• Published 2nd Jul 2023
  • 488 Views, 52 Comments

Digital Dustin - Campout or Freakout - Prince Dustin Hogan

  • ...

Mysterious happenings




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

Mysterious Happenings

OP - The Voice by Celtic Woman

Dustin was in bed, clearly asleep while Sunset and Salazar loomed over him.

"Hey dude, wake up. It's almost noon." Salazar shook Dustin lightly, making Dustin groaned before sitting up.

"Ugh... five more minutes..." Dustin moaned groggily before turning to the two, and Salazar and Sunset flinched.

"Oh my God!" Susnet gasped, covering her mouth in shock.

"What?" Dustin asked with a perplexed look. "What is it?"

"What the Hell happened to you?" Salazar asked.

"What are you talking about?" Dustin asked with confusion.

"Is Dustin up ye...." Rarity said ashe she entered, "GREAT SCOTT!!!" Rarity jumped a back in shock.

Rainbow then entered the tent soon afterwards. "What's going... HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!"

"What?!" Dustin asked. "Is there something on my face?! What is it?!"

Rarity pulled put a makeup mirror before turning it to Dustin, and he sees a black eye that was swollen shut He placed a hand on the bruised eye, making him flinch in pain.

"What the...?!" Dustin gasped in shock. "Where did this come from?!"

"Damn dude! Thats quite a shiner!" Ranbow declared. "Did you get into a scuffle last night?"

"I don't remember!" Dustin said with a shrug. "I remember I just got up to take a piss last night, but that's about it!"

"You don't remember how you got the black eye?" Rarity asked, making Dustin shake his head.

"We better get you to the infirmary." Sunsetvsaid with concern. "That black eye looks pretty gnarly."

In the infirmary, Dustin was with his friends while Gloriosa placed an ice pack on his black eye.

"You seriously don't know how you've got that injury?" Gloriosa asked. "Are you sure you don't remember anything after you... did your own thing?"

"I really can't." Dustin said with a shake of his head. "I tell you one thing though, this black eye hurts like Hell."

"Well, try to think back." Applejack replied. "Close your eyes, and try to emember about everything that night."

Dustin took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and thought back to last night.

"Ok." Applejack said. "What can you recall after you relieved yourself."

"I..." Dustin uttered, his eyebrows forrowed as he beganbto recall vague images. "I recall being attacked by a large wolf... with large fangs, like those of a sabertooth cat...."

Gloriosa's eyes widened upon hearing that.

"A wolf with saber fangs?" Adagio asked Sunset with a confused expression.

"What else can you recall." Applejack asked, her eyebrow raised in confusion.

"I remember seeing three women who... looked like witch doctors.... and that's it." Dustin replied before opening his eyes.

"That's it?" Sunset asked. "Ate you sure?"

"Yes, that's it!" Dustin replied with a mild annoyed look. "I still don't know how I...." Dustin looks to Glotiosa, who seemed upset about something. "Uh... you ok?"

"Y-Yeah!" Gloriosa stammered a bit. "I'll be right back, I've got something to do." Gloriosa then stormed out of the building, making the others look at rachother in confusion.

"Pendragon!" Gloriosa declared angrily as she apporachsd the floral dragon. "Pendragon, we need to talk!"

Pendragon turned to face Gloriosa. "About what, may I ask?"

"I think you know exactly what?!" Gloriosa demanded. "Care to explain why Fehng and the Leveau sisters were attacking Dustin last night?!"

"What the... Timber told you?!" Pendragon replied in shock.

"Timber knew of this?!" Gloriosa asked out of disbelief. "I was actually informed by Dustin himself?! I was treating a black eye he sustained last night! Care to explain how he got that?!"

"How the devil should I know?!" Pendragon replied defensively. "For all I know that little welp could have gotten into a scuffle earlier!"

"He woke up with it!" Gloriosa snapped furiously. "You better not be lying to me, Pendragon!"

"When have I ever decieved you?!" Pendragon shot back. "Yes, I admit I've sent both Fehng and the Laveau sisters after him, but I seriously know not as to how the boy got the black eye!"

"Dammit Pen, this has to stop!" Gloriosa shot back, losing her composure. "I know you don't trust Dustin and all, but must you resort to murder?!"

"I'm doing this for the sake of Camp Everfree!" Pendragon declared! "The moment our plan to ensure this place's continuation is put into motion, he's definitely going to ruin it all!"

"Not if he joined us!" Gloriosa barked back, confusing Pendragon.

"You think he he will aid us in our endeavor?!" Pendragon retorted. "Your infatuation for that boy has really started to could your mind!" Gloriosa gasped in disbelief upon hearing that. "Yes! I've noticed how you've eyed him last night!"

"That's none of your business, Pendragon!" Gloriosa barked angrily.

"Anything that involves you and your brother is my business, Gloriosa!" Pendragon retorted. "Asnwer me this! If he denies your request, if he was to fight you when the time of reckoning arrives, what then?"

Gloriosa would have said something, but she couldn't think of anything to say.

"Have you no answer Gloriosa?" Pendragon asked, but Gloriosa then turned aroubd and walked away. "Where are you going?! Gloriosa!" Gloriosa didn't respond as she walked off. "Gloriosa Daisy, don't ignore me! Gloriosa!" Gloriosa still said nothing, nor did she bother to look at him as she made her way out of the woods. "Youth these days!" Pemdragon sighed incredulously.

"Rock climbing is all about perseverance and trust." Celestia spoke
"Rarity, you can trust that Applejack will spot you.

"Yeah, so you can totally go faster than you're going." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically, eanring a glare from Applejack. "Sorry. I've been waiting to do this since we got here."

"Well, you have to wait a little longer, darling." Rarity spoke as she continued to climb.

Meanehile, Dustin was sitting nearby to watch the gang while still holding the nice pack into his black eye, which was thankfully less swollen then before.

"Hey Dustin." Dustin looks to see Twilight, Adagio, Timber, and Pixel. "How's your black eye doing?" Twilight asked with a soft smile.

"Better than it was this morning." Dustin said with a nod.

"Oh, good! " Rainbow Dash said as she noticed Twilight. "Twilight, if you spot me, I can finally go. I'll go get another harness."

"I can slot you if you like, chica." Dustin said with a smirk. "Twilight pull use some quality time with her man." Dustin waved his eyebrows in a playful manner to the two.

"This coming fro the guy whose hitting on my sister." Timber shot back teasingly, making Twilight and the others turn to see Dustin.

"What?!" Rarity asked with shock.

"God dammit dude!" Dustin groaned.

"You're flirting with Gloriosa?" Applejack asked with a smirk. "Well, 'bout time you got yourself a girl, sugar!"

"Speaking of which, I better make sure my sister doesn't need anything." Timber said before lokimg to Twilight. "See you later?" Twilight nods as Timber walks away, then shebturns her attention to Dustin.

"So." Twilight spoke with a playful smirk "You and Gloriosa, huh?"

"You guys aren't gonna let me live this down, are you?" Dustin asked.

"I knew there was a reason your heart rate was increasing when I saw you eyeing up Gloriosa." Pixel spoke with a smirk. "You dog."

"Ok... yes! I'm hitting on Gloriosa but..." Dustin admitted.

"You're flirting with Gloriosa?!" Sunset said as she approached woth Spike in her hands. But before anything else was said, the ground began to shake.

"Was that an earthquake?" Spike asked.

"We aren't near any fault lines." Twilight replied.

"Hey!" Bulk Biceps asked. "Who left this crystaly dusty stuff here?!"

Suddenly, Rarity suddenly lost her grip on the rock climbing wall, yelping as she flailed her arms wildly before grasping the rope that was holding her, tucking her legs in.

"Uh... I-I believe I'd like to come down now!" Rarirty spoke in a bit of a panic while Applejack was having some trouble with the rope.

"Sorry," she apologized up to her friend, "it's a little bit stuck," she pointed out as she attempted to pull at it again. All of a sudden, an orange aura lit up over her hands, allowing her to finally pull the rope. However, she apparently pulled too hard as the indigo haired girl shot up to the top of the wall with a shriek. The cowgirl then let go of the rope in surprise, causing her to plummet down towards the ground quickly.

"Shit!" Dustin said as he ran to Rarity! "Aj, release the rope! Rarity, I've got you!"

"What?!" Applejack asked in shock.

"JUST DO IT, GOD DAMMIT!" Dustin shouted, and Applejack released the rope. Rariy yelled but was thankfully caught by Dustin. "Gotcha!"

"APPLEJACK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Rarity exclaimed angrily.

"Is everything okay over there?" Celestia asked in concern, going over to the group as the others began approaching.

"Uh, I don't know what happened…" Applejack replied while Dustin let's go of Rarity. "I didn't even pull the rope that hard, It's like she was light as a feather all of a sudden,"

"I was scared half to death!" Rarity declared, still having to inhale and exhale rapidly.

"Jeez, calm your tits." Adagio declared with a roll of her eyes. "It was am accident."

"Rarity, just calm yourself." Dustin said in concern. "It was..."

"Stay out of this!" Rarity replied while sticking her hands out, suddenly creating a diamond-shaped energy shield from them that shoved Dustin with with a scream, followed by the sound of a splash.

"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!!" Dustin roared out as he walkd out moments, an angry expression as he was now soaking wet. "Great! First I wake up with a black eye, and now I get soaking wet! Can this day get any shittier?!"

"What in the world just happened?!" Celestia asked, going over to the Dustin.

"Don't...!" Dustin said, holding his hand up to stop Celestial, "Just don’t!" Rarity andnApplejack look to Dustin with concsrn while everyone else had widened eyes in surprise.

"Oh, dear!" Rarity said as she glanced back at her hands, "I am so sorry!"

"I need to be alone right now!" Dustin declared as he stormed off.

"Oh boy." Applejack said in mild concern for her male friend.

"Did I just do… whatever that was?" Rarity asked as the others gathered around her.

"I… don't think it was your fault…" Twilight pointed out quietly, fidgeting with her fingers as she caught the attentions of Sunset and Spike, "I'm gonna go talk to him.".

Dustin was sitting along on a log, scribbling in the dirt with a stick when suddenly he felt a towel land on him, and he he looks up to see looks to see Twilight and Sunset.

"I know you said you wanted yo be alone, but we figured you wanted somebody to talk to." Sunset said before looking to Twilight. "On the bright side, you're not the only one with a new kind of magic! This is great!"

"No, it's not!" she disagreed defiantly after turning around to face her, "Rarity and Applejack could have really hurt each other!" she told her with clenched fists.

"But they didn't." Dustin interjected. "Thankfully I was there to help."

"Hi, girls!" Gloriosa greeted, them seeing Dustin in his curreng state. "Oh dear! What happened?" Gloriosa asked in concern.

"He fell into the lake!" Twilight told her in reply, much to her surprise.

"Oh no!" Gloriosa yelped, "You're gonna need warm towels, dry clothes," she listed off, "ooh, and a hot cocoa!" she added,

"Glori, I'm fine." Dustin interrupted with a polite smile. "I appreciate your concern though."

"Well, if you need anything..." Gloriosa said before Sunset got to her.

"Actually, Dustin could use a minute of your time." Sunset suggested, much to the boy's shock.

"I do?" Dustin asked in confusion.

"Of course." Sunset replied. "I think you two need to get to know each other more."

"Oh, well... I suppose I have some time on my hands." Gloriosa said as she sat next to Duatin.

"Don't us keep you." Susnet stated, flashing a wink to Dustin beforenshe and Twilight were off.

"Uh..." Dustin stammered as looks to Gloriosa, his stomach in knots as his heart beats fatser than Lightspeed could run. "S-So... uh...lovely weather were having huh?" 'Really?! That's the line you chose to start a conversation?!'

"Yes." Gloriosa nodded in agreement. "It looks like that black eye is looking better."

"Y-Yeah..." Dustin nodded. 'God, what are you doing?! Just tell her.' Woth a deep breath, steeling hie nerves. 'Here goes!'

"I have a crush on you!" Dustin and Gloriosa said to one another simultaneously before looking in shock. "You do?!" Both said simultaneously again.

"Did... Did I just hear you right?!" Dustin asked with shock.

"I should be asking that." Gloriosa asked with a blush. Both of them blushed madly while looking at eachother in the eye.

"Uh... y-yeah." Dustin nodded while looking away, his blush still present. "As cheesy as it sounds, I kinda fell for you since day 1."

"R-Really?" Gloriosa asked, taken aback while internally she was screaming in joy. "Uh... that's nice to hear."

Both of them stayed silent for a good minute before Gloriosa decided to speak again.

"Hey, Dustin?" Gloriosa asked, grabbing his attention. "There's something that... that I... uh..."

"Gloriosa!" Timber called. "Do you know wherr..." Timber then approaches the two, a surpriaed look on his face. "Oh. Uh... am I interrupting something?"

"Oh n-no." Gloriosa stuttered before getting up. "You were saying, Timber?"

"I was wondering if you know where the power saw is." Timber stated with a grin. "But I guess I caught you I the middle of something. "I'll go get it, Timber." Gloriosa said before looking to Dustin. "I'm sorry, Dustin."

"No, don't worry about it." Dustin said with a dismissive smile. "I've got to check in with my friends anyway." Suddenly, Glorioisa came in and kissed Dustin on the cheek, making go wide-eyed while his face went redder than even a rose before Gloriosa walked away.

"Well, you two finally hit it off, hm?" Timber asked teasingly. "Good for you, dude."

"Uh.... yeah..." Dustin said to the Timber in a dumbstruck manner. "Anyway, I better get going." Dustin then walks off while Timber watches on with a chuckle.

Hidden in the trees, Pendragon watched Dustin woth a flare as his nostrils flared a bit.

"Hey guys I..." Dustin said as he sees was a bunch of sprinkled cookie dough splattered everywhere on the tables and the ceiling as Flutterhsy, Pinkie, Sonata, Twikight and Sunset were the only ones there, also looking messy.

"What in the fuck happened here?!" Dustin asked in shock. "Did a bunch of chimps come over and have a food fight?!"

"I don't know!" Fluttershy responded as she wiped her cheek. "We were just decorating cookies and-"

"And I was all," Pinkie interjected, "'You need more sprinkles!'" she exclaimed while waving her arms towards the cookie dough splattered on the table, "'And you need more sprinkles!'" she added cheerily.

"So how the Hell is there cookie dough all over the place?" Dustin asked as he examine the room. "My God, it looks like the Muffin Man puked in here!"

"Well... I was just tossing sprinkles to Fluttershy," Pinkie continued as she reached into the open container of Jimmies, "when all of a sudden they glowed pink and exploded!" she exclaimed, pulling a bunch of them out and tossing them as they shined a hot pink, suddenly exploding in a sparkly blast, blowing everyone's hair back splattering them with cookie dough. "Just like that, only earlier!"

"Explosive sprinkles?!" Dustin asked in shock. "Pinkie, be sure to never come near me with those tnings!"

"Oookaay…" Sunset said as she walked over to Pinkie, "Why don't you lay off touching stuff for a while?" she suggested, taking her hand away from the table she had it on.

"Yeah, the last thing we need to do is cause damages." Dustin said as he wiped some of the cookie dough on the table with his index finger before tasting it. "Ooh. That's mighty good!"

"Oh, dear! We really should clean all of this up!" she advised, jogging over to the rack where the paper towels were. Unfortunately, they were high up out of her reach as she struggled to try and grab them. "Can someone help me out?" Luckily, a little orange bird flying by, going up to the paper towels and grasping one with his feet, flapping his wings before dropping it into the girl's hands.

"Well, good thing that little guy was here." Dustin said with a smile.

"Thank you, mister Bird," Fluttershy thanked the bird, the bird tweeting back. "Why of course I can get you a little something to-" Fluttershy stopped her sentence with a gasp as she realized something, turning to face the bird on her finger. "Did you just... talk?"

"Wait!" Dustin said in surprise. "You can speak bird?"

"I don't know if you're the only bird I can understand," Fluttershy responded, while amother chirp emerged from the bird, causing Fluttershy's to widen her eyes "Oh, no! Please don't call for your friends!"

All of a sudden, a plethora of birds and owls flew in, perching themselves upon her arms as she was left stunned.

"It's… nice to meet all of you, too," Fluttershy greeted, eliciting a bunch of tweets and hoots.

"Were you just talking to the birds?" Sunset asked, glancing over at her.

"Um… yes?" she replied nervously, feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the attention.

With a sigh, Dustin transformed into a familiar shadow figure.

"Freakshow!" Freakshow exclaimed before he was enveloped in a wave of multicolored energy while his body changed to a more demonic shape. "Fright-Gaunt!"

(Transformation Index)

Name: Fright-Gaunt

Species: Erebonite

DEAR GOD ALMIGHTY!!! Ahem... sorry about that. If Freakshow wasn't terrifying before, then he is absolutely horrific now as Fright-Gaunt!

"Fuck! What is up with this thing?!" Fright-Gaunt growled in annoyance before he looks to the girls. Sunset was wide-eyed, Twilight backed up a bit as Sonata hid under the table. He then looks to Fluttershy, who was now white as a ghost while the birds on her were horrified as they flew off. And suddenly, Fluttershy fainted.

"Flutters?" Fright-Gaunt asked in worry for his timid animal-living friend.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Applejack asked as she and Rarity when they took notice of Fright-Gaunt, both going wide-eyed in terror.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Rarity screamed in pure horror before fainting.

"Oh fuck me!" Fright-Gaunt sighed with a deadpan look.

"What happened?' Salazar called out before he, Pixel, Aria, and Adagio entered. "We heard somebody... SWEET MARY MOTHER OF GOD! WHAT THE FRESH HELL IS THAT?!"

"Oh come on!" Fright-Gaunt sighed with an offended expression. "Am I seriously that scary?!"

"Wait!" Pixel gasped, looking at the symbol on Fright-Gaunt chest. "Dustin?! Is that you?!"

"And what exactly happened in here?" Applejack asked as she saw the cookie dough falling from the ceiling.

"For real! Do I really that scary?!" Fright-Gaunt asked as Adagio presented him a makeup mirror, making Fright-Gaunt jump in terror upon seeing his reflection. "Whoa! Ok... I do look that scary!"

"Ugh..." Rarity groaned as she got up. "What happened?" Rarity saw Fright-Gaunt before fainting yet again.

"You should probably change back, Dustin." Sunset suggested with an unsettled expression.

"Yeah, I should." Fright-Gaunt stated before pressing on the Digitrix symbol, reverting back to Dustin in a blue flash of light.

"This day just got crazy! I hoisted Rarity up the rock climbin' wall like it was nothin'!" Applejack explained as Rarity got back up. "Like I had way more strength than I usually do."

"And I made a diamondy thing appear out of nowhere," Rarity chimed in. "Which normally I'd be excited about," she continued, causing both the freckled girl and the shadow dragon slayer to give off annoyed looks toward her, "I mean, the facets were just perfect, and the-"

"Rarity!" Applejack and Aria both shouted in simultaniously in annoyance.

"Ooh, sorry," Raritu apologized, regaining her focus, "It knocked Dusin over and then it disappeared!" Rarity then looks to Dustin apologetically. "Sorry about that, by the way."

"It's fine." Dustin replied, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry I fussed at you."

"Speaoing of dissappearing," Applejack started as sheclooked around, "has anybody seen Rainbow Dash?"

All of a sudden, a rainbow-colored blur raced through the doors, zooming by the group.

"What the Hell?!" Salazar jumped in shock as the blur dashed by, slamming into the wall. It turned out to be Rainbow Dash, who fell down onto the floor with a thud.

"My God!" Dustin uttered in surprise at what he had just seen.

"How'd you do that?" Applejack asked with an arched eyebrow.

"I dunno!" Rainbow responded with a shake of her head, "I started running to get the harness, and the next thing I knew, I was practically back in town!" she told the group as they were all surprised.

"But if you had some sort of super speed, why you were gone for so long?" Rarity questioned while placing her hands at her hips.

"Because I lost it when I got far away! And then it came back when I got close to camp," Rainbow replied. All of a sudden, Pinkie gasped, catching everyone's attention.

"Being at camp is giving us all new magical abilities!" she realized, hopping up and down excitedly.

"Not all of us have gotten new abilities
" Sunset mentioned as she stood up from her seat upon the table, "I haven't. But Twilight..." Sunset looks to Tailight, the bespectacled girl shakin her head in disapproval "...hasn't, either…" she quickly corrected, glancing up at the ceiling.

"So much for my theory that leavin' CHS would mean leavin' any new magic business behind!" Applejack muttered with a sigh.

"Wait!" Sunset pondered, making the others look to her. "Maybe the reason we've have been getting new magical abilities might have some connection as to why the Digitrix has been acting funny."

"You mean like that time you went Rip Tide, then automatcally turned into Wrasse-stache afterwards?" Twilight pondered.

"Yeah. Speaking of which...." Sunset pondered. "Wrasse-stache looked vary similar to a sea serpent from Equestria. And Fright-Gaunt looked similar my demon self back at the Fall Formal."

"Fright-Gaunt? You mean that shadowy devil?!" Rarity spoke shudder. "That thing was even more terrifying than your she-devil look."

"Wow! Thanks alot!" Dustin said with a deadpan look.

"Maybe you're might be onto something there." Adagio pondered. "After all, Dustin did gain this newfound... ability I guess, before you guys gained new abilities."

"Dustin!" Sunset said, looking back to Sunset. "Change into something else!"

"What?" Dustin asked with confusion. "Why?"

"To test my theory!" Sunset replied, earning a shrug from Dustin.

In a blue flash, Dustin changed to Somicada before automatically changing into Lighning Bug.

"My word!" Rarity declared in surprise.

"Now that's a shock!" Pinkiebsaid, obviously making a pun, much to the annoyance of the others.

"That definitely looks like a Twittermite!" Adagio explained, getting the others' attention. "Nasty little bugs that shoot bolts of electricity at unsuspecting victims, and can launch larger ones when in swarms." Adagio look to Sonata with a deadpan look. "Ask me how I know."

"Oh come on!" Sonata replied with a groan. "I thought they were fireflies!"

"A good start." Sunset declared. "Change into another form" Sunset scratched her chin. "Like.... Rockweiler!"

Lightning Bug changed Rockweiler in a blue flash.

"Rockweiler!" Rockweiler esclained with a growl. Then just like before, he was engulfed in a multicolored wave of energy as he changed into something fiercer than regular Rockwwiler.

"Terra Terrier!" The anthropomorphic canine roared in a low drawl and a gruff voice like that of a troll. The others jumped a bit in surprise.

(Transformation Index)

Name: Rockweiler

Species: Geocanis

Wow! Ok, now that's a dog you don't want to mess with! With a name like Terra Terrier, I think it's safe to assume what this guy can do.

"Ok!" Susnet said with a nod. "Now I know that closely resembles a Diamond Dog!"

"Uh..." Rainbow asked with a confused loom "A diamond what?"

"Diamond Dogs are dog-like creatures from Equestria." Adagio explained. "Greedy little must that spend most ofntheirndays digging up gems, and not to mention those mongers are quite prudish!"

"So, the Digitrix is affected by Equestrian magic?" Terra Terrier asked Sunset with a perplexed expression.

"I think so." Sunset nodded. "And I'm starting to think that there is something from Equestria in this camp that's causing all of this."

"Probably..." Terra Terrier said before he started sniffing the air. "Wait! That scent!"

"Huh?" Pinkie asked as she whiffed the air. "I don't smell anything."

Terra Terrier got onto hianhaunches and sniffed before panting. "It's nearby!" Andnwith that, he bursts out of the back door, leaving the others confused.

Outside, Terra Terrier tracked the scent to the fire pit before he began digging up the soil in it. The others walked up to him, still confused.

"What is he doing?" Fluttershynasked.

"I don't know." Applejack shrugged before.

"Aha! Found it!" Terra Terrier said, his tail wagging.

"Ahem!" Rarity called out, making Terra Terrier look to see that she was covered in dirt with an angry expression.

"Oops." Terra Terrier said shamefully, rubbing his neck. "Sorry."

"What did you find?" Twikight asked. Terra Terrie reached into the fire pit before pulling what he found out of it. The object was small shiny red ball with a bright red symbol of a flame on it.

"Ooh!" Pinkie said as she eyed the ball. "Shiny!"

"Wait! Let me look at that!" Pixel said as Terra Terrier handed her the red ball. "Strange..." Pixel uttered as she examined the orb. "I'm detecting a strange energy signature from it."

"Equestrian kind?" Sonata asked.

"Doubt it." Pixel said as she closed examined it. "Definitely a mineral of some kind. But the chemical composition is nothing like the gems found on Earth."

"Sp it's from Cyberspace?" Applejack asked with a confused look.

"Apparently so." Pixel said as she gave the gem back to Terra Terrier. "Better hold on to that. We better show this to Allister."

"Good idea!" Terra Terrier spoke, then suddenly the red orb was engulfed in red energy that resembled flame while the Digitrix symbol on his belt flashed dand beeped. And before anybody could blink, the red stone was beamed into the Digitrix before Terra Twrrier changed back into Dustin.

"What just happened?!" Sunset asked in surprise. "What did you do?!"

"Don't ask me!" Dustin replied as the Digitrix beeped a but more as the Digitrix' screen displayed the flame symbol the red stone had.

"Wait!" Twilight realized. "If that stone supposedly came from Cyberspace, then how did it end up here?"

"It doubt it just fell from a rift and landed here." Pixel pondered. "Perhaps someone or something put there. But who put it here, and for what reason?

"Um, Gaea Everfree?" Fluttershy guessed, shaking in terror. "You don't suppose Gaea Everfree could be a Cybergeist that ended up here, do you."

"Hey there." A voice called, making Flutterhsybscream as the others turn to see Gloriosa.

"Oh. Sorry about that." Gloriosa said with a soft chucklem "Also, what happened int the mess hall?"

"We're kinda trying to figure that out." Susnet replied.

"Well, don't worry about it. I got this!" Gloriosa said, but Sandalwood called her.

"Gloriosa, I kicked my beanbag into the lake!"

"I'll get you another one!" Gloriosa said with an eyebtwitch.

"And I'm all out of arrows!" Derpy called out.

"Guys, guys!" Dustin called to them. "Give her a break, will ya?! Applejack, go fetch Sandalwood a new beanbag. Raimbow, go get Derpy some more arrows." The two girls nodded before walking off, Dustin then looks to Gloriosa. "Glori, you really should take it easy for a bit."

Gloriosa said nothing, her face blushing a bit when Timber came up to her.

"There you are!" Timber said before leaning to her. "Filthy Rich is back. Do you want me to handle it?" Timber whispered.

"Absolutely not!" Gloriosa whispered back before clearing her throat. "I've got this!" And with that, Gloriosa walks off.

"Fluttershy, enough with the screaming!" Sunset said to Fluttershy, much to thenshy irl's confusion.

"I didn't scream." Fluttershy replied with a confused look.

"I didn't hear any screaming." Dustin chimed in with a perplexed expression.

"Attention, campers! Anyone who's interested in making floating paper lanterns, please meet us by the picnic tables." Celestia announced through the P.A.

Meanwhile, the Laveau sisters were hidden in the woods, each of them having eyes widened in shock.

"We better inform Pendragon!" Rouge said to her two sisters, nodding in agreements.

"What?!" Pendragon asked incredulously, hisneyes widened in shock. "Are you sure?!" Pendragon asked the Leveau sisters

"Affirmative!" Rouge declared with a nod.

"Round, red, and having a symbol of a flame on it? That's definitely it!" Ciel chimed in.

"So far, it's the only one he's found!" Amarillo announced. "Let's hope he doesn't find out about the others that are hidden!"

"Dash it all!" Pendragon declared, trying to keep his cool. "That boy is progressingly becoming more troublesome with each passing day!" Suddenly, he started coughing a bit, small droplets of a pale green fluid escaping his maw with each cough and hack.

"Pen!" Rouge called out in worry as she and her two sisters attended to him. "Your condition is worsening!"

"I'll be fine!" Pendragon declared. "Just... allow me a moment alone!"

The Leveau sisters looked to him in concern, but decided to give him some space. When Pendragon was a lone, he coughed a bit more, a glob of pale green fluid landed on a nearby shrub, the eaves of said bush wilted and shriveled up.

'Dash it all! My final hour is drawing nearer!' Pendragon spoke with a soft expression. 'I hope I have a bit more tiime until my final hour comes!'

Author's Note:

Well, things are starting to get crazy for our heroes. First the girls gain some new magical power, and now Dustin has found a strange stone from Cyberspace.