• Member Since 9th Jun, 2023
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The Guy Who Day Dreams either the silliest things and or the darkest things imaginable



My name is Jason Wright and i am in equestria. You may think its a dream come true, well it is... sorta. For some reason Twilight hates my guts and so are two of her best friends. Being rejected by Twilight made some ponies living in Ponyville to distrust or hate me, i still manage to get accepted to the town regardless and make friends here, notably Applejack.

I tried to find answers as to why they hate me but they dodged the question everytime i asked and my friends either don't know or give me vague answers, so i stopped searching for it and to just move on but it doesn't mean i have forgotten about it.
It could've been better but hey it couldn't be worse than that right? Well that encounter that day proved me so wrong.

Criticism is appreciated.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 66 )

I am very curious as to what caused Twilight to being so hostile towards Jason and hopefully she'll stop being such a jerk to him but it probably never will unless it's Princess Celestia who has to scold her. As for Rainbow Dash she deserves some much needed karma for being so egotistic.

Anyways keep up the good work.

This is an interesting spin.

I’m guessing it has something to do with sunset.

After all the Jason Wright revenge stories I find this one a total breath of fresh air. Good Job.

Thank you for not turning him into a bad guy

I've considered writing one in which all his torment is actually one long nightmare, or one where he arrives before Twilight goes to the human world, but I don't think I could do it justice.

I also have a same idea as this. Just not more matured

And last of the three I manage to be friends with was Rarity, though we do have a rocky start at the beginning, when I visited her boutique she kicked me out by attempting to hit me with a frying pan saying she doesn't want a “boorish, savage” creature like me around her. It was only after my interference in Maud Pie and Inspiration Manifestation that she started to warm up to me a bit as she doesn't kick me out of boutique everytime I entered and was willing to listen to me, we spend time talking to each other and get to know each other, Rarity being Rarity she first talks about my clothes and how terrible my clothes that i brought look, I explained that unlike ponies, clothes are a necessity to humans, why, and how expensive they can be, where's as ponies only wore them on special occasions. each time we spent together she understood more of me and later realized that her assumptions about me have been misplaced, she apologise on what she did and her assumptions about me when we first met, which I forgave her. I also got along with her little sister Sweetie belle when I was involved with the trio's crusades, sometimes I teach her how to cook because of how terrible her cooking is, she manage to learn enough from me that she can make decent toast and juice without incinerating it and turning the kitchen a mess and only toast and juice as any other foods I tried to teach her to make turns into what I can describe as molten lava and the whole kitchen becomes a huge mess.

I would have commented.

"What happened to being the Element of Generosity?"


Rainbow Dash... she is the god damn worst, I never thought I would hate anyone of my idols, but she proved me wrong. She always think of me as less of a person and more of monster, actually no scrap that she treats me way worse than a monster, she always attacks me whenever she thinks I am doing something bad, like how she punch me in the gut because I was hanging out with Scootaloo thinking I was going to harm her biggest fan. She is stubborn and delusional, she would denied every accusations we made to protect her ego of hers, it's gotten so bad that she made an attempt on my life once by attempting to strike me with lightning which I thankfully made it out without a scratch, Applejack scolded the hell out of Dash knowing I could very well likely die from a single strike, and Scootaloo was pissed at her when she found out, she never made an attempt on my life again. Is it strange that despite me despising her, I still hope that I could get along with her someday?

This would very much likely piss the hell out of her, but screw it. I would very much comment

"So much for the Element of LOYALTY"

I personally think you should as we need more good Jason stories and less revenge ones.

Overall I can say that my life in Equestria was way better than on Earth, but I set my expectations a bit to high, I should've considered that it maybe more complicated that what i seen in the show. I been thinking back every single episode I've seen with a different perspective, I have found Speciesism, herd mentality, superiority complex, hypocrisy. I just don't know what to think about them anymore, the main six, the representation of harmony, I just... don't know how to think about them. At least they are trying to atone for their mistakes (AJ, Pinkie and Rares) but they need someone else to point them out for them to even recognize it, it's like they didn't do it on purpose.

Things are finally going well.

My mind began raising questions, who is this human? And what happened to him? On the race to the hospital I briefly inspected him further, I only manage to see his face, but why does his face feel so familiar?

Twilight isn't going to be happy and possibly call this 'A start of an invasion'

The bases around this kind of story, which seems to be a take on the Ending verse, is that Sunset and the Humane 5 were more or less the worst possible thing in Twilight's eyes. More or less look at how Europeans looked on Africans and Native Americans, the worst aspects, and have Twilight apply all of that to Humans in general.

In a way, she also forgot about the lesson/s with Zecora, about not judging a book by its cover or a person by their looks/first impressions.

Was it ever revealed about what she saw?

Yeah, because two humans counts as an invasion.


Don't judge people or creatures on how they are.

Just like TCB. They judge us on our past and don't focus on what is infront of them.

I'm just waiting for Jason to point out the hypocrisy in all of them. This version has had it much better and Twilight is likely the only reason he gets any mistreatment. When the other one wakes up, I'm fully expecting him to have either just survived his attempt or gone on one of the revenge routes. That said, he'll either lash out or say to Twilight:

"You think humans are bad because...why? They didn't give you the time of day? Didn't help you? Because they eat animals? Believe it or not, if it's not human in that world, it's by the shared definition in both worlds, an animal, no different than the creatures Fluttershy cares for, if less intelligent and expressive than them. Three years with your kind did this to me, and all I did in that time was try to be friends with you all. I never insulted you, threatened you, stole from you, hurt you, and your friends and still did this to me."

"You think humans are bad? I have the scars to prove you're all worse."


or better yet.

Spit out facts on why she doesn't deserve the title as 'Princess of Friendship'

Everything she's doing is the opposite of friendship, and whatever she did to Sunset will prove it.

She's dishonest, unloyal, unkind, not generous, selfish.

It varies from one author to another, but general gist is she saw humanity at its worst, situation in mind and she more or less takes on the same attitude Celestia in TCB stories has minus the conversion desire.

In the Ending verse, Jason goes through much worse at the hooves of all of the main 6

Agreed, like I can still see Twilight being unsure, but after so long with this Jason, I would thinks she can at least start accepting/tolorating him even if only for the sake of her other friendships.

After that I begun my three years living in Equestria, during those three years I got myself into some crazy shenanigans. Being forced to help Spike break the inspiration manifestation spell that was influencing Rarity, Tirek showing up and destroyed Twilight's library like in the final episode of season four, while i would have like to have her library not destroyed I couldn't do much to help, rescuing ponies from under the snow because of an incident at the weather factory who I later found out was caused by Rainbow Dash in an attempted to stop her pet tortoise from hibernating, helped fighting off Luna's Tantabus by firing it with bullets and rockets, assisting Applejack and her friends on pranking Rainbow, being invited to play a game of Ogres & Oubliette which is basically their version of Dungeons & Dragon , and finally being dragged into saving the main six from the changeling queen and her hive.

Speaking of the main six I didn't tell them or anyone other than the princesses that I know them through a TV show and I only manage to bond with three of them, the rest either hate or fear me.

You serious? AFTER ALL OF THAT, how much of hypocrites are Fluttershy, Rainbow and TWILIGHT?

Being forced to help Spike break the inspiration manifestation spell that was influencing Rarity,

You just saved our friend, but I still don't trust you.

rescuing ponies from under the snow because of an incident at the weather factory who I later found out was caused by Rainbow Dash in an attempted to stop her pet tortoise from hibernating,

Thanks for saving lives from Rainbow's destruction, still consider you bad.

being invited to play a game of Ogres & Oubliette which is basically their version of Dungeons & Dragon ,

Just hanging and enjoying a good time with friends. THATS BAD.

AND FINALLY being dragged into saving the main six from the changeling queen and her hive.

Thanks for saving us from Chrysalis,


Interesting start, lets see where it goes!


discovered that humans eat beef, in the mirror world

I’ve seen some fanfics say that. Assumed it was more.


she thinks that humans have intelligent creatures like cattle to eat
that looks pretty scary

I say if you really want to make it real, just try your damn hardest.

I did it with this story even though i knew next to nothing about writing a story, still learning.

But hey what do i know? I am just TheGuyWhoDayDreams


Okay, Twilight needs a f******** punch in the face! :twilightangry2:

She applied all that she is used to in her world and assumed it would be the same in the mirror/human world.

IE: Cows, Donkeys, Zebras, etc can talk.

So if it's "normal" where she's from then it should be the same no matter what alternate world she gets to see. Only to assume humans to be the worst monsters/cannibals for eating intelligent creatures with zero regards. And when Jason arrived, she immediately rejects him as nothing but that 'horrid monster' that will kill them all. Worse is when all the Ponies in Ponyville see her, and her friend's treatment of Jason and simply join in a mob and assume him to be a monster by abusing him in the worst ways in an effort to "drive him out".

For the next Three. Years.

Ironic in one fic where fish is accepted as food, but not even that is a luxury Jason was allowed to have.

Then cue his attempt at suicide in the short story that started this whole "Ending-verse" and we get two outcomes:

Successful: In my opinion, the aftermath 'sequels' to this, as well as the only 'canon' are a mixed bag. Even with everypony in shock at the notion of anycreature killing themselves but a lot of such stories don't really go that far into the punishment of the village and the so-called "heroes" for such horrific treatment. Or do nothing with rather lackluster endings.

Failure: This goes into two routes:

Revenge: Teaming up with the Changelings, destroy Ponyville, break the "heroes", and greatly weaken Equestria.
Justice: Working with Chrysalis but this time exposing the hypocrisy, xenophobia, and outright racism prevalent in the Ponies. As well as a full deconstruction of specific events/episodes that 'in actuality' have real consequences instead of the typical 'happy' endings in the actual show.

Both routes also have (currently ongoing) sequels exploring the aftermath of each outcome.

Sidenote: Depending on which of the aforementioned 'non-canon' sequel route, the events of Equestria Girls either don't happen (Twilight straight up stealing her crown back and escapes back to Equestria) or they technically still happened but in this latter case; Twilight does go back out of begrudging reluctance due to Equestrian magic and other shenanigans happening in the other world. And still not learning more about humans in general until too late when Jason comes back knocking.

Then what happened with sunset?

Never see her go back reluctantly


Kind of hinted in this 11614168

But basically, in one where Jason gets his revenge; the events of Equestria Girls still happen but as I mentioned, out of reluctance. All until sometime in the sequel to that route does she eventually find out what happened to him and... well 'outrage' would be underselling it.

But in the other what if route where Jason simply goes to get Justice exposing Equestria for what it really is? Sunset does get redeemed, just much later after becoming a full pariah of the school (since Twilight just steals her crown back in this timeline) until Sci-Twi comes along transferring to CHS, becoming friends, and Sunset slowly making amends with everyone at CHS.

That’s interesting, because I can’t see her being redeemed without twilight.


In the show/movies? Probably not.

In these fics? Mentioned in the revenge route that she kept the mirror after being notified of the Sirens at CHS. So she keeps it just in case anything Equestria/magic related suddenly appears in the mirror world again and jump in if the Humane 7 can't handle it.

But things change after Jason got his revenge and Sunset's reaction to the supposed "Princess of Friendship"'s treatment of the sole human in Equestria.

That's probably what could have happened. But for the sake of the 'Justice' route, the author had to add something to somehow redeem Sunset without Twilight (and Equestria Girls happening) in some capacity to prove Twilight wrong about humans.

But how would that even be possible? Sunset was a b*tch and only changed when she got caught.

Might be better for you to read (what I've been calling) the 'Justice' route fic


The chapter explaining how Sunset was somehow 'redeemed' is in Chapter 5: The Shimmer in the Sunset

I think I’ve heard of this one.

Isn’t this one of the many, many, many fics?

Yeah sorry kind of fucked up because both the edit button and the publish button are like right next to each other, still working on the first chapter, sorry for false excitement

She must not know what cannibal means if she thinks we are by eating cows

This was a very interesting start. Looking forward to seeing where it goes

All those books in the library and she ain’t got no dictionary?

Right after her emotional outburst her friend returned and later both reconciled. She began trying to get to know me since that day, she thanked me and admitted that she was going to end it all by doing the Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive during her performance. Ever since that day it left a lasting impression on me, if Rainbow Dash being a sadistic bastard or Spike being mistreated wasn't enough then Trixie's revelation completely flipped the table of my view of the show as well my idols, I never told anyone what she admitted to me, I think it's something that both of us should keep to ourselves and I never confronted them about how they ruined her life because they didn't like her doing her job either.


From what I've heard in other stories the kids made fun of some who looked like a teen and walked like a toddler in one version and the other the fact we eat meat was the cause.

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