• Published 18th Sep 2023
  • 2,239 Views, 61 Comments

Ladybugs Awake - Uz Naimat

Shortly after the changeling attack, Twilight and Cadence have a talk.

  • ...

A Canterlot Nightmare

Twilight Sparkle couldn’t sleep.

Every time she closed her eyes, she was met with her green glowing eyes. Every time silence fell in the room, it was immediately broken by her cruel, echoing laugh. Every time Twilight finally drifted off into the dreamscape, all she saw was her.

“Iʼm sorry.”

“You will be.”

Twilight twisted and turned in her covers. Try as she might, though, she was unable to get even an hourʼs worth of restful sleep.

Eventually, she gave up.

Slowly crawling out of her sheets, careful not to wake Spike, Twilight got off the bed and out of her room, gently closing the door behind her.

She crept through the hall, passing by her friendsʼ rooms. At two in the morning, the castle was dead silent, with only a few guards standing on duty.

Twilight walked aimlessly, hoping that the walk would clear her mind and help her sleep. Eventually, her hooves led her down the stairs and into the castle kitchens.

She turned on the lanterns and surveyed the room. She knew what she wanted.

Almost on instinct, Twilight headed for the cabinets. She levitated the milk, sugar, cocoa, peanut butter out and set them on the counter. She then got out the pots and pans and lit the stove.

“The plans I have for your brother, of course.”

Ever since Chrysalisʼ attack, sleep had become elusive. Only two days had passed, yet Twilight felt as though she hadnʼt slept in months. Her nights were filled with visions of the changeling queen - her menacing eyes, taunting laugh, threatening words. She also dreamed of losing her friendships and never repairing the rift between the girls. She thought of Celestia, and her cocooned upside-down body; of Shining and his brainwashed eyes; and of Cadance, and her face of pure terror.

“In fact, if I were you, I wouldnʼt show up to the wedding at all.”

“Cʼmon, yaʼll. Letʼs go check on the princess.”

“You have a lot to think about.”

She didnʼt hold it against any of them. Twilight understood why her friends, brother and mentor acted the way they did. In the hours since Chrysalisʼ defeat, Twilight had been very mad, but now, that anger had faded, replaced instead by terror. Terror at the very real danger all her loved ones were in.

“Please! Donʼt hurt me! Twilight, itʼs me! Please, you have to believe me.”

She thought of Cadance a lot. Sometimes, Twilight had nightmares where she didnʼt listen to Cadance and hurt her. Really hurt her, to the point where she would never wake up.

“Likely story!”

Twilight knew, intellectually, that she didnʼt harm Cadance. But she very well couldʼve, and felt disgusted with herself every time she thought about it.

Twilightʼs train of thought was interrupted by the sweet aroma wafting through the room. She turned her attention to the stove, gave the bubbling hot cocoa a final stir and turned off the fire.

Twilight then levitated a mug from one of the cupboards and poured herself a serving. She topped it off with whipped cream, chocolate chips, peanut sauce and a straw.

The sweet smell of the drink instantly made Twilight smile. She took a sip and for a moment, all that existed was her and the heavenly combination of peanuts and chocolate. The drink was warm, comforting and, for some reason, it reminded Twilight of her childhood.

“Hey, Twilight. Youʼre up late.”

Twilight jumped at the sudden voice. She turned around and saw Cadance standing in the doorway.

In the midst of the battle against the changelings, Twilight hadnʼt had the chance to truly look at Cadance and assess her condition. But now that the adrenaline had worn off, now that they were safe, Twilight could see it.

“Ah, ah, ah. Donʼt want to go back to the caves, now do you?”

Cadance looked tired, to put it simply. Dark, heavy bags lay under her eyes, her body was skinnier than ever before and a few streaks of gray ran through her mane. And without any her regalia on her, she looked vulnerable.

“Yeah, I couldnʼt sleep,” Twilight replied. “Thereʼs a lot on my mind.”

“Same.” Cadance stepped into the kitchen and paused. “Smells good in here,” she said as she walked over to the island.

“Oh, yeah, I made hot cocoa.” Twilight stood up from her chair and went over to the pot. “Take a seat. Iʼll get you some.”

“Thanks,” Cadance said, sitting down. “How are you, Twi?” she asked after a moment.

The mug Twilight had been levitating stopped mid-air. Her first instinctual response was “Fine”, but she couldn’t bring herself to lie to her sister figure. Not after everything both of them had been through recently.

She instead settled for, “Not great.”

Twilight prepared the glass and went back to the island. She set the mug in front of Cadance, sitting across from her.

“First, we take Canterlot. And then, all of Equestria!”

“Chrysalis might be gone,” Twilight started, “but she still haunts my dreams. I can’t sleep anymore because all I keep seeing are her glowing eyes.” Tears filled her eyes, but she her gaze them firmly on her drink. “And if I’m not having nightmares about her, then I’m having visions of how close I came to losing everypony I love! How close I came to losing my friendships.” Twilight looked up, violet eyes locking with Cadance’s. “I could’ve hurt you.”

“But you didn’t,” Cadance said immediately, her eyes gentle and warm. “She fooled everypony, including you. There was no way you couldʼve known it wasnʼt me.” She shook her head. “Itʼs not your fault.”

Twilightʼs tears were falling freely now. “It doesnʼt matter. I was ready and willing to hurt you. I donʼt know what wouldʼve happened if you hadnʼt done our… our song…” Unable to speak any more, Twilight just sobbed.

Cadance got off her seat and came closer to Twilight. Without another word, the alicorn wrapped Twilight in a warm hug. The two remained that way until Twilightʼs sobs eventually calmed down.

Cadance let go, wiping away a few tears of her own. She pulled her drink closer, occasionally stirring it. “I know youʼre angry with yourself,” she said. “But the fact remains, Twi, that you did not hurt me. Iʼm okay, believe me.”

Twilight managed a smile. It was small and sad, but better than nothing.

Cadance smiled back, and then took a sip of her cocoa. Her eyes widened instantly. “Sweet stars, this is heavenly!” She then drowned her mug within seconds.

Twilight giggled. “Iʼll get you some more.”

Cadance blushed, licking off the remains of whipped cream from her mouth. “Sorry I come off as gluttonous,” she said. “Itʼs just… I havenʼt eaten anything substantial in two weeks.”

Twilightʼs previous smile faded. “How did you even survive?”

“Alicorn magic,” Cadance replied. “We can go long periods of time without food and water. Maximum of four weeks, I think.”

“Oh,” was all Twilight could say. She set another mug of hot cocoa in front of Cadance .

Cadance stirred her drink slowly. “It weakens you, though. A lot.” She sighed. “Some days, I couldnʼt even stand.”

It had never occurred to Twilight that Cadance had suffered absolute Tartarus those last few weeks. That she had been through a living nightmare. That she had spent so long without food, water and even sleep.

“What was… what was it like?” Twilight asked tentatively. “The caves?”

“Awful,” Cadance started, slowly stirring her drink. “Time is irrelevant down there. Thereʼs no sunlight, no food, no water, no soft surfaces to lay on and no company. Itʼs just… a never ending prison where all the walls look the same.

“In the beginning, I tried to escape. But I donʼt know how to teleport, and there was no hole from which I could fly out of.” She struggled to keep her voice steady. “Once it sunk in that I was trapped, all I could was cry. I just laid there, motionless, and let the tears fall. Deep down, I knew nopony was coming.”

Cadance was crying now, her tears mixing in with her cocoa. “I havenʼt slept properly since my return either,” she continued. “I keep reliving those torturous moments. I keep thinking Iʼm still there. And then I wake up, and realize Iʼm lying in a soft bed with my fiancée next to me.”

She finished her drink and set it down. “When I finally got back to the surface, I found out that my sisterʼs been ostracized, my fiancée brainwashed and my aunt powerless,” she said. “Itʼs a lot to take in.”

Twilight, who had remained silent during all this, put a comforting hoof on Cadanceʼs shoulder.

“Iʼm so sorry,” the unicorn said.

“Thanks,” Cadance replied, a sad smile on her face.

“I just donʼt get it,” Twilight said, “None of this should be so complicated. Villains attack, we defeat them, end of story. Why is she still haunting us?”

“You donʼt survive these kinds of events and not come out with some form of trauma,” Cadance pointed out.

“What, like PTSD?” Twilight asked.

Cadance nodded.

She might as well know. Twilight took a deep breath. “I had similar nightmares in the days following Discordʼs attack,” she admitted.

“Oh, Twilight,” Cadance said as she gently Twilightʼs mane.

“It comes and goes,” the unicorn said quietly. “Chrysalis just made it worse.”

Not wanting to dwell on it any further, Twilight turned her attention to her drink. She allowed the sweet, warm liquid to lift her spirits.

“With everything we’re dealing with, Iʼm starting to think we should just cancel the wedding,” Twilight said without thinking.

“What?” Cadance turned to her, aghast. “Weʼre not canceling my wedding. Not after all this.” She sighed. “Shining and I talked about this. We’re getting married, and we’re doing it, as planned, in three days’ time.”

“You really do love him, huh?” Twilight asked, setting down a third mug in front of Cadance .

“He does consume all my thoughts.”

The close relationship between Cadance and Shining reminded Twilight of her own friendships, and the tears it suffered in recent days. The girls had apologized, yes, but Twilight still needed to process everything. Their friendship would survive, though, come what may.

“Sorry, Twi. We shouldʼve listened to you.”

This time, Cadance decided to enjoy her drink. She stirred it slowly, mixing the cream with the milk, and ate the chocolate chips one at a time. For a moment, Twilight was reminded of her childhood, and how she used to play with her food as a filly.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake.”

“I’m sorry we lost touch,” Twilight said after a few minutes.

Cadance, who had been momentarily lost in her drink, turned to face the unicorn. “It’s okay, Twi. Life’s been busy.” She smirked. “I’ve been reading the headlines, Ms. Twice-Savior-of-Equestria.”

Twilight blushed at the praise. “Still,” she said as she shook her head, “it’s no excuse. You were a big part of my formative years. I should’ve written to you. To both of you.”

“Us, too,” Cadance replied. “Shining and I should’ve told you about the engagement as soon as it happened. I’m sorry.”

“Thanks,” Twilight said. “I was a little miffed at first, but I get it. Being captain keeps you busy.”

“Itʼs a very admirable job, though,” Cadance said.

“It is.” Twilight snorted. “And to think I was so mad when he decided to join the Academy.”

“Shiningʼs career path was the only thing you talked about back when I first met you.” Cadance cleared her throat. “‘Help me, please, my big brother has left me!’” she said in a very high-pitched voice, in what was definitely a poor imitation of Twilightʼs filly voice.

Twilight giggled. “I was a little jealous that he was leaving me behind.”

“Leaving you behind to become a hero?” Cadence asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Hey, I was doing heroic things back then, too. Remember Sandy Coral?”

Cadance smiled. “The first opponent you ever faced.” She nudged Twilight playfully. “Kinda set the stage for the future, huh?”

Twilight blushed and turned her attention to her half empty mug.

She was about to say something, but didn’t get the chance, because at that exact second, she heard her brother’s voice bursting into the kitchen.


Shining Armor was by his fiancée’s side in an instant, sweating and panting. “Cady! Where’ve you been?” he said in between breaths. “I woke up and I didn’t see you there and I didn’t know where you were and I panicked and I-”

Cadance put a hoof near his mouth. “Shiny. Deep breath in.”

Shining took a deep breath in.

“And out.”

And let it go slowly.

Cadance smiled. “Better?”

He nodded.

“Shiny, I’m okay,” she said, gently stroking his mane. “See? I’m with Twilight.”

Shining finally regained his breath, and took a seat next to Cadance. “But why are you not in bed?” he asked.

“Couldn’t sleep,” was her reply. “And you?”

He went silent, but after a few seconds, he shook his head. “I keep relieving a nightmarish scenario where I remain enslaved to her. Where I never find you.”

“Oh, Shiny.” Cadance draped a wing across him and pulled him close. “Iʼm here. Weʼre safe. Everything is fine.”

He sniffed, a few tears matting her fur. They remained still for a few minutes.

Eventually, they parted, and thatʼs when Shining finally noticed that Twilight was also in the room.

“Twily, youʼre here!” he said. “I didnʼt see you.”

Twilight playfully rolled her eyes. “How did you even know we were here?” she asked.

Shining pointed to the doorway. “I saw the light. Oh, and I smelled something sweet coming from the kitchens.”

“Twi made hot cocoa,” Cadance said, as Twilight went back to the pot and poured a fresh mug.

“And you can forget about being my best mare.”

She wasnʼt mad at her brother for what he said and did at the rehearsal. Though part of her wondered how much of his anger was his and how much was Chrysalisʼ mind control, she still understood that he had a lot going on at the time. Maintaining the shield constantly, preparing for an imminent threat and getting married all at once must not have been easy. Seeing his sister accuse his fiancée of evil mustʼve been the final straw. None of this excuses his actions, but it justifies them, and that makes it easier to forgive.

Twilight set the steaming mug in front of Shining. The latterʼs eyes widened instantly.

“I recognize this!” he said. He looked at his sister. “Remember, Twily? Mom and Dad used to make this for us whenever we had nightmares as kids.”

And thatʼs when it hit Twilight. The drink reminded her of her childhood because thatʼs when she first had it.

“Itʼs the Light Choco-Peanut Mug!” the siblings said in unison.

“Wait, wait,” Cadance interjected. “Thatʼs your parentsʼ infamous hot cocoa? The one I tried to replicate, but never could?”

“Yup!” Twilight nodded, smiling widely for the first time in two days.

Shining took a sip of his drink and let out a contented sigh. “Ah. Tastes like home.”

Twilight also took a swig, her mug already halfway empty. “I made this on instinct. I was guided by nothing but foalhood memories.”

“There are just some things you never forget,” Shining said.

The trio lapsed into a comfortable silence, breathing in the warmth of the kitchens and the aroma of the chocolate.

“Twilight and I were talking about something before you came,” Cadance said, her voice cutting through the silence.

“We were talking about how unfortunate it was for us to lose touch,” Twilight continued. “You guys promise youʼll write to me?”

Cadance and Shining turned to each other, then to Twilight. “Promise you will?” Shining asked.

Twilight nodded vigorously. “I love you, BBBFF.”

He smiled. It was the warm kind of smile that instantly made Twilight feel better. “Love you, too, Twily.”

Twilight turned to the alicorn. “And I love you, Cadance. Thank you for looking after me all these years.”

“Oh, I love you, too, Twi. And like I said before - you were the best child I ever had the honor of sitting for.” Cadance squealed, draping each wing on the siblings. “Ooh, I canʼt wait to be a part of you guys’ family!”

“Cady,” Shining said, eyes glowing with love, “you always were.”

Cadance beamed and wrapped each sibling tighter.

Twilight smiled. Sure, the nightmares would plague her for a while, but she was relieved that she wasnʼt alone. And yes, she would have to go back to bed eventually, but she could enjoy this moment a little bit longer. Here, surrounded by her loved ones and childhood comforts, all was well.

Twilight Sparkle would be just fine.

Author's Note:

Based on: Friendship is Magic, Season 2, Episode 25-26, “A Canterlot Wedding” (Parts 1 & 2)

Comments ( 61 )

No Night Court?

Wonderful slice of life and blast from the last.

Who says that all the old stories have already been told ?

Thereʼs always new stories to be told, even if itʼs about an episode thatʼs well over a decade old.

Glad you enjoyed this.

Iʼm afraid I donʼt understand your comment.

Luna wasn't holding night court at the time?

At two in the morning? No, she wasnʼt.

Hence the meaning of the term "night court". :facehoof:

There was a general consensus among the fandom that once Luna had been fully rehabilitated and updated on Equestrian law, Canterlot would now be able to hold hold a 24 hour court, and nocturnal/night shift supplicants could go to Luna's court, including thestrals.

Iʼm afraid that does not happen in the story and, even if it was, Twilight went straight from her room to the kitchens, where the fic mostly takes place.

That was a good story.

Considering this is right after the failed changeling invasion, Luna is extra busy with dream patroling methinks.

Really love this. Well done. :heart:

I just realized how much the interaction would've worked in the actual episode.

Now thereʼs an idea.

Thank you!

Yup! Iʼve always thought that the changeling attack mustʼve left some lasting scars on our heroes.

This is a very good one-shot. The comment that I am the jam wrote about Night Court . It was a show that was on back in the 80's . It was very funny.

Thank you for the kind words.

A good story. Yes there are scars, but there is hope for the future being a lot better.

Very real, yet cute.

Thank you both for your kind words. Glad you enjoys the story.

Sometimes the best stories don't need to have a lot of action, but rather just a bit of reflection.
Well done and nicely played! :trollestia:


This is a very good one-shot. The comment that I am the jam wrote about Night Court . It was a show that was on back in the 80's . It was very funny.

That is was. :rainbowlaugh:
This said, I'm rather surprised there's such a lack of comedic Luna-themed Night Court stories here. :rainbowderp:

I do love introspective fics as well. Thanks a bunch for giving this story a read!

Good stuff! I love seeing bonding moments in this little family unit.

I really like Twilight’s family. It was an absolute pleasure writing them. Thank you for the kind words and glad you enjoyed this piece.

(reads description...)

IIn the words of Wambu, "This is gonna get feels-y. Be very afraid."

It does feels-y. But donʼt worry, itʼs not sad.

Also the thing with fanmade ideas? You can ignore them all you want, and people will just have to deal with it. When it comes to whatever Luna is up to at this hour.

Seeing how scared Shining was. Man that made me tear up.

Yup. My story, my headcanon.

What heʼs been through must have been absolutely terrifying. Imagine finding out that the person you thought was your fiancée was an actually an impostor whoʼs been brainwashing you, and that your actual fiancée had gone missing all this time.

Very nicely done. I quite liked this look into the aftermath of the Canterlot Wedding and its impact on Twilight, Cadence, and Shining Armor as well. It felt true to the characters, logical given the events of the episode... and still ended on a note that felt true to the spirit of the show as well. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for your kind words.

It's always like the heroes did this and the heroes did that, but no one thinks how all those events could affect ordinary people (ponies).
A good piece, and I liked how far back you reached in the show's timeline to tell a story. Although another round of proofreading could elevate it even more.

You just gave me a bright idea - The events of the show, through the eyes of the average Equestrian.

And thank you for your kind words.


The events of the show, through the eyes of the average Equestrian.

It's not often you see something like that. Go for it!

Also like your idea here about how Cadance survived.

“Alicorn magic,” Cadance replied. “We can go long periods of time without food and water. Maximum of four weeks, I think.”

Might use it myself if I need an explanation.

Thanks! Itʼs always been a personal belief of mine that alicorns have a whole slew of attributes that other ponies donʼt have, including an ability to withstand extended periods of hunger.

I sort of used it in an old story. More of a throwaway comment by Cadance in the hospital that I thought sounded good at the time more than anything else.

Finally, a CW fic that doesn’t bash Shining.

Thanks, I guess?

But yeah, Shining gets wayyy too much hate, all while circumstances get ignored.

Huh. Great premise. It makes sense there would be PTSD after something like that.

Thank you for your kind words and your interest in my story!

Pretty much everypony involved gets some seriously overblown hate over the whole incident.

Yeah, Twilight's friends not believing her was barely tackled, but let characters make mistakes, ya'll!

Exactly! Everybody, including Twilight herself, made a lot of mistakes in that episode. My story covers a different aspect of the episode, though. But yeah, characters are allowed to mess up; thatʼs what makes them complex.

Glad you liked the story.

Thank you so much!

Cadance, who had been momentarily lost in her drink, turned to face the unicorn. “It’s okay, Twi. Life’s been busy.” She smirked. “I’ve been reading the headlines, Ms. Twice-Savior-of-Equestria.”

More like 3 times, if it wasn't for Twilight than everypony would be dead, Equestria would be be an entire ghost kingdom.

Twilight actually could have died just by trying to protect her friends, brother, and mentor as well as the wedding, i actually point this out alot to stories similar to this but I don't blame Twilight's friends for not believing Twilight since she didn't have any proof or evidence, but what about abandoning her? Twilight tried to not only save the wedding but also all of Equestria, Celestia failed at being a ruler during the entire wedding, Twilight, Cadance, And Shining Armor are the ones who saved Equestria.

Thank you for checking out my story!

As for your comment about Twilight’s exploits, I was referring more to the times where she was an active, direct contributor to victory. At this point in the timeline, she had kicked two villains’ flanks - Luna and Discord.

I guess, and the story is good.

The problem here being is not JUST "characters made mistakes". It was very much intentional. Among Twilight vs Mane 5, who should know the most about Cadance? Was it Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack and others, or was it Twilight, who should know everything about her favorite foalsitter?

Or how about... Was it Lesson Zero? Mane 5 promised to LISTEN to Twilight, no matter how minor the problem was?

And after everything happend, what do we as audience get? One, SINGLE sorry from Applejack. Not collective apology from Mane 5, and promise to take all future GUESSES and HUNCHES SERIOUSLY. No apology from Celestia... "You have a lot to think about". I mean, yes, SHining waas GENERALLY brainwashed, but he wasn't for MANY interactions.

So yeah, the episode would have been MUCH better if there was collective apology, and PUBLIC idea, that Twillight was RIGHT.

I really donʼt feel like starting a debate in my own comment section.

That being said, I do partially agree with you. The girls, and Celestia for that matter, shouldʼve listened to her. Their friendship is strong, they shouldʼve have had this implicit trust in each other that makes them listen even when sceptical. They did Twilight wrong, and she deserved an apology from all of them, especially her mentor. On that, I agree with you.

Hereʼs where I disagree. Twilight, who the girls know to be smart, rational and logical, wasnʼt doing herself any favors in those episodes. She just said, “Sheʼs evil!” and left it at that. The girls werenʼt being reasonable, but neither was Twilight. She might have been vindicated at the end, but that doesnʼt mean she didnʼt have her own faults.

A second point where I disagree is the timing. Itʼs easy to forget, especially today, that Season 2 was the early days of the Bearersʼ friendships. The implicit trust I mention earlier? The girls werenʼt at this point yet. That doesnʼt mean they didnʼt screw up, but you canʼt expect a friendship to be silky smooth in early days, now can you?

So, yeah, thatʼs my two cents. What do you think of my story itself, though?

Story is good, but I still think that the girls should have listened to Twi-twi. I mean, even without complete trust... Shouldn't they listen to someone who actually SUPPOSED to know about a pony? They were SUPPOSED to know that Twilight doesn't do well under pressure. And another thing, they just blew her off, they didn't try to disprove her. They din't try to PROVE her wrong. They just walked out.

The last point, They did NOT apologize. The episode would have passed, if they at LEAST apologized to her. If you want I can link a story in PM that shows the worst scenario. Unfortunately, it is unfinished. However, Twilight almost kills herself, and just releases Discord, because she doesn't have ANYTHING to live for, meanwhile Celestia and the girls realise just how FUBAR everything is.

Kindly refrain from linking other people’s stories in my comment section.

As for your comment, I get what you’re saying, but I’d rather you not open a ten-year old debate in the comment section of my best creation. If you wish to continue, either PM me or take in to the Accusation Fic Collection.

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