• Member Since 7th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen 43 minutes ago


I've got ponies on the brain.

Comments ( 5 )

Dang this is perfect. Great use of Twilight here, if there's any pony who will overthink everything, it's going to be her.

Normally I strongly dislike second person stories. Not this time. This is beautiful.

Second person stories are rare but this is so well written

Me and a discord friend of mine (who sent me the fic and no doubt will also comment) and we have lots of the same braincell when it comes to things like Twi getting more of the accent as she grows older with AJ.

But at the same time oooooh I love this take so much. Me and said discord friend also have had thoughts about a (for lack of better wording) "Domestic" Twilight where she never ended up a princess and did end up like, how you said, "A farmer's wife teaching at the school house" and usually we thought about how much a peaceful life would have brought satisfaction, this fic showed the other side of the coin to me. The other half of the "what if's", the "what if I was meant for more?".

But again, bit of bias, I do much prefer the world where a long peaceful life was what was promised, rather than a life of adventure, so long it was with one you loved. Again, loved the story!

You have no idea how much this makes me wanna cry it's so good!
Hi! I'm the friend mentioned by the commenter above! Can I just say you captured the essence of Twijack that has gripped our heads since we first encountered it and I'm so so so happy that I gave this a read. It really touched my heart in such a way that as I was reading through it I was squeeling like a little girl!

NueGirl put it well in fact why this really had me held by the heart and the way it was written just squeezed every bit of love and appreciation I could muster- And I Am Trying Very Hard To Express This Thought In A Way That Doesn't Involve Me Incoherently Screaming In Admiration!

You have made such an good piece I am damn near feral about it!
Calming down now, I have no other words to express how much I love this and how much it just pushed every right button in my head! Thank you for giving us this wonderful Twijack fic. Cheers!

I'm glad this story hit the spot for you. Thank you so much for these wonderful comments! This is the kind of stuff that gets me really excited to write another story.

I'm happy the second person worked. It's probably a good thing that it's rare, but I tried this story a couple of different ways and this is the one that turned out best.

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