• Member Since 5th May, 2022
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Hi. It's gapty. Read a fic today. Or don't. They're both the same to me. Just don't tell knighty I said that.


Since the acquisition of the Memory Stone, Wallflower Blush has become more and more forgotten by the students around her. Luckily, she gets the opportunity to become a “fairy” to whom anyone can talk about anything and be sure that the conversation will be forgotten.

To Wallflower, this is a perfect world. The garden and its fairy are her everything. If she has her way, this will stay forever.

But the world disagrees.

New chapter every fourth day.

Initially written for the New Blood contest as an invalid entry. Check out the official entries here.

Contest prompt: "A Secret Life"

Used bonuses:
- "Include a bug"
- "An unusual matchup"

Huge thanks to LysanderasD for proofreading this fic and to starcoder for making this cover art!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 14 )

Ooh, interesting! Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

I'll have to make a point to keep up with this one. I like it.

Wallflower's mother being the kind of ultra paranoid that listens to everything the news says sounds perfect. And her father being the same kind of silent, keeping mostly to himself figure makes the perfect combo of why Wally is as she is.

Also, very interested how this fable goes.

Great job so far!

“But the fungus is a foreign species!” Sandalwood replied calmly.


A Great and Powerful turn of events!

alright, wasn't expecting that turn at the end, but it's definitely interesting. Really wondering how things will go from here.


I like the direct line drawn from Wallflower’s mother to Wallflower’s behaviour. Additionally, the ‘punishment avoidance’ behaviour is one that’s all too familiar. Looking forward to Spring.


A sweet ending, if a bit anticlimactic. Still, good work.

I think my biggest complaint about this fic is that we don’t really get to see Wallflower be the fairy much. We’re told that it became incredibly important to her, but we don’t actually get to see that happen, and I think that’s to the story’s detriment. Which, I suppose, is just me saying that I think the story should’ve been longer.

In any case, thank you for a good story!


I think my biggest complaint about this fic is that we don’t really get to see Wallflower be the fairy much.

I see the point, and while in my view she was shown to having become one, I see how it might be confusing to the reader: becoming the fairy didn't mean that she became the same fairy as in the first chapter, but that the bad traits of her that led to everything in the first three chapters are fought off and grown out (even if the creeping thoughts are still there). After all, the fairy was who she wanted to be, and her wish was to not be who she was right now. But yeah, it wasn't expliciatly stated or shown, so it's my fault with that :twilightsheepish:

Nonetheless, thanks a lot for the comment (and also for the comment from everyone else), I really appreciate them :twilightsmile:

Edit: Turns out the comment meant Wallflower being the fairy in the previous chapters :derpytongue2:

In that regard, I was more focused on how it all started and what it caused afterwards (as I hadn't seen a reason on why also show it), but considering the by now multiple readers' expectations, it might have been worth it nonetheless :twilightsheepish:

I agree with wanting to see more of Wallflower's fairy time. More as a way to show some more interactions with her and the other students. I did like the callback to Mystery and how things evolved at the end. I specially liked how the stone is not just something exclusive to Wallflower, and it's a temptation anyone can fall for. That's something the original never really got to establish clearly.

Overall, I liked this story. Good job!

This was such a thrilling story! Wallflower has always been one of my favorite characters - part of that's her design, which I really dig, part of it is empathy with her introversion, and part of it is what an interestingly different villain she is - not the usual demon who can have the corruption blasted out of her, but just a scared girl.

I loved Forgotten Friendship, but there was always an enormous hole in Wallflower's motivations - she was precisely the cause of her own problem, so taking it out on Sunset just didn't make a lot of sense. And hey, that could have actually worked if they explored the irrationality of Wallflower's anger, but the special likely didn't have time to get into that. So it's wonderful to read a fic that gets us deep into Wallflower's psyche and shows how she got to that dark place. I love how insidiously addictive the Memory Stone is, how it digs its user into deeper and deeper holes. It makes Trixie's plight much more scary, knowing exactly what the Stone would do to her if she kept it. Fantastic stuff.

No, what not only bothered, but frightened me was the Memory Stone that I had now in my hands.

There was absolutely no resistance. No one could do anything to stop me. Everyone in the room forgot me as soon as they saw me, making me essentially invisible.

I could’ve done anything to anyone.

I was unstoppable with it!

This was an observation I made back when Forgotten Friendship came out - it's maybe the most powerful artifact in the entire show. Wallflower can use it at any time, without any effort, without consent, without eye contact, with no limit on distance, while people are in their beds, without them even knowing what's happened. In the hands of someone with an actual plan, it would be devastating.

This was wonderful. I love stories like this, that jump inside a troubled character's head and show us what the world looks like from their perspective. There were so many little details in it that I adored, like Wallflower deciding that her friend would be better off without ever having known her without thinking to ask her friend's opinion on the matter.

So yeah. Excellent work. Thanks for writing this.

I expected Peisley to appear in my garden. What I didn’t expect was that she’d be there before me, walking in circles with her head down.

I'm not sure what the usual fimfic etiquette is for typos, but you misspelt Paisley here - I know I'd want to know.

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