• Published 25th Apr 2024
  • 808 Views, 149 Comments

The Omnitrix Hero: Omniversal Collision - Banshee531

Flash's life as a hero takes a strange turn, when another wielder of an Omnitrix appears. Now the two must work together, to stop their worlds from being destroyed by some old enemies. But will two Omnitrix Heroes be too many, or not enough?

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Chapter 1

Somewhere out in the dark of space, a dark green ship was zooming through the cosmos

It was a rather strange looking ship, actually designed to resemble a reptile's head. It almost mirrored a snake's head, but it had a quintet of horns sticking out the back that seemed to act like the ship's thrusters. The sides of its head, just behind its mouth, had a pair of L-shaped horns pointing forwards. And it didn't have any eyes, instead having a long red visor-like strip of glass running from one side of its head to the other.

The ship was huge, large enough to fit three battleships inside and leave enough room for a small tug boat.

The ship's mouth was closed and as it approached an oncoming meteor, the L-shaped horns unleashed red beams of light that flew out and struck the piece of rock. With a single strike, the whole thing exploded and didn't even leave any debris behind.

But as the ship made its way through the galaxy, an explosion suddenly occurred and caused one of the horn thrusters to die out.

Inside the ship, a bunch of robots were flying around.

Said robots were a bunch of bronze spheres with three half-egg-shaped legs that glowed at the bottom and allowed them to float. They also had a pair of mechanical arms, one having a dexterous set of robotic fingers whilst the other appeared to have an interchangeable arm that could switch between a welding laser, a drill laser and whatever else it might need. The top of the robot had a domed head with a single red blinking eye.

These robots were hard at work, trying to keep the ship completely operational.

But as one was repairing part of a wall, said wall suddenly started glowing bright red. The robot noticed this and pulled back, seconds before the wall exploded into a puddle of molten metal that fell on the machine and melted it as well.

The other robots turned to see this, as a figure stood in the hole where the wall used to stand.

Said figure glowed bright, illuminating the dark room as the robots lowered their brightness sensors. And when they did, the figure was revealed to be a humanoid alien whose entire body was made of a red rock-like substance. A yellow liquid seemed to be running beneath the alien's rocky body and as they stepped forward, their head was revealed to be a giant fireball with a rocky mask-like face. On the chest of this alien was a round metal dial, with a green light on the front that had two black triangles on it.

The alien stepped forward and as he did, his hands burst into flames. "Hey there. Working hard or hardly working?" The robots continued to stare at him. "Hope you're not lounging around on the job. If you are, I'll have to fire you." With that, he started throwing fireballs at all the robots.

Most of them were quickly burned up, unable to handle the heat of the flames.

Those that managed to avoid the flames attacked, their laser tools being used as weapons they tried to cut the magma alien up. But the hothead leapt into the air, his feet blasting out a bunch of flames to propel him upwards and dodge. He did several flips through the air and unleashed a blast of fire, which struck the robots and melted them as well.

The last of the worker droids destroyed, the fire alien landed on the ground and smirked. "I make this look easy." As he said that, the dial on his chest let out several unusual beeps.

He pressed the dial and the beeping stopped, as a voice spoke out. "Ben. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Rook." The alien began to march through the corridor. "Did you see that explosion I caused. That had to have slowed this thing down."

"I am afraid not. The ship's speed is actually increasing."

"Seriously?" He asked, as he turned a corner. "What does it take to stop this thing?" He would have said more, but in that moment he found himself staring at a bunch more robots.

These ones were humanoid, standing at around ten feet tall and being made of black armor. Gears could be seen between their shoulders and bodies, with more gears sticking out of their knees and out the top of their rounded heads. Their left arm had a large laser cannon on the end of it, whilst the other had a giant mechanical fist.

"Um...I'm gonna need to call you back." He touched the dial and the call ended, then thrust his hands forward to unleash a blast of fire.

But the front row of robots raised their blaster arms and from them, burst of wind blew out and formed an air wall that stopped the fire cold.

"Hey, not cool." The fire alien then smirked and hit the dial on his chest, causing a bright green light to fill the room. "But this is." When the light faded, a new alien was standing in the magma creature's place. It was some kind of blue humanoid moth, with four large wings. As he breathed, a cold mist came out of his mouth.

He spread his wings and flew forward, the robots unleashing a blast of wind from their guns again. But before it could hit him, the moth vanished and the wind touched nothing.

The machines stopped, only for one to suddenly find itself being surrounded by ice.

Another soon followed, then another and another. Eventually, the hallway was filled with robotic ice sculptures. And atop the last one's head, the moth alien appeared to stand on it. "You guys chill out here for a little bit. I need to find your boss and figure out what he's up to."

He jumped down off the robot and hit the dial on his shoulder, another green flash filling the air. When it faded away, a blue and black cat-like creature was standing there. It was wearing a green and black suit with the dial just below his neck.

The alien began to run and as he did, his speed built up and up and up until he was moving faster than the eye could see.

He shot through the hallways, zooming around and around whilst avoiding all the robots he ran into. And eventually, he arrived at the entrance to what he believed was the bridge. "There it is." He reached out and started typing on a key pad at high speed, typing in multiple different codes until he heard a beeping and saw the door opening.

He rushed inside and when he got there, he looked around and found the ship was a semi-circle shape with a bunch of consoles lining the curved wall. In the centre of the room was a chair, where the captain likely sat. But there was nobody there.

The room was completely empty, making him hum as he moved over to the seat. "I know you're in here. Don't bother the whole, hide in the shadows only to leap out and attack me from behind. Because it won't work." He spun around and sure enough, something was leaping towards him.

He dodged an incoming attack, a purple energy blade swinging through the air in an attempt to cut him in half.

He leapt back and saw who it was. "Eon."

The figure was humanoid and stood at around six feet in height. He was dressed in a combination of black and purple, having a black cloak-like coat that was open from below the chest down. His cloak had purple lines running down the edges, along with a bunch of purple patterns covering it that were shaped like hour glasses and gears. The cloak also had a large triangular collar, which was black with purple on the outline.

Beneath his cloak was a black body suit, with thin purple lines running along it. His cloak's sleeves covered the top half of his arms, whilst the bottom half below the elbow were sealed in metal gauntlets. Most of the gauntlets were black, but the backs of them had purple glass on them that glowed bright.

His head was concealed within a black mask, which had a purple visor, mouth guard and a purple strip running from his forehead all the way down the back of his helmet. Two purple disks were also connected to the sides where his ears should be.

The figure stood there, looking rather menacing as the cat alien stood up. "Love the new look," he joked. "But let's be real here. You and I both know how this is gonna end. You fight me. I fight you. I kick your butt and you tell me I'll rue this day and yada yada yada." He got into a fighting stance before hitting the dial, light filling the room.

When the light faded, it revealed a black and green alien with a single green eye and long tendrils and fingers that ended in gold plugs.

The figure called Eon raised his right arm, as the purple section of the gauntlet glowed and unleashed a light that formed a blade coming off his arm. He charged forward and swung his blade at the alien, who dodged it as lightning sparked around his fist.

He threw it forward and tried to punch him, but Eon raised his other arm as the gauntlet unleashed a disk of energy that blocked the punch.

The pair kept fighting, Eon slashing at the alien whilst the creature dodged and tried to shock him with bolts of electricity. The two seemed evenly matched and as they fought, the alien smirked. "So what's with the ship, anyway? You went through a lot of trouble to get this thing, but I never thought snake heads were your thing. What, you have a pet lizard as a kid that this thing reminded you of?"

"Joke while you can," Eon leapt back and retracted his weapons. "This ship holds the key to my eternal victory. Soon, I'll become the supreme master of everything. In this and every other universe. Its power will allow me to create a universe that I am lord and ruler of all."

"Of course," the alien sighed. "The old 'remake the universe in my image' scheme. How did I not see that coming. Oh, wait. I did. Whatever. Not gonna happen. Because I'm gonna take you down."

"Not this time!" He thrust his arms forward and the gauntlets on his wrists unleashed beams of purple energy, which shot towards the alien.

But he simply crossed his arms as his head tendrils swung around and intercepted the blasters, sucking them in with a smirk on his face. "Seriously dude. I once absorbed the big bang. You really think you're gonna be able to beat me?" Eon didn't answer and kept firing, whilst the alien kept absorbing it all. "What do you hope to achieve here?"

Eon then chuckled. "I hope to waste time. So that you'll eventually time out and return to being a defenceless human."

"Nice thought," the alien stated. "But it ain't gonna happen." Suddenly, his tendril plugs unleashed a green blast of energy that pushed the purple one back. Eon was shocked to see his own attack being overpowered, the beam eventually slamming into him and causing his gauntlets to short circuit.

"AUGH!" He cried, staggering back as his arms sparked.

The alien then ran forward and with one swift punch, struck Eon right in the face and knocked him backwards.

The suited humanoid flew into one of the consoles and slammed into it, bouncing off the machine and falling to the ground. He groaned behind his mask, as the alien stepped up to him. "See. Ain't gonna happen." With that, the dial began to beep and he was suddenly consumed by light.

When it faded, a human teen appeared in the alien's place. He was around sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a black shirt and dark green camo pants. He also wore a white jacket with green on the top and bottom, with a green ten on the back. His skin was pale peach and his hair was brown, a pair of green eyes staring down at Eon.

He smirked as he crossed his arms, revealing a strange wrist watch on his left arm that was a mixture of green, white and black. "Well that was easy enough. Now, how do I stop this thing?" But before he could start fiddling with the controls, a sound caught his attention.

The floor opened and from out of it, a glass tube filled with smoke folded out and almost touched the ceiling with how large it was.

Once it was completely out, the doors began to open and the white smoke flew out into the cockpit.

The teen coughed as he tried to cover his mouth, fearing it might be poisonous gas. And as the smoke slowly cleared, a figure was revealed to be inside of the tube. A figure that made his eyes go wide. "Vilgax."

From out of the tube, a twelve foot tall alien squid man stepped into the room. His body was almost entirely robotic, being covered in red and black armor that looked like something out of a sci-fi film.

From the waist down, he was entirely mechanical. His legs were a pair of robotic insect limbs, ending in four square toes that stuck out in an X-shape. The left arm was also entirely mechanical, being a large sphere at the shoulder with two sets of connected tubes for the arm. Instead of a hand, he had a large metal pincer that spun like a drill.

His chest armor was red with a black section in the centre, that looked like it had a pair of metal doors that opened up. Above it, a red collar covered most of his lower head with his tendrils sticking out of holes around what appeared to be a respirator. And his left eye was also robotic, being a red hexagon filled with tiny black hexagons.

On his back was a large red metal tube, running down his spine with wires attached to the arm, legs, mask and chest.

"Wow," the teen looked him over, "what happened to you?"

The alien's voice hissed as he spoke, stepping forward whilst the teen took several steps backwards. "This is the fault of an annoying little fly, which has kept me from getting my prize for the last time."

"Huh," he tilted his head. "I guess you're a little upset about me shoving you into your ship's core? Hey, you started it. Don't think you'll be getting an apology from me."

The one named Vilgax growled. "We have never met before. You are not the one that has thwarted me, or turned me into this monstrosity."

The teen still looked confused. "Guess the blast shook a few screws...looser than they already were. How the heck can you forget me? I'm the guy that's beaten you at least a million times." As he said that, the watch on his arm beeped. "Oh, make that a million and one times." He was about to reach for it, but Vilgax raised his mechanical arm.

Before the teen could do anything, his pincer opened up and revealed some kind of blaster pistol within it. A pistol that fired a beam of light right at the teen and slammed into his chest.

The teen cried out, as he was knocked backwards and slammed into the ground. His body twitched, as he began to black out. And as he did, Vilgax stepped over to him.

"As much as I wish for an Omnitrix, I will let you keep yours. For you will be the instrument of my ultimate vengeance against the one that did this to me." The teen moaned as he lost consciousness, whilst Vilgax turned to see Eon beginning to get up. "You had better not be as useless as this from now on. When I agreed to work with you, I had hoped you would be able to pull your weight."

"Well if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even be alive right now." Vilgax said nothing in response, as Eon looked down at the teen. "The famous Ben Ten. Completely helpless and at our mercy. Oh how I wish we could carve him up like a turkey."

"Enough," Vilgax told him. "We need him alive."


"Out of all the Ben Tens in the multiverse, this one is supposed to be the strongest. That's what you said. That means he's the perfect weapon to use in my vengeance. And if he's meant to be a hero, turning him into an instrument of destruction is the perfect revenge for you."

Eon seemed to be thinking about it. "Fine then. That's the plan?"

Outside the snake ship, another ship was flying around it.

This ship was much smaller than the one it was chasing, being a mixture of orange and white with black trim and a blue glass cockpit at the front. On the wings, the same round symbol that had been on all the aliens could be seen.

Inside, a white, blue and black humanoid alien was flying the ship. He was wearing a blue and black suit and had some kind of gadget connected to his shoulder.

As he flew after the ship, he was typing away at the controls. "Ben," he called out, "Ben! Answer me!" But nothing happened, making him frown. "Alright. I am coming in after you!" He prepared to accelerate up to the ship and blast his way through.

But before he could, the snake ship's mouth began to open.

"That can not be good." He watched as some kind of laser cannon, folded out of the serpent's mouth. And before the alien could do anything, it fired a purple beam of light.

That light struck the spot right in front of the ship and open up some kind of portal, which the ship started flying into.

"No!" The alien hit the gas and flew forward, but he was too far back. By the time he got close, the ship completely disappeared into the portal. And that portal faded away moments later. The ship barely missed getting through it, instead flying through the energy that remained with the alien unable to stop. "BEN!" He screamed, realising his partner was gone. And there was no telling where he had been taken.


The city of Canterlot was a nice place to live. Most of the time.

If one could live with the occasional alien invasion, magical misadventure or threat of absolute destruction, then the place was the perfect city to live in. The streets were clean, traffic was well maintained and everyone could live happy in the knowledge, that they could go to bed at night and get a peaceful night's sleep.

But every now and then, something exciting tended to happen in this city.

At that moment, every TV in the city switched on and showed news footage. Even the mega screens on the side of buildings, were showing the footage of the open ocean.

"Breaking news. A cargo container, hauling large amounts of rare materials and substances, has been hijacked off the coast. So far, the hijackers have not demanded anything and it is believed they intend to sell whatever was on board the ship to the highest bidder."

The ship was covered in men wearing black clothing, with masks covering their faces and guns in hand.

The pirates were walking along the deck, keeping an eye out for enemy ships. And on the bridge, the lead pirate was steering the ship whilst the crew were all tied up and gagged. "Ha," he laughed. "Won't be long before we're out in international waters. Then, this ship and everything on it will belong to us."

One of the crew, a woman who appeared to be the captain, let out several sounds as she tried to speak through her gag.

The pirate turned to her, leaving the wheel whilst another pirate replaced him. He stepped over to her, kneeling beside her. "Don't worry, sweetheart. You and your crew will be just fine. I'm sure I'll find somewhere to dump you off. Well, the rest of your crew. You, on the other hand." He smiled as he looked her up and down. But the woman just glared at him.

"Sir," a pirate working the sonar stated. "There are no ships in the area. By the time one comes into range, we'll be out in international waters."

"Then we're home free," the pirate laughed. "Nothing can stop us now."

High above the ocean, soaring through the air, a large green jet flew above the clouds.

Inside the jet's cargo bay, someone was standing in the darkness. "We're right over the ship," a voice stated over an intercom. "Get ready to drop." The figure stepped forward, as the cargo bay doors opened.

The figure stepped into the light, revealing a teen with yellow-orange skin and blue hair. He was wearing a black sleeveless hoodie with an image on the back that showed a blue shield with a lightning bolt on it. The same emblem was on the pockets of his hoodie, whilst a white shirt could be seen beneath it that ended just before his elbows. He also wore blue pants and black leather boots, along with a pair of black fingerless gloves with white stitching.

On the teen's left wrist was a metal gauntlet, which was made out of white metal with black on the sides. Tubes ran along the gauntlet, filled with a strange green energy that also flowed from a dial on the end of the gauntlet.

The teen looked down and saw the ship, a smirk on his lips as he turned to look back. "Thanks for the lift," he told nobody in particular. "But I think I'll take the scenic route down."

"Good luck," the voice replied. "And be careful." The teen gave a finger salute before leaning backwards and off the cargo ramp, causing him to fall over the edge and plummet down towards the ship.

He fell faster and faster, but didn't look the least bit worried. And as those on the ship started noticing him, he flipped up a section on the gauntlet that revealed a touch pad.

The dial on the device suddenly unleashed a light, which took shape before forming an image. And as the teen moved his finger against the touch pad, the image the light formed changed to a bunch of different things. Eventually, it settled on one he approved of.

And as the pirates pointed their guns at him, he slammed his hand down on the dial and a bright light filled the air.

The pirates opened fire, trying to gun down the figure in the light before he could cause them problems. But the light faded and in its place, a large collection of green slime dollops could be seen. They rained down on the ship and started splattering everywhere, even on some of the pirates.

They groaned at this, trying to get the stuff off of them.

But then, a strange looking UFO appeared and as it flew around, the green slime was pulled towards it and formed a single mass. "FIRE!" One of them yelled, the lot unleashing a hail of pullets towards the slime.

But they simply flew right through the liquid, which took humanoid form and revealed a world known symbol on its chest. "Goop!" The figure cried before swinging his arms around, morphing them into a whip which struck the pirates and knocked them flying.

"Aim for that thing floating above him!" One cried, as the pirates pointed at the UFO. But the creature named Goop swung his arms around and sent dollops of slime flying at them, each of them hitting the end of the guns.

The pirates were quickly shocked to find their weapons beginning to melt, as Goop hit the dial on his chest and unleashed a green light. "Molestache!" A small orange rodent alien flew out of the light, his moustache growing and morphing into a pair of fists that he used to knock one of the pirates out.

"Get that freak!" One of the pirates yelled, as Molestache ran at them and shot impressive skill with his little body and stache.

He quickly grabbed two of them by the legs and pulled them out from under them, then leapt off the side of a container to backhand another before turning his stache into a helicopter that he used to fly forwards and kick another pirate in the face.

The alien then hit the dial on his belt and another flash of light appeared, blinding them for a moment before fading to reveal nothing. "Where'd he go?" The pirates looked around, but found nothing.

Then, one of them felt something hit the back of their neck. They fell to the ground, the others turning to him before two felt something sweep their legs. They hit the ground, getting knocked out as the others became worried. Then, something appeared on one of the shipping containers.

"Chamalien!" the purplish lizard hissed before leaping at the ground, slamming them into the ship's hull before he jumped into the air and disappeared again.

Up on the bridge, the pirate leader saw his men getting taken out and began to get annoyed. "That's it!" He moved over to the captives and pulled the captain to her feet, rushing over to the window whilst switching on the loud speaker. "Hey, alien boy!" Nobody responded. "You have thirty seconds to give yourself up before I start blowing brains out." He looked around, expecting Chamalien to show himself. But he didn't. "I'm serious."

Suddenly, a flash occurred behind a nearby container. "There he is." He waited, but the hero still didn't show himself. "Five seconds. Four...three...two..." Before he could get to one, the ground between his feet suddenly extended upwards and struck him in the groin.

The pirate's eyes went wide, as his entire body seized up. And before he could recover and do anything, a black chair suddenly grew out of the ground and he fell into it. The arms locked his wrists into place, forcing him to drop his gun, whilst the entire room changed.

"Welcome to Upgrade cruises," a voice spoke out. "We hope your stay is an enjoyable one." The other pirates suddenly found themselves getting grabbed by mental cables, which flew out of the walls and pulled them towards it. They all dropped their guns, whilst metal arms came out of the ground with jagged blades on the end.

These blades were used to cut through the crew's bindings, freeing them to take command of the ship again.

"Captain," Upgrade's head popped out of the console, "I'll leave the sailing to you." The captain smiled, as the rest of the crew took the discarded guns and pointed them at the pirates. Upgrade began to pull himself away from the walls, which started dropping the pirates. But now that they were weaponless, they were at the crew's mercy.

The rest of the pirates were soon rounded up and placed inside an empty container, allowing them to be safely put out of the way whilst the ship headed for port. Once he was sure the ship was safe, the teen used his phone to call someone.

"Ship's safe. Ready for pick up." A few moments later, the green jet came down from out of the clouds. The teen turned towards the crew and gave them a salute, as the jet lowered a rope that he grabbed as it flew by. Everyone watched him disappear into the air, the rope retracting into the ship before it shot off with a sonic boom.

Back in the centre of Canterlot, a large building stood.

Said building, was Canterlot's Plumber HQ. Where the Plumbers worked, trained and prepared for any situation. And inside the HQ, a young girl was sitting at a large computer doing some work on it. A small dog was curled up beside her, as she made the computer change to show video footage of the cells in the lower section.

Inside, most of the Negative Ten were locked up. Animac, Doddery, the Hypnotist, Dragstar, Negatine and Dynamo Danger, all lay in different cells looking bored out of their minds.

The girl sat back as she thought about the remaining members of the Negative Ten. Chrysalis and Devious were out there, somewhere, likely searching for the rest of the magical Medallions. Viral had been placed in a specially made cell, that Azmuth had created to keep her from escaping into the internet. And Shadow had been sent to a special Plumber prison, which was the only place he could be kept where he wouldn't be able to escape.

As she changed the computer back to the screen from before, a message came up and she quickly answered it.

On the screen, the alien teen was smiling back at her from a seat on the jet. And next to him was a man with white skin and blue hair, who was currently flying the jet. "Hey!" The teen smirked, "calling to let you know we're on our way back."

"Great," she smiled. "Hope everything went well with the ship."

"Everything's perfect," the man replied. "Flash was able to get in, take them down and return the ship to the crew without anyone getting hurt."

"That's good," she nodded before turning to Flash. "So, did you happen to transform into anything new?"

Flash shook his head. "No. Just Goop, Molestache, Chamalien and Upgrade."

"So you didn't even go Ultimate?" As she asked that, Flash suddenly looked a little uncomfortable. "You've had the Ultimatrix for over a month now. But you haven't used its evolution feature since the first time."

"Because I haven't needed it," Flash replied. "I'm not making Shadow's mistake and making myself more powerful than I have to be. Anyway, we'll talk to you when we get back to the base." With that, he cut the call before she could answer.

Flash leaned back, as the man flying the jet glanced over at him. "What do you want, Shining?"

"Are you sure there isn't more to your lack of going Ultimate, than you're letting on?" Flash glared at him. "I'm just saying. If there's another reason you don't wanna go Ultimate, you just have to tell me. And you're right. You shouldn't have to go Ultimate if you don't need to. But if a time comes when you need to go Ultimate, will you?"

Flash sat there and thought about it, as he looked down at his Ultimatrix.

He remembered facing off against Ultimate Riot-Horn and how powerful the beast had been, its defeat only coming from outlasting it. Then he remembered going Ultimate himself, and the power he had as Volt-Edge. He had never felt so much power, even when he was Way Big. But was it...too much power?

As they flew into Canterlot's airspace, Flash turned to Shining and was about to say something. But then, something happened.

A brilliant flash of light filled the air and blinded the pair, Shining pulling away so he didn't fly into the light. "What the heck was that?" Flash asked, as Shining made the jet's windows dim to block out the light.

Once they could see, the pair looked out the window and saw a pillar of light soon down from the sky. The jet flew around it before heading straight up, as high as the jet could go. But the source was far higher than the jet's limits, Shining heading back down as he made another call.

"Twilight! Please tell me you're picking this up."

"Oh yeah," the girl's voice replied. "The sensors are going crazy. Detecting energy spikes that are off the scale. The source of the light is just beyond the planet's atmosphere. Whatever it is, it's giving off more energy than three nuclear power plants."

"That can't be good," Flash frowned. "What's it doing to the planet?"

"Nothing," Twilight replied. "As far as we can tell, nothing's happening to the spot that was struck." Flash and Shining nodded at one another, as Shining head down towards the surface. As they did, Flash got up and moved over to a section of the jet's floor.

As he did, he activated the Ultimatrix and slammed it down to transform. "The Worst!" The yellow putty alien cried, as the jet got closer to the street.

The beam had struck the middle of downtown, right in a busy intersection. But like Twilight had stated, there didn't appear to be any damage. And as Shining flew closer, the floor beneath The Worst opened up and he dropped down into a tube before being fired out the bottom of the jet.

He rolled himself up and slammed into the ground, crying out as he bounced along the ground and eventually slowed to a stop. Once there, he unfurled himself and staggered around. "We have got to come up with a better way to drop me off." He shook his body before rushing forward, hitting the Ultimatrix and reverting back to human form.

Flash slowly made his way towards the pillar of light, carefully keeping an eye out in case anything insane happened.

The Ultimatrix's coms were open, allowing Twilight and Shining to talk to him. "Radiation levels are safe," Twilight announced. "But be careful. Who knows what this thing will do."

Flash kept moving forward until he was right next to the pillar, the teen reaching out with his hand. "I must be out of my mind." He was seconds away from touching it, when the Ultimatrix beeped.

"The energy's going through a phase shift. Get out of there!" Flash didn't need to be told twice and turned to run, getting several feet away from the pillar when the thing flashed and something suddenly shot out of it.

Flash spun around and saw whatever it was fly through the air, then began to fall towards him. His eyes went wide as he dropped to the ground, as the object smashed into the street.

Rock and debris went everywhere, a large crater forming a meter or so away from Flash. The teen picked himself up and looked towards the crater, as whatever had made it walked out of the hole.

And that something, was a giant brown dinosaur-like creature. It stood at around twelve feet in height and was wearing a bunch of black metal armor, which covered its chest, arms, knees and head. It had a long tail, which had several rock spikes sticking out the end of it. Finally, its eyes were glowing bright red.

The dinosaur looked around before turning to Flash, staring him down before letting out a mighty roar. Flash didn't know why, but he had the feeling this creature had come looking for him.

Author's Note:

Well, we're back. Flash Sentry, Ultimatrix Hero, has returned and is now facing a new threat. How will Flash face these new challenges and what surprises and new aliens await for him, as he battles against these dangerous opponents? I can't wait to see myself.