• Published 11th Dec 2023
  • 274 Views, 11 Comments

The Lost Pirate Treasure - ThomasZoey3000

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Part 5

Equestria Girls Special 2018-2021

Written by: ThomasZoey3000

The Lost Pirate Treasure Part 5

Set After the Events of "My Little Pony: The Movie" and "Forgotten Friendship"

The Storm King stepped forward, "I don't know how you know my name, but it doesn't matter at this point. I'll be taking the map, and the traitors too. With no fighting mind, or I'll get...very messy," he added in an sinister way.

"You can't threaten people like this," retorted Cadance. "It's against the law, you could go to Jail."

"Not for a man with that much power," whispered Calaeno. "With his money, he can do whatever he wants. How do you think we ended up working for him in the first place?"

The seven girls though stood firm, "we're not giving you the map!" snapped Twilight. "The treasure never belonged to you, or your family. The original Captain Calaeno took it for the rightful people; the poor and desperate. We will find the treasure, and bring it to the right people, and not to a greedy old fool like you."

"Yeah, you tell 'em Twilight," cheered Rainbow Dash.

The Storm King chuckled, "how adorable, seven teenage girls standing up to me. But let me tell you two things girls. One; I don't scare easily, and two; I HATE adorable! I hate anything to do with it! Now give me the map and the traitors, or we'll take it by force."

"Yeah? You and what army?" Rainbow sneered.

Sunset groaned and slapped her forehead, "I wish you hadn't just said that."

Tempest chuckled as she stepped forward, "first time we tangled, it was just myself against all of you, but now the odds are in our favor." She snapped her fingers and the group gasped to find hundreds of storm goons surrounding them.

"So that's why I shouldn't open my mouth," groaned Rainbow.

"Ya think?" Applejack groaned.

The Storm King laughed, "see girls, when I want something this bad, I will do whatever it takes to get it. So last chance, give up, and we'll spare you. For now."

The group looked to Sunset. She was staring at the Storm King and Tempest, and as she did, she remembered what she said to Twilight before going to the beach. She would never allow someone to hurt her family, and to her, her friends were her family. She grabbed hold of her geode and squeezed it. She glowed brightly until she appeared in her newest magical outfit.

"What in the?"

"Storm King, I will never allow you to get away with what you're doing. This is our home, Calaeno and her crew are our friends, and most of all, these guys are my family. So I'll say this only once, back off now, or you'll be sorry you messed with us."

The group were stunned with Sunset's outburst to the Storm King. The Storm King however didn't look scared. Instead, he just laughed.

"So you can magically change clothes, big deal! I have an army, what can you do?"

Sunset smirked, "allow me to show you." Focusing hard, a long whip appeared from her geode and into her right hand. She looked behind her as several Storm goons charged at her. She turned on them and whipped them hard, making them go flying and into some bushes.

"What the hay?!" Tempest gasped. "How did..."

Sunset's friends were surprised by this too, "how did she do that?" Applejack asked. "I thought her only powers was to read minds."

"Never mind that," said Rainbow as she grabbed her geode, "let's light it up ladies!"

Grabbing hold of their geodes, the six girls magically transformed into their new outfits. Applejack looked to Fluttershy and Rarity, "you two keep the others safe, and whatever you do, don't lose that map."

Rarity and Fluttershy nodded as they were given the map, then watched as the rest of the girls went to work.

A group of Storm goons ran up to Applejack. She grabbed hold of the grass and pulled upwards, lifting a huge chunk of it. The goons stopped and ran the other way. Applejack threw the dirt, and it hit just behind them, but some pieces still hit them hard, making them fall. Rainbow Dash flew circles around them, making them dizzy and with a tap of her finger, she knocked them over. Pinkie Pie used some confetti she had with her, and don't ask where she got it from, and threw it in front of them, making them run in fear. Twilight used her magic on them and made fly in the sky till they were good and dizzy, then she dropped them on their stomachs.

"Now that's going to leave a mark," Sunset commented as she hit more goons with her new whip.

The Storm King looked to Tempest, "Tempest, stop them, or that scar on your face won't your only life injury."

Tempest pulled out a taser and charged in. Captain Calaeno saw her coming, and having been inspired by her friends actions, decided to protect them. She charged at Tempest, sword in hand.

"You want them so badly? You'll have to go through me first."

Tempest sneered, "a pleasure it will be." She put her taser away and pulled out some blades of her own.

Captain Calaeno looked to her mates, "help the girls out, I'll keep Tempest and the Storm King back."

Her mates nodded and charged in. All the while, the Janitor was filming everything on his cell phone. Fluttershy saw this and looked firmly at him, "uh sir, mind putting that away?"


"Well if we need to run and you're focusing on your phone, you won't be able to react in time."

"That, and we really don't want this getting out to the public."

But it was already too late. The bright flashes of light caught a lot of attention and soon people were looking to the field in surprise. Sunset groaned, "I kind of wish we still had the Memory stone, cause this will be hard to explain."

Cadance looked and saw some of her students in the crowd, "keep them back!"

Sour Sweet nodded and with the other Shadowbolts, forced everyone back. The Storm King growled, "this is taking far too long. ARGH! If you want something done right, you do it yourself!"

He pulled out a small stick from his back pocket, and with a quick wave, it extended and made a crackling sound. It was a taser, and he was going to use it on Twilight. He charged at her, but Sunset saw him.

"Get away from my friend you brute!" she charged at him, only to get shocked herself.

"SUNSET!" cried Twilight as she watched her friend hit the ground.

"Right, who's next?" he sneered and slowly moved forward. He didn't get far though as something caught his legs and he fell over, face first to the ground. As he did so, his taser, which was still on, zapped him badly.

"You are," snapped Sunset. "I warned you Storm Butt."

The Storm King glared at Sunset as she got to her feet, "alright that's it, you'll pay first."

Sunset rolled her eyes as she picked herself up, "oh please, you're not the first one to threaten me like that, but you'll be the most entertaining to knock back down."

The Storm King chuckled as he got back to his feet.

"That's what you think."

Tempest pushed Calaeno aside, and charged at Sunset with her taser. It zapped the poor girl badly, but she remained standing. Tempest zapped her again and again, but Sunset slowly began making her way towards the Storm King, with the same firm look on her face.

"Nobody...hurts my...friends..." she groaned as the zapping continued.

Tempest turned up the power and was about to hit Sunset back, when suddenly, she was smacked from the side, knocking her to the ground. She looked up to see Rainbow Dash with the taser now in her hand, "that's a big no no there Missy. You see, when you mess with Sunset Shimmer, you mess with all of us."

Tempest looked around her and found the other girls surrounding her.

Sunset looked at the Storm King firmly, "it doesn't matter if it's your ancestors or you, you'll never get your hands on that treasure. And you, will never again...HURT MY FRIENDS!" she shouted and punched the Storm King hard, making him bend over backwards. She punched him again and again, until she finally delivered the final blow. With a groan, he fell to the ground.

While all this was going on, Rainbow Dash was now shocking Tempest.

"Alright Rainbow, that's enough," called Sunset. With a groan, she fell to her knees.

All her friends ran to her, "are you alright matey?" Captain Calaeno asked.

"Aye Captain, I am," Sunset said with a big goofy smile on her face. "Though I think I'll be feeling that tomorrow." With the aid of her friends, Sunset was helped back up to her feet. She looked to the Storm goons and spoke; "listen up, if you continue to follow this madman, you'll get nowhere in life, except for trips to the hospital or worse. You all have so much potential with your lives, don't waste it following him, so please, for the love of Celestia, walk away and live your lives."

There was a long silence following this statement. Then one goon stepped forward. Everyone wondered if he would attack again, but instead, he threw down his weapons.

"I'm going to become a lawyer," he stated and walked away.

The Storm King and Tempest watched in horror as they all gave up and walked away. Others though promised to turn themselves over to the police as they have done bad things, and need to be dealt with by justice. Once the last of them were gone, the group turned to the duo.

"You'll never get the treasure," Twilight said firmly.

Tempest groaned as she got up. Instead of striking back though, she walked over to the Storm King, helped him up and the two wobbled out off the field. Rainbow prepared to chase after them, but Timber Spruce stopped her, "let them go, it's not worth it now."

The group watched the duo until they were out of their sights.

"Yeah, don't mess with the Equestria Girls!" cheered Pinkie Pie.

"But, they could attack again one day," retorted Rainbow Dash. "We can't just..."

"We will meet again," said Sunset. "But hopefully next time, they'll think twice before hurting innocent people again.

Rainbow was about to retort, but the firm glares of the other girls made her rethink about what she was going to say. "Okay fine, but what about the crowds? How are we going to explain about what they just saw?"

"Oh you don't need to worry about that," said a voice. They all looked to see Sunny Flare, Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest and Sugarcoat coming towards them. "We already took of it," said Sunny Flare.

"We told them you guys were practicing for a big movie," added Lemon Zest.

"And that worked?" Rainbow asked.

Sunny Flare nodded, "as for the magic, we said it was being done with devices we're not supposed to be talking about. After that, they all left. Now, mind telling us what is going on here?"

"It's a long story," answered Sunset. "And we'll tell you later, maybe at the beach. For now though, we have one more place to stop at. The last destination on the map."

It was a long drive out of the city, but finally the group arrived at their destination, which Sunset guessed was this world's Mount Aris. It was a very big hill with some home made structures all along it. She wondered if they would run into this world's Queen Nova and Princess Skystar. Of all the creatures Princess Twilight met on her journey to save Equestria, they were the ones Sunset really wanted to meet.

Sure enough, as they reached the main building, they found a young woman working on a sea-shell necklace. She didn't look up to them, but she was smiling.

"I take it you're here for the treasure?" she asked.

"Yes, but how did you...?"

"We don't get many visitors up here," answered the woman. "Plus, I can see the map in your friend's hand there." She got up from her seat and called into the building, "hey mom, treasure hunters are here."

"They better not have weapons," came an older voice. "I swear, if they have weapons, I'll be disappointed."

Sunset gulped, Calaeno and her mates all had weapons. As she looked back though, she saw they didn't have them.

"We left them in our vehicle before coming up here," Calaeno whispered. "We wouldn't want to scare any of the people here."

The owner of the older voice stepped out and looked at the group, "well now, this is quite the most unusual sight I've seen. What is your purpose with this treasure?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

Twilight stepped forward, "we just want to finish the Captain's original journey, and take it to it's rightful owners."

The older woman smiled, "that's all I needed to hear, follow me please."

She led the group inside, and there, sitting on a table was the treasure chest. Twilight stepped forward and pushed the lid open. Inside was the treasure; gold coins, silver, and other shiny objects. Captain Calaeno also stepped forward, "there it is maties, the very treasure our ancestors were trying to deliver."

"You're related to Calaeno?"

"Yes indeed madam," Calaeno nodded.

"Well now, that is quite interesting. For we are related to Rose Petals. My name is Novo, and this is my daughter; Skystar, and we'd be honored for a Calaeno to finish the journey."

"Not before I do!" shouted an angry voice.

Rainbow groaned, "oh yeah, let him go, like that wouldn't come back to haunt us."

They all turned and saw the Storm King with two tasers in his hands, and right behind him was Tempest, "that treasure belongs to me, and I will have it."

Sunset was about to step forward, but gasped to see Timber walking forward, "allow me this time, I'll teach him some manners." He put his fists up, "let's do this, the old fashioned way." But the Storm King wouldn't put down his tasers, and so Timber started fighting him, despite the risks involved.

Tempest stepped around them and over to the treasure, but the girls stood firm.

"You're just teenagers, you can't stand up to the Storm King, or myself, now step aside."

"Okay, so she's not like the Tempest Shadow of Equestria. Guess we'll have to teach her a lesson." Sunset looked to the girls, who nodded and once more, they grabbed each other's hands and ponied up.

"So you can do that, big whoop. I'll teach you..."

"No Tempest, it is us that will teach you." They focused their energies together and unleashed their magic into a bright beam of rainbow lights, much like at the Battle of the Bands, and unleashed it on Tempest. It hit her hard, making her fly out of the building and landed face first in the dirt. She was soon joined by the Storm King, who was still feeling weak from the last fight.

Tempest groaned as she looked up, "another day then." And once more, they left, feeling more pain than before.

"So now what? They attack at the beach while we're in swimsuits?" Rainbow asked.

Sunset shook her head, "no, this time, this time, they got the message."

Novo stepped forward, "clearly, we know who's not worthy of taking the treasure, and who deserves it." Skystar stepped forward with the treasure chest and held it out for Twilight, but she shook her head.

"That belongs to the Captain."

Skystar nodded and turned to Captain Calaeno before handing the treasure to her. One of her mates stepped forward, "so, we're really finishing this Captain?"

"Yes, we are, and it's thanks to our new friends. You guys are amazing."

"Yeah, we are," smirked Rainbow Dash.

"Today, we woke up thinking we would be hurting innocent people, but instead you've helped us finish what was started. I don't know how we'll ever be able to repay you."

"Payment is not needed Darling," smiled Rarity. "We're always glad to help a friend in need. Especially those in trouble."

Captain Calaeno's eyes watered as she tried to fight back the tears.

"And hey, you guys are awesome and all. I mean, you're pirates," beamed Rainbow Dash.

There was silence. Calaeno put down the treasure chest, and held up her hand into the air, "yes we are, and from this day forward, we're free pirates. Ready to continue our ancestors mission, helping the poor. What say you mateys?"

"AYE-AYE!" they all cheered.

"And our first mission is to deliver this to the mayor of Canterlot City. Thank you again friends, I'm sure our paths will cross again."

"And we're looking forward to it," smiled Sunset.

The group waved as the pirates picked up the chest and walked off to finish their mission. As they left, Sunset saw a picture of Rose Petal on the nearby wall. She walked over to it with curiosity in mind, and after placing her hand on the frame, her eyes went white as the past returned.

Rose Petals sighed happily as she sat on the front porch with Calaeno by her side, "it's done, now we can only hope someone with a pure heart finds those map pieces, and discover the treasure."

"Oh I'm sure they will Rose, and with luck, they'll have magic on their side."

"Do you think they'll have that strange magic you found?"

"Maybe, and it's not strange sweetheart, it's a wonderful gift."

"It is indeed Captain," called another voice. Both Calaeno and Rose Petals looked to see Scar coming forward, and he wasn't alone as Strong Heart, Kind Heart, Dynamite, Jester and Diamond Cluster were with him. "And it's what helped us become who were are."

"A team of honest pirates," said Diamond Cluster.

"And friends for life," added Jester with a huge smile on his face.

Calaeno just smiled at his friends, "pull up a chair my friends, and enjoy your new lives."

"Aye-aye Captain," they all saluted and as the vision faded, Sunset saw them all smiling and chatting like good friends should.

Sunset's eyes returned to normal as she turned back to her friends. Novo and Skystar were confused, "what just happened there?"

"Sorry, but it's kind of our little secret," whispered Rainbow Dash.

"Guys, let's get back to the beach. I think we deserve it after the day we've had." And on that note, they thanked Novo and Skystar, promised to come back and properly meet them, then headed off for their vehicles.

At the beach, both Twilight and Timber Spruce stood at the lifeguard's tower, looking out to the water, "it's a beautiful sight isn't it?" Timber asked.

"It is indeed," nodded Twilight. She turned to him, "I'm sorry I didn't respond to you, I'm still new at this whole relationship thing, so I'm bound to make mistakes here and there."

"That's alright Twilight. We're talking now, and that's all that matters. Plus, there is some good news I've been meaning to tell you all day."

"Oh, and what would that be?"

"I got a new job. I'm going to be a lifeguard at the beach, which means we can see each other anytime we want, how does that sound?"

"It sounds great, but what about Gloriosa? Won't she need your help at Camp Everfree?"

"Not really, she's actually hired on more helpers in the hopes of keeping the spirit of the camp alive for generations to come. Plus, it gives me an excuse to hang out with you." Twilight blushed, "but I will still have a job to do."

"Of course Timber, and I promise I won't bug you too much, unless you're on break."

"And I promise I'll try to lose some of those sappy lines. Trust me, they're annoying me as much as they are with you. Now, what do you say we go for a swim?"

"Okay, first off, you're not annoying, and second," she ran past him shouting; "you'll have to catch me first."

Timber laughed and chased after Twilight towards the water. They raced past Sunset, who was finishing her latest entry to Princess Twilight.

"Well this day certainly was interesting," commented Spike as Fluttershy patted him on the head. "I mean; treasure, pirates, a bad guy, it's becoming the norm around here."

"It's like being a superhero," nodded Rainbow Dash.

"We're not superheroes," said Sunset as she turned to Rainbow. "But yeah I agree, today has been an interesting day, but at the end of it, it's been a good one, and look around us." They all looked to see Wallflower, the shadowbolts, Cadance and Juniper enjoying their time at the beach, "we got to hang out with our friends, helped our new mates and best of all, it's gotten Twilight and Timber closer together."

"Oh my, it certainly has, look!" cried Rarity.

They all looked to see them standing in the water and they were kissing on the lips. As they watched, a thought came to Rainbow's head, "hey Sunset, when are you going to get back into the relationship game?"

"Whenever I find Mr Right. And who will like me for who I was, and am."

"Oh I'm sure you will," smiled Fluttershy. "You never know, that someone could be coming into the city right now."

As Fluttershy said this, a tour bus drove into the city. While the band members were partying like there was no tomorrow, the lone driver groaned as he hoped that one day, he'd get a lucky break. But who he is, and his importance to Sunset and the rest of the Equestria Girls will have to wait for another time.

The End.

Comments ( 3 )

Tempest chuckled as she stepped forward, "first time we tangled, it was just myself against all of you, but now the odds are in our favor." She snapped her fingers and the group gasped to find hundreds of storm goons surrounding them.

Thanks a lot Dash. :ajbemused:

The Storm King looked to Tempest, "Tempest, stop them, or that scar on your face won't your only life injury."

or that scar on your face won't be your only life injury."*

"We will meet again," said Sunset. "But hopefully next time, they'll think twice before hurting innocent people again.

people again."*

"Oh you don't need to worry about that," said a voice. They all looked to see Sunny Flare, Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest and Sugarcoat coming towards them. "We already took of it," said Sunny Flare.

already took care of it,"*

They all turned and saw the Storm King with two tasers in his hands, and right behind him was Tempest, "that treasure belongs to me, and I will have it."

Guess he followed them, great. :facehoof:

As Fluttershy said this, a tour bus drove into the city. While the band members were partying like there was no tomorrow, the lone driver groaned as he hoped that one day, he'd get a lucky break. But who he is, and his importance to Sunset and the rest of the Equestria Girls will have to wait for another time.

Oh? :rainbowhuh:

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