• Published 21st Aug 2023
  • 432 Views, 8 Comments

Ilvermorny Legacy: The Philosopher's Stone - Blaze-saber

A young boy, born with an extraordinary ability to see traces of ancient magic is about to learn more about magic in Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

  • ...


It was a dark foggy night as an owl let out a hoot while it sat on a street sign.

A few street lights illuminate the area before an elderly man with gray skin, a long white beard and night sky blue robes with a few bells around his hat emerges from the fog. The man walked out into the middle of the street before he reached into his cloak and pulled out what looked to be a small object, a lighter of some sort. The old man then pushes up the small switch on its side before each of the lights on each street light suddenly went into the device before he closed the top of it.

He then gives a nod before putting the device away and hears a meow coming from a light purple cat looking up at him from a fence.

"I should've guessed that you would be here... Professor Mistmane." the old man told the cat.

Said cat started to walk away from the fence before it suddenly changed into a woman with light purple skin, green hair and wearing sky blue robes.

"Good evening, Professor Starswirl." Mistmane responded as the two walked together down the street. "Are the rumors true?"

"I'm afraid so, my friend." Starswirl responded. "The good and the bad."

"And the boy?"

"Stygian is bringing him as we speak." he assured her.

"Is it wise to trust Stygian with something so important?" Mistmane questioned.

"Professor, I would trust him with my life and I trust him with this important task." Starswirl told her before they heard something flying towards them.

They looked up and saw a man riding on a motorcycle that was coming from the sky. The man riding the motorcycle was wearing a light brown cloak as he had blue eyes and greenish blue hair while he carried something in a cloth wrapped around him. Both professors stood aside as the motorcycle landed and came to a stop in front of them.

The man turned off his goggles and looked at the two with a smile.

"Professor Starswirl, sir. Professor Mistmane." he greeted them as he got off his bike.

"No problems, I trust, Stygian?" Starswirl asked.

"No, none at all," Stygian told him as he walked up to him. "The little one fell asleep while we were flying over Manehattan. Try not to wake him up."

He then carefully gave Starswirl a baby wrapped in a blanket before the three of them started to walk up to a house.

"Do you really think it's safe, leaving him with these people?" Mistmane asked Starswirl. "I've watched them all day. They're the worst sort of No Mags. They really are--"

"The only family he has left" Starswirl interrupted her as they walked up to the doorstep.

"He'll be famous, you know." she mentioned. "Every man, woman and child in our world will know his name."

"Exactly." Starswirl said. "He's far better off growing up away from all of that. Until he's ready."

He then placed the baby on the doormat and the light from the front porch gave a better view of the skin color of the baby. The baby itself has midnight blue skin with indigo hair while there appears to be a scar on its forehead in the shape of a crescent moon. Stygian started to cry as he knew this was going to be a long time before they met again.

"It's alright, Stygian. It's not really goodbye, after all."

Stygian nodded his head at that reassurance before all three of them looked back at the baby as Starswirl placed a small letter on the baby. "Good luck… Light Crest."

Eleven years later, a ten year old Light Crest is seen sleeping in bed before he hears a woman's voice calling out to him and wakes him up. "Get up!" He then hears banging on his door before the sounds of a lock being unlocked was heard. "Now!" After hearing one last beat on his door, light sat up from his bed which was a small closet under some stairs before he turned on the lights.

He then here's someone coming down the stairs before those steps became someone jumping on the stairs. "Wake up, cousin! We're going to the zoo!" He heard a boy's voice shout as he moved the covers from his bed. Just as he opened the door to get out, he was suddenly pushed back in by a boy with yellow skin and black hair before slamming the door on him as he went into the kitchen.

"Just another day, Light, just another day." He said to himself quietly as he got back up while he rubbed the back of his head.

"Here he comes, the birthday boy." Light heard the voice of the woman from before as he walked in the kitchen to see his cousin getting nuzzled by a woman with bright yellow skin, ruby red hair, and wearing a pink top with an apron over it.

"Happy birthday, son." Said a middle-aged man with black hair, light gray skin and a mustache.

"Why don't you cook breakfast and try not to burn anything, Light." The woman told him in a harsh tone when he saw him.

"Yes, Aunt Daisy." Light replied as he went over to the stove to cook the breakfast while Daisy covered her son's eyes.

"I want everything to be perfect, for my Storm's special day!" She said as she guided Storm into the living room. Meanwhile, Light brought over a pan with bacon on it before he placed some on a plate.

"Hurry up!" The man demanded Light. "Bring my coffee, boy."

"Yes, Uncle Vernan." Light replied as he went to get the coffee. Meanwhile, Daisy opened Storm's eyes and he could see a few birthday presents in the living room.

"Aren't they wonderful, honey?" She asked, but Storm didn't look impressed as he turned to look at his father.

"How many are there?" He asked.

"36. Counted them myself." Vernan answered as Light was pouring coffee into his coffee cup.

"36?! But last year I had 37!" Storm shouted with disappointment as Light looked at him and rolled his eyes.

"Couldn't you be satisfied with what you got?" Light thought.

"But some are bigger than last year's." Vernan reminded his son.

"I don't care!"

"This is what we're going to do." Daisy spoke up to get her son's attention. "When we go out, we're going to buy you two new presents. How's that, pumpkin?" After breakfast, they all got ready to head out as they had jackets on and walked to the car in the driveway. "It should be a nice day at the zoo. I know you're really looking forward to it." She told her son as she helped him into the car.

Light was about to get in before his uncle closed the door and looked at him. "I'm warning you now, boy." He whispered harshly to him. "Any funny business, of any kind, and you won't have any meals for a week."

"Why would I try to pull anything to get away from my only family?" Light asked, knowing his uncle and his threats.

"Just get in." Vernan told him before he got into the car.

"Just another day, Light, just another day." He told himself before he got into the car and they drove off.

They soon arrived at the Bronx Zoo and are now seen in the reptile house. They are soon seen in front of a habitat with a large snake inside of it. "Make it move." Storm told his father as he was getting bored looking at the snake.

Vernan tapped on the glass a bit as he complied with his son. "Move!" He called out to the snake before his son beat hard on the glass.


"He's asleep!" Light pointed out.

"It's boring anyway." Storm complained as he went to look at some other reptiles while his parents looked at some others as well. Light however just continued to look at the snake before a boy with red skin, yellow hair with red streaks and yellow eyes came up behind him and surprised him with a hug.

"Hey there, Light!" The boy greeted as the two of them laughed.

"Hey Blitz, it's good to see you again." Light said as the two of them high five each other.

"So uh, what was your cousin complaining about this time?" Blitz asked before he pointed towards the sleeping snake. "Ah, I see. You know his parents are really spoiling him. I don't get why you have to put up with them."

"They're my family, the only ones I got." Light reminded him as he looked down at the thought of his parents being gone and not even knowing them. Blitz then placed a hand on his shoulder and gave a comforting smile before the two of them looked at the snake. "Sorry about Storm. He doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day, watching people press their ugly faces on the glass just to look at you." Blitz let out a chuckle at the joke as he knew he was talking about his cousin before they saw the snake open its eyes and shook its head.

"Whoa, did it just…" Blitz trailed off as both him and Light were surprised that the snake responded to him.

"Can…can you understand me?" Light asked the snake before it nodded its head in response.

"Well, that is both cool and weird at the same time." Blitz whispered to Light as they looked back at the snake when it raised its head.

"It's just, I've never talked to a snake before." Light mentioned. "Especially one that can understand me. Do you…? I mean, do you talk to people often?" The snake shook its head no in response.

"Hey, ask what Burma is like." Blitz told Light.

"Uh okay. You're from Burma and my friend here wants to know what it's like there." Light told the snake. "Was it nice there? Do you miss your family?" The snake just turned its head to a sign on the wall that says 'Bred in captivity.'

"Oh, sorry I asked." Blitz told the snake, even though he knew it couldn't understand him.

"It's okay, I know how you feel." Light told the snake. "I never knew my parents either."

"Mommy, dad, come here!" Storm called out as he raced over before he shoved Light and Blitz to the ground. "You won't believe what the snake is doing!" Storm then leaned on the glass as Light and Blitz set up from the ground and glared at him. Light then saw something odd as there was some sort of glow on the glass before said glass suddenly vanished. Storm stumbled forward and it fell right into the habitat which both Blitz and Light chuckled at.

As Storm struggled to sit up in the water of the habitat, the snake took this opportunity with the window suddenly gone to slither out and onto the floor. It then looks at Light with a smile on its face. "Thanksss." It told him.

"Uh, anytime?" Light responded with a confused tone as to why it was thanking him. They then watched as the snake slithered away as a bunch of people around panicked to see a snake without and on the loose. Meanwhile, Storm set up and tried to go through the same way he came in, only to find that the glass had reappeared and he was now trapped inside.

"Mom! Mommy, help me!" He called out as his parents came back before his mother let out a frightful scream to see him inside the habitat.

"My darling boy! How did you get in there?!" Daisy called out with a worried tone while both Blitz and Light continued to chuckle at this predicament. That joy went away when Vernan looked towards Light with a glare, causing Light to let out a gulp as he knows he's in trouble for this, even though he has no idea how it happened in the first place.

They soon returned home with Storm wrapped in a towel and his mother comforting him as they walked through the door. Vernan shoved Light inside before he slammed the door behind him and grabbed Light by the hair. "What happened?!" He demanded as Light grunted and pain from the hair pulling.

"I swear, I don't know what happened!" Light told his uncle only for Vernan to growl with anger. "One minute the glass was there and then the next it was gone, like magic or something!" Vernan opened the door underneath the stairs and shoved him inside. He then locked the door before he leaned in.

"There's no such thing as magic!" He told Light before he stormed off. Inside his room, Light just sat there on his bed, thinking about what happened back at the zoo before he heard a small radio sound coming from his pocket before a familiar voice was heard.

"Fire Bliz to SunLight, Fire Blitz to SunLight, do you copy?" Blitz's voice was heard before Light took out a handheld walkie-talkie from his pocket and pressed the button.

"This is SunLight, over." Light whispered into the walkie-talkie as to not let his aunt and uncle here.

"Man, I never seen your uncle that mad before." Blitz responded. "So how long are you going to be in trouble for?"

"How about no dinner for at least a week." Light told him before he looked back at the door to make sure no one was coming before he continued. "But what really bugs me is what I saw on the window before it vanished. I could have sworn I saw some sort of blue glow on the glass before the whole thing vanished."

"That's weird because I didn't see any glow on the glass. Are you sure you weren't seeing anything?"

"To be completely honest, I don't know what I saw." Light responded before he laid back in his bed. "But that snake thanked me as if I was the one who did that."

"All I heard was a hissing sound before it slithered away. I told my parents everything that happened and it wasn't our fault. I told them it was like magic but they told me that magic doesn't exist."

"My Uncle told me the same thing, but it really felt like magic." Light told him before he heard someone coming. "I better go, I have a feeling I'm going to be knee deep in chores for the entire month as punishment."

"Good luck, pla. Fire Blitz, out." Light turned off his walkie-talkie and quickly hid it to make sure his aunt or uncle didn't see it. But something was still on his mind as he couldn't stop thinking about what he saw and what happened at the zoo.

"There's no way glass just disappears out of thin air like that." Light thought. "Could magic be real?"

Author's Note:

Here are some human images of Starswirl, Stygian and Mistmane

And here is a image of a Deluminator:

Here's a quick question for all of you, which one should Light get when he goes to the school?

This one:

Or this one:

Please leave your answer in the comments below.

Comments ( 8 )

It’s Harry Potter.

More of a story based off of the Harry Potter series

Harry potter is one of my favorite stories, and now we're headed to a different school of witchcraft and wizardry? this is so cool!! :pinkiehappy: :pinkiesad2:
Regarding your question, I am between the first and the third wand, both are great

Actually the third one is the same as the second one. I was thinking that it would glow like that when it chooses its wizard

You had my curiosity now you have my attention

The second wand

Great story

great start mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

I vote third! The Glow is cool!

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