• Published 13th Nov 2023
  • 601 Views, 15 Comments

What Does The Future Hold For Us? - AndyHunter

Andy Hunter and his closest friend, James Carter, found themselves on a fateful outing with their friends when an unexpected encounter with a mysterious black hole altered the course of their reality.

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Chapter 4 - The Multicolor Roses of Ponyville

4:30 PM

"Now that I'm in Ponyville... considering my role as a member of the Mane Six, James could be anypony. I just have to observe each one individually. If I notice somepony acting unusually and not in line with their personality, it's likely James," Twilight pondered, conversing with herself in her mind.

"According to Celestia's letter, Rarity is in charge of the decorations. Let's head to the town hall first; it's closer," Twilight instructed Spike. As they gazed at the town hall from their position, Twilight noted that it seemed physically larger than it appeared on television, captivating her attention for a few moments.

Spike and Twilight proceeded toward the town hall. Spike couldn't help but observe that the exterior lacked any decorations; it resembled any other structure.

"Twilight, do you know why there's no exterior decoration? If Rarity isn't here, this might take longer than we thought," Spike inquired while revisiting Celestia's letter, which didn't specify whether the decorations should extend to the outside.

"I'm confident it refers only to the interior. I believe the Summer Sun Celebration will be held inside the town hall, so there's no need to decorate the outside if nopony would notice it," Twilight explained as they reached the entrance of the town hall.

Twilight and Spike entered the town hall, finding it adorned with Rarity's signature creativity. As they approached, Rarity stood before a variety of colored ribbons, evidently caught in a classic dilemma of her own making.

"If Rarity is here, dedicated to her decorating duties, then James is not likely her. Nevertheless, it's only fair to extend a friendly greeting; after all, we're destined to be great friends," Twilight mused quietly to herself, observing Spike becoming entranced by Rarity's allure.

Twilight, amused by Spike's captivation, couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, Rarity! What's cracking?" she greeted in her usual casual manner.

"Oh my, you took me by surprise! I didn't realize you two were here," Rarity exclaimed, genuinely startled by the sudden appearance of Twilight and Spike.

Rarity, fixing her gaze upon Twilight and Spike, quickly realized she had never seen them before in the many years she had lived in Ponyville. Her surprise heightened, especially upon realizing that this mysterious pony knew her name.

"Sorry 'bout that. I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my man, Spike. We're from Canterlot," Twilight introduced herself with a casual, informal tone, a bit unusual among ponies and quite a departure from the formality often associated with Canterlot residents.

"Canterlot?!" Rarity's surprise intensified at the revelation of encountering a pony from Canterlot, a city she held in high regard. Its beauty, intertwined with history, never failed to excite Rarity.

Quickly regaining composure, Rarity cleared her throat and returned to her elegant tone, refusing to let her excitement overpower her. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my dear Twilight and Spike. However, I can't help but wonder, how do you know my name?" Rarity asked with genuine curiosity, unable to recall any prior encounters with Twilight.

"Well, Princess Celestia sent me to Ponyville to supervise the Summer Sun Celebration. Her letter mentioned the names of various ponies handling different tasks," Twilight explained to Rarity, while Spike remained captivated by Rarity's beauty.

For Rarity, this day couldn't have been better. Not only had she met a new pony and her dragon companion from the prestigious Canterlot, but she also discovered connections with Princess Celestia.

"As for my part, you needn't worry. I've already finished decorating the Town Hall. I was torn between the pink and yellow ribbon, but I ultimately chose yellow for a more unique touch that complements the interior," Rarity explained, ensuring she did a commendable job and aiming to make Twilight proud.

"I'm glad to hear that, Rarity, but before I go, I'd like to ask you something," Twilight paused, her expression thoughtful. "Have you noticed anypony acting unusually or strangely today? Anything that seemed out of the ordinary?"

Rarity pondered the question, bringing her hoof to her chin. "Hmm, I'm sorry, Twilight. For me, it's been a rather ordinary day. I haven't observed anypony behaving strangely."

Twilight felt a twinge of disappointment when she couldn't glean any information about her best friend. "Puta madre, It seems she hasn't seen James. I'll need to inquire with the others—Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. One of them must be James. If not, this quest will prove more challenging than I anticipated. But I can't afford to give up hope," Twilight murmured to herself, her gaze fixed on the floor as she delved into her thoughts momentarily.

"And who is this pony you're searching for? You don't even know her name? If you provided more details about her appearance or cutie mark, perhaps I could assist you," Rarity inquired, her attention caught by Twilight's unusual question. She was genuinely eager to help in any way she could.

Twilight couldn't divulge the details of her origins or how she and her friend came to Equestria; it was an enigma too complex for anypony to comprehend, let alone believe.

"Don't worry about it for now, Rarity. It's complicated to explain," Twilight responded with a cheerful tone, aiming to alleviate any unnecessary concern on Rarity's part.

"It's okay, dear. I wish you the best of luck in finding your friend," Rarity said as she approached Twilight. "By the way, I must say, I adore your mane, Twilight. I'm renowned for creating the most elegant and creative dresses imaginable. You'll be the epitome of fashion while searching for your friend. Moreover, you might attract the attention of some fine stallions," Rarity added, raising her eyebrows several times, under the impression that Twilight might be interested in attracting the attention of stallions.

"Stallions!?" Twilight exclaimed, surprise widening her eyes. "Mmm, how do I put this... I'm a lesbian," Twilight revealed, scratching the back of her head with a hoof, visibly embarrassed discussing such topics.

Rarity, taken aback by Twilight's revelation, responded with a breathy, "Wow..."

Twilight, a little embarrassed, looked back and down at the floor. "I guess it's not very common for two ponies of the same gender to be attracted to each other."

"No, my dear, but I don't judge anypony. Besides, I can still create a splendid dress for you. It doesn't necessarily have to attract stallions; with mares, it can work just as well," Rarity expressed understanding while taking pride in the prospect of sharing her craftsmanship with a new friend.

"I'd love to, believe me, but I still have work to do. Perhaps another day? What do you think? Right now, I have a tight schedule," Twilight suggested, acknowledging the pressing tasks of searching for her friend and overseeing the Summer Sun Celebration.

"It's okay, my dear. I'm delighted to have met you and Spikey-wikey, even though he can't seem to take his eyes off me," Rarity noticed Spike's unwavering gaze since their entrance into the Town Hall.

"That's because he can't resist your beauty. You've literally left my dude speechless LOL," Twilight chuckled along with Rarity.

Throughout this time, Spike wrestled with internal conflict, debating whether to compliment Rarity on her appearance in an attempt to win her favor. "Should I tell her? We're leaving, and I still haven't mustered the courage to let her know she's beautiful. I'm so nervous."

"Let's go, Romeo. There will be another time for you to spend with Rarity," Twilight said, placing her hoof on Spike, who remained motionless.

With time running out, Spike had to decide quickly whether to express his admiration for Rarity. As they approached the exit of the town hall, Spike, feeling desperate and hurried, realized the door was getting closer with each step. "What should I do? We're nearly at the exit, and once we leave, I'll lose sight of her, and it'll be too late."

Spike, in a final burst of determination, blurted out, "You're beautiful, Rarity!"

"Thank you, Spikey. I hope to see you again soon," Rarity said happily, raising her hoof in a goodbye gesture to Spike.

Upon leaving the town hall and confirming that Rarity was not James, Twilight scanned the surroundings. In the distance, the distinctive structure of Sweet Apple Acres caught her eye. Its unique design set it apart from the other houses in Ponyville, easily identifiable at a glance. They just needed to follow an undetermined path towards it—regardless of its length—and it would lead them straight there.

"I think we'll go see Applejack. From here, I can spot her farm, but I'm not sure about Fluttershy's location. It's not easily recognizable," Twilight mused to herself before turning her gaze to Spike. "Let's head to Applejack's, Spike. We need to ensure the banquet is ready, and who knows, maybe they'll treat us to some free food," she added with a quiet mention of the enticing possibility of complimentary food.

Twilight and Spike strolled toward the farm renowned for its exceptional apples. Although Twilight longed for a taste, more pressing matters demanded her attention—finding her friend and confronting Nightmare Moon. Even though she hadn't mastered the use of magic, she harbored a quiet confidence in her ability to face the looming threat.

Meanwhile, Spike found himself utterly captivated by Rarity. Her mere presence rendered the dragon momentarily oblivious to anything but the beautiful mare he had encountered today.

"Did you catch that, Twilight? I think Rarity likes me. She mentioned wanting to see me again soon," Spike remarked, interlacing his claws on his left cheek, a clear display of attraction towards Rarity.

"I believe she just sees you as a friend, Spike. You only just met her," Twilight reassured Spike, the two walking closely together.

"How can you be so sure? It seemed to me that she likes me, that we share the same feelings," Spike persisted, holding onto his belief that Rarity had a romantic interest in him.

"You still have a lot to learn about life, particularly when it comes to matters of love," Twilight said, a friendly laugh escaping her. It reminded her of her past life as a human, a situation similar to this one having crossed her mind.

"What do you mean by that?" Spike asked, a look of confusion etching across his face, accompanied by a raised eyebrow.

"I'm referring to how romantic relationships don't unfold so hastily. There must be a strong connection first before taking it to the next step," she paused, reflecting. "Let me share something with you. When I was just a filly, long before you were born, I fell for another filly in my classroom. She was very pretty. Want to know what she said when I asked her to be my special somepony?"

"No, what did she tell you? Was it something bad?" Spike inquired, a mixture of curiosity and concern evident in his voice.

"She told me, 'No way.' And you know why? Because we barely knew each other. All we had between us were our names." Twilight finished her explanation with a facehoof, embarrassed to recount such a personal story. Yet, she believed Spike deserved to hear it—a valuable lesson and a means for him to understand her more deeply.

"I had no idea about that. I'm sorry she refused to be your partner, but I get where you're coming from with all this," Spike said, reflecting on Twilight's past and contemplating how the same scenario could apply to her with Rarity.

"Don't worry about it; it was a long time ago," Twilight reassured Spike in a calm voice, aiming to alleviate any concern he might feel about this revelation.

Twilight and Spike finally arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, where Applejack was diligently harvesting the ripe apples.

Observing Applejack in her element, Twilight noted that she remained the same reliable and hardworking pony as always. Disappointment lingered, realizing it wasn't James either. However, optimism surged as Twilight considered the possibility of Applejack providing information about any unusual behavior among the Mane 6.

Amidst the sprawling orchard, Applejack, exhausted from the strenuous work of running and kicking trees, took a moment to catch her breath. Wiping the beads of sweat from her forehead, she reflected on the fruits of her labor, a testament to her unwavering dedication to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Yo! Applejack," Twilight called out as she approached.

Applejack turned around at the sound of the unfamiliar voice, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Noticing Twilight and Spike, Applejack studied them for a moment, her gaze lingering on their unfamiliar faces.

"Howdy there," Applejack greeted, tipping her hat back and using it as a makeshift fan to cool off after a hard day's work on the farm. "You know my name, but I don't know y'all or the little fella. Mind sharin' who you are and how you know my name?" Applejack asked with genuine curiosity, her distinctive cowgirl accent coloring her words.

"Psss, Twilight," Spike whispered, prompting her to lean down so he could share his thoughts. "I think you should introduce yourself first and let them do the same. It might help avoid unnecessary confusion. We know their names because Celestia wrote them in the letter, but it's not like we've known them for a long time," Spike suggested, covering his mouth with his claws to prevent Applejack from overhearing their brief conversation.

"You're right; I was just trying to be friendly. But you've got a point; it's probably for the best," Twilight responded in hushed tones.

"You two know I'm here, right? I can hear you whispering," Applejack remarked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

"Geez, Applejack, relax. We're not apple-stealing secret agents," Twilight responded with a touch of sarcasm. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this here is my bro, Spike." Twilight affectionately gave Spike some headpats as she mentioned his name. "We're here because Princess Celestia asked me to supervise the Summer Sun Celebration, and her letter mentioned your name."

Applejack, upon hearing Twilight's explanation, adjusted her hat and gained a clearer understanding of why this pony, previously a complete stranger, knew her name.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Twilight and Spike. No hard feelings about the suspicions earlier, but reckon it might be smoother if you introduce yourself first next time and let the others follow suit. That way, we can avoid these kinds of mix-ups," Applejack teased Twilight, her playful tone laced with good-natured ribbing.

"That's exactly what I told her!" Spike chimed in, joining Applejack in laughter.

Twilight, realizing they were both amused by her initial misstep, sighed in frustration. Yet, it wasn't a human-like sigh but rather a pony-esque exhale, accompanied by a soft little neigh—a detail that momentarily surprised Twilight.

"Applejack, have you seen Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy lately?" Twilight inquired, hoping to gather information about James and discern which member of the Mane 6 he might be.

Applejack wiped away a tear from laughter before responding, "Haven't seen 'em since this mornin'. Rainbow Dash is probably takin' it easy instead of takin' care of her duties. Fluttershy's in charge of the music—you likely already knew that."

Twilight slammed one of her front hooves against the ground in frustration, unable to extract any helpful information about her friend. "Dammit! It's no use asking anymore. I'll have to find them myself. One of them must be acting differently," Twilight muttered to herself.

"Twilight? What's goin' on with them?" Applejack inquired, noticing Twilight's distress.

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to know where they are, if they mentioned anything to you," Twilight replied, scratching her head with a nervous undertone in her voice.

"We ain't crossed paths for many hours, as I said. They're takin' this celebration seriously—well, except for Rainbow Dash, I reckon," Applejack responded, casting a disappointed glance aside, believing that Rainbow Dash was likely off napping somewhere, as was her usual habit.

"But as for the banquet, everything's set, right?" Twilight pressed on.

"Of course, the banquet's ready. We finished it an hour ago. How 'bout a little sample?" Applejack offered, her pride evident as she extended the invitation to share not only her cooking but also the efforts of her entire family.

"I would love that. Could it be takeaway, though? Unfortunately, I can't stay longer; I have very important matters to resolve," Twilight explained, a tinge of regret in her voice for not being able to spend more time with the Apple family.

"Yeah! We'll pack it up for ya while I introduce you to each member of the Apple family. They've whipped up some delicacies you've likely never tasted in your life," Applejack exclaimed proudly, making her way to the metal triangle to produce a resounding clang, calling the entire Apple family to join them.

Upon hearing the resonant clang of the metal triangle, the entire Apple family swiftly gathered around Twilight. Each member, with alacrity, presented their distinct apple specialty to her, while Applejack efficiently and proudly introduced each of her kin, making it easy for Twilight to remember their names. As each family member was introduced, Twilight extended one of her hooves in a friendly greeting, introducing herself and Spike.

As the Apple family continued their warm hospitality, Twilight couldn't help but marvel at the size of the food package she was handed. The sheer volume of the delicacies took her by surprise, and a hint of amazement flashed in her eyes as she contemplated the feast before her, a tempting array of Apple family creations. The tantalizing aroma wafting from the assortment of treats further heightened Twilight's anticipation, and for a moment, she entertained the thought of savoring the entire culinary ensemble all by herself.

"This should last us like a whole week, man. I can't wait to eat it all," Twilight said, teasing Spike in a friendly manner.

"And what about me? I want part of the banquet too," Spike expressed concern, sensing Twilight's apparent eagerness to consume the entire feast herself.

"You'll only get the crumbs and a small piece of apple. Everything else is exclusively for me. I'm being totally fair," Twilight declared with mock seriousness.

"What?! That doesn't sound fair at all. That wouldn't even fill an ant's stomach," Spike retorted, crossing his arms in frustration.

Twilight, unable to contain her laughter, erupted into a boisterous "HAHAHAHAHA" accompanied by a loud neigh that resonated throughout the Apple family farm. Her sudden outburst caused her to immediately cover her mouth with both hooves, attempting to stifle the echoing laughter.

Applejack, noticing Twilight's involuntary neigh, couldn't help but burst into laughter. "I reckon you must come from them fancy cities like Canterlot where it ain't common to do that. But don't you worry, it's normal for ponies to let out a neigh now and then, and some folks just can't help it. Just try to avoid it in them formal situations."

"Understood, Applejack. Thank you kindly for the food, and I extend my thanks to all the Apples. I'm truly grateful," Twilight expressed her gratitude as she readied herself to carry the food package.

"You're welcome, Twilight. It's a pleasure. 'Round here, Apples do their darnedest to make new friends feel right at home," Applejack said with a warm smile, her cowgirl accent coloring her words.

Twilight proceeded to take the package full of food, securing it on her back. It proved to be as weighty as carrying only two bricks. "Spike, lend me a hoof with this. Seriously this time, or I won't even give you the crumbs," Twilight asserted with a faux-serious tone.

"I hope you're joking..." Spike responded in a low, slightly concerned tone, hefting the package onto his back.

With the food-laden package now on their backs, Twilight and Spike moved at a pace akin to a snail's crawl. Minutes ticked by, and they hadn't even covered half the distance out of the farm.

Observing their slow progress, Applejack grew genuinely concerned for her new friends. "Twilight, Spike... y'all sure you don't want an extra hoof?" she offered, her cowgirl accent lending a warmth to her words.

"No, Applejack, don't worry." Twilight struggled to keep the package from toppling. "My place ain't that far, just five hundred meters away, I reckon," Twilight said, offering a completely improvised estimation of the distance to her home.

Meanwhile, James lounged in the park, growing weary of reclining on the bench for fifty minutes. A stray bouncy ball caught his attention, seemingly abandoned and ownerless. Intrigued, he rose from the bench, claimed the ball, and sought refuge under a tree to shield himself from the direct sunlight.

Positioned in the shade, James engaged in a simple yet absorbing pastime. He threw the bouncy ball from his perch, aiming it towards another tree on the opposite side of the road. The rhythmic repetition became his sole source of amusement, a repetitive routine that had occupied his time for what felt like an eternity.

"I've tallied one hundred and fifty bounces... and the summer sun celebration hasn't even kicked off; seems it's an evening affair. Perhaps I ought to seek out a different form of entertainment. And who knows, maybe I'll come across Andy on my exploration. Once I hit two hundred bounces, I reckon it's time to venture further into this town," James mused aloud, his mutterings accompanying the sound of the bouncy ball rebounding off the tree, a rhythmic pattern that he had become adept at catching with his hooves.

As James allowed time to slip away, engrossed in the rhythmic play with the bouncy ball, he instinctively glanced to his right. To his surprise, a pony soared toward him, wearing a distinctly frustrated expression.

Baffled, James pondered, "That pony looks downright annoyed... I have no idea who she is or what I might have done. If I spill the beans about transforming into a pony from another universe, she's likely not gonna buy it. Better to play the fool and pretend I'm clueless about whatever I've supposedly done," James mused internally, maintaining his focus on the approaching pony.

"I finally found you, Rainbow Dash," Sassaflash exclaimed, placing a hoof to her face in a display of disappointment. However, after a few seconds, she refocused her gaze on Rainbow Dash. "I get that you take your sweet time doing your tasks, but you were supposed to clear the sky. It's been a while since you were assigned that task, and here you are, playing with a ball."

James, now even more perplexed, raised an eyebrow, still trying to make sense of the situation.

"I had to clear the sky because, if not, you probably would've done it when it was too late or even tomorrow," Sassaflash explained, gesturing with her hoof toward the sky.

James glanced at the sky and saw no noticeable difference since he had woken up.

"First off, I have no clue about what you just said. Second, what does 'clearing the sky' even mean? Is it a game, an activity, a job? I don't grasp that concept. For me, the sky is the sky, period," James replied, genuine confusion in his tone.

Sassaflash was taken aback by Rainbow Dash's response. She couldn't believe that Rainbow Dash, of all ponies, didn't understand such a basic concept as clearing the sky.

"You're kidding, right? I can't believe it. Rainbow Dash herself is asking me questions like these," Sassaflash remarked, her tone tinged with disbelief.

"I'm dead serious, alright? I have no idea what a clearing sky is. The last thing I remember is waking up on a cloud; that's all I know," James insisted, his tone genuinely perplexed. Despite his sincerity, it was challenging for Sassaflash to accept that Rainbow Dash seemed oblivious to the concept of clearing the sky.

"Look, Rainbow Dash, I don't know what kind of joke you're trying to pull, but it's not flying with me. I'm not in the mood for this right now. I just need you to get your tasks done next time," Sassaflash stated, her frustration apparent. She remained unconvinced by Rainbow Dash's apparent ignorance, dismissing it as either an elaborate joke or an excuse she wasn't in the mood for.

"I'M NOT KIDDING, GODDAMNIT!" James exclaimed, his voice rising, and in his frustration, a loud neigh escaped him. He quickly covered his mouth, surprised by the sudden emergence of this natural pony sound.

Sassaflash tilted her head back in surprise and bewilderment. "Well, that was rude, Rainbow Dash, but considering it's coming from somepony as reckless as you, I guess I shouldn't be surprised," Sassaflash remarked, casting a disappointed glance to the side.

James released an annoyed sigh. "Are you done complaining? Why don't you go do something else?"

Sassaflash redirected her attention toward a purple pony accompanied by a dragon approaching them. Having never seen this duo before, she chose to wait for their arrival.

"Rainbow Dash, look, behind you. Have you seen that pony before? She also has a dragon," Sassaflash pointed in their direction with one of her front hooves.

James turned around, noticing the presence of the purple pony and the dragon. This surprised him, as he harbored a fondness for dragons, and having one as a 'pet' sounded appealing.

"No, I don't remember seeing that pony before," James clarified.

"I wonder what Rainbow Dash was doing in the park; I thought she would be flying around..." Twilight pondered, immersed in her thoughts. "Maybe, just maybe, it could be James! I have no doubt about that, and he seems to be arguing with Sassaflash." Twilight murmured to herself as she briskly walked towards Rainbow Dash, excited to finally find her friend.

"Twilight, can't you go a little slower? Carrying that package wasn't easy; I've never exercised so much in my life," Spike complained while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Twilight let out a small laugh. "Every minute, you give me more reasons not to share any of the food the Apples gave us with you. Tomorrow, we're getting up early to exercise. What do you think?" Twilight teased Spike.

"Why are you doing this to me, Twilight? You can keep the food, but please, for whatever you want, I don't want to get up early to exercise!" Spike pleaded dramatically.

"Hahaha, it's okay, Spike. I was just teasing you, lazy dragon," Twilight chuckled as she bent down so Spike could climb onto her back.

Twilight took a few steps, finally reaching Sassaflash and Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, I've never seen you two here before. You must be new to Ponyville or coming to visit? By the way, my name is Sassaflash," Sassaflash greeted the duo with a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you, Sassaflash. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is Spike. We came from Canterlot and just moved to Ponyville," Twilight said as she and Sassaflash shook hooves.

"I heard some screams when I left my house. Is everything okay here?" Twilight asked with a combination of curiosity and concern.

"Nothing serious. Rainbow Dash being Rainbow Dash. She was supposed to clear the sky before the Summer Sun Celebration, but as always, she was lazy and supposedly forgot. Now she jokes that she doesn't remember anything and doesn't know what clearing the sky is when it's something she's been doing practically her entire life," Sassaflash said, teasing Rainbow Dash with a playful tone.

Twilight glanced at the sky for a few seconds before returning her gaze to Sassaflash. "The sky is clear; some other pony must have done it."

"Exactly, it was me. Otherwise, Rainbow Dash wouldn't do anything in the end," Sassaflash said while directing a look of frustration and disappointment towards Rainbow Dash for a few seconds.

"I thank you, Sassaflash. In fact, I am in charge of supervising the Summer Sun Celebration. Thank you for taking care of this. Rainbow Dash and I will have a conversation about this," Twilight expressed her gratitude to Sassaflash. Not only had she finally found her friend, but the weather issue was also resolved without many problems.

Sassaflash proudly stated, "No problem, Twilight. Unlike Rainbow Dash, I am a responsible pony." Sassaflash spread her wings and prepared to fly. "See you soon, Twilight and Spike!" She took off, flying towards Cloudsdale.

James leaned against the tree with his front hooves crossed, showing annoyance at everything Sassaflash said about him.

Twilight approached and whispered in James' ear, "It's me, dude, Andy. Let's talk in Japanese, so as not to cause confusion. This conversation must be private."

James was surprised and felt happy to finally find his friend; he smiled immediately upon hearing her words.

"Yatto mitsuketa, aitsu, boku wa nanji no aida kono kōen de machi-tsudzuketeita." (Finally found you, dude, I've been waiting in this park for who knows how long.)" James said, extending his hoof like a fist.

Twilight extended her hoof, also colliding with James's. "Kōdai, onaji koko, aitsu, watashi wa anata ni mata aitai to omotta." (Same here, dude, you don't know how much I wanted to see you again.)"

"Soshite doko ni ita no? Anata ga sono poni ni ieta koto wa hontō desu ka? Anata ga Kanterurotto to iu machi kara kita?" (And where have you been? Is it true what you told that pony, that you came from a city called Canterlot?)" James asked curiously, bringing a hoof to his chin.

"Hai, sore wa hontō desu, watashi wa purinsesu no roiyaru gādo no okage de koko ni kita, tomodachi to pātī ni itte ita node, sore de watashi wa sukoshi jikan ga kakarimashita" (Yes, it's true, I came here thanks to the princess's royal guards who brought me, I was at a party with some friends, that's why it took me a little longer to get here.)" Twilight explained.

"Anata wa watashi o sagashite iru koto yori mo, pātī ni itta hō ga yoi to iu kotodesu ka? Okotta hazu nanoni, watashi wa omae ni anta ga kono kātūn no hōfan datte kimochi ga yoku wakatteru kara na, genki no uragawa o teisuru koto wa arimasen ga, soredemo, koko wa equestria de saisho no hi, tomodachi ni fureru no wa iya datta shi, tomodachi to no tenshon wa kurayami ni narenakute ii. Watashi wa sore o wakatteiru" (Are you telling me that you were at a party instead of coming to find me? I would be angry with you, but I remember that you are a fan of this cartoon, I would do the same if it were in One Piece, I'm not gonna lie, but still, you disappointed me there, bro)" James said, teasing Twilight a little bit.

"Sōiuna, watashi wa anata ga sono pātī ni ikutsumo ni itta koto ga nai hō ga ii to iu wake ja naku, sore yori mo watashi wa poni to kārā ga atsumatte iru hi no hōga aru, sore ga watashi no yūjin to no ibasho no kōka o motte kuru no wa betsu ni nai, watashi wa mondansā o sabishiku sasenakute ii to iu kimochi ga arimasendeshita, genjitsu wa terebi no ue to wa chigau, ruuru wa kawarimasu" (It's not that I minded being with the ponies more than with you, but remember that we are transformed into characters who have family and friends, if I didn't attend that party, a friend would never talk to me again and I didn't want to have problems just in our First day in Equestria, seeing it on television is not the same as being there physically, the rules change.)" Twilight explained.

"Wakarimasu, shikashi watashitachi wa koko de zutto sumu koto wa nai hazudesu, koko kara deteku hōhō wa aru nodesu ka? Saigo ni kono sekai o detara iinodesuga, sono ato nani ka hōhō ga arimasu ka, koko o amerika ni modosu tame no" (I understand, but you say it as if we were going to live here forever, is there any way to get out of here? I mean, is all of that really necessary, if in the end we leave this world, you must know a way to get out of here and return to America.)" James asked with compression but at the same time with some concern.

"Kyōki ni naranai de kudasai, shikashi watashi wa koko kara deru hōhō o shiranai" (Don't be crazy, but I don't know any way to get out of here.)" Twilight said, looking at the floor.

"NANI!?" (WHAT!?) James was shocked to hear that they would be trapped in Equestria.

"Demo atarashī hōhō o sagashite mitai, equestria wa sumu ni wa ii basho da, soshite watashi wa yūnikōn, tabun itsuka wa mahō o manabi, ferrari ya watashitachi ga itsumo hoshikatta mono o motte iru kamo shirenai, subete no bideogēmu... shikashi mahō o tsukatte watashitachi no sekai kara genshi o motarasu hōhō o mitsukeru koto ga dekiru kamoshirenai" (But look on the bright side, Equestria is a good place to live, and I'm a unicorn, maybe one day I can learn magic and have what we always wanted, like Ferraris, all the video games in our world... maybe I can find a way to bring elements from our world through magic.)" Twilight said with a happy tone to try to reassure James.

"Sonna ni jikan ga tatsu to, watashitachi no amerika no jinsei wa dō naru no ka?" (It sounds tempting... but I don't know, what will happen to our life in America?) James asked looking back."

"Watashitachi wa sore o ato ni shinakya ikemasen, amerika de wa watashitachi ni mae ni hiroi mirai ga arimasendeshita, kanarazu ekuineshia de wa, watashitachi wa motto ekisaitinguna, futsū janai seikatsu o motsu dakedenaku, watashitachi ga itsumo hoshikatta subete no mono o motte iru koto ga dekimasu" (We have to leave it behind, in America we did not have a great future ahead of us, unfortunately we had to live in that country without hope, here in Equestria, I am sure that not only would we have more exciting and less ordinary lives, but also, the possibility of having everything we always wanted.)" Twilight said as she rested her hoof on James to try to make him feel better.

"Wakaranai na, ore wa subete o kangaeru jikan ga hitsuyō da, kore wa, zero kara hajimeru yō na mono da, kono sekai ni nani mo shiranai kara, kono ni jikan ga kakarimasu" (I don't know bro, I'll need time to think about all this, it's like starting from scratch and I don't know anything about this world, it won't be as easy for me to get used to it as it is for you.)" James said.

"Shinpai shinaide, watashitachi wa issho ni iru kara, watashitachi ga kanōna subete no kata ni tasukete agemasu, koko ni kita no mo, watashitachi ni wa mokuteki ga arimashita" (Don't worry, we're in this together, I'll help you in any way I can, if we came here it was for a purpose too.)" she paused "Let's go see Fluttershy, I still need to make sure everything is in order for the summer sun celebration and in the way I will explain to you the necessary that you need to know."

"Arigatō, dōdo, boku wa koko ni hitori de inai no ga ureshī" (Thanks, dude, I'm glad that at least I'm not in this alone.)" James also put his hoof on Twilight, and they both headed to look for Fluttershy even though James doesn't know who she is.

Meanwhile, Spike, who was listening to the entire conversation in a strange language, only had a headache trying to make sense of every word that came out of James and Twilight. "I didn't understand a word of what Twilight and Rainbow Dash just said, but it seemed like it was something important, I'll still ask her," Spike said in his mind.

To be continued

Author's Note:

In this episode, I decided not to detail much about the places because everyone here knows Ponyville. I would see it as very unnecessary to detail a place that has already been seen many times, and my version of Ponyville is practically the same as the show.

If you don't like it, in the following chapters I can go into more detail, but that means the chapter would be longer than usual, more than eight thousand words. If I were to go into detail in this chapter, it would take me more than ten thousand words, and I don't like to write chapters that are too long because then it becomes too heavy for the readers. This episode has more dialogue than anything else.

Comments ( 2 )

Does that mean when Celestia said “I only said I want you to make friend” in response to twilight’s “You said it’s a silly old pony’s tale!” That mean she just tried to dodge the question and trying to look smart and mysterious in front of twilight?

Now that I've rewatched the episode of Friendship is Magic Part 2, I realize where I screwed up.
Celestia says "I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her" With this sentence, my entire chapter goes to shit.

You know what happened? I only watched part 1, over and over again, without seeing the second because that part had not yet arrived to adapt it when Nightmare Moon arrived.
And right in that part at the end, it is "justified" why Celestia denied the existence of Nightmare Moon.

And worst of all, Celestia's feelings of guilt in chapter 3 would be key to a future episode adapting season 5 that I had planned.

They screwed me there, but I think I'll leave it at that, because it still wouldn't be clear why the book exists telling the legend of Nightmare Moon, if Celestia's whole plan was for Twilight to make friends, then why would she create a book? in which Twilight would do the complete opposite? An incredible waste of paper, time and even worse, strained friendships (Moondancer) if you ask me.

But if we analyze Celestia's plan from a logical point, it is a very stupid plan, because if Celestia was aware of it, she could have easily defeated Nightmare Moon, there would be no need for ALL of Equestria to be on Twilight's back, so we could say that my alternate episode 'fixes' this mistake, so to speak. :twilightsheepish:

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