Within the center of the city was a tall building that looked taller than the rest with the Dusk Industries' logo on the top front of the building.

Inside was the man from the commercial looking unimpressed as he walked through the halls. "Mr. Sombra! Mr. Sombra!" A teenage girl with pure white skin, dark brown hair, wearing glasses, a white shirt, and a light brown skirt called out as she ran to catch up.

"What is it, Raven?" Sombra asked as he stopped to look at her.

"The stock market has risen forty five percent and your five o'clock appointment had to cancel on short notice." Raven told him.

"That's fine, I was going to ask you to clear my schedule." He told her, which completely confused her. "I have something more important to deal with."

"Wh-What do you mean?" She asked as she followed him into the elevator. "What's more important than the company?"

He looked at her before he scoffed and grin. "I suppose you've worked here long enough to see it." He stated before he took out a key that looked like it was made out of a metallic metal and with a light at the blade of it.

Raven watched as he placed the key through a slot on the control panel. The digital buttons on the control pad lit up before it turned into a red dragon head before he pressed it. Raven then felt the elevator going down and she remained silent as she waited to get to the floor he wanted.

Soon the elevator stopped and the doors open to reveal a large area filled with a bunch of scientist in different sections of the area. Raven followed Sombra out of the elevator and she can see in the different sessions of the area that the scientists are working on what she thinks are projects.

She saw a couple of scientists setting up a test dummy before another one held up a large device before pulling the trigger. She then sold the device hitting the test dummy with some sort of energy before it was lifted off the ground.

She then saw another scientist in a different part of the area put on a strange headband with lights around it. After he put it on, she saw a few microbots move on their own before forming a hand.

"I've never been to this part of the company." Raven whispered in amazement at the projects she was seeing. "But why are we doing here, sir?"

"These projects are mere toys compared to what is really important." Sombra told her as they reached the end of where they're going. She was confused as they only reached a wall before he pulled out the same key from before and pressed it against the wall.

She was surprised when the wall lit up and a secret door open up to them. When they walked through, she saw a larger lab filled with many scientists working. She saw that some of them are doing some diagnostics while others were running simulations. At the center of this lab was a table surrounded by some kind of force field.

On that table, was what looked to be a small dragon model that looked like it was made from a metallic metal she had never seen before.

"Wh-What is that, sir?" Raven asked, as Sombra approached the scientists.

"Any progress yet?" He asked, sounding impatient.

"Uh, nothing yet sir." A scientist with green skin and lime green hair answered him. "It still hasn't responded yet." Sombra then looked at the small metal dragon on the table.

"Even after seventeen years, you still won't wake up." He growled before he turned back to Raven. "What you see here is the future. Do you know throughout history there have been stories of dragons throughout the world?"

"Yes sir." Raven replied. "But, what does that have to do with that?" She asked as she pointed towards the thing on the table.

"It all started in China and people there said that one man was chosen by a strange little dragon that gifted him power." Sombra told her with a grin on his face. "What you see before you is that very dragon." Raven was surprised by what he just said before she walked up to the thing on the table.

"This is that same dragon?!" Raven asked in shock. "But it looks so brand new!"

"That's because I believe it is not from our world." Sombra told her as he walked up next to her. "But when I found it, it somehow locked itself up. I've been working tirelessly trying to make it up and once it's reawakened, I have big plans for it." He then looked up at the scientists around him. "Get back to work, you'll have five minutes until you're off."

As the scientists got back to work, the one who summer talk to you before grabbed Raven by the arm and pulled her into a closet. "Okay, we don't have much time." He whispered to her.

"What are you doing?" She asked before he quickly covered her mouth.

"Be quiet." He shushed her. "My name is Chemical Shock and that thing Sombra is obsessed with is very dangerous. I ran a power simulation of that thing and it has so much that it could destroy the world." Raven's eyes went wide when he told her that. "And what's worse, he didn't find it. He killed the one who really had it and stole it from him when he died." He then heard her muffle under his hand before he removed it.

"What does he plan to do with it once he gets it to wake up?" She asked in concern.

"All I know he plans to make something similar to it so he can sell it to the highest bidder and I won't let that happen." Chemical told her. "I plan to sneak it out of here tomorrow, but I'm going to need help. Will you help me?"

Raven didn't know what to do. She thought it over and this company has helped many people. But if what this guy said was true, then this company had been nothing more than a mask behind something sinister. "Okay, I'll help." She told him. "So, how do we get that thing out of here?"

The next day, Flash drove his car to the front of Dusk Industries. He got out and was wearing a black suit with a blue tie. "Okay, you practiced this and now time to get that job." He said to himself before he took a deep breath and let it out.

He was about to head inside before someone bumped into him. He looked and saw a woman with grayish white skin and and gray and purple hair. "Sorry about that." He apologised as he helped up the woman. He then took another look at her and something about her looked familiar to him.

"It's okay, I'm fine." She told him before she got a good look at him. "Wait, aren't you Flash Sentry?"

"Yeah, but how did you know that?"

"My daughter told me all about you." She told him. "You may know her from school, my daughter is Twilight Sparkle."

"Oh I thought you looked familiar. You look just like her, or she looks just like you Mrs...?"

"Velvet, Twilight Velvet." She introduced herself. "Now what are you doing here?"

"Oh uh, I'm here for a job." He answered her. "I'm doing this to get a little extra money for my little sister."

"Oh, that's really kind of you." Velvet smiles. "Come on then, I was about just to get into work when I bumped into you anyway."

"You work here?" He asked as she gave a nod in response. "That's so cool." They both walked into the lobby and he was surprised to see it was bigger than he thought it was.

"You can take a seat over there well I'll tell the front desk about you." Velvet told him as she pointed to a small pit with a round couch. Flash walks over to the couch and waits for about a few minutes before she walked over to him and gave him a nice little resume. "You'll be called up in about fifteen minutes. Good luck." She headed towards the elevator as he began to fill out the resume.

Meanwhile, at the lab part of the company, Raven was waiting for Chemical. "I can't believe I'm gonna do this." She said to herself before Chemical stepped towards her. "What took you so long?"

"Sorry, I was putting the finishing touches on our plan." He stated before he pulled out a model that looked similar to the dragon in that lab. "You'll switch out the real one in there with this fake." He handed her the fake before passing her a remote and rubber gloves. "The remote will deactivate the force field for a minute. You'll have that long to replace it. Also, that thing gives off a nasty shot. Use the gloves so it doesn't give you away."

"Uh...okay, let's do this." Raven nodded before he pulled out the same key Sombra had and pressed it against the wall. Once it had opened up, the two of them slipped inside and was running to put their plan into action.

Raven hid behind some counter islands in the lab as Chemical casually strolled over to the other side of the lab. He went over to a computer before it started typing on the digital keyboard. He pulled up the security network before being out a USB and plugging it in. He then pulled up the security footage and smiled as he was now going into a loop.

Once he pulled out the USB, he pulled out a small remote control and pressed a button on it.

The scientist in the lab then heard loud commotion coming from outside. Soon, red lights started blurring before the scientists ran out of the lab to see what was happening. Once they were out of the lab, Raven quickly went over to the small silver dragon on the table as she put on the rubber gloves.

Once gloved, she hit the remote button and the force field vanished.

She placed a small box on the table before carefully picking up the metal dragon and placed it in the Box. After placing the fake on the table, she picked up the box with the real metal dragon in it and quickly walked out as the force field reappeared.

She walked out to see a bunch of scientists trying to get a glider board under control as it was flying out of control.

As Raven made her way to the elevator, Sombra came in and was not happy for what he was seeing. "What is happening here?!" He demanded.

"Uh... everything's under control!" One of the scientists assured him before the glider knocked him back. Raven cringed when she saw the glider hit a few scientists before it blasted down the floor.

Flash had completed his resume and was now waiting for him to be called on.

He saw the elevator coming down and saw Raven exiting the elevator once it reached the lobby. Just as she was walking down the stairs, the out-of-control glider burst through the ceiling and started to cause a ruckus.

"Would everyone please evacuate from main lobby. Please evacuate from the main lobby." The intercom blurred out as everyone in the main lobby started to leave.

"Aw man." Flash sighed as he got up. He was about to follow everyone out before he bumped into Raven and she dropped the box. "Oh sorry about that." He apologised as he picked up the box before she grabbed him by the arm and dragged him out of the building. He didn't even notice he dropped his resume and the glider was shooting lasers when it destroyed said resume.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" He asked before she pulled him into an alley.

"I'm sorry but this is really important." Raven stated. "I need you to look after for me. Mr. Sombra will probably want me to come by after that little incident in there. Whatever you do, do not let anyone have that box and do not open it." Before he could ask anything, Raven took off and left him with just the box.

Flash looked at it before he realized that he doesn't have his resume with him. He realized that he dropped it back inside and already knew that it was probably destroyed. He let out a sad sigh before he walked to his car and drove away.

Flash soon parked his car in the driveway of his home before he got out and picked up the small box Raven told him to protect.

Once he got inside, he found Scootaloo already on the couch and watching tv. "He bro, did you get the job yet?" She asked before Flash sat down in a chair and placed the box on the table.

"Well, I was waiting in the lobby when a high-tech glider burst out of the ceiling and went nuts." Flash told her. "I dropped my resume and got destroyed during the commotion."

"That's rough." Scootaloo frowned before she noticed the box on the table. "What's with the box?"

"Some woman just dropped it and told me to keep it." Flash explained. "She told me to not let anyone have it, and didn't even tell me what's in it."

"So, you have no idea what's inside it?" Scootaloo asked. "Did you not open it?"

"She told me not to." He told. "It must be very important if she doesn't want me to open it."

"That is very peculiar though." They both turned to the front door and see Twilight there.

"Twilight, I almost forgot we were supposed to do our study session today." Flash frowned when he saw her. "At least I know that your mom works at Dusk Industries."

"Good to know, but I will ask later about that." Twilight replied before she sat down on the couch. "Right now, do you really think it's a good idea to keep something that might be dangerous?"

"I'm not sure myself." He stated before he noticed Scootaloo opening the box. "Scootaloo!"

"Sorry!" She flinched, causing her to open the box all the way and they all saw a mechanical dragon that was the size of a squirrel inside. "Whoa, so cool!" She reached to try and grab it before she felt a nasty shock the moment her finger touched the thing. "Ow!"

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked as Scootaloo shook her hand before she picked up the small mechanical dragon.

"I'm fine, it's just that this thing shocked me a little."

"Well, whatever that thing is, you shouldn't be playing with it." Flash told her as Twilight walked over to Scootaloo.

"Here, let me see it for a second." Twilight asked as she held out her hand for it. But the moment Scootaloo was about to hand over to her, Twilight received the same shock when her finger touched it. "Ow! What was that?"

"Hey, that's enough." Flash spoke up before he quickly grabbed the small mechanical dragon, only to receive a shock from and nearly dropped it. "Gah! Whatever this thing is, we shouldn't be messing with..." He trailed off when they noticed that the mechanical dragon started to lit up before its four legs started to folded out and stood up in the palm of his hand.

"How did you get it do that?" Scootaloo wondered as it was making some sort of noise, like it was excited or something.

"I don't know, but it sounds happy or something." Flash mentioned before he gave a little smile towards it. "I...I think it likes me." That theory went out the window when it suddenly pounced on his face, causing him to scream in shock. "Gah! What's it doing?!" The two girls screamed when they saw it pounce on his face as Flash stumbled backwards while attempting to pry it off his face. "It doesn't like me!! Get it off!! Get it off!!"

"Flash!" Scootaloo cried out as she raced over and helped him try to get it off his face. The mechanical dragon started to make noise before it turned and shock Scootaloo like before, causing her to stumble backwards and fall onto the couch. "Twilight, do something!!"

"Hang on!" Twilight used her magic and her magical aura covered the mechanical dragon as she attempted to help pry it off his face, but it seems to have a tight grip on his face as it wasn't budging. The mechanical dragon looked at her before it fired a bolt of electricity at her, causing her to be sent flying back and crashed into a chair. Scootaloo has a duck as the electricity flowed through the house until it went up to the power lines and took out the power on the whole block.

"What's it doing?!" Flash exclaimed before it started to crawl off his face and climbed under his shirt. Flash felt it started to crawl around his body before he let out a loud grunt of pain as Twilight recovered and walked over to him.

"F-Flash...are you okay?" She asked before she started to feel around his body for the small mechanical dragon that attacked them. "Where...Where is it?!"

Flash breathe heavily as he wondered the same thing, he may not see it but he can feel it. His eyes widened with horror as he figured out where it is. "It's inside me... Oh god, it's inside me!!!"

"It's inside you?! How's it inside you?!"

"It...It must have went up his butt!!" Scootaloo exclaimed as Flash groaned in pain before he fell to his hands and knees.

"Something's w-wrong..." Flash groaned before his eyes suddenly turned into dragon eyes and glowed a golden yellow. Twilight and Scootaloo saw something expand on his back before something was stretching out from under his clothes. Soon a pair of dragon wings ripped and burned through his clothes before they flapped and pinned him against the ceiling. The two girls watched in shock and horror as some sort of white liquid started to form on his body as it began to burn away his clothes. Flash tried to move his arms, but it felt like something else was controlling them as more of his clothes started to burn away.

They then saw the white liquid become solid and look like dragon scales just as silver armor boots and gauntlets started to appear on his legs and arms. The boots look to be like dragon feet while the fingertips of the gauntlets became sharp as claws just when silver armored shoulder pads appeared on him. "What's going on?!" He cried out as armor appeared down his chest and it looked to be the stomach of a dragon while a white crystal was in the center of his chest. Flash soon felt it crawling up and cover his head just as his voice was becoming disoriented. "No, no, no, no!!" He soon covered his face just as a helmet started to form on his head.

The girls were soon blinded by a flash of white light before the wings suddenly vanished and he crashed onto the floor. "Flash?! Flash, are you all right?!" Twilight asked with concern just as he slowly picked himself off of the floor. The two girls took a step back with wide eyes at the site of what Flash has become.

"Whoa..." Scootaloo breathed out as Flash slowly walked over to a mirror on the wall to look himself over. He sees in his reflection the entire armor and the full head helmet look to be the head of a dragon while there was a gold visor in the mouth of it.

"What the..." He breathed out as couldn't believe his eyes. "This...This is out of this world..." He suddenly turned around when he heard a female robotic voice.

"Hhhhhoooooost acquired."

"Who said that?!"

"System configuration initializing."

"Do...do you both not hear that?" Inside the helmet and under the visor, Flash could see it was scanning both Twilight and Scootaloo.

"We don't hear anything." Twilight replied before he heard the voice again.

"Analyzing host."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Scootaloo asked Flash.

"I...I don't know..." Flash replied, sounding unsure. "There's some voice in my head."

"Hello, Flash Sentry."

"What is happening?" He asked before the lines edged in the armor from the boots to the gauntlets and chest plates lit up in a golden light.

"Beginning systems check, in 3..."

"'Systems check'?" Flash repeated before a sudden flash of light happened on his back. The pair of dragon wings from before then appeared when the light died down, as well as some thrusters on his back.

"2... 1. Thrusters engaged."

"Flash, what are you doing?" Twilight asked as she and Scootaloo backed up a little.

"I'm not doing anything." Flash replied as the wings raised themselves up high. "But it's going to be okaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!" He screamed as he flew through the ceiling and the roof. Twilight and Scootaloo looked up at the hole that was just made and saw him flying through the sky until he was out of sight.

"Twilight, what just happened?" Scootaloo questioned. "Because I don't know either be frightened or amazed about what we just saw."

"I...I have no idea..." Twilight said, sounding just as confused. "We... We got to tell Sunset and the girls!"

Flash was yelling at the top of his lungs as he was suddenly blown through the roof of his home and was flying through the sky. "WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?!?!?" He shouted as he tried to reach for the wings.

"Please remain calm." The robotic female voice told him as a sudden image of himself in the armor showed him keeping his arms down. "Please keep your appendages down as we exit the atmosphere. I'm now adjusting the pressure for your protection."

"'We'?! Are you that robotic dragon on my back?!" He asked before he realized what she just said. "What do you mean exit the atmosphere?!" Soon he came to a stop and the view he saw really took his breath away. He saw the rest of the planet with the sun shining down on it. "No way?" He could hardly believe it. He was actually in space.

Flash didn't know it at the time, but he had just stepped into a whole world of strangeness. One that would change his life forever.

Author's Note:

Just to let you all know that he will get his first bad guy named Wildfire in the next chapter, and here's a hot image:

Plus the Sliver Draco would be about the size of a squirrel before it chose Flash and became the size of a cat when he transforms into the armor.