• Published 1st Feb 2024
  • 560 Views, 26 Comments

Doctor Whooves: Exile (Part 1: Crash Course) - The Madwomen

The Doctor's face has been changed, and the Time Lords have exiled him to Earth. To make matters worse, they put him on the wrong Earth. Now he's a horse, and he just crashed into the Mane 6's tree.

  • ...

Dear Celestia (Epilogue)

Dear Celestia

I am writing to you at the request of my new friend and your student Twilight Sparkle. Apparently this was something she used to do with you about once a week in order to share what she learned about friendship. I highly doubt I will be writing so frequently, but it may still be a useful exercise even if you never read this. Apparently the letter shall be delivered by her adopted child, Spike, who is apparently a dragon. I'm not sure how he shall deliver it, but I am told I will be quite fascinated by the results.

As a general summary of my stay thus far, I have been well. I've been working on my TARDIS, repairing it as I go along. I've been making better acquaintance with my new friends. I've taken a particular interest in knowing some of them. Starlight and Twilight, for example, are fine young mares who have been teaching me in the ways of what you call "magic," although I haven't made as much progress as I would hope. I suppose I shouldn't be too hasty, as it's a form of energy I haven't the faintest about, but I do think I'll come around to it eventually. For my part, I've been teaching them a bit about various technologies I've come across. I've always wanted to give technological knowledge to a species that hasn't yet discovered them, both as a way to improve and save lives as well as in order to "live dangerously," as they say. It's something that a group of elites on my home world forbid, which I always saw as oppressive. Granted, it was necessary when it came to time travel specifically, but for civilizations that existed during and after our time? It was truly just a way to hoard power. Just as well, if that fiend the Master and Ms. Pie are both to be believed, this is all well after our time.

Aside from them, I also quite like Miss Rarity. She's simply a delightful conversationalist and our personalities mesh quite well. Miss Fluttershy and myself are also surprisingly compatible, seeing how we can both communicate with animals. That being said, she has... Well, quite peculiar company.

The Doctor and Fluttershy were sitting, about to have some tea, alongside another friend of Fluttershy's she usually had tea with around this time.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll love him Mr. Doctor!" She poured each of them a glass of green tea imported straight from the Dragon Lands. "He can be a bit... Well, tricky to work with him at first, but he's really a sweetheart deep down."

The Doctor gave a light chuckle. "Miss Fluttershy, I do believe I can also be described like that. As long as he's not particularly disruptive, I'm sure we'll get along just fine."

Fluttershy suddenly seemed to tense up slightly. "Oh um, about that..."

It was then a chill ran through Fluttershy's cottage, as a deep, dark laugh permeated through the building. "Hello Doctor," it bellowed. "How many lives have you been through, how much have you changed in all your years..?"

The Doctor got up to his hooves and shouted at the mysterious voice. "I can assure you, I still have a myriad of lives left to give. I have only died twice thus far, so I sugg-"


The voice had suddenly gotten much higher pitched, and sounded slightly raspy. It was then a figure appeared. It seemed to be an amalgam of various different creatures. A goat, a snake, an eagle, a lion, and of course a pony were all a part of the figure's strange appearance. It looked annoyed.

"You know," it continued with a defiant huff, "when dearest Fluttershy told me I would be having tea with The Doctor... Well, no offense to you, but I thought it would be in one of your later forms. Your 10th would have been obvious, though with the War Doctor that would technically be the 11 or 12th. Oh wait! The Timeless Child thing would make that far more complica-"

"Excuse me," the Doctor interrupted, "but who are you, what are you, and why have you come here?"

"Oh, Mr. Doctor, it's-"

"Apologies for interrupting, my dear Fluttershy," the creature said, a paw appearing out of the ether to cover the named mare's muzzle, "but I believe I should speak for myself on this one." It cleared its throat, causing jellybeans with wings to fly out of its mouth, which in and of itself was a reference to an obscure opera in a universe you haven't even a chance of imagining. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Discord. I am the literal embodiment of chaos itself, and formerly of disharmony. And as for why I'm here, it's because I am the best friend of Fluttershy!"

The Doctor was incredulous once more, although this was likely going to become a daily occurrence. "What?"

Fluttershy nodded, removing the disembodied paw from her. "It's true Mr. Doctor. Discord is a very good friend of mine, and he is literally chaos itself."

The Doctor's mouth was somewhat agape. "Chaos itself?"

Discord rolled his eyes, getting a lucky roll of seven. "Oh please, Doctor. You've met my brother before, so is this really so hard to believe?"

"What do you mean I-" The Doctor stopped himself, looking down to the floor in thought for a moment. "On second thought, I suppose you're right."

"Um, Discord," Fluttershy spoke up again, "I didn't know you had a brother."

Discord nodded. "I'll tell you about him and my other siblings later. Let's just say you should be glad my sisters and I gave him his own little toy room to play in."

The Doctor sighed. "So may I inquire as to why you thought making yourself out to be a threat was the best course of introduction?"

"Ah, of course!" Discord chuckled. "Well, Doctor, future you has made quite the name for themself. I can't say I've met you before, but your reputation has reached throughout the multiverse, in both fiction and non-fiction. You're the boogey-man that Davros tells his Daleks so that they eat all their vegetables, the unresolved error the cybermen will never be able to solve, the man of peace who is willing to break war if need be. Few things are more dangerous than a peaceful man going to war, so I've heard. I have to say I'm a bit of a fan! You make great television in another universe. Though if I may ask a question of my own, how did you get to Equestria? Isn't this face of your's supposed to be exiled to Earth?"

The Doctor sighed. "Yes, but I believe something went wrong. I ended up here by mistake, to what that buffoon the Master says is past the end of time itself."

Discord chuckled again. "You know, time can't end if it doesn't exist. Time is more of a measurement than anything else. It's a bit like saying you went somewhere where length itself ends. Though I should look into that, just to see what's out there. But wait, if you're here, then who's at Unit?"

The Doctor just stared, blankly.

Discord facepalmed, using a human hand attached to a hovering piggy bank. "Of course you wouldn't know. Alternate realities are a thing, after all. I suppose I'll have to check to make sure things are going alright over there. Things are probably going to be fine, but if that universe ends early I never get to meet Fluttershy, and that would simply be awful! So I'm going to do something I don't like to do very often, time travel. Just an annoying trip is all, particularly since I might run into that old group I used to be a part of." He shuddered to think of those fateful eleven days that never truly existed.

"But that can wait," he concluded. "I literally have all the time in the world to do it! Tea?"

The Doctor squinted at the chaos entity.

I do believe that "Draconequus" has been a thorn in your side as well, albeit in a much worse way. There's also Miss Dash, who I was pleasantly surprised to have gotten along with. I'm teaching her the ways of Venusian Karate, although readjusted for an equine body as it was originally an art designed for creatures with four arms and two legs, although that didn't stop me since I only had two arms at the time I learned it. I'm sure four legs and a set of wings won't be too much of an obstacle. I don't interact with Miss Applejack quite as much, but I do appreciate her nature of being... I suppose the expression is "down to Gaea?" She is a very grounded person, in all regards.

The only one I am having true trouble with is Miss Pie. After I worked through the fact that she a was a Time Lord... Well, she can simply be described as "overbearing." I can tell she's trying gain my trust and friendship, but it's all a bit much. I'm sure the incarnation of me she met would be more than happy with making her acquaintance, but I am not quite that person. I also find it ridiculous just how willing she is at sharing the fact that she and I are from a different universe to you all. What's even more baffling is how easily this entire town just accepted it! When I inquired why that was, they all said something akin to "I was expecting something stranger from Pinkie." Considering how quickly she managed to repair the local bakery, I think I'm beginning to see why.

And as for assurance about the Master and others of his ilk... While I cannot guarantee he won't bother you again, and in fact I doubt it's much of a possibility, I can assure you the sluggish bore isn't quite so creative as to overcome me as of yet, and with the help of my new companions I doubt he ever will for as long as I'm on Gaea. And I can assure you, if he were to do anything within my vicinity, I would likely find out about it.

Starlight was walking through Ponyville late one night due to insomnia. It had been just a day after she met the Doctor, and her encounter with the Master had been causing her to lose quite a bit of sleep. She walked into a valley just outside of town, passing a marble column along the way, wondering about if or when the Master would show up nex-

Wait. A marble column?

Starlight went up to the seemingly random fixture, unsure how or why it got there... At least, not until a certain shadow with a pair of horns blanketed her. She turned to see him. There he was, the latest in a long line of creatures ready to conquer Equestria.

"Hello, Dear Starlight," the Master said, a strangely calm grin upon his muzzle. "Care to come over to my humble abode for a little chat?"

Weighing her options, and hoping that the spells she practiced to ward against mental manipulation were enough, she followed the fiend into the column itself. The interior was, much like Pinkie and the Doctor's TARDIS, bigger than the exterior. It was a bit plain much like the Doctor's TARDIS, although a few framed paintings of what appeared to be Minos in its classical period were added seemingly recently.

"I must say I'm impressed, Miss Glimmer." The minotaur gave one of his signature smug smirks. "You managed to rid me of one of the most haunting, angering, and mainly annoying things I've ever had to endure, and to that end I am grateful. Do not mistake this for an instant friendship, that suddenly all is well. That being said, with the absence of those infernal drums along with my gratitude, I am more inclined to be generous with you, so no fight today."

"Today?" Starlight didn't like the sound of how he said "today." What did that mean for tomorrow?

The Master chuckled. "I can guarantee you that you'll be safe from my plans for... Let's say 31 days, a full month or so? After that, however, I could strike at any time. You might see me as soon as the grace period is over, or you may not see me for years on end. On top of that, I can promise none will die, at least, not intentionally on my part. Oh, and if you tell anyone else about this meeting, I shall ensure their demise much earlier than expected."

Starlight gulped.

"In any case, all that time will only be mere moments for me. I'll likely try and find someone to ally with, preferably a local as it would make things much easier on my end. Before I depart, however, I will give you... Well, some potentially interesting information."

"Interesting?" Starlight was both suspicious and intrigued.

The Master produced a small piece of paper, displaying a seemingly random assortment of symbols.

Starlight stared at it in confusion. "So, what's this supposed to be?"

The Master chuckled again, this one without as much humor in it and more so a small bit of pride. "This is the written language of Gallifrey. I suppose you can call it Gallifreyan? In any case, it's the language of my people. Specifically, this one reads 'The Master.'" He took off his jacket, revealing his black undershirt, and pointed to a similar symbol on the inside of the neck of the jacket, near the back. "Now then, take a look at this."

"I think you'll be most intrigued by what this one says..."

A few moments later, Starlight left the Master's TARDIS, bewildered. He had to be lying, right? There was no way he could have been telling the truth about what that symbol said or why it said it. He had to be up to another of his tricks, right?


In any case, I do believe I'll eventually feel fine enough here. The people here are very kind and friendly, and it will be nice to know that all of the weather reports are accurate. I will say, however, for as long as I am trapped here I shall forever be antsy and claustrophobic to a degree. To stay in one time period on one planet is frightening to me, to tell you the truth. At the very least, unlike if my exile went according to the Time Lords' plans, it's unfamiliar with much to explore. Not to mention a wide variety of different species! Regardless, I do think that, with the much-needed help of my friends, I shall persevere. I may not believe your "magic" is truly magic, but I do agree with the central philosophy that is consistently spouted by your apparent student.

If there is such a thing as magic, friendship is most certainly that, and I could very much use it at the moment.

So, with all that said, until I write you again or whenever I go to see you raise the sun. I am looking forward to it, as I won't truly believe until I see it with my own eyes, and even then I may be skeptical.

Sincerely yours,

The Doctor

The Doctor watched as green flames engulfed the letter. Confused, he turned to Twilight. "And you're certain that this letter will reach your mentor?"

Twilight smiled. "Yes, Doctor. I can guarantee it! She reads every one of those letters, and she also sends responses back through Spike."

Spike nodded. "Yeah, but I have to burp it out if that happens, and that gets really uncomforta-"

With a loud burp and a a flash of green flame, a letter had suddenly appeared, caught by Twilight's magic. This left the Doctor bewildered, as was becoming routine at this point. The Doctor used his own magic to open the letter. "'Dear Doctor,'" he read aloud, "'please inform Twilight I have already informed the leaders of other Gaean governments about what is about to happen outside in the event of the Doctor sending a letter.' What do you suppose she means by that?"

Just then, at 3:30 in the afternoon, it had become a moonless night.

Twilight facehoofed. "As much as I both love and respect Princess Celestia as a leader, mentor and parental figure... She can sometimes be a bit of a prankster." The Doctor stared blankly at Twilight's clear understatement.

It was then day again. Then night. Then day. Then night. Then, finally, back to day again, and it seemed to settle there.

The Doctor turned his attention back to the letter, in a slight state of shock. "'I certainly hope this is adequate proof for you, Doctor.' Hrm, well-played I suppose. Quite dangerous, one would think."

Twilight gave a nervous chuckle. "Only in the sense that it will cause a bit of a panic throughout the world, at least as long as the moon wasn't raised as well. That would cause some trouble with the tides."

The Doctor read on, causing him to give a facehoof of his own. "'Please also inform my faithful student,'" he read through gritted teeth, "'that I thank her for introducing me to Sothom. She simply has wonderful ideas for pranks. Sincerely, Princess Celestia.'" He stared daggers at the so-called "faithful student."

Twilight gave a nervous grin. "At least they're getting along?" And with that, the Doctor went back to work on his TARDIS.

Author's Note:

Two groups go on separate adventures!

Applejack, Fluttershy, Starlight, Trixie and Discord all head to the Badlands, after the Doctor encourages Fluttershy to attempt her idea of diplomacy to the changelings. On the way, Trixie and Starlight exchange secrets...

Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, an abandoned theater causes the Doctor, Pinkie, Twilight, Rainbow and Rarity to investigate after local musician Octavia Melody comes out traumatized. As the curtains rise, tonight's performance will include glimpses into other realities relating to those watching. Dark realities. Horror stories, all of them. Will our heroes find the cause? And what shall be revealed concerning Rarity?

Find out next time in...

Doctor Whooves: Exile
The Mask of Tragedy

Comments ( 3 )

And with that, our story is complete! We hope you enjoyed!

Very much enjoyed and looking forward to sequel.

Excellent. One of the deeper looks into the series.

I hope you've been enjoying the latest series. It would seen that suggesting Discord has siblings - a pantheon even - is closer to canon then you'd expect.

I loved the little reference to a Certain Faction. Very nice.

I have to say I'm intrigued. Especially by the possibility of a (marginally) less homicidal Master. I look forward to the next story.

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