• Published 24th Nov 2023
  • 366 Views, 135 Comments

Tales from a Con - Admiral Biscuit

Fizzy Glitch has opened the Book of All Stories, and that means anything can happen in any story! A collection of my submissions to the PVCF app, with a few bonus chapters that failed moderation!

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225 Princess Dreams

Princess Dreams

She dreamed of being a princess.

She supposed she wasn’t alone in that; lots of fillies surely dreamed of being princesses. Why wouldn’t they? The power to raise the sun or the moon, wings and a horn, a giant glittering castle filled with ponies to serve you and let you have a second dessert if you wanted it.

Princesses didn’t have to do homework. Princesses had hoofmaidens to do their homework for them.

It was just a dream, and she knew it. Everypony knew that there were only two princesses and there would only ever be two.

Except one night she overheard her parents saying that there used to be only one princess—the other one had been banished to the moon and then she’d come back ,which was bad or maybe it was good. She wasn’t sure, and she didn’t know if she should ask. Sometimes she overheard stuff she wasn’t supposed to—last year she’d had to act surprised on her birthday when she opened her presents, because she’d overheard her Mom talking about buying her a Bisou Fruite doll and one of her presents was doll-sized.

It was weird to know what she was unwrapping before she did—she wanted it, but some of the luster was lost since she already knew what it was.

Were princesses ever surprised?

Did they get presents on their birthday?

Both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were hundreds and hundreds of years old, what if they’d already received every present a pony could get?

She still wanted to be a princess. Her parents still liked getting presents on their birthdays and on Hearth’s Warming and they enjoyed them.

Sometimes she’d dress up her dolls in colored-paper tiaras and hoof boots and yokes and pretend they were princesses. She’d make cardboard and flour-sack additions to their dollhouse and a little crayon-drawn sun and moon for them to raise and lower while all the other ponies watched on.

Other times, she’d arrange all the dolls to watch her as she lifted up a paper sun or moon like a proper princess. And then they’d have tea, because that’s what princesses did. They raised the sun and the moon and they didn’t have to do homework, they drank tea instead.

She didn’t really like tea all that much, but when it was imaginary she could like it. Maybe when she was older she would. There were a lot things her parents said she’d understand when she was older.


Could princesses do whatever they wanted? She was in the kitchen, helping her Mom make dinner.

Princesses had hoofmaidens and waiters and cooks and guards and a whole panoply of ponies at their service and didn’t have to lift a hoof, but what if they wanted to? What if they enjoyed the simple task of making soup? Or toasting bread and only dropping one slice on the floor by mistake?

Did they like jam? She liked jam, especially cherry jam which was currently her favorite. Last week strawberry jam had been her favorite.

Both of them stained her muzzle red and Mom scrubbed her muzzle with a washcloth after she was done eating.


Did princesses ever go to market? She and her Dad walked the tables, and he let her put the produce in his saddlebags. If it was something small, he’d put it in hers—and the two of them stopped by Bon Bon’s booth and he lowered his voice in a conspiratorial whisper. “One chocolate for you, but don’t tell Mom.”

She nodded and looked over the selection, finally picking a cherry cordial.

There were so many choices! Princesses could eat all the chocolate they wanted.


Most days she walked to school herself. It wasn’t very far, and she always got there on time, even if she was distracted by something shiny along the way.

Such as a lamp, carelessly discarded in the weeds.

She stuck her muzzle into the undergrowth and grabbed it with her mouth. It was a dull brass, tarnished but otherwise okay.

Her grandmare had a couple lamps like it, and she knew how they worked. The lid came off to put oil in, and a flame came from the spout. On the other end was a mouth-grip so you could carry it wherever you wanted without singing your fur.

She rubbed at the tarnish with the edge of her hoof, and all of a sudden a weird ghostly pony-shape popped out.

It was blue, a lighter blue than Luna. Almost sky blue. It had a weird face with a scraggly fang, mismatched antlers, and mismatched forelegs.

“I am the genie of the lamp,” it said. “And you have freed me—in return, I will grant you one wish.”


It nodded.


>I wish I had another cherry cordial, the last one was really good. (hero)
>I wanna be a princess (chaos)
>I’ve got bigger plans in mind (villain)

[CHOICE A: Hero]
“A couplea days ago at market Dad bought me a cherry cordial from Bon Bon and it was really good, I’d like to have another one but I don’t know when we’ll get back to market and I don’t have enough bits to buy one of my own.”

“A cherry cordial?”

She nodded.

“I could give you a lot of bits,” the genie said.

She thought that over. “Nah, I don’t even know how I’d carry them.”

“A mountain of cherry cordials.”

“More than one spoils my appetite.”

“I could make you a princess. You want to be a princess, right?”

She frowned, and then looked at the genie earnestly. “I like pretending to be a princess, but I don’t want to actually be one. I bet princesses don’t get to play in the sandbox.”


“Or use the swings. Dinky said that Sparkler can’t use the swings anymore ‘cause she’s too big.” She glared at him. “Are you gonna give me a wish or not?”

The genie crossed his arms and sighed. “Fine.”

He snapped his fingers and a cherry cordial appeared in front of her.

She ate it eagerly, and licked her lips. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome?” He scratched his temple with a claw. “Are you sure you don’t want anything else?”

“No, not really.”

[CHOICE B: Chaos]
“I wanna be a princess.”

“Done.” He snapped his finger and a moment later her entire body was suffused with light as she lifted off the path. She felt a strange relieving pressure/pain, like when her milk teeth fell out, and then she landed back on the ground.

He hadn’t provided her with a mirror, but she didn’t need one. She could see the new horn on her forehead and feel wings against her barrel—just down the road was a small park with a reflecting pond where she could get a look at her new form.

She didn’t get any finery—her hooves were still un-booted, no tiara graced her crown, and her shoulders weren’t weighed down with a golden yoke. Still, she was a princess.

“Cool.” How long would it last? Who knew? Magic out of a lamp was chaotic at best—she might as well enjoy it while she could.


Several hours later, after her class had calmed down in regards to the sudden change in her status and appearance, a familiar stressed out lavender unicorn appeared in the very center of class.

Along with everypony else, she pointed and laughed. Twilight Sparkle would never be a princess, but she was.

All hail Princess Erroria.

[CHOICE C: Villain]
She scrunched up her muzzle. “Anything I want?”

Discord sighed. “Can’t kill anypony, can’t bring anything back from the dead, can’t make anypony fall in love, can’t wish for more wishes, and there’s a chance that your wish will come with unintended consequences. The standard stuff.”

“Yeah yeah.” She nodded and then looked him in the eye. “So Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are really mean to me and to everypony else in class and I’m sick and tired of it. If I were a princess, I could banish them to the moon, but I’m not a princess so I can’t.”

“Banish them to the moon? How mean are they?”

“No, no.” She shook her head. “I don’t want them banished to the moon, I just want them turned into donkeys.”

“Huh.” Discord rubbed a talon across his chin, and then nodded. “Alright, that sounds like fun.” He snapped his fingers and nothing that either of them could see happened.

Until a moment later, when off in the distance a very dismayed braying could be heard.