• Published 2nd Sep 2023
  • 1,162 Views, 59 Comments

Spider Dragon: Origins - Dragonfan101

Spike gets bitten by a strange spider, after a while he gets strange powers and with them he secretly becomes a hero and uses his uses great power for great responsibility

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8" House Fight And Outburst

Just a warning, this part will get very dark.

Spike and the other Spider People were in the living room with Noir trying to solve a Rubik's cube
"Is it red?" He asks
"No" Porker says
"Is it blue"
"No" He says annoyed

Spike is sitting next to penny and he looks down a little upset.
"What's wrong Spike?" Penny asks worried for her friend
"I'm worried about Miles, he's going through a lot, and if we can't get home.. who will be able to help him?" Spike asks looking sad the others feel bad as well.
"Look guys i'm sure he's fine! I'm sure any minute now he'll be coming through that door ready to help" B says, just as he finishes it Miles comes running through the door looking really freaked out.
"My uncle my uncle.." He says trying to explain

"Whoa man calm down! What about your uncle?" Spike asks trying to calm him down
"My uncle Aaron he.. he's the Prowler, he works for Kingpin, he tried to kill me!" He says really upset.
"Woah what?!" Peter asks shocked
"this is a hardcore origin story" Noir says and penny elbows him
"Were you followed" Gwen asks
"No i don't think so" Miles says taking deep breathes.

Just then all they're spider senses go off, they all put on they're suits ready to fight.
the door is burst down by Octavia and she makes may drop some drinks
"Nice place, really lovely" She and other villains walk in the place, Miles tries to go out the back but Scorpion shows up behind him
"You messed up big time kid" he says cracking his knuckles.
"I guess i was followed" Miles corrects himself
"Look can we please take this outside? May asks trying not to have her home wrecked.
"Yeah come on this is my aunts place" Peter tells them but they all chuckle
"Sorry may i'll clean up this mess later" Peter says and they charge at each other much to May's dismay

Everyone begins to have a house brawl, Spike and Penny double team Scorpion , Spike holds him down and Penny starts hitting him multiple times, Scorpion breaks free and throws spike aside and he and Penny start brawling it out, Spike throws multiple punches, Scorpion tries to hurt spike but he's way tougher then the others. Penny comes in and Spike throws the bot at him sending him into a wall.
May sees her house being destroyed and Porker destroys a plate for some reason? She gets a bat and hits a silver dude
"I said take it outside! May then hits him out the door knocking him down.

Penny is then grabbed by doc ock and is thrown outside with Spike, they all battle around the neighbor hood, Spike and Scorpion are fighting on rooftops and Spike is able to knock him down with his fire breath and he is stunned long enough for Penny to throw him to the wall and Spike webs Penny and her robot and spins around throwing them hard enough to knock him down for a bit , Spike and Penny high five as they go to fight the others.
"Nice team work!" Spike and Penny both say as they go to help the others

Miles is seen watching the whole thing go down, but he freaks out when the Prowler comes in and sees Miles, he tries to attack him but Peter and B stop him
"You gotta get out of here man" B tells him but is grabbed by Octavia and is thrown out the house. The prowler then sees Miles again and chases him around the house.
"give me the keycard kid!" He says tearing down and pinning him to the wall
"Come on don't be stupid give it!" He says trying to grab it, but Peter knocks him out of the way
"Run Dude!" he shouts but is knocked away and he chases after miles again.
they run out onto the roof with Miles barely avoiding his hits, he is then on a ledge and the Prowler grabs him by the throat.

"No where to run kid" He says ready to kill, Spike then sees Miles being held
"Miles!" Spike shouts, he pushes past any bad guy trying to make his way to him
Miles takes off his mask and he stops as he realizes who it is
"Miles?" he then takes off his mask to make sure its him
"No... no..." He says in disbelief
"Uncle Aaron" Please..." he says very weakly
"What are you waiting for, finish the job." Kingpin tells him

Aaron doesn't do it though, he puts his hands up refusing to do it
"Aaron" Miles says, but then Aaron gets shot and kingpin is seen with a gum
"No!" Miles shouts as he catches his uncle
The echo of that no enters spike's ears and he sees what happens, he then sees kingpin and realized
"he.. he killed him... he..." Spike clutches his fists, his eyes narrow, and he lets out a deep threatening growl.
"He! HE....!!" Spike then roars loud enough for the whole city to hear and multiple citizens wondered where that was.

Spike takes off the suit and runs at Kingpin roaring at him and Kingpin notices and his eyes widen, he shoots at spike but the bullets deflect right off him, Spike then tries to slash at Kingpin, he barely dodges and tries to fight Spike.
"YOU KILLED MY FRIENDS UNCLE!!!"Spike shouts furious as he slashes at Kingpin, he does his best to hold him off, Kingpin has never felt so afraid, it was like the Prowler at his scariest state. The other villains notice this and try to stop Spike, Octavia tries to restrain him but he immediately brakes free and throws her into a house. Scorpion tries to stab him with his tail but Spike grabs it with one hand, he twists it and throws him across multiple houses.
Tombstone tries to shoot at Spike but he does something unexpected.

Spike grabs him by the throat growling heavily as he does, he clenches his throat tighter chocking him, he screams in pain as Spike chokes him hard
"Spike!" The other Spider people shout trying to stop him but then Spike places his hand on his head and does something that makes them all gasp.

Spike snaps his neck, the sounds of flesh and bones tear as his neck turns around 360 degrees , Tombstone falls down on the floor lifeless, Spike roars and slashes at his corpse making blood splash over his claws.
"Spike Stop this!" B shouts as they all try to restrain him but he breaks free and looks at Kingpin who is looking at him terrified.
"THIS IS ONLY A FRACTION OF THE PAIN I AM GOING TO GIVE YOU!!!" Spike shouts as he runs at him claws ready to slash him mercilessly
"Fall back!" Kingpin shouts trying to run but Spike pounces on him, we can even hear the prowlers theme as it now looks to be Spike's.

"YOU DID THIS!!!!" Spike roars in his face trying to slash at him, Kingpin blocks as many as he could but Spike is faster and gives a few good slashes on his body.
"You don't understand! i'm only doing this to get my wife and kid back!" Kingpin tries to reason as he is really terrified.
"YOU ARE KILLING MILLIONS OF FAMILIES NOT JUST IN THIS WORLD, BUT ALL OF OUR WORLDS! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE A FATHER, YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE!!" Spike shouts clawing at him, he gets ready to slash at his face but the others arrive on the scene.

The other Spider People stop spike before he hurts him even more.
"SPIKE STOP!" Gwen shouts as they try to restrain him.
"LET ME GO!!"Spike shouts trying to get freed
B then notices miles is gone, he must have run off and saw the whole thing.
Kingpin and his men escape with terrified faces as they saw one of they're men get brutally killed and kingpin almost getting killed.

"Spike stop!" They all shout.
"Think about Twilight man how would she feel about this" Peter says webbing him down
that one name helps him remember something important...
"With great power comes great responsibility" Twilight's word echo through his head and his eyes widen, he finally stops struggling, they all see he's finally calming down and let's go of him. Spike's breath trembles as he looks at the blood on his claws, Spike then sees the lifeless corpse of the one he brutally killed.
"What.. have... i... done?" Spike asks as he falls to his knees and breaks down crying the others try to help him

"I killed him... i..." His breath breathes heavily.
Spike..." Penny says upset for her friend
"It's gonna be okay..." Peter tells him but spike looks at him
"How is this okay?! I lost control! I killed someone without mercy!" Spike says still crying
"I don't deserve to go back... if i do.. i might do the same to my family..." Spike says he still cries.
"Spike... we all have moments like that" B says as they all come to help him

"When i found the guy who killed my uncle... i didn't hold back my punches, i didn't stop until he was gone without me realizing it..." peter says regretfully
"I killed the ones who killed my own family ." Noir says sadly
"Spike, we all have these moments, but if we push through them we can become better people and never do them again" Gwen says as she puts his hand on his shoulder, Spike then looks up at them.
"How will i know if i won't do it again?" Spike asks still upset
"You won't, that's all it is, its a leap of faith" B tells him as they help him up

"You really think i can stop that from happening again?" Spike asks, they all nod
"We know you can, but we need to remember how to help each other first" Penny says as she hugs him with the Spider Bot
"Thanks guys" Spike says gratefully as he stops crying, he then remembers someone important
"where's Miles?" Spike asks worried as he looks around
"I think i know where he went" Gwen says as she looks at the city, they all then swing across to where miles is

Author's Note:

Hey guys, hope you don't mind the extra step i took for this chapter! Sorry if you didn't like that kind of stuff.. I wanted to try to take a little step in writing in case i get to stories with that king of violence in it. I'm really sorry if you all found this disturbing and i won't do it for the rest of the story i promise! I'll change the story rating so you guys know how the story is for some people!
I hope you look forward to what comes next and stay tuned.