• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 3: Not So Warm Welcome

Canterlot hasn’t changed. At least, not physically. The atmosphere, however, sent a chill down my spine. As I walked down the road directing to the castle, I couldn’t help but notice plenty of eyes on me. And not the pleasantly surprised kind. Several ponies began to move out of my way and some whispered to one another, avoiding me.

I dropped my ears. I knew exactly what was happening. Yet, it still stung a little. I began to up my pace to a trot, hoping to hurry through before anypony got the wiser. I definitely didn’t want to be confronted by the citizens of Canterlot. As I continued, shops and buildings began to close at my approach. Ponies frowned at me or ran away in a hurry.

As I turned the corner, I came to a stop as two ponies approached me.

“You got a lot of nerve showing your face around here, Fire Demon.” One pony scowled. I recognized the pony. He usually tended to the ice cream cart, which was several hoof steps behind him. The other I also recognized. The antique collector and pawn shop owner down the road. I looked between the two nervously.

“I-I’m just here for a quick visit and I promise I’ll be out of everypony’s mane.” I stammered. What do I do?? I can’t hurt these ponies! They did nothing and deserve to be upset with me. But I can’t be bothered to tackle this right now. I need to get going. Yet, they didn’t waver and instead, several more ponies gathered behind them. Elite individuals I don’t entirely recognize, save for one. A tall and slender white unicorn with a pink mane, accompanied by a neatly groomed and butler dressed stallion. They were looking at me with interest.

“Why did you kill those ponies?! What did they ever do to you?!” The antique owner barked. I shrunk back.

“I-I didn’t… I…” I was cut off when another pony chimed in.

“My son lived there! He owned a furniture business! He provided for the ponies! And you destroyed everything!” A mare cried out. A chorus of chattering began to erupt and soon a mob began to form. I gasped and backed away as the citizens of Canterlot banded together to face me.

“You’re a demon!!”

“How could you!?”

“Why do we have to put our safety in the hooves of a murderer!?”

“Go back to Tartarus, fiend!!”

“My whole business there is ruined because of you!!”

“It’s all your fault!!”

My eyes widened and I soon began to panic. The ponies surrounded me and began stomping their hooves in protest, chanting loudly “It’s all your fault! It’s all your fault!”. I fell to my stomach and covered my ears, shaking my head.

“I-I wasn’t me!! Please…” I whimpered. The world began to waver and I began to find it hard to breath. Everypony was closing in. Towering over me like shadows and chanting in unison. I began to shiver, my ears ringing at the deafening chanting.

“It’s all your fault!! It’s all your fault!!” I shut my eyes tightly.

‘I… I can’t… I don’t want to hurt anymore ponies… please… help me…’ I began to sob a bit, looking up and seeing several royal guards looking down at me. Their looks were serious and stern. Halberds positioned at their sides.

“Ma’am, you must come with us to the guard house. We would like to resolve this peacefully.” A stallion guard said. The chanting and stomping was still deafening, but I was helped up by two guards and escorted through the enraged mob. The guards shoved some ponies that got too close aside and when we broke through, I was lead away from the castle and over towards the castle walls to a building.

I was lead inside and escorted into the back. I was asked to sit down when we entered a room meant for interrogations or questioning. I expected this, but not at this level. It was still overwhelming and I had to dry my eyes from the silent tears escaping me. I sniffled as the guards left the room, leaving me alone to my thoughts. All I could think about was Hoofington. The many lives that had no part in the underbelly of the city. Gone within an instant. Only a charred and burning ruin left behind.

My thoughts then fell to General Lilac. And my overwhelming sadness turned to anger. It’s because of her that it all happened. She overstepped her boundaries and flaunted power that isn’t even her’s. I found myself glaring at the table, the anger rising. I imagined General Lilac unable to escape. Din having blasted the ship down and Lilac abandoning onto the balcony. There I would walk over to her. She would try to fight, but I would over power her.

Din would have changed her mind and would stand next to me. General Lilac would have no choice but to be subjected to torture from Din and I. Maybe then, war wouldn’t be on the horizon. Only the charred remains of a pony who instigated it. The thought began to please me. In my angry look, I let a grin creep up. I would give anything to see General Lilac suffer for what she did.

“That’s not a very good look to have after being apprehended from an angry mob.” A voice said, snapping me out of my stupor. I looked up and gasped. My mother, the Captain of the Royal Guard, looked stoically down at me from across the table. I stood up.

“Mom! Listen, I didn’t mean to do anything! I wasn’t going to hurt those ponies! I was only on my way to the castle to check up on you guys before I head out! I promise, I was only going to be in and out! And-“ My mother held up a hoof to silence me, her expression unchanged.

“Perhaps you should sit back down. Count to ten and take deep breaths.” She said. I blinked and shook my head.

“Mom, please! I only want to-“

“Quiet Fire, enough.” My mother said coldly. I shut my mouth and shrunk back in fear. My mother sighed and rubbed her muzzle. “You are not in a position to argue and I’m not a lawyer. But you do understand why you are here in this room?” She asked. I opened my mouth to reply, only to stop and shake my head. My mother continued. “Your deeds have been spread far and wide across Equestria. Everycreature knows about you. And your unfortunate decimation of our old home.” I only felt smaller as I sat on my haunches and rubbed my foreleg sadly.

“Ever since your disappearance, ponies have begun to form sides. One to defend your actions and the other to condemn them. And the majority are on the condemning side.” She looked at me, her piercing eyes breaking my spirit. “They call for exile.” I didn’t say anything. I once again expected such a thing. My mother closed her eyes in thought. “Some have demanded you be put into Tartarus to never terrorize again. Others want you shipped away to a foreign place where you have no chance of surviving. And some want to kill you on sight.” She opened her eyes. “We’ve been spread thin to try and quell the majority by keeping them occupied with false news of your whereabouts.” I met my mothers stoic gaze.

“You’re lucky my men intervened. Those ponies were out for blood. One was about to stab you while you were on the ground.” I continued to say nothing. Every word my mother was saying hit me like a ton of bricks. I was lost. My mother then stood up and nodded over her shoulder. Two guards entered the room. “We’ll escort you to the castle. But you are not to wander off. We have a mole in the castle.” My mother turned and trotted out of the room. I sighed and stood up pathetically before following after her with the guards at my sides.

They led me to a side entrance of the castle courtyard. I noticed some of the looks the maids were giving me along with some of the guards. I did my best to try and keep my attention at my mother’s back. It was hard to make out what was going on through her head. I made up with her, but I guess some habits die hard. We eventually arrived to the main foyer of the castle and my mother finally stopped and turned to me. “Be on your best behavior.”

She opened the door and I was greeted by the long and expansive room leading to the thrones. I gulped as I could see Princess Celestia at the throne. And next to her was… Heart? My older sister was at the thrones side, scribbling down on a long scroll. Princess Celestia looked tired as she talked to Heart.

“… Next on the schedule is the meeting with a representative of the Kingdom of Fenice.” She sighed. “Make sure to add welcoming banquet preparation to the list. Ensure Raven double checks the records and guest lists.” Heart scribbled with her tongue sticking out in concentration. My mother bowed.

“Your highness. Quiet Fire has returned.” She announced. My sister stopped scribbling and looked up with wide eyes. Celestia smiled tiredly before nodding for my mother to rise. All eyes fell on me and I felt way smaller than I should. Princess Celestia’s smile turned into a serious expression.

“I am glad to see you have returned safe and sound, Quiet Fire. However, I wish the greeting would be higher spirits. Unfortunately, a matter I need to attend to has arisen and I cannot stay for long. Speak your part.” She said. I winced. Princess Celestia’s usual warm and calm nature slept in today. Ignoring my remark in my head, I hesitated and bowed. Princess Celestia motioned for me to rise and I did. The eyes remained on me.

No pony moved. I shivered, rubbing my foreleg before finding words to speak.

“I… Uhh… I was just… err…” I began. Princess Celestia closed her eyes as if contemplating something. She then opened them and met mine.

“Tis a dire tragedy of what happened to your home city. The lives lost were… tremendous. You have become Equestria’s most wanted. And yet…” she then smiled. “Your courage remains unbending in the face of doubt.” I was stunned. What was she talking about? Courage? I am about to wet the royal carpet here! I looked quizzically at her. Princess Celestia stood up and walked down the steps towards me. Her talk figure towered over me. I found myself looking away out of intimidation, only for Celestia to gently turn my head with her hoof under my chin gently.

“Everypony has been worried sick. Present company included.” She glanced quickly to my mother, who was at attention. I was dumbfounded. But I found myself moving away from Celestia. I had turned and faced one of the stain glasses. The image depicting Twilight and her friends battling Discord. I studied the image. They have come a long way. I then looked down to my hoof and my mind began to wander. How does she do it? Everypony knows she’s capable, despite saying she is still trying to figure out how she can stop the war properly.

Princess Celestia sat next to me.

“It has been years, yet it feels like yesterday when Twilight had left Canterlot to begin her own journey of discovery. She and her friends have faced many trials and overcame each and everyone of them together. It is because of her journey that she gained her wings.” She then looked down at me. “Everypony has their own journey to face. But they will never do so alone, despite saying so. So long as they believe in their strengths, they will always seek the answer to their question.” I looked up at her as she flourished her hoof. “Who am I?” Her eyes met mine.

I bowed my head, my thoughts trying to piece her words together. Who am I really? I’ve asked myself this before and I thought I had an answer. I then looked back up to the stained-glass window. I dropped my hoof.

“I’m… me… right?” I asked. Princess Celestia looked at me.

“That's something only you need to find for yourself." She replied. I sighed and stood up. I took a moment to gather myself before turning to Celestia.

"Then... I'll finish up here and be on my way." I then looked to my sister and mother. I rubbed my foreleg nervously before walking over to my older sister. Heart blinked quizzically at me as I stopped at the bottom of the steps to the thrones. All of a sudden, I wasn't sure what to say. My sister had the same idea. It wasn't long until my mother rolled her eyes and stepped over to me.

"Quiet Fire. Speak your part. I have to get back to patrols." She said. I looked at her and bowed my head. I then looked back up to my sister.

"H-Heart?" I began. Heart eyed me. "I... I'm sorry... for what you have been put through..." Heart looked at me worriedly. "I'm sorry you had to learn that I... I'm not..." Heart finally spoke.

"Four weeks." She said. I blinked and blankly looked up at her. "Four weeks, Fie. Four weeks of searching. Four weeks of having to worry." She shook her head. "Do you have any idea what you put us through? We are in the midst of a war and you have been off wherever Celestia knows for four weeks!" I found myself shrinking back again. That was until I was pulled into a hug by my sister. Which took me completely by surprise. My sister has never been one to show affection. The workaholic mare with no time to spare is... hugging me. I was stunned. How should I react? She pulled away from me and wiped her eye. "Damned scroll dust." I looked at her, baffled. "Oh, don't look at me like that. I'm waiting for a proper apology." It took me a moment, but I hesitated before replying.

"S-sorry for... worrying you...?" I said uncertainly. Heart shook her head and sighed.

"We need to work on your social skills." She said. I rubbed the back of my head.

"Err... it's just... you... never hug." I replied. Heart rubbed her chin.

"Huh. I guess so." She said. I hesitated again, looking around.

"Wh-where's Blitz?" I asked. Heart motioned around us.

"He's somewhere. Princess Celestia was kind enough to give him something to do." I tilted my head and looked over my shoulder to Celestia, who only nodded in response.

"Wait... you both are now... working for Princess Celestia?" I asked. Heart nodded.

"I'm an assistant to Raven Inkwell, Celestia's accountant. I help her manage the... financial side of things. It's been an interesting eye opener. Blitz has been hired as our aid to gather info on things happening around Canterlot. In fact, he should have been back several minutes ago." As if on cue, the doors behind us opened and in came galloping Blitz.

"Princess Celestia! Heart! Quiet Fire is back in Canterlot, but she was being hassled by the citizens! I ran as fast as I could to tell you-" He stopped and noticed me standing in front of Heart. Heart waved a small hoof at him. Blitz blinked and looked at me, his eyes narrowing. I gave a nervous smile and small wave. The room grew awkward again. My mother sighed and shook her head before turning to Princess Celestia.

"Your highness, may we step outside so my children can learn not to waste time?" She asked. Princess Celestia nodded.

"Err... of course. Take as much time as needed." She said. Our mother looked between us and motioned with her head. We followed her out of the throne room and she took us to the side, having all three of us stand next to each other.

"Now then. Perhaps a change of the room will help this reunion better?" She stated. Heart sighed.

"Mom, we do not need to be treated as children. I've been well off enough." My sister said. But the stern look my mother gave her caused her to quiet down.

"That is completely unrelated to this. We are on the clock." Our mom replied. Blitz snorted.

"And we've been working to the bone lately. Just as much as you have, mom." He replied. Our mother shook her head.

"And I'm glad you two are enjoying your new positions. But your sister came here to check up on us. The least you can do is hear her out." She said. My siblings looked at me and I continued to feel small.

"I..." I began. Okay, Fie. You didn't plan this far. It's time to face the day. I finally took a deep breath. "I did come here to check up on you all. To know what's going on before I... leave to Pony Land." Blitz arched a brow.

"Seriously?" He asked. I nodded.

"At the behest of Princess Twilight Sparkle, I'm to head to Pony Land and see what I can do to convince the two kingdoms from no longer declaring war on us. But before I can do that, I need to find my friends and... check up on you guys." I then looked to mom. "Where's dad?" My mother crossed a foreleg over the other.

"Still in Canterlot. He hasn't been back yet, but being the detective now, he's been looking into a mole problem we have." She said. I tilted my head before my mom continued. "The security barrier picked up strange activity. We've been investigating the situation, but everytime we thought to have the culprit cornered, we are left with the aftermath of what was left behind. It's as if the mole is toying with us." I rubbed my chin in thought.

"I'm going to go on a whim here... Triad?" I asked. My mother shrugged.

"Could be. Regardless, we cannot have inside distractions. You need not to worry about it, Quiet Fire. We can manage here fine." She replied. Blitz balked, as if remembering something.

"O-oh right! Another thing I need to bring up. I-I think we may have a lead on the mole situation." He said. My mother eyed him. We all knew that mom had been no nonsense on the job, so Blitz didn't waste anytime. "I did some digging around the Starswirl Wing and I spotted a pony that hid something in the shelves." He reached back into his saddle bag and withdrew several documents. "Aren't these the missing documents Ms. Inkwell has been looking for?" Heart immediately snatched them up with her magic and scanned them. She looked surprised.

"Biltz... these documents state the many faulty structures that Canterlot has. Why would a pony hide this among books?" She asked. Blitz shrugged.

"The pony didn't seem all that concerned. It was like they weren't aware they weren't the only one in the wing. In fact..." He rubbed his chin. "It looked like one of the maids. Had the apron on and everything." My mother's look was stoic, but we could tell what she was thinking. My mother turned and spoke.

"Thank you for the info, Blitz. Heart, inform Inkwell to search more of the Royal Archives. See if there are any other missing documents. I also ask that you bring the schematics and blueprints to the guard house later. We will begin our search once more. Quite Fire?" I blinked.

"Y-yes?" I replied. My mother was quiet for a bit before finding the words.

"Please, be safe on your journey." She said before trotting off towards the throne room, our guess being to inform Celestia of the discovered info. That left me to awkwardly stand in between my siblings. Heart gathered the documents and turned to us.

"Good job, Blitz. You continue to surprise everypony." She said. Blitz smoothly brushed his mane.

"Since we don't have a... city for certain topics. I'm actually surprised Canterlot has it's own underbelly." He then looked at us and waved his hooves. "N-not that that isn't a good thing! It just... makes me realize that even places like Canterlot can have a darker side. But that's not here or there right now." He then looked to me. "So... Pony Land, huh?" I nodded softly.

"Yeah. I... have my own reasons for going as well." I rubbed my foreleg nervously again. "I'm... truly sorry for what happened... I know you two had stuff going on in Hoofington and I..." Heart shook her head.

"It's... honestly hard to take it all in, but like mom said, we are on the clock." She said. I noticed she didn't seem at all fine. Neither did Blitz. I don't blame them. Hoofington wasn't the nicest place, but they had fond memories of their time there. Heart then put a hoof on my shoulder. "It's... really good to see you okay." Blitz rubbed the back of his head.

"So... have you... always been able to do that?" He asked. I looked at him quizzically. He gestured at me. "You know... able to turn into a giant fire alicorn. I mean, we've been hearing over the radio your exploits, but we didn't think it was... well... that intense." Heart shook her head. "We were too busy with other things to really follow it. We did hear about it in small bits. But... to see it happen with our own eyes..." She faltered. I sighed and bowed my head.

"No. New Years wasn't that kind to me." I began. I then told them everything. When I finished my explanation, my siblings were speechless. Blitz put a hoof to his head.

"You're right. That is a lot to take in." He said. Heart shook her head in disbelief.

"Our little sister... a demi-god? Do we... do we really have special blood in our family?" She asked more to herself. Blitz frowned.

"But... wait... if you are a demi-god... doesn't that make us demi-gods too?" I for some reason found this amusing but shrugged.

"I'm... not sure to be honest. Ouroboros may not be telling us everything and only wanting us to hear what he feels we should know. False or not." I then frowned at the thought. "I don't think we are being given a correct answer here. He's just stringing us along for his own amusement." Heart closed her eyes in thought at my response.

"Never trust a snake as the saying goes." She then opened them and looked at me. "Just becareful, Fie. War and the deconstruction threat of our realm all in one is too much for any one pony to handle." I gave her what I hoped was a confident smile.

"I-I know, Heart. I won't be alone." I said. Blitz shrugged.

"Dunno, sis. She wasn't able to handle that one colt that liked her." He stated. I felt my heart sink and Blitz noticed my look. He quickly waved his hooves in front of him. "Wh-whoa, sis! I-I didn't mean it like that!" He said. I only shook my head.

"No... you're right. Table Top didn't deserve me after what I did to him. And... I wasn't the best to anypony at the time." I felt my mood shoot down. "I can't even tell him I'm sorry or rekindle any friendship now." Heart gasped.

"Did you...?" I nodded.

"Dad showed me." I responded. My siblings exchanged concerned looks. My sister and brother gestured to each other before Blitz sighed.

"We-" He began but I shook my head.

"You guys don't need to say anything. I just..." I sighed. "I'll be fine. I have to anyway." I lied, standing up. "I should get going then." I began to turn when Blitz stopped me.

"Fie, wait." He said. "I..." He began. I looked at him over my shoulder. "Here." He then reached into his saddle bag and pulled out a pendant. The silver design with a wing. I blinked.

"Mom's pendant?" I asked. Blitz nodded as I took it in my magic.

"We held onto it just so it wouldn't get lost. We also have another thing for you." He then motioned for me to follow as Heart trotted beside him. I followed my siblings, wondering what they are up to. When we arrived at a guest room, my brother reached under the four-post bed and withdrew a chest. He opened it and stepped aside. I walked forward and saw a folded-up fabric. Reaching in with my magic, I floated out my hoodie cloak. The fire etched design with the symbol of fire on the back, just as I remembered it. I looked back in the chest and saw my old saddle bag. I never noticed how ragged and worn out it was. I draped my hoodie cloak over my foreleg while I reached for my saddle bag. I opened it and withdrew the previous stuff I had, which wasn't much. Just a couple of food rations and arc ammo. Seeing the arc ammo made me think about Thi. I remember her teaching me how to properly use an arc firearm.

I don't remember stuffing these in here, but I smiled and stuffed the supplies into my new saddle bag. I even noticed some rocks with magic runes on them. I remember Silver Scribble passing them out to us just in case. Nifty little rocks that you can just crush and throw out magic. Transferring everything I had on me at the time into my new saddle bag, I turned to my siblings and nodded. I threw out my hoodie cloak around me, sliding my forelegs into the sleeves and throwing my hood up to adjust it. I then threw my hood down with my head and felt complete. Blitz shook his head.

"You always had weird taste in fashion, sis." He said. I dusted my hoodie cloak off before replying.

"And you had a weird taste in marefriends." I then blinked and looked at him, seeing him raise a brow. I worried I said something out of line, but Heart followed up.

"She's right. Cherry Gum? Quite the mental case that one." She said. Blitz rubbed the back of his head.

"Okay, Cherry was cute at the time. I didn't realize she'd be a bit of a psycho." He said.

"You're just lucky dad managed to change your mind. And what about Sour Dough? I actually liked her." She said. Blitz shook his head.

"She was running my bits out of my saddle over bread. That isn't healthy. I had to do something to keep her from going overboard." He replied. I chimed in this time.

"Rosey Pie? I remember you liking her a lot." I said. Blitz sighed and shrugged.

"I thought so too. Then she overused me." He replied.

"Pork Rind?" I asked. Blitz blinked.

"I totally forgot about the butcher's daughter. Reminded me too much of Sour Dough." He shrugged. I smiled and found my mood feeling better. Blitz and Heart continued to banter back and forth and suddenly, I found myself going back in time. I was there, sitting at the dinner table. Heart and Blitz talking about their day. Dad reading the newspaper. Mom, off duty and casually reading a book as she had finished her dinner. It wasn't an eventful thought. But... I think it was one I missed out on.

"Uhh, sis? You okay?" I heard Blitz say in my thoughts. I blinked and found myself back in the present. My siblings were looking at me with concern. I didn't realize I was grinning and I shook my head, patting my cheeks.

"I'm fine. Just... thinking is all." I stepped past them and nodded. "Well, no time to waste then." I then looked over my shoulder to them. "Take care, guys. I'm... sorry I wasn't the best sibling. But I'm going to fix that. And... have a better apology at the ready." Blitz and Heart looked at each other before nodding and trotting over towards me.

"We'll hold you to that." Blitz said. I was confused as to why my siblings were trotting with me, but I didn't want to argue. It was nice to have their company.

I stepped out onto the balcony and into the chariot. We had returned to Princess Celestia and saying my farewells to my mom and siblings, Princess Celestia was kind enough to set up a ride to Cloudsdale. She even gave me a scroll that would allow me to walk on the clouds for four hours. As I waved to them and the chariot took off, I began to feel my mood drop a little. I wanted to stay a bit longer and catch up with my siblings. I sighed and placed my hoof under my chin over the edge of the chariot, watching the valley from above. The sun shined overhead as we broke through the winter clouds. In the distance, I could see the massive fortress city. Cloudsdale. Home of the pegasi and HQ of their military. The last time I was here was to deliver a letter to Cloudchaser and Flitter. My thoughts went to the sisters.

The two most interesting ponies I've ever met. I hope they were doing okay. My thoughts fell on Cloudchaser. The pretty cool mare who was surprisingly skilled in karate. Before the whole incident with Tri-Mourn Tower, I had confessed my feelings to her. And while the answer wasn't a no, it did keep my hopes up. I wonder what she'll think of seeing me after four weeks? That's even if she is there at Cloudsdale anymore. Both sisters being Wonderbolts, they are always busy. And with war on the horizon and with their main task having disappeared, I wouldn't be surprised if they got transferred somewhere. I wished I paid more attention about Wonderbolt military processes in CSGU. I continued to stare over the side of the chariot. As time passed and Cloudsdale got closer, I spotted something moving in the corner of my eyes. I looekd to see a figure dip into the clouds below. I furrowed my look and turned to my chariot flier.

The mare seemed lost in her own thoughts as she casually pulled me along. I went to the other side and peeked over, seeing two more figures dip down into the clouds. I frowned. This might not end well. I turned to the chariot puller.

"Excuse me, but any chance you can't go a little... faster?" I asked. The mare blinked and looked over her shoulder.

"Unfortunately, ma'am, the speed limit in the Cloudsdale area must be kept. And it is for the safety of the rider. Please, have a bit more patience, we are almost there." She stated, as if she had said this same thing over and over before. I looked at her in concern before looking over my shoulder. Two more figures dipping into the clouds. We were surrounded. I didn't want to make too much of a scene. Could it just be Cloudsdale police ensuring we are on a safe trip towards Cloudsdale. You can't be too careful now. But... what if it was Triad. It wasn't the first time they chased us in the air. But they were out for Princess Celestia's and Luna's life. Yet... why would they be so close to a flying air fortress? The more I thought about it, the more likely it could happen. Canterlot currently has a mole. Why not Cloudsdale?

I kept myself on alert as the figures kept their distance but maintained speed with the chariot. It wasn't long before the figures dipped down into the clouds and didn't resurface when we approached the landing area for visitors. Stepping down onto the solid platform, I threw my hood on and looked over my shoulder. No pony came to greet us. In fact, it seemed that the visitor area was empty. Pegasi were flying high in the air, to and fro above me. I followed the solid platform to a road that was meant for unicorn and earth pony visitors. Seeing those figures had me a bit paranoid. I hurried along before arriving at the main plaza. There were less visitors than I expected. Looking around, I came to the realization that I had no idea where to go. I just knew I had to be here.

My eyes fell onto a pegasus stallion, who seemed to be putting up a flyer. I trotted over to him and cleared my throat.

"Ahem. Excuse me, sir." I said. The stallion turned to me and arched a brow. His eyes widened.

"Y-you're that Fire Demon!" He said with fear in his eyes. I balked and quickly waved my hooves in dismissal.

"N-no! Wait! Hear me out, please!" I said, glancing around. Thankfully, there was hardly any pony here. The stallion quickly stuffed something in his saddle bag and took off into the air in a hurry. "Hey! I just wanted to ask you something!" I called out. My ears dropped in sadness. 'Great. Now what do I do?' I turned around and stopped, seeing several silhouettes fly over me. I looked up and saw to my displeasure, several military dressed pegasi landing down in front of me. I sighed and sat on my haunches, raising my hooves. Why would it be any different? The lead pegasi stepped forward.

"Lower your hooves, civilian. You aren't in trouble here. Unless you prove to be." The gruff looking stallion stated. I blinked and looked at him. A scar crossed down one, glossy eye. The stallion tipped his hat. "Well, well. The Fire Demon graces us with her presence. Good. I must ask that you come with us. We need to discuss something that could prove vital to our intel." Well, this was a surprise. However, seeing the other ponies approach me with a strange device made me realize I wasn't out of the clear just yet. They asked me to step onto it and when I did, I felt myself unable to move. As if my hooves dug in and were magnetized to the platform. The pegasi harnessed themselves at the side of the platform and the lead pony nodded. "Don't worry, 'Fire Demon'. You're in the fine hands of the Cloudsdale Guard. Oh, and may I be the first to say. Welcome aboard."

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