• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 177 Views, 0 Comments

Watch the plants wilt around us. - WiltedBloom2013

A person has a day off and does unhinged things with it

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Watch the plants wilt around us.

Blood Bow tumbled onto the ground of what looks like a library and looked around... No sign of Apple Bloom at all... Hey, Bloody, ya there? Blood Bow heard her voice... But where was she? "Bloom? Where are you?" Blood Bow asked aloud, Blood Bow tried to stand on their legs but they had troubles standing and fell down... Bloody! Are ya alright?! Apple Bloom said to Blood Bow from wherever they are, Blood Bow put a hand, or so they thought, to their head, "Yeah... Just fell... But seriously, where are you Bloom? I hear you but don't see you and if this is some sick joke I'm going to punch you when I find you," Blood Bow said looking around the library. What's funny Bloody... is that ah think ah'm in yer head, this statement, this single statement caused Blood Bow to get wide eyed. What do you mean you're in my head? Blood Bow thought to see if Apple Bloom would reply, Ah really have no idea Bloody, ah just seem ta be in yer head. Blood Bow then gasped as they finally realize...

Wilted Bloom was heading into the library of the Castle of Friendship to read more Equestrian books when suddenly, a scream is heard from the library!

Wilted flies towards the library faster than should have been because of the expensive pottery added after Sunset moved to Equestria and looks at the sight to unhold... "What in tarnations?" Wilted Bloom said aloud as they looked on at Blood Bow with nothing but confusion as Blood Bow tries to stand on their back hooves and falls over. "That isn't how you walk here," Wilted says to Blood Bow as Blood Bow finally notices Wilted Bloom.

"It's... a motherf***ing pony... floating... with demonic looking eyes..." Blood Bow said looking at Wilted, shocked by the devolopment Bloom... I owe you a big apology for shooting down your fan fiction about meeting ponies. Wilted Bloom looked at Blood Bow with great interest, "Mind tellin' meh who ya are?" Wilted asked and Blood Bow looked unsure of how to answer, Ya have it Bloody! Just tell 'em the truth! Apple Bloom said to Blood Bow through their now shared mind as they also share the same body, Blood Bow just has more control over the actual body.

"My name is Blood Bow and I accidently fell in here from Canterlot High... I was also with my girlfriend Apple Bloom but she seems to have ended up in my mind," Blood Bow said as Wilted's face grew very interested. Wilted put a hoof under Blood Bow's muzzle, "You look a lot like Apple Bloom, you know?" Blood Bow said to Wilted, who simply chuckled at the thought, and before Blood Bow could add anything Wilted replied with, "I'm well aware of that fact... But are you aware that you and I look exactly alike... Blood Bow?" Blood Bow looked at the mirror they assumed they came from and saw... Wilted Bloom looking back... We are another Wilted Bloom!? Blood Bow and Apple Bloom thought the same thing at the same time. Blood Bow actually smiled, You know what this means Bloom? Blood Bow asked Apple Bloom, Ah have an idea, are we goin' ta be unhinged tagetha? Apple Bloom asked back, Yes, yes we are Bloom! Blood Bow answered, Ah love ya Bloody, Same Bloom.

Blood Bow had to learn to walk as a pony but they got the hang of trotting and was following Wilted Bloom to the actual town, or well Village, Ponyville! Blood Bow had their bag and pulls a knife out with their mouth since that's how it works here in Equestria if you don't have magic, and Blood Bow was nearly certain that they shouldn't have magic based on how Wilted looks compared to the magic using races. Remember Bloody, Wilted's flying without wings, that ain't normal fer this world Apple Bloom said, more ready to be unhinged than actually keep a cover even though only Blood Bow can hear her, Patience, my dear Bloom, we are going to get unhinged soon. Blood Bow held their knive in their hoof... somehow... and was toying with it as they followed Wilted's pretty lazy tour through Ponyville and when it was over... Blood Bow slashed their knife and cut an entire tree down. "Like a boss!" Blood Bow announced.

A hour or two later lmbfo!

Ya did amazin' Bloody! Ah'm glad ya actually got very unhinged fer this! Blood Bow looked at the scarred body of a random filly who showed up in their path, "Listen, little filly, I just want to tell you sorry for hurting you that bad, I am just a little unhinged," Blood Bow tried to console the little filly who eventually warmed up, "What's your name little filly?" Blood Bow asked as the filly looked like admiring eyes, it took her a moment but she replied with, "I'm... Frosted Wilt." "Nice to meet you Frosted Wilt," Blood Bow said and got ready to go. Before we go Bloody... why don't we watch the plants wilt? I like that idea Bloom. Blood Bow(and Apple Bloom) spent the next 30 minutes watching as plants wilted around them.

When it was over... they went home.

Blood Bow and Apple Bloom stepped through the statue to see that day has turned to night, "Guess we spent more time there than we thought, huh?" Apple Bloom asked getting onto her feet. "Yes... we did... We have to tell your friends Bloom! They have to know where you were this whole time!" Blood Bow said to Apple Bloom as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo holding flashlights found the two, "Apple Bloom! Wilted Bloom! There you two are!" Scootaloo said getting Apple Bloom and Blood Bow's attention. "Scoots, how many times must ah tell ya that Bloody's name is Blood Bow?!" Apple Bloom said as the trio of friends left Blood Bow to go home...

We had a good day today... I wouldn't have it any other way.

Ah wish that everyday could be like today.

Author's Note:

Blood Bow and Apple Bloom... a wonderful relationship filled with plenty of times that Apple Bloom has to correct people because they called Blood Bow, Wilted... two different people here!

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