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Starlight does a slightly better job at attempting to reform Chrysalis after freeing her friends and reforming the rest of the hive, and finds herself quite unexpectedly the new Princess of Empathy. Whether things go uphill or downhill from here will depend on who you ask. Twilight is thrilled, Chrysalis is miserable, Trixie is gay, and Starlight is just trying to cope with becoming royalty scarcely a year after being Equestria's most dangerous supervillain.

I've always thought Starlight more than earned her wings in the show, but, given that I also love Chrysalis, I decided to grant them in a way that ends with my two favorite characters not trying to kill each other.

This will be a series of mostly one-shots dealing with various aspects of Starlight's life after ascending, with a variety of tones; while it's marked as incomplete, the majority of chapters form complete stories. Obviously, there are an enormous amount of things to be done with such a premise, and, if you have anything you'd like to see explored—and also enjoy the story enough to comment—please feel free to request topics for future chapters!

Note: Chapters are usually, but not always, in chronological order. Where they aren’t, it will be made clear.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 137 )
Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted Nov 8th, 2023

To be honest, I didn’t understand why Chrysalis is miserable at the end? She seemed to have lost nothing and rather proudly accepted her new appearance.

She lost her pride. She was defeated by a random pony she overlooked, and, after she very reluctantly conceded that defeat, that pony immediately became an immortal demigod. I probably could’ve made the exact reasoning clearer, though.

Starlight and Chryssy are far from done interacting, so hopefully their dynamic becomes a bit more apparent in a couple chapters.

I look forward to the coronation chapter.

If actual effort and logic was put into trying to reform Chrysalis... Great work so far! Curious to see how this will go.

I always thought that what Starlight said to Chrysalis was very good, just lacking in convincing the Queen of the Changelings, given the state of the situation. Seeing this being rectified in your story got me good.

Highly interested to see where you take this story.

I agree with Doctor_Den, the reason of Chrysalis' state of mind at the end of the chapter was not adequately communicated.

You could simply copy your response to Doctor_Den and paste it at the end of the line “Is it too late to change my mind?”, and that would most likely help clear up some of the confusion. Or use this opportunity to delve deeper into Chrysalis' mind in a future chapter, both options sound good to me.

This is amazingly well-written. The thing that stood out to me here was you, dear author. Your voice, your narration, your style of writing. It’s unbelievably good. That opening line had me hooked from the very beginning. Dunno if I’ll be tracking this, but it - along with you, Venlinelle - have earned a place in ‘Best of Comedy (3)’!

Thank you for the kind words and feedback! Honestly, when I wrote this chapter (though it was a few months ago), I thought the reasoning was inferable, but, given multiple people have said otherwise, I was clearly mistaken, and I've amended the ending to hopefully make things a bit clearer.

This is possibly the kindest comment I've ever received, and I can already tell I'll be rereading it frequently. Thank you <3

It's funny, I didn't even really intend this chapter to be comical (unlike some later ones). I'm glad you thought it worthy, though!

Youʼre very welcome.

Iʼll be honest, though, I was debating on whether I put it in drama or comedy (I never put a story in two genre shelves), but I eventually decided that the comedy won.

This Starlight certainly cut through Chrysalis’ anger to get to the heart of the issue. Even when the former Queen was going off the deep end in season nine, she was still concerned about the Changelings. She even treated the wooden leftovers of Mean Six Twilight like a kid cradling it. Which was pretty weird to watch in the show when that first came up. At she has her mentor who has gone through this same exact thing—both being a semi-normal pony beforehand.

Chrysalis might’ve accepted the offer then actually went through the Metamorphisis, but like Pharynx showed us. The Changelings are still themselves on the inside so the Queen will have to unlearn quite a few habits she once did. Among many other things. Discord just casually dropping the immortal bomb was hilarious.

I actually added the line about immortality due to some confusion amongst other readers; I'm glad it's also funny! Discord's handy that way.

So many people seem to forget how much Chrysalis clearly cares for her subjects/children; I think that, if she were forced to actually consider what leaving her hive would mean rather than just making an angry, impulsive decision, she wouldn't be able to abandon them.

Thank you for the comment!

“...didn’t get a song…”

Whoever said that needs to get their priorities in check :rainbowlaugh:

Celestia, I believe <3

Chrysalis: You are wrong Starlight, I choose option 3.

Starlight: Option 3? What would that be? :rainbowhuh:

Chrysalis: Retirement! :ajsmug:

Trixie is gay

Gay as in happy, gay as in homo, or both?

Both. Both is good.

Honestly, Had Starlight redeemed Chrysalis at that moment, this scenario is very likely.
It was also hilarious that Starlight would ascend before Shinning Armor who in my opinion has earned his wings in full by now with all the insanity he had had to deal with. Sorry, I am still slightly salty after all of these years that Shinning Armor did not ascend in canon when he by all rights should have in my opinion. Tangent aside Starlight as an Alicorn opens all kind of fun insanity I can't wait to read.

Loved this! I really like the way you write Starlight's stream of consciousness. I'm looking forward to seeing all the places the future chapters of this lead to!


You win the internet today. Waifu Glim as an alicorn goddess.

Sign me up :)

I'm a simple man.
I see Starlight, Trixie, and gay in the same sentence, I click

I’m sorry to disappoint in that Trixie has yet to do gay things :(

But she will! Do not fear


This is probably the most fascinating fanfic I've read in YEARS. Keep this shit up bro, this is awesome!

Well, I'm not sure it's as notable as all that, but thank you! I'll do my best.

Awesome. Truly awesome.

Brace yourself for a long comment.

I love your characterization of Dash here. Agregressive and cocky, yet with a soft side that really shines through. The fact the she gave Starlight really good advice (twice!) was just icing on the cake. I love also like the idea that Dash is well-versed in the theory of flying, and not just the practical. It adds an extra layer of depth to her character by showing that sheʼs applied, knowledgeable and has some level of book smarts.

Starlight was also really well-written here. I adore her doubt in herself, her general anxiety and her over-dependance on magic. Sheʼs just so her. I also really love the idea that her magic is instinctual and acts to protect her. Speaking of, I also really like the idea that Starlight is well-versed in the theory of magic. Unlike Twilight, Sunset and even Sunburst (who have canonically received formal education in magic), Starlight herself appears to be self-taught. So her having book smarts adds a hidden layer to her character.

As I said previously, the humor here is also on point. Highlights include Starlight freaking out at her high up in the sky she is, Dash asserting that all clouds in Ponyville are hers (sheʼs right) and Dash being so happy she gave good advice. Also, both characters here have really good chemistry and the dialogue is on-point.

Looking forward to more.

I appreciate your analyses so much; thank you!

It's pretty unclear what Starlight's life between the ages of around ten and a couple years ago was actually like; we don't even know how she left her hometown (though it seems like she probably ran away). I read a fic once that posited she'd gone around Equestria attending smaller, local magic schools, learning everything she could from each one, and then moving again, so she has an incredibly broad knowledge of different and sometimes unconventional magical techniques that she combines in her own ways. I doubt it'll ever come up explicitly in this story, but I've thought of that as her magical backstory ever since reading it.

EDIT: It came up explicitly. Who knew.

Just two chapters in and I can tell that this is a story I’ll come back to. These characters feel right, and your writing engages me with every bit of dialogue, especially when they’re interspersed with bits of deep third person brain delving.

Helps its all about Best Pony. Hail Princess Starlight!


trust me bro, I haven't felt this hype for an MLP fanfic since DanishDash's "The Farmer and the God". This is an amazing premise and I genuinely wish this would have happened in the show.

Instead, all she could think of was the fact that she, Starlight Glimmer, former tyrant and literal destroyer of worlds, personal protege of the only pony competent enough to salvage her broken mind, terrible friend, nervous wreck, and bane of therapists and manaphysicists alike, had succeeded. Without magic, without witness, without hope, she had saved them.

Love how hard this goes, Glim-Glam basically saying that while Chrissy might be a villain, she’s still not a supervillain like Glimmy was.

She extended her hoof again. Chrysalis gazed unblinkingly back at her, expression unreadable and unchanging.

While I’m not against this event going down this way, I still feel like it would be cool to see some remnants rebelling from the harmony bugs.

Celestia looked openly astonished. Twilight looked uncertain and confused. And Luna looked as though Hearth’s Warming Eve had come early.

Luna excited to finally have someone relatable to talk to with, ain’t she?

Well, darn it, looks like this is going to be another great story I’ll have to keep track of. An exciting start for sure, can’t wait for the next-next chapter (since the next one is already here, and I can definitely tell this is going to be good.)

I only have praises towards this first chapter, and while I would’ve written things differently it’s still a very well written and choreographed story, bravo to you author.

I think Starlight was more reflecting upon her inadequacies than feeling proud of her villainy, but you may interpret it as you wish.

Thank you for the comment!

Are you secretly Faust just rewriting the new canon? This is too good man, I’m really enjoying this. To the point of being immersed enough that I don’t want to quote random part of the story for laughs! What have you done with me? (Definitely your fault and not me failing to come up with something funny, how dare you suggest such a thing!!!!!)

You lot are really spoiling me with these comments. Thank you so much 💚

Starlightʼs life is a mystery, hence why I said she appears to be self-taught. Still, just adding it that she knows her theory gives her extra depth because it shows that how well she knows and loves her field.

This chapter was very good, it had strong characterisation, character interactions, character development and plenty of action.
Personally, I like Slice of Life writing; such as the day to day differences that come with being an alicorn (learning to fly, changes in magic (Twilight mentioned once that Alicorn magic is a little different to control in the Tirek arc I think?), how everyday ponies respond to the new alicorn, the shaking up of the Canterlot Nobility, crowning coronations, magical tree castles that explode out of nowhere, royal guard restructuring (Two princesses in Ponyville, neither of which have a guard), etc).

I've actually cut what would otherwise be the next two chapters, because they introduced an arc and a villain that I've lost interest in writing, and I don't wish to publish perpetually unfinished storylines.

A story doesn't need a big bad villain to be a good story, and I think it's a little too early to introduce one just yet anyway. You can still introduce a villain, but I'd like to see a bit more of Starlight getting adjusted to alicorn life first, and also Equestria getting adjusted to a new alicorn Princess.

Never seen the idea before, interesting.

To clarify, the original inspiration for this fic came from the desire to write an evil alicorn version of Starlight, like Daybreaker or Midnight Sparkle or Nightmare Moon. As a result, her showing up takes place in the first two chapters I wrote.

I still like that idea, and I don’t hate the character I created for it (Event Horizon), but I realized it would take a very lengthy arc to finish, and I didn’t want to take focus away from these smaller chapters.

Thank you for commenting! 💚

Do I think Starlight has earned alicornhood? Yes, absolutely
Do I think she deserves it thematically? The only non-alicorn pony who truly deserves it thematically is Shimmy (by that I mean alicorn ascension is the perfect continuation of her character arc), but that's just a wee bit overdone
Do I mind? If this story gives me some good Glimmy, no. Like I said, she's earned it

A wise changeling pony once said: Build a pony a fire and she will be warm for the night. Set a pony on fire and she will be warm for the rest of her life Teach a pony to rule Equestria, and Equestria will be ruled for a lifetime. Teach a pony to teach a pony to rule Equestria, and Equestria will be ruled forever

ooh this looks interesting.... follow, and we're good! now, lets see where this goes.

I think the question of whether she thematically deserves it is a bit subjective.

That's actually a great quote; I can't promise I won't borrow it in some form at some point and credit you...

I actually stole the quote from a Sawtooth Waves video, but if you want to credit me for it, I can't stop you (unless I'm in your walls)

Stealing Sunset’s title, now, huh? :rainbowlaugh::trollestia:

I kid, I kid. Mostly. :scootangel:

Beautiful work as always, Ven.

Not much to say today, aside from the pitch-perfect characterization of both mares here. One thing I will point out, though, is the sheer love and respect Starlight shows towards her mentor. It's so sweet and heartwarming how highly Starlight thinks of Twilight. I also adore Starlight's crippling anxieties and doubts here; very fitting for her character.

And depending on what the rest of the story has in store, The Tiniest Changes might actually move from my comedy shelf to my drama shelf. We'll see.

Twilight technically had Spike. The series said that Dragons can easily live over 1000 years. (For them, 100 years is just hibernation.)

Oh, I know; she also has Cadance. But Twilight thinks of them more as family members.

Comment posted by Venlinelle deleted Nov 14th, 2023

It's just that no one raises the question "what would it be like for Spike?" He lives his whole life surrounded only by ponies. (in what season did he make Dragon friends?) Almost all of his friends and acquaintances are comparable in life expectancy to the life expectancy of hamsters compared to us. And all this was prepared for him even before Twilight became an alicorn, but Twilight cried and evoked pity only for herself. Maybe it seems to me, but it looks a little narcissistic.

I think you raise an excellent point about how difficult that would be for Spike, but I also think that’s likely something that would’ve come up before this point; Spike is around 15 at this point, and definitely old enough to have had that realization.

I suspect Twilight did talk to Spike about this when she ascended herself—we don’t see that scene here, so it’s not really fair to say that Twilight “cried and evoked pity only for herself.” Her ascension was presumably just as complicated as Starlight’s; it’s just not what I’m writing about.

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