• Published 25th May 2023
  • 1,432 Views, 84 Comments

Being A Parent Is Hard - TheKing2001

Sunset deals with the effects of the Fall Formal while Cheerilee learns how hard being a parent can be. Together, the mother and daughter learn more about each other and deal with more challenges.

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Unreleased Chapter

Author's Note:

Someone asked why I didn't include the final battle and well, I decided to! Note this is canon to the story now.

I decided to give Sunset a theme song in a way and well here it is. Pop Evil is my favorite band and we are from the same state!

https://youtu.be/pZR3-H8xq5w I feel it suits Sunset well

“How are we going to play over them from up here?” Rainbow asked as we stood over the stage on a hill. A car horn honked and Vinyl parked her car. It was a damn cool car, I’ve been in it multiple times. She pressed a button and it transformed with very large speakers and an amp for Rainbows guitar.


“Cool!” Pinkie grinned.

“Feel the wave of sound as it crashes down,” the Dazzlings music reached our ears faintly. “You can’t turn away, we will make you wanna stay! We will be adored, tell us that you want us. We won’t be ignored. Now you need you need us, come and heed us. Nothing can stop us now!”

“Can you plug my guitar in Pinkie?” Rainbow asked. I sighed and plugged the cord in to the amp.

“I’ve got the music in me,” Twilight stepped forward with her mic. Where she got that from, I’ll never know. Unless she carries one all the time for impromptu musicals. “Don’t need to hear a crowd cheering out my name, I didn’t come here seeking infamy or fame. The one and only thing I am that I am here to bring is music, is the music, is the music in my soul.”

“Gonna break out and set myself free. Let it all go and just let it be yeah. Find the music in your heart to set yourself apart,” they sang as a group and ponied up. I sighed and picked Spike up and started petting. After him attacking Rainbow on my behalf, I began to think about how to secretly keep him. If I had my magic, I’d just create a clone of him and be done with it. But then again, clones aren’t the same as the real thing unfortunately. Don’t tend to be as animated or caring.

“So the Rainbooms want to turn this into a real battle of the bands? Then let’s battle,” Adagio smirked.

“What we have in store, all we want and more. We will break on through. Now it’s time to finish you!” Their eyes glowed red and three sea horse looking things launched into the sky and a bright red light blinded us all for a second.

“Well shit Spike,” I muttered as we turned our backs to the Rainbooms and watched the Sirens true forms flying around us nervously. “This might be it little buddy.”

“Yup,” Spike gulped nervously. “It was nice knowing ya.”

“Likewise buddy. Likewise.” The three sirens harmonized at once and I spun around to Twilight and the others falling to my shook. Twilight looked around before her eyes settled on me.

“Sunset Shimmer! We need you!” She held a hand out hopefully and I froze. They never needed me before. Why now? Spike gave me an encouraging nod and jumped out of my hands.

“Knock em dead Sunset!” He grinned as I threw my jacket aside and picked up the microphone, pointing at the Sirens. I caught a faint grin and a thumbs up from Vinyl. That encouraged me even more. I’ve never sang in front of anyone before, not even my mom.

“You’re never gonna bring me down, you’re never gonna break this part of me. My friends are here to bring me round,” I helped Twilight up. “Not singing just for popularity.”

“We’re here to let you know that we won’t let it go. Our music is a bomb and it’s about to blow. And you can try to fight, but we have got the light of friendship on our side,” me and Twilight sang together as the others got to their feet. “Got the music in our hearts. We’re here to blow this whole apart and we will never be afraid of the dark. Here to sing our song out loud, get you dancing with the crowd. As the music of our friend survives.” A rainbow went flying towards the Sirens as I slowly lifted in the sky surrounded by a bright blinding light akin to a rising sun. I looked around curiously before closing my eyes. I never really thought I’d ever pony up like the others but here I am. The light got brighter and brighter before exploding as I felt my hair get longer and I grew two pony ears. Quite a weird feeling for first time around. The others lifted up next to me and I had a faint feeling they were still blinded by my light.

“Got the music in our heart. We’re here to blow this whole thing apart and together, we will never be afraid of the dark. Here to sing our song out loud, get you dancing with the crowd. As the music of our friendship survives.” A giant laser of Princess Celestia stepped forward to the Sirens and they got blasted by a rainbow laser much like the one I got hit by. I could faintly make out their pendants shattering and them picking them up before standing up.

“We will be adored. Tell us that you want us,” they sang horribly as people started throwing bad produce at them, mainly Lyra and Bon Bon. They gave each other terrified looks before running away.

“How did we get down here so fast?” Rainbow asked as I picked up a piece of the pendants.

“Duh! Movie magic! This is a movie. Don’t you see the cameras all over!” Pinkie screamed.

“Uh what are you talking about?” Rainbow asked nervously. Pinkie scoffed and looked away.

“Amateur hasn’t seen the light yet but she will.”

“So that is why these pendants were so special to them,” I commented as I let the moon shine through the shattered piece I held.

“Rainbooms rule!” Flash shouted as he and Twilight hugged with blushes.

“Sunset Shimmer!” Lyra shouted as she, Bon Bon, Derpy, Vinyl and Octavia ran to us. Octavia and Vinyl followed at a slightly more slower pace. Especially Octavia and I stared in shock at the warm smile she was giving me. “That was amazing!”

“For real!” Bon Bon chimed in excitedly. “Look at your gorgeous hair!”

“And your ears!” Derpy added. I found myself on the receiving of them tackling me in a group hug.

“So I take it you guys are normal again?” I wheezed out.

“You betcha!” Lyra grinned. “And it’s thanks to you!”

“We helped too,” Rainbow muttered. Applejack quickly elbowed her with a smile.

“Don’t ruin her moment sugarcube.”

“We love ya Sunset,” Bon Bon whispered in my ear. “Thank you for this.” I turned a bright shade of red.

“I love you all too.”

Comments ( 2 )

Didn't really need to post this, but really happy you did. It was really sweet seeing Sunset the recipient of her now free friends affection and gratitude. Hopefully the Rainbooms will be much nicer to Sunset moving forward and not try and keep her to themselves.

All chocolate is awesome...mmm... chocolate. Awesome video, thanks, I never knew chocolate was around that long ago. Who would want coffee though when you can have chocolate?

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