• Published 16th Oct 2023
  • 834 Views, 11 Comments

Cozy Glow: The Hero of Equestria - Betty_Starlight

In the far future, Cozy Glow must save Equestria from the evil Twilight Sparkle!

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Chapter 3: Oddity, the Security Pegasus

I heard the train stop moving a few minutes ago… It’s dark in here, but I’m not scared… My friend Scarlet is here with me…

I lowly ask, “Um, you think maybe we should get out of here?”

She whispers back, “Yeah uh, hang on!” before her horn glows and we then see everything illuminated in the blue light…

I see hay on the wooden floor that I didn’t notice earlier, but I also hear an ominous clack on the top of the car…

I tell her, “Just crack open the door! We can slink out before anypony comes around and be gone!”

She replies, “That makes sense!” before forcing her horn to glow brighter as the door starts to glow white and move ever so slightly to the right leaving just a foot gap now, between the left side of the door and the side of the rail car…

I burst out of her hooves and say, “Thanks! Now let’s get out of here!” before trotting quickly towards the opening…

I emerge in the midday sun and I quickly look around, but don’t see anypony in the dirty train station… Just some railway cars and various tracks leading from my left to my right… Or uh, maybe the other way around? I can’t tell as I continue slowly trotting and glancing around as I try to get my bearings...

I soon hear the clack of Scarlet’s hooves hitting the ground behind me, before a loud thud and I look back to see a white pegasus with a wisteria purple mane going down his muscular back and matching tail, on top of my new friend with his hooves on her chest as he shouts, “Hold it right there, filly!

My eyes widen at the scene 20 feet from me before I twist and turn andlaunch myself with my hooves into the air as I begin flapping vigorously to leave the scene!

“Hey! Get back here!” I hear the stallion scream as I continue flapping to get away from the station!

I look down and I see a chain link fence going from top to bottom as I fly over the world and I then stare ahead to see the cityscape of Canterlot some distance beyond the grasslands in the crevice of a large mountain far away on the horizon…

I finally turn right in the air and slow my flapping to lower my altitude so I’ll land in the field…

I turn my head back right to stare at the station I just escaped from, where I know my new friend was just captured…

Now, I know what you’re thinking… And you’re right! The old me would’ve just left Scarlet there at the station… But you know, the thing is, I’m not that filly anymore… I’m different now… And so, I already knew what I had to do…

I turned to face the station before taking a deep breath in my nose and out my mouth as I try to think about this and how my best approach would be?


And then, I burst through the door and use my powerful horn lasers to fry the evil pegasus and then, I use my magic to untie Scarlet there in the chair as her gag rose from her snout and she smiled at me and said, “Thank you Cozy Glow! You’re my hero!”

… Okay, maybe that didn’t exactly happen…

I stare at the station from the field and then, take off to flap towards the station at high speed!

Yeah, the grassland kinda goes towards the station, but there’s no grass near it. That land’s all gravel and dirt around the rail yard.

As I get closer I notice a big white building on the left side of the station and I adjust my course before landing maybe 30 feet away from it in the grass…

Suddenly, I hate being so short as I stare up at the station building into a window and began trotting that direction…

Although the one good thing about my height is that he probably won’t be able to see me here in the grass like this…

I keep trotting forward with my eyes peered at the window and I can now make out a magenta unicorn there, quietly sitting in a chair…

Or uh, I think she’s sitting? I can’t really tell yet…

Then, I’m trotting on the gravel just outside the building as I exit the grass, and I can clearly see Scarlet there in the window… I see her snout moving as if she’s speaking to somepony else, but I can’t tell because there’s a wall there…

I trot towards the window and suddenly, I hear another loud THUD behind me as hooves scrape the gravel and a masculine voice says, “Well, aren’t you the brave little foal!”

I turn around and face the white stallion 15 feet away as the wind blows his purple mane to the right, “Oh, golly! What is it with you and landing behind me lately?”

The other pegasus frowns and widens his eyes while retracting his neck, “I uh, don’t even know you!”

I smile, “Oh, well my name’s Cozy Glow and I’m an adorable pegasus filly!”

His eyes widen, “Well, I’m Oddity and I’m a security guard at the station!” before he points at me with his left wing and I notice the purple edges to the white feathers as he continues, “And you and your friend were trespassing!”

“Yeah uh, sorry about that! It’s all just a misunderstanding!”

He takes a few paces forward without removing his eyes from me… “Try me!”

I gulp, “Well gee, uh, you know how I look like I’m maybe ten years old?”

His right eyebrow raises, “Yeah?”

I chuckle nervously, “Well, the thing is, I’m actually maybe a few hundred years old!”

His blue eyes widen, “That’s impossible!”

I nod, “Well, normally it would be, yeah! But I was frozen in stone for most of those years!”

He frowns… “What?”

I gulp, “Well, uh, tell me, did you ever hear of a filly named Cozy Glow?”

He blinks, “Uh, yeah! I learned about her in school! She tried to take over Equestria about three hundred and ninety years ago! But what has that got to do with you?”

“I’m Cozy Glow!”

“No, you’re not! You’re just a ten-year-old filly!”

“No, they froze Cozy er, me in stone for my crimes! I got unfrozen!”

“How did you do that?”

I smile nervously, “I uh, don’t know!”

“And what does that have to do with the train station?”

I sigh, “Look! I uh, I feel bad about all the things I did and I kinda uh, well, I wanted to make Equestria a better place!”

His eyebrow raises again, “And?”

I nod, “And so, I wanted to stop Twilight Sparkle!”

His eyes widen again, “WHAT?”

I sigh again, “Okay, the unicorn I was with was named Scarlet Eclipse and she doesn’t know that I intend to dethrone Twilight!”

“WHAT?” He repeats himself.

“I uh…” I blink again when I think maybe I should start telling the truth? “Get Scarlet out here, Oddity! I need to tell both of you something… “


Scarlet widens her green eyes as we all stand outside the building near the door towards the rail yard, “Wait! You’re over three hundred years old?”

I smile, “Well, technically, four hundred! Uh, three hundred ninety in stone, plus the ten I was alive earlier!”

She blinks, “Wow!”

Oddity on the right says, “And you wanted to dethrone Twilight Sparkle?”

I sigh when I realize I might be hasty here? “Well, look! I saw her abusing another pony and um, is she a good ruler?”

Scarlet frowns, “Well uh,” she looks around and then back at me before leaning towards me and saying lowly, “not really! She’s uh, kind of an evil tyrant!”

Oddity turns his head right towards her and widens his blue eyes, “Scarlet! Uh,” he turns back towards me, “why would you care about that?”

My brow furrows as my snout frowns, “Didn’t I just say that I feel bad about what I did and I want to make Equestria a better place?”

He stares at me carefully… “Do you really think you could stop Twilight Sparkle?”

I stare back at him, “If any filly in Equestria could do it, it’d be me!”

He frowns, “You’re probably right, actually…” before straightening his mouth... “Alright, I’m in! What’s the plan!”

I widen my eyes, “I didn’t say you could come!”

Scarlet turns her neck left towards the pegasus and smiles, “Hey! That’s what she said to me!”

“Aren’t you a security guard?”

He turns back and smiles, “Yeah, but I got like a month of vacation time! And they gotta cover me after everything!” his eyes widen. “Besides, I’m feeling uh, generous… I’m just gonna let you go if you really want to stop Twilight... And I’m coming with you!”

I frown when I realize that of all the ponies I could run into, I happen to find the two with no lives!


And so, me, the white pegasus with the wavy purple mane and tail, and the magenta unicorn with her neon blue hair all stood there, staring out at the large open grassland and we all saw the spired city of Canterlot some distance ahead and say, “Alright, Oddity! You put in for your time off?”

He nods from my left, “I sure did… Lets do this!”

Scarlet on my right says, “This is completely insane!”

I turn towards her, “You of all ponies making that observation Scarlet!”

Her sparkling green eyes widen, “Yeah, I know, right? You’d think that would be a sign or indication of something?”

Oddity smiles, “Just an indication of how awesome we’re gonna be! Let’s go!”

I turn my head back towards the metropolis in the distance and say the only thing I really can at that point… “Oh, golly!”

(To be continued...)

Comments ( 3 )

I think the problem here is goody two shoe cozy. She's too boring.

She could be some kind of anti-hero that could grown and become something else as story progress, but no. Her realization happened even before the story start. She had no internal conflict. She has too little flaws.

Truth be told, I haven't worked on this thing in awhile, but I actually did have something a lot like an internal conflict in mind for later...


I think you need a space here.

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