• Member Since 10th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Friday

The Gilded fox

Friendly neighborhood fox.


A few years ago I uh.. I died. I thought it was gonna help monster kind, but.. I fell down? That's what they call it anyway.. Fallen down.

But a soul.. a bright.. yellow soul came to me, saved me.. but.. now I- We.. are somwhere else. Now we gotta find a way home.

My name is Kanako, Kanako Ketsukane, this is my story as a reborn monster of JUSTICE, displaced to a new world.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )
Comment posted by DisplacedWriter deleted January 19th

what the actual f Asriel.

Asriel is only really mentioned, he has not made an appearance.

Asriel and Flowey are the same godddam person so yes I know what i meant and said.

detected soul similar to Reborn!Asriel Dreamer and [REDACTED]
Requesting Monitoring Access...Granted
This will be a cool story

Woah chill, if you go back and read the chapter you'd see thay I wrote a lil something that insinuated that Asriel and Flowey were now seperate entitys.

[Knowing you have a second chance at life gives you sense of JUSTICE]

seeing the start of a new journey fills you with PERSISTENCE
hp restored

So after watching undertale yellow now
I see exactly who this is

Btw any updates on the story?

Glad its not dead yet
And this is why you have a folder for not tracking but waiting for updates!

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