• Published 8th May 2023
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Adventures of thestral Anon - ImNew2023

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1 Anon, Ah Ah Ah, 2 Anon, Ah Ah Ah

Entering the cave, Anon looked around before approaching the pool.

He had remembered that time Pinke made an army of clones of herself using a magic pool, and that it had been blocked off so the chaos they unleashed couldn’t be repeated.

But she made one fatal error.

She underestimated how much paperwork Anon had to do.

With the Equestrian games coming up, the day to day running of the empire and dealing with setting up bureaucracy to handle the ever growing tax flow from the empire’s industrial revolution it was really starting to wear Anon down.

“It’s my own fault, I shouldn’t have given Shining and Cadence 30 week maternity leave. Stupid generous social benefits” Anon grumbled to himself.

He just needed a few Anons, a few that could handle basic stuff while he got the important shit sorted.

“Ok let’s give this a try” Anon said.

Poking his head over the clear water he waited a moment.

And another moment.

And another.

Then I went on holiday to Wales while he continued to wait.

“Ok I should have known this place was bullshit” Anon said annoyed at his lack of clones.

“Fuck you you fake magic water!” He said, striking the pool with his hoof.

As his hoof hit the water a shockwave of green magic filled the pool. Causing it to boil excessively.

“What the fuck!?” Anon cried out.

When he tried pulling his hoof away Anon felt something pulling g at him. Pulling harder and harder Anon pulled something out of the pool.

Tumbling back Anon looked on in amazement at what he had done.

Standing in front of him was another stallion, one that looked like him in almost every way.

Minus one or two differences.

“Why the fuck are you a zebra?”

Looking at the black and…. Green? Striped zebra with a cutie mark that matched his own, Anon looked into those dark green eyes he saw in the mirror every day as they looked back.

“Fuck am I supposed to know? You’re the one who made me” the zebra responded.

“Wait, you can talk in full sentences?” Anon asked.

“Yeah? I’m not a Pinkie clone you know” the zebra explained.

“Wait a minute, of fucking course! The glasses! My glasses were made from chaos magic, the pool must have reacted to them” Anon said face-hoofing himself.

“So that explains why you aren’t just a dumbed down copy of me”

“Bitch I’m an upgraded you!” The zebra shot back.

“In what way are you better than me?” Anon asked, doubting his words.

“I don’t need chaos magic to go outside without exploding”

Anon thought for a moment. He had a point.

“Fair, but I can fly,” Anon pointed out, flapping his wings.

“Ok, we’ll call it a draw,” the zebra stated.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

“At least you came out handsome,” Anon complimented.

“Right back at you big guy” the zebra returned the compliment.

“So what are you called? Anon asked.

“Anon” the zebra stated.

“I know that but that’s MY name, we’ve both seen No Way Home… well I have and you have my memories so we know the problem with us both having the same name”

“Hm, fair point… what about, Zebra Anon” Zebra Anon suggested, being just as original and creative as the original.

“That is brilliant, hey wanna see how many more Anons we can make?” The OG Anon asked with a child like glee.

“Did we throw an alligator through the window of our former girlfriend when she cheated on us with cousin Billy Bobby?” Zebra Anon asked.

“Hey remember we agreed to deny that. Just like when the cops asked” Anon scolded his clone.

Following the levels of insanity expected from two Anons, they quickly swelled their numbers to six.

Now stood in a circle were six stallions all sporting the same black mane, same green coat and eyes, and same question mark cutie mark.

“Ok, so you’re Zebra Anon, you’re Earth Pony Anon, you’re Pegasus Anon, you’re Unicorn Anon, and you’re Changeling Anon,” Anon said, naming all five of his clones.

“Hi Anon” they all greeted.

“Hi Anon,” Anon greeted back.

“Now let’s go home, Anons away!” Anon said as he turned to leave, only stopping once he realised they weren’t following him.

“What’s the matter fellas?” He asked.

“We all have your memories, so we know WHY we exist. But there’s one question I’m sure we all have left” Changeling Anon explained.

“And what’s that?” Anon asked.

“Are we going to have to share Cream Heart oooor” Earth Pony Anon asked.

“What? Know! Fuck you guys she’s MY wife!”

“But we ARE you”

“But I am the one of us who is married to Cream, not the you’s that are also us. I mean if you were just mindless clones that might be a different story but you’re literally independent thinking beings, I’m not a swinger!”

The five Anons lowered their heads sadly.

“Aaaw” they said in unison, making Anon feel bad.

“Aw come on fellas, don’t get upset. There are plenty of mares to go around” Anon explained, trying to cheer them up.

“But milf” Unicorn Anon protested.

“There are plenty of milfs in the sea. Cup Cake will probably be up for an orgy, and I’m 99% sure Spoilt Rich is cheating on her husband with the gardener so that’s an option” Anon suggested.

“Wait, she's sleeping with Wild Flower? And all this time I thought he was gay” Pegasus Anon said, surprised at this possibility. Forgetting that ‘all this time’ was about five minutes ago when he was created.

“He’s married to a guy so probably” Changeling Anon pointed out.

“But there’s a chance he’s bi so both of them are cheating on their husbands” Zebra Anon suggested.

“Wait, he's cheating on Garron? That griffon can’t catch a break can he?” Pegasus Anon said.

The six of them quickly got bogged down in gossip of who was fucking who that continued for multiple hours.

At Canterlot Castle, Celestia and Luna enjoyed a relaxing evening at a high end spa.

“Our first day off in a thousand years. We should do this more often Luna” Celestia sighed.

“Indeed dear sister, just you and me, and those very vigorous stallion masseuses, no distractions” Luna agreed.

“Princess, a letter from Princess Sparkle,” a guard said, holding up the letter that shattered the duo’s peace.

Dear Princess Celestia,


Forever your loyal student, Twilight Sparkle.

PS: please bring extra mops, Cream Heart got… excited when she saw there were SIX Anons now. The palace smells like fish and my magic isn’t helping.

“What is it sister?” Luna asked.

Celestia quickly incinerated the letter before going back to relaxing.

“Nothing important Luna, would you mind calling those masseuses back here? I think they missed a part of my rump” Celestia said, licking her lips as she saw the two masseuses walk past.

“Same here Tia, same here~” Luna said with the same predatory look.

AN: And thus began the age of the Anon 6.

So how much do you wanna bet they cause Fallout Equestria to happen?

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